Trinity Examination and 21 Day Mediation-Wrap Around

Sacred Reflections:
Center for Transformational Awareness

New Breed Healers Community
Meditation 3

Trinity Examination and 21 Day Meditation

Wrap Around

Willow Tequillo

Sacred Reflections: Center for Transformational Awareness

Formula for MerKaBa Shield and Reading
Lesson 1

Initiations into Personal Awareness

Merkaba Shield Teaching

Willow Tequillo

Sacred Reflections: Center For Transformational Awareness

Is a Non-Profit Spiritual Organization seeking to provide support in
Universal Consciousness

Copyright © 2005 by Willow Tequillo. A Sacred Reflections original. Trinity Examination and 21 Day Meditation Wrap Around First Sacred Reflections Edition, 2005. All rights reserved. No part of this meditation may be reproduced in any manner without written permission except for quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

Characteristics of Trinity:

  • Idea of Life through Will and Power
  • Desire of Life through Love and Reverence

Beauty and Joy as Unity in Divine Expression

Portrait: Cycle of Creation

To integrate and wrap around the first two 21 day meditations.

18 day examination of personal Beauty and Joy.
For the next 18 days we will be examining our personal perceptions of Unity through the Prime Source origins of Beauty and Joy.
It is in the marriage between the Prime Source Qualities of Beauty and Joy that all life begins. Where One becomes two and Two become One. This is the place where the Sacred Marriage takes place.
When each individual is able to embrace and be embraced by Unity, Truth is held personally sacred and honor of freedom for all beings becomes the highest intention. When the understanding of separation as scarcity becomes and understanding of separation as beauty and joy, each being is able to see the other as perfection.

Intention of this meditation:

  • To gain clarity on my focus.
  • To understand the divine essence of being InBeauty and InJoy.
  • To gain a clearer understanding of the ways in which I relate to my qualities in the divine expressions of Beauty in Joy and Joy in Beauty.
  • To fully examine my inward relationship to myself as a divine expression.
  • To fully and freely participate in the focus of my work.
  • To be in blessed unity with the fruits of joy as the promised focus of Being InLove.
  • To carry the seed essence of Joy and Beauty as code from hope into my world and universe.

Directions for daily contemplations:
This is an experiential contemplation, you will need a note pad which you carry with you for this meditation.

January 2006 - READ Day 1-5 contemplations. Prepare

First Trinity. Mind of Love are the Codes of Love

Portrait: Wave of the Universe
Willow Tequillo

First Trinity- Mind of Love are the Creators of Codes of Love.

Transformation occurs as a change in position or direction.
In the First Trinity, or the first full shift of consciousness, transformation occurs as the element of fire.

In First Trinity we focus on the source and desire of our codes or our seed ideas. Our Position or direction is changed as we focus our intention upon understanding or current code and seed as ideas and thoughts. This close examination allows us a personal and inward understanding of what we think we know.

Personal identification with the source of understanding of code is identifying the core of the pattern and placing light on it, i.e. core light.

When we understand this core light, we magically move through the process of transformation. From this magical place of transformation, energy as life force moves from source into our Mind as thought and idea with the codes of our essence.

1st Trinity are the Codes of Love

  1. Mind of Love Creates Code
  2. Idea of Love Maintains Substance
  3. Thought of Love Transforms Connections
  4. = Magic of Love from Communion

In the first trinity, Transformation 1 occurs. Here energy and life force move as source. Think lightening bolt. In the first trinity we are working with the element of Fire.

Day 1 Consideration and affirmation for First Trinity:

Mind of Beauty begins in Joy of Love.

  1. Begin each morning:
    a. With the Dance of Creation.
    b. Examine the Merkaba on the opening page.
    c. Notice the colors.

Day 2 Mind of Idea

Idea of beauty begins in the joy of love.

  1. Examine the Merkaba on the opening page. What color appeals most to your eye? Make a note on the Merkaba and number it #1.
  2. What color do you find beautiful? Make a note #2.
  3. What color makes you feel joy? Make a note #3.
  4. Write about what you are feeling.
  5. Now in 10 words write a summary statement beginning with "I think......."

Day 3 Mind of Thought

Thought of Beauty begins in the Joy of Love.

  1. Examine the Merkaba on the opening page. Remember your color and its location.
  2. Write your thoughts about this color.
  3. Throughout the day, notice this color in your world, take notes about where you see the color, is it man made, is it in nature.........
  4. Where in your body do you feel a sensation when you see this color. Take notes throughout the day.
  5. Now in 10 words write a summary statement, "I think ........"

Day 4 Mind of Magic

Magic of beauty begins in the Joy of Love.

  1. Consider the color next to the color you have chosen.
  2. How do they complement each other?
  3. Take notes of what you feel about them.
  4. Now in 10 words write a summary statement, "I think joy...."

Day 5 Communion From Love

Communion From Love begins in the Mind of Beauty as the Joy of Love

  1. Examine your first trinity contemplations and write. Use the statement above as the seed code of your harmonic relationship with your color and its relationship to other colors. How have your thoughts transformed your understanding?
  2. Now summarize in 20 words using, "I think beauty and joy......."

READ Day 6-10

Second Trinity: Knowing to Love Creates Connection.

Portrait: Re-Formation

2nd Trinity are the Creators of Connections to Love

  1. Matter to Love Transforms Codes
  2. Knowing to Love Creates Connection
  3. Wisdom to Love Maintains Energy
  4. = Mystery to Love from Compassion

In the second trinity, Transmutation2 occurs. It is here in Matter, substance, womb where the Love is known, held and embraced. Think any substance as matter, earth, body, thought, etc. It is here in the void where Transmutation occurs. In the second trinity we are working with the element of Earth.

Second Trinity-Knowing to Love Creates Connection.

Transmutation occurs as change in character.
In Second Trinity, or the second full shift of consciousness, transmutation occurs as the element of earth.

Soul lives in the mystery, the void. It is in the soil of our matter that our authentic selves can be found. Here the form of the seed (code) again changes. Here is where the seed of our quality is planted in the nurturing soil of our soul.

Here we draw our attention to and examine what matters to us as our desire, intention and freedom of sacred time and sacred space. What matters to us, i.e. where do we live and how well do we care for our home? OUR home is examined through our reflections of our bodies as mind body, emotional body, physical body, spirit body and soul body. Our bodies are further reflected in our world as our house, our vehicle, our work and our relationships with our world and others.

Home is examined through our house:

  • Is my house safe?
  • Is it held sacred by the people who live with me?
  • Is it held sacred by the people or things that I invite in?

Home is examined by the earth and universe which holds us.
The examination is:

  • Do I support my home as being a sacred space?
  • How am I creating my home as a safe place for me?
  • When I create a safe place for me, those whom I love can enter into my home and be safe also.
  • Do I supply my home with the necessary time and care that it takes to maintain its beauty as sanctity (Sanctity definition: Holiness of life or disposition; saintliness. The quality or condition of being considered sacred; inviolability. Something considered sacred.)?

Consideration: Transmutation allows me to change the character of my inner space and outer space. This is very difficult, as it requires that I fall into TRUST of Divine Love, Prime Source, Great Spirit, En Sof, Divine Source. I must Trust that my highest good and purpose is being revealed in each moment. I must Get Out of my Mind and allow Divine Love and Grace to support my highest intention and desire.

Consideration: The most important thing at this time in my life is to examine and let go that which does not hold my sacred intention. I trust that All else is given and provided in the greatest love and grace. It is in this place of mystery that I am examining, testing and building my Faith. Through the process of this transmutation, the core of my life is the very foundation of that which holds my Faith. Here I discover the very substance of the matter which I am made of. Here in the womb of the mystery of life I rediscover (to Know) what matters. Here I discover with great joy, my very strength and courage.

Imagine a seed placed in a jar of water. When the first sprout moves outside of the inner shell, transmutation begins. The seed begins to take on a new character, the seed essence remains in the DNA (or soul memory - akasia). Here in the womb of the mystery, new life forms as new connections are made and through the process of transmutation(character change) as transformation continues energetically charging life force from source.

Day 6 - Consideration and affirmation for Second Trinity:

Knowing Joy begins in the Beauty to Love.

  1. Begin each morning:
    a. With the Dance of Creation.
    b. Examine the Merkaba on the opening page.
    c. Remember your color.

Day 7 Knowing to Matter

Matter of Joy begins in the Beauty to Love.

  1. Think about your physical body.
  2. Imagine that your physical body is laid out on the merkaba.
  3. Imagine where your favorite color is on the merkaba and how your body feels with the color pulsing at that point.
  4. Sit and write a statement about your experience.
  5. Now write, considering what your physical body is saying about joy.
  6. Now in 10 words write a summary statement using, "I know beauty......"

Day 8 Knowing to Wisdom

Wisdom of Joy begins in the Beauty to Love.

  1. See your body in the Merkaba AS the Dance of Creation.
  2. See the colors of lights pulsating through and around you.
  3. Notice where 'your' color is.
  4. Where does it move from and to.
  5. Sit and write a statement about your experience.
  6. Now write what your physical body is saying about beauty.
  7. Now in 10 words write a summary statement using, "I know joy......"

Day 9 Knowing to Mystery

Mystery of Joy begins in the Beauty to Love.

  1. See your body AS the Merkaba In The Dance of Creation.
  2. See the colors of lights pulsating through and around you.
  3. Notice where 'your' color is.
  4. Where does it move from and to.
  5. Sit and write a statement about your experience.
  6. Now write what your physical body is saying about beauty.
  7. Now in 10 words write a summary statement using, "I know joy and beauty......"

Day 10 Compassion From Love

Compassion From Love begins in the Matter of Joy as Beauty to Love.

  1. Now make a list:
    a. Take your first Trinity final summary statement and write it down.
    b. Now take the final summary statement of your second trinity and write it down.
    c. Take the summary statements of the third trinity and the statement Compassion From Love begins in the Matter of Joy as Beauty to Love into consideration.
    d. Write about what all this means to you.
    e. Write a summary statement in 20 words or less.

READ Day 11-17

Third Trinity: Emotion for Love Creates Energy Flow.

Portrait: Essence of Life

3rd Trinity are the Creators of Energy Flow for Love

  1. Manifestation for Love Maintains Codes
  2. Becoming for Love Transforms Substance
  3. Emotion for Love Creates Energy Flow
  4. = Miracle for Love from Co-operation

In the Third Trinity, Transfiguration3 occurs. Here Light moves into Matter and the experience of Love is explored InLove. The dream is embracing and is embraced, dancing with Self/self, fullest experience of self/oneness. Think of the Rainbow. Light touching matter in this case water. In the third trinity we are working with the element of Water.

Third Trinity-Emotion for Love Creates Energy Flow.

Transfiguration occurs as the metamorphosis of the old into the new.
In Third Trinity, the third shift of full consciousness occurs as the process of transfiguration. Transfiguration is the change in appearance and circumstance.

The substance of life becomes energized and supports our highest intention. Our emotional embodiment is energized in matter through life force. Our lives become the reflection of soul purpose. In this place of our conscious process we begin to stand up for our highest intention and we support in our inner and outer lives that which holds our inward most precious love. The things in our lives which do not support these intentions fall away like showering cleansing waters. Here we see ourselves as different and others recognize us as different.

In our recognized newness, our sacred space knows self to be safe. Our work supports our intentions of wholeness. The split between worlds is no longer a choice. Duality becomes Oneness. As we intentionally support our emotional being, we experience an incredible sense of love and grace.

Personal creativity blossoms from our innermost being and we encounter our high self in unison of dream. In this phase of our Emotional Evolution, Creative Genius is explored as divine devotion in embracing beauty. Gratitude and appreciation is the harmonic song of joy which manifests as wholeness in our theme of daily living. Happiness and kindness for all are desired as our most important work in the world.

The seed has become the growing plant, roots, stock, reed, branches and leaves form in the wholeness of our life.

Day 11 Consideration and affirmation for Third Trinity:

Emotion of Beauty is the Joy for Love

  1. Begin each morning:
    a. With the Dance of Creation.
    b. Examine the Merkaba on the opening page.
    c. Remember your color and its location.

Day 12 Emotion for Miracle

Miracle of Beauty begins in Joy for Love.

  1. Think about your physical body, see the stands of light and color moving within your merkaba of light beams.
  2. Watch as the drops of color run down and up the beams of your merkaba.
  3. Each drop of color is a dew drop or memory of joy.
  4. Now write, consider what your physical body is saying about the beauty.
  5. Now in 10 words summarize using, "I Feel joy......"

Day 13 Emotion for Manifestation

Manifestation of Beauty begins in Joy for Love.

  1. Think about your physical body, see the stands of light and color moving around your merkaba of light beams.
  2. Watch as the drops of color run down and up the beams of your merkaba.
  3. Each drop of color is the manifestation of beauty as a drop of dew.
  4. Now write, consider what your physical body is saying about the beauty you are feeling.
  5. Now in 10 words summarize using, "I Feel beauty......"

Day 14 Emotion for Becoming

Becoming of Beauty begins in Joy for Love.

  1. Now consider your color moving down the strand your merkaba.
  2. Now see another color moving up the same strand.
  3. As two raindrops move into one, watch the drops of color merge.
  4. Ask, How do I feel about the merging?
  5. Think, where do I feel this joy in my body?
  6. Where do I feel this beauty in my body?
  7. Write about what all of this means to you.
  8. Write a statement in 20 words or less using, "I feel joy and beauty......"

Day 15 Compassion From Love

Compassion From Love begins in the Emotion of Joy as Beauty for Love.

  1. My emotions feel......

  2. Now make a list:
    a. Take your First Trinity final summary statement and write it down.
    b. Take your Second Trinity final summary statement and write it down.
    c. Take these statements and Compassion From Love begins in the Emotion of Joy as Beauty for Love, into consideration.
    d. Write about what all this means to you.
    e. Write a summary statement in 20 words or less.

Day 16 Emotion for Becoming

Becoming of Beauty begins in Joy for Love.

  1. Now consider your color moving down the strand your merkaba.
  2. Now see another color moving up the same strand.
  3. As two raindrops move into one, watch the drops of color merge.
  4. Ask, How do I feel about the merging?
  5. Think, where do I feel this joy in my body?
  6. Where do I feel this beauty in my body?
  7. Write about what all of this means to you.
  8. Write a statement in 20 words or less using, "I feel joy and beauty......"

Day 17 Compassion From Love

Compassion From Love begins in the Emotion of Joy as Beauty for Love.

  1. My emotions feel......

  2. Now make a list:
    a. Take your First Trinity final summary statement and write it down.
    b. Take your Second Trinity final summary statement and write it down.
    c. Take these statements and Compassion From Love begins in the Emotion of Joy as Beauty for Love, into consideration.
    d. Write about what all this means to you.
    e. Write a summary statement in 20 words or less.

Day 18 and 19

Fourth Trinity Co-Creation from Love Creates New Connection.

Portrait: Gates of Heaven

4th Trinity are the Substance from Love

  1. Communion from Love Create New Connections
  2. Compassion from Love Creates New Energy Flow
  3. Co-operation from Love Creates New Substance
  4. = Co-Creation from Love Creates New Code

In the Fourth Trinity, Transubstantiation4 occurs. Here we recognize our primary love as All that Is. In fourth trinity our lives are motivated by the simple desire and breath of Universal Love in all aspects of our ability. In the fourth trinity we are working with the element of Air.

Fourth Trinity-Co-Creation from Love Creates New Connection.

Transubstantiation occurs as change into a new substance.
In the Fourth Trinity, or fourth shift into full consciousness in the process of transubstantiation.

Transubstantiation is the manifestation of the new substance we call our life as New Breed Healers.

The new substance creates new connections with new life force and energy flow. Sharing our lives as gifts, become co-creative in meaningful ways, as we have embraced our personal understanding of our truth. Here our faith is based solidly in that which we hold sacred. Outside influences are examined thoroughly as a predisposition and matter of practice, rather than taking on outside beliefs unconditionally and without thought. We compassionately stand in our unwavering truth. This truth is in harmonic unison as the Song of Creation, and we sing and we dance with great Joy and Gratitude.

This new being that we have become, is as free active participate in the dream for the Wholeness of All in All, we understand what this means and it is manifest in our lives.

Conscious awareness on all levels, motivates and supports interaction and creativity in our world. Harmonic resonance with the communion of all life through the compassionate heart mind as cooperative being, is the stage for co-creative expression of the desire of Unity. We, the Divine Human Being become the bread of heaven, the manna which serves peace and feeds the masses. The fruit of our lives is the clearest reflections of Divine Being InLove. The flow of our Love is an inward knowing and outward expression of all that we are as individuals in the common unity of living as Oneness.

We are the fruit of All life, for our desire is fully expressed in our lives as conscious union, the focus of hope for peace, prosperity, happiness through the gifts of appreciation and cherish­ment. We are grounded and fully focused upon ourselves as givers and receivers of life to and for all life. Our work is the work of co-operative balance, acceptance and allowance for ourselves and our world.

Day 18

  1. Dance the Dance of Creation
  2. Examine the Merkaba.
  3. Examine your writings over the last 16 days.
  4. Write about how you experience Beauty and Joy in communion, compassion and co-operation.
  5. Write about how coming from a place of inner Unity provides the home and vehicle for the ego and soul to dance together as One in Oneness.
  6. Write about safety, about support and about participation.
  7. Write a summary statement which begins with, "I am beauty as Joy and Joy as Beauty......"

Take the next few days and integrate what you have learned. Celebrate your life. Continue with the Dance of Creation and feel the colors and movements as Life Force embraces you and holds you sacred.

Blessings to you.
These contemplations have been the Focus of Hope InLove, InPeace, InBeauty and InJoy.
May your walk continually support your highest intention of Love in Unity.
Willow Tequillo

  1. transformation 1: a qualitative change [syn: transmutation, shift] 2: (mathematics) a function that changes the position or direction of the axes of a coordinate system 3: a rule describing the conversion of one syntactic structure into another related syntactic structure 4: (genetics) modification of a cell or bacterium by the uptake and incorporation of exogenous DNA 5: the act of changing in form or shape or appearance; "a photograph is a translation of a scene onto a two-dimensional surface" [syn: translation]
  2. transmutation n 1: an act that changes the form or character or substance of something [syn: transubstantiation] 2: a qualitative change [syn: transformation, shift] 3: (physics) the change of one chemical element into another (as by nuclear decay or radioactive bombardment); "the transmutation of base metals into gold proved to be impossible."
  3. Transfiguration 1: a striking change in appearance or character or circumstances; "the metamorphosis of the old house into something new and exciting" [syn: metamorphosis] 2: the act of transforming so as to exalt or glorify
  4. transubstantiation 1: A change into another substance.

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