Work Outlines - Jimi (1/2014)

1st Interval: Art of Living Life (1/2014)

Siddhartha's Journey 7 transitions Questions from Siddhartha work

2^nd^ letter of LSD after the 6^th^ Initiation (LSD 2/2014)

What is gratitude?

5^th^ awareness Part 1of 4 (LSD 2/2014)

Inner Circle Teaching within the Halls of Healing

Notes on Trans 1-5 of 5^th^ thread (3/2014)

List of Completed Haiku

PROJECT for 2014 (4/2014)

Soul initiations Traveling through the Worlds Elements, Directions, Aspects

Series: Being inLove - letter 1 of 12 - Inloves Completeness - Beyond Narcissism (LSD 6/2014)

Week 1 The Communion Mind of Love in Ego/Soul Conversation Week 2 The Compassion to express compassion through physical decomposition Week 3 The Co-operation for emotional Evolution through Experience Week 4 Co-Creative Ascension through Expression

No-Opinion Meditation - Haiku I-I (10) (8/2014)

Natural Order - Meditation on the Dollar Bill as Energy Current for the Human (LSD 9/2014)

Being Awareness 37 - Evolution InLove (10/2014)

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