LSD 1/2009 - AWM movement #39: Gratitude in Center and Balance

LSD 2/2009 - Walking the Path of Beauty Way in light hearted happiness

LSD 3/2009 - Happiness...announcements re: coming months

Happiness assignment Willow's dream - 5^th^ world

3/2009 - AWM #183: Divine Truth in Human Miracles


2009 - Sacred objects: medicine

LSD 4/2009 - AWM #192: Walking the Beauty Way

Part II- Happiness and exploration of opening to co-creative miracles of the universe Willow's reflections: Happiness

2009 - Contemplation: Intimacy as Empathetic Compassion

LSD 5/2009 - Cloud of Unknowing: spirituality, spiritual relationship

Matter of the Void: Magic of Love Meditation for Communion: mind of love - matter of void

2009 - Shaman

LSD 6/2009 - Summer Solstice

2009 - Contemplation for longest day of the year

LSD 7/2009 - Still-Point: Center and Balance within Chaos

2009 - Guidelines for Inner Circle Development and Processing

2009 - Contemplation for Consideration for the Inner Circle

LSD 9/2009 - Graceful Cherishment: Love is the Essence of Life

Moments Imperfections

LSD 11/2009 - Graceful Cherishment


2009 - Regional contemplations: understanding transitions into the 5^th^ world

LSD 12/2009 - AWM # 237: Divine Charity Human Ideas through unified qualities of Noble Trust

12/2009 - light ceremony

Preparation Dance of creation Dance of Creation honoring the Grandmothers

12/2009 - AWM #246: Divine Faith and Human Ascension

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