Welcome for the New Year

Calender and message - 1/2007

Part I - considerations for the Divine Human Being
Part II - Art painting method to explore 17 sould awarenesses

Cloud of Unknowing - 2/2007

Part I - What is a Spiritual Relationship?
Part II - List 5 qualities of a spiritual relationship
Part III - How to develop a spiritual relationship list
2/2007 #1 Assignment:: How to and What to:
Merkaba reading
Merkaba shield
Tree of Life
Characteristics of Trinity
Trinity and Tree of Life
Trinity Merkaba Tree of Life
Trinity Merkaba Medicine Wheel
#2 - Creating intentional steps through Personal and Shared Ideas
Steps of the process worksheet
Order of awareness

Essential Being: Mind of love - LSD 2/2007

Reflections about community
Contemplation for journaling
Meditation - essential being

Considerations from Willow - 3/2007

Teaching and learning
Spiritual Guidance
What is Sacred Reflections
Realm of the Soul
What is Trinity
Formation and Guidance

Inner Light: Idea of Love - LSD 3/2007

Contemplation: 3/2007 - creating steps in conscious awareness
8 areas that identify and develop life purpose
Where do I live?
Where do I want to live?

Inner Light in Community - LSD - 4/2007

Spring Equinox Ceremony - 4/2007

Timely note re: fears and inner light

Inner Chaos - Teachings of the Inner Circle - LSD 5/2007

Transcended Inner Chaos
NewBe Group

Wailing Ceremony - 6/2007

5th Awareness - LSD 11/2007

Inner Circle Teaching within the Halls of Healing

Death Dance - 11/2007

Post Death Dance LSD - 11/2007

Divine Masculine
Divine Feminine

Natural Order - Meditation on the Dollar Bill - 12/2007

'Angels we have heard on High' - LSD 12/2007

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