LSD 2/2011 Exercises in Friendship

LSD 3/2011 Exercises in Friendship: Part II - Transmutation to Transcendence

4/2011 Prayer, Prayer Class

Sacred Geometrics class Lesson and Assignments

LSD 5/2011 Divine Miracle and Human Miracle in Absolute Authentic Eternal Devotion

Quality of Unity in the aspect of Friendship

6/2011 Metta

Upadana Abyss

LSD 7/2011 Transverse 4th to 5th World as unified being in community

Reliability, Integrity, Faith Sacred Geometrics Story Form

LSD 8/2011 Ancestral Healing

Transcendental Wisdom of Energy, Vigor, Diligence New World Was Born

9/2011 Ascension into Truth: Awareness # 17

Dark Night of the Soul - Awareness #18 Emersion Willow and ____ lesson: Universal Discernment/Comprehension Emotional Wisdom Essence of Life is the emotion for love Enlightenment

10/2011 New Earth Seed Being, Awareness # 21

Descent and Ascent of Emotions through Qualities Wisdom of Matter, Awareness #27

Death Dance Ceremony

post dance letter from Willow Jimi post dance notes (2011) from John medicine wheel, light ceremony, vortex, spiral....

In New Vision - Awareness # 24

LSD 11/2011 Considerations for Reliability-revised

Informational ReCap-Surrender-Awareness #14

LSD 12/2011 Gratitude in the Light of Appreciation (LSD 2008)

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