LSD 4/2009 - AWM #192: Walking the Beauty Way

April 2009
Letter of Spiritual Direction - Walking the Beauty Way
Co-Creation of Miracle - Ascended Wisdom Matrix 192

Dear New Breed Healers and Amethyst Vision Seekers,
This has been such a wonderful time of happiness and exploration of opening to co-creative miracles of the universe. As we continue to walk the beauty way, we learn just a little more of what it means to let go of old patterns of scarcity and allow the Great Eternal Mystery to show us the infinite compassion of the All That Is. Our looking and identifying the 'happiness' in our lives is about this exploration.

It is really easy for matter based Beings to get entangled into the everyday monotony of self and societal belief patterns which can decompose the very 'happiness' that we are, thus self perpetuating failure, as a way of life. However, this is not the purpose of our existence. Our purpose is of happiness.

Happiness is supported in Matter and inspired in Joy.
Our dreams or First Trinity likeness of our Source is of the Mind, it is our dream and the divine dream. When we know that the communion of the divine and human mind is in 'focused happiness' then we know where we begin and where we end.

Can I, through my current belief system, begin to believe that the Alpha and Omega Mind is Happiness? If so, how do I live this belief? If so, an example of this 'happiness' within the last 6 weeks is ________. If not, what belief or beliefs keep me from the belief that Happiness is the central focus of who I am?

In the Second Trinity of Knowing Matter, we come to understand that Happiness is what we are made of. It is the common compassionate dance of creation. It is the physical, mental and emotional matter that is Existence. This existence is made up of all the matter that is. The Dance of Creation is the common compassionate dance of happiness. Air and water, earth and fire, water and fire, water and earth and so on and so forth in every direction and cycle of time and space. Happiness is That I Am.

Can I say, "I Am Happiness I Am?" If so complete the following, "Through the physical matter of ________, I have learned that I can trust in happiness."

Go on to write a paragraph on what this physical matter is, and your experience of it. If you cannot say, "I Am Happiness I Am", write down from your physical, mental and emotional bodies your experience of what holds you back. Ask yourself; Is this fear of happiness valid? Is this fear of happiness what I dream of? If it is not what you dream of, change the thoughts of your mind. Recreate a scenario of thoughts in your Mind of what Happiness is for you. Take it through your physical, mental and emotional bodies and then say, I am happiness I am. Write about this.

In the Third Trinity, we learn about the contribution of Joy through the Emotional Bodies. Joy is the Energy of Great Spirit which flows through matter in an enlightening way and help us to soften our matter. Joy gives the Matter of Mind, insight; Matter of the Physical Body, fluid flow; and Matter of the Emotional Body, inspiration to manifest the new reformed dream.

What do I believe about Joy?

I have connected to Joy through:

  • concepts of the mind, give an example ________
  • experiences of my senses, give an example ________
  • feelings of ________, give an example.

The thing about Happiness is that it does not take on a favorite Trinity and can begin it's cycle in one or all places at the same time. For instance for a person who travels along the 6th Thread. This person will likely experience Happiness as a physical sense of accomplishment through and in structure. A person who moves along the 2 Thread may find that happiness is initiated in the mind through organizational orderliness. A person who moves along the 9th Thread might find their truth in Happiness along the day dreaming unfolding universe.

The key to happiness is that we must be able to experience it in center and balance through all of our bodies. So the person in the 6th Thread must become mentally engaged in the promise of tenderness as the physical structure become the home of knowing faith. The 2nd thread must integrate the physical matter of structure and emotional joy as places where trust is formed and charitable ideas are manifested. The 9th thread must find the validity of the Mind's dream and trust that the physical matter of all life is worth all that is eternal.

For those of you who are of another thread and would like me to sight examples of the thread that you travel upon please let me know if this would be helpful for you.

Today and every day we seek out Happiness in our lives. Happiness is the essence of who we are and is the common bond which all life shares in co-operation. It is the link, which links every sacred geometric form, color, harmonic to all that is and all that we are. When we seek Happiness, we come to understand that "we are who we have been looking for" Hopi Elder. WE are Happiness.
Inlove and Eternal Grace, Willow Tequillo
Spiritual Guide/Medicine Woman

This is a gift to our world and universe, please feel free to share in its entirety.
Blessed Be

Happy = enjoying contentment and well-being; glad, joyous, satisfied or pleased. (Webster's)
Beauty-------Safety-------Joy-------Happiness. (Willow)
Happiness is a state of being. Joy is a feeling. (Teresa)

Can I, through my current belief system, begin to believe that the Alpha and Omega Mind is Happiness? Most definitely. Happiness is a state of Being where we begin, and what we are headed for, or returning to, with more experience to "add to the pot." Also, being a Two, I totally relate to finding "that happiness is initiated in the mind through organizational orderliness." So, as I delve deeper into the beauty of the Ascended Wisdom Matrix, I feel safer because of its order and encompassing nature and feel Joy, and rest in the contentment of Happiness.

How do I live this belief? By letting go of fears and surrendering to Divine Love. This allows me to find the beauty in all circumstance, in all of Creation. When I see the Beauty in all things, I find that I can feel safe, and realize that others are safe too. This allows me to have Joy, even in the face of hardship or illness, because letting go of fear, I can embrace hardship and illness as qualities that are not outside of the embrace of Love or Source. When I can be joyful and safe, I believe that Happiness is possible, in all my living and dying. I believe that all is born in Happiness and nothing can be lost from its source. If lam sourced from Happiness, then Happiness is a part, ultimately of every expression of my Being.

An example of this 'happiness' within the last 6 weeks is talking with my daughters about the challenges they are currently facing in their health and well-being, and feeling safe to discuss concerns, limitations, needs and dreams with them without falling into fear or old patterns of hiding or armoring. I found beauty in their ability to recognize their needs and dreams and their limitations - in their ability to be self-responsible and capable. I felt safe, not having expectation to be their fixer, just being a loving human being to talk things out with, feel love and compassion from and with. I felt joy and hope at the success of fulfilling this intention that I set for myself last year, and at the prospect of them moving through their own evolutional processes. And I found Happiness - the contentment and well-being of being in loving spiritual relationship that reflects my qualities.

Can I say, "I Am Happiness I Am?" I think I am in the midst of transformation that will bring me to the point that I will be able to say this and sense it as true in my physical body. It is a matter of trusting in the physical matter of structure. I don't think that I trust in happiness through physical matter just yet. I believe it in my mind. I feel it in my emotions. My physical body seems the last to let things go. It has to do with that pesky idea of perfection and thinking if I trust happiness in my physical, as it is, I may have to be happy with a “less than perfect body." This is not a valid fear and certainly not my dream. And there is no such thing as "less than perfect". In happiness I am one with the Divine Human Mind and all of Creation, so there is only perfect. I am in joy, so I can feel that no matter what the experience if I can accept and allow experience to be matter, the experience of what matters to me. Then I could approach the physical with a sense of curiosity and adventure even. I could be inquisitive. I could be happy because I would be looking and listening for the Divine Truth and finding it through my Human Wisdom and feeling the holding of Love no matter what and I could sense myself as Happiness.

What do I believe about Joy? Joy is one of my spiritual qualities, and the essence of one of my council members, and I believe it is one of my "jobs" to be a channel for joy into this world.

I have connected to Joy through:

  • Concepts of the mind - understanding that Soul wants to live in joy, recognizing Joy as connected to the child within me, a dream that I have, and knowing that all beings "deserve" and can experience Joy, no matter what their circumstance.
  • Experiences of my senses - sensing a lightness of my body, seeing colors, sensing physical kinship with nature and the earth and other beings, physically sensing the presence of my guides and finding my presence here to be the same kind of presence from a desire to be here, to live and experience joy.
  • Feelings of ease, wonder, awe, comfort, humility, unity, love, and a trust that joy is freely available to me and to all.

As I review this, I see it is a mix of contradictory statements at times, and I think I truly am in a transformational process, letting go and taking in anew.

Dearest New Breed Healers and Vision Seekers,

In Splendor we walk the path of happiness. Through our creative genius we open our hearts to the inspiration of Divine Creativity. Through the Serenity of peace we find the passionate pathways of gratitude which lead us to Compassionate Co-operation.

In friendship we soar into the realms of the deep and color filled Mystery of Eternity, and we find Inspiration to bring back into our world. The tender hearted care that we give one another through hearing, listening and dreaming together brings to our hearts, the Trust that All is Well and Perfect.

In surrendering to the flow of the Universe, we find that we Matter and we are Matter. Each of us is the sustainable Matter of Being. As Great Spirit moves through us and in us, we fly together on the Wings of Eagles.
Like the Eagle, our sight becomes clear and we see the "All" that had once been so absent from our view. In our sight, our heart opens and we begin to love deeper, care deeper and know the essence of life as Great Spirit deep within the Matter that we are as Earth Beings. We are Creation. As we Dance the Dance of Creation, symbols of our Joy flow through us and we are lightened by the colors of our Qualities. WE come to know that our Oneness and our contribution of Beauty to our world and Universe is Happiness.

When we ask ourselves, "Why am I here in this group?"

What if we answered, "WE ARE here to contribute to the Beauty and Joy of our world and universe. WE ARE I am here to share comfort and care through open hearted tenderness. WE ARE here to share laughter and hope. WE ARE here to help all RE-member and remember the loving splendor of Happiness."

As we choose this view,
What does our world look like as a group?
What contribution does our group life reflect in Eternity?

Questions for individual and group consideration:
Choose your supreme quality or a quality that most resonates with opening your heart in tenderness.

How do our my qualities as a group support happiness in this world? Our qualities support happiness in this world by producing happiness in us all so we can radiate outward our reality, our truths.

How does our group actively support my quality in happiness? By letting me know, in subtle ways, that my qualities of honor and humility are recognized and needed by the group.

How does our group co-create happiness in my personal walk? By helping me keep my rule of life, by being there as friends and a group to help if needed, to share ideas, physical presence and emotions.

How does our group help us to walk in happiness with our family? By being mentors and examples of people who care and search.
How does our group help us to walk in happiness walk with our friends, the same

How does our group help us to walk in happiness walk with our community? We could do better here. In general, we all care about the world about us and I believe are good examples for those around us. But we seem to have a bit of trouble in coming up w service ideas and implementing them.

How do we use this interaction between our qualities and happiness to support Joy in our world? Thru personal 1 on 1 contact with those about us.

How do we use this interaction between our qualities and happiness to support Beauty in our world? Thru gardens mostly

How do we use this interaction between our qualities and happiness to bring care and ease into our world?

How do we use these interactions as charitable steps of Hope in our world?

Make sure you take each question and answer through your various bodies. For the group, make sure that you list each person's experience.

What does your mind think?

What do your emotions Feel?

Where do you sense this in your physical body?

As we choose this way of Being,

What does our world look like?

What contribution do our lives reflect in Eternity?

In the Joy of Open Hearted Tenderness may you/we be continually blessed to share this path in the Splendor of Happiness.

Willow Tequillo
Spiritual Guide/Medicine Woman

Part II - Letter of Spiritual Direction

Dear New Breed Healers and Amethyst Vision Seekers,

This has been such a wonderful time of happiness and exploration of opening to co-creative miracles of the universe.

As we continue to walk the beauty way, we learn just a little more of what it means to let go of old patterns of scarcity and allow the Great Eternal Mystery to show us the infinite compassion of the All That Is. Our looking and identifying the 'happiness' in our lives is about this exploration.
It is really easy for matter based Beings to get entangled into the everyday monotony of self and societal belief patterns which can decompose the very 'happiness' that we are, thus self perpetuating failure, as a way of life. However, this is not the purpose of our existence.

Our purpose is of happiness. Happiness is supported in Matter and inspired in Joy. Our dreams or First Trinity likeness of our Source is of the Mind, it is our dream and the divine dream. When we know that the communion of the divine and human mind is in 'focused happiness' then we know where we begin and where we end.

Can I, through my current belief system, begin to believe that the Alpha and Omega Mind is Happiness?
If so, how do I live this belief?
If so, an example of this 'happiness' within the last 6 weeks is ________
If not, what belief or beliefs keep me from the belief that Happiness is the central focus of who I am?

In the Second Trinity of Knowing Matter, we come to understand that Happiness is what we are made of. It is the common compassionate dance of creation. It is the physical, mental and emotional matter that is Existence. This existence is made up of all the matter that is. The Dance of Creation is the common compassionate dance of happiness. Air and water, earth and fire, water and fire, water and earth and so on and so forth in every direction and cycle of time and space. Happiness is That I Am.

Can I say, I Am Happiness I Am?
If so complete the following, "Through the physical matter of ________ I have learned that I can trust in happiness," Go on to write a paragraph on what this physical matter is, and your experience of it.
If you cannot say, "I Am Happiness I Am", write down from your physical, mental and emotional bodies your experience of what holds you back.

Ask yourself; Is this fear of happiness valid? Is this fear of happiness what I dream of?

If it is not what you dream of, change your thoughts and recreate a scenario in your Mind of what Happiness is for you. Take it through your physical, mental and emotional bodies and then say, I am happiness I am. Write about this.

In the Third Trinity, we learn about the contribution of Joy through the Emotional Bodies. Joy is the Energy of Great Spirit which flows through matter in an enlightening way and help us to soften our matter. Joy gives the Matter of Mind, insight, Matter of the Physical Body, fluid flow, and Matter of the Emotional Body, inspiration to manifest the new reformed dream.

What do I believe about Joy?
I have connected to Joy through:

  • concepts of the mind, give an example ________
  • experiences of my senses, give an example
  • feelings of ________, give an example.

The thing about Happiness is that it does not take on a favorite Trinity and can begin it's cycle in one or all places at the same time.

For instance for a person who travels along the 6th Thread. This person will likely experience Happiness as a physical sense of accomplishment through and in structure.

A person who moves along the 2 Thread may find that happiness is initiated in the mind through organizational orderliness.

A person who moves along the 9th Thread might find their truth in Happiness along the day dreaming unfolding universe.

The key to happiness is that we must be able to experience it in center and balance through all of our bodies.

So the person in the 6th Thread must become mentally engaged in the promise of tenderness as the physical structure become the home of knowing faith.

The 2nd thread must integrate the physical matter of structure and emotional joy as places where trust is formed and charitable ideas are manifested.

The 9th thread must find the validity of the Mind's dream and trust that the physical matter of all life is worth all that is eternal.

For those of you who are of another thread and would like me to sight examples of the thread that you travel upon please let me know if this would be helpful for you.

Today and every day we seek out Happiness in our lives. Happiness it the essence of who we are and is the common bond which all life shares in co-operation. It is the link, which links every sacred geometric form, color, harmonic to all that is and all that we are.

When we seek Happiness, we come to understand that we are who we have been looking for. WE are Happiness.

Please post your work in your gallery section under 'Community Life in Formation'

If you have not completed the previous work on happiness, please do so.
Inlove and Eternal Grace,

Part III

Spend some time in your Regional Group today discussing that area of Ceremony which you would like to participate in.

Laughing Ceremony June or August? (have an answer for this by the time of our telephone call.)

Regional Contribution:

  • Lodging planning
  • Food planning
  • Ceremonial planning
  • Organization and Teaching planning

Give the information to the person who is on the Ceremonies Committee for your Region. Including if you would like to teach something.

Please make a decision for your group for the Laughing Ceremony and then post it in the Ceremonies Section of the forum.

If individuals have special request please run them through the person representing your regional group for ceremonies. If you feel that in some way your experience is not being heard please contact me directly.

Ceremony Committee please stay on the line for a few 15 minutes so that we can plan how we are going to be talking.

Part IV

As a community we will be opening our regional groups up to include the Amethyst Vision Seekers. Please choose a person in your region who will welcome the new participates and that will contact and be the buddy for that person.

Anyway that is all for now.
I love you all, much peace in gratitude for you and us and we.

Willow's reflections and notes from Saturdays Meeting

  1. Happiness is the highest vibration of Human existence.
  2. Happiness is made up of the two highest supreme qualities which make up all energy and form.
  3. Joy is the highest Vibrational harmonic quality of Energy.
  4. Beauty is the highest Vibrational harmonic quality of Matter (Form/Body).
  5. Energy and Matter/Form are a dualistic nature of existence which helps us to distinguish between one and other, in other words, Energy and Matter help us to distinguish 'purpose' in concepts of Separation.
  6. The makeup of Energy and Matter/Form are represented as:
    Great Father Spirit = Energy
    Great Mother Earth = Form/Matter
  7. Synonymous words: Energy = Great Father Spirit, Spirit, "I", and light all equaling the quality of JOY.
    Matter/Form = Great Mother, Eve, Body, Void, and Great Mystery all equaling the quality of Beauty.


Can someone who experiences joy and not see beauty, experience happiness?
Can someone who experiences beauty and not experience joy, experience happiness?

Sarah is sitting on the beach and the waves are rolling around her, the sky is blue and the scent of salt surrounds her as the cry's of the seagull ring in her ear. The fresh breeze touches her face and the wind dances in her long golden hair.


Use this example to answer your questions above.

Are beauty and joy intimately intertwined to create the braid of happiness?


© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024