The Beauty Way Prayer Book
The prayer book is made up of the information gathered as conversations understood and comprehended by the Divine Human Being in marks, points, dashes, pauses and therefore memories of Beings Inlove.
It is strictly made of our work as New Breed Healers and Amethyst Visions seekers. Our recollection as derived by the mutual experiences of our community evolution.
As a basic structure and foundation, it is formed in the language and interpretation of comprehension of Willow JiMi.
In it are prayers which are made up of New Breed Healer experiences of Beauty, of self and other.
In it are communions of deep contemplations of each of us with source.
And so it becomes our Body of Matter as Authentic Real, community mindheart song and dance.
So we offer this our mindheart song to the world......... Yet before we do, we sit with it for a while. We hold it nurture and be nurtured by it. We do not exploit it, we savor it moments of co-creation and do not presume that it is ready for the world, nor are we today ready to answer the questions that others will have of us.
So for a few months, we hold it dear, breath with it, play with it, sing with it, cry with it, dance with it and let it be a guide in the beginning and ending our day as Art of Living.
And so with the generosity of self and other, we do open the gateways to become the sacred that we are, and to honor the sacred that we are.
The Beauty Way Prayer Book is the information gathered as conversation understood and comprehended by the Divine Human Being Inlove.
It is a tried and tested method of communication between worlds.
It's purpose is to give renewal and regeneration to all our Bodies:
9 Soul
3 Human
Language is still being developed for further comprehension on both sides of the bridge.
As a community this is our third attempt at a prayer book that serves all.
Several years ago, has it really been that long 😊
We tried co-creating a community prayer book from First Trinity, the Trinity of the Mind in ego/soul unity.
It was good and we worked with it for sometime, however it had limitations which were difficult to over come as a community. Because though it did provide a really great tool for community development it did not serve well for the deeper allowance for the greater world, thereby leaving out the ability for authentic and genuine co-operation with the outside world as a complete whole.
With our Goal as Unified we tried the second prayer book from the second Trinity, introduced at the Light Ceremony.
In it the Anatomy of the Ascending Body in Ego/Soul Unity the offering occurred, however again limitations were experienced. Though the information is REQUIRED for systematic understanding of 'How it works' and is a tested and a methodological accounting of the structural form of Integrity; it proved to be too complex for the common-mind heart to reach its depths without taking a large amount of time to reach center in clarity. So for the novice, the intention of re-centering and recalibration moved from harmony to blank stares and void stars 😊
Both the first and the second trinity attempts are beautiful and work able and for the common, too far reaching.
So we move from the Third Trinity today.
Let us be well in just opening our heart mind in surrender for this is what it will take for you to fall inlove.
- Light/Dark
- Energy/Matter
- Mother/Father
- Masculine/Feminine
- Great Spirit/Great Mystery
- Ego/Soul
- Divine/Human
We are all of these and we are ONE.
These are but components which help us to discern who we are and where we live. They are our character parts in the play of our qualities.
When we can find a way to delve deeply into our life, our art of living, we become for a moment (maybe a forever presence) the 'internal' light of Presence. A light beam of reams of information which promote an understanding of the Beauty that is Existence. And we are an eternal grain of sand in the existence of forever.
This work is a gift to the simplicity of life, humus, the openheart, the core care. It is easy and walking daily with it will co-create with you, pathways of inner reliance where your faith can join your reliability and forge strength in the every moment of every day.
May we find our hearts melding and blending in the heart of the intricate as individual and community capacity.
May our simplicity bring truths to light and lithe to our hearts, and may we be welcomed and cared for.
May we know that this Soul Manifestation of Third Trinity in Ego Soul Unity is a clear and viable pathway for our world and universe. Its contents are of the 1st and 2nd Trinity in simple form while using the 3rd Trinity art of creativity and inspiration as its foundational axis. It leaves a lot of room for dreaming, roaming and pondering the Wonder of Life.
A common song of creation of genuine unity, of authenticity in devotion, of experience of Pure Joy, Love and Empathetic Compassion of Equanimity for all our relations in Happiness.
And may we hold it close to us for these few months, like a parent of a newly born.
Protecting it while we learn of its nature and personality, character and our relationship to it.
Inlove and respect,
© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024