Contemplation:Miracles - Thread 12
Post #1 Take the next two sentences in your Thread (Big Book) and write about it this week
Take the next two sentences in your Thread (Big Book) and write about it this week, also post in Community Formation, make sure that you state your thread.
Remember to take it through your three bodies report on them
also state its relationship to a personal experience.
We will be following this course until the thread is complete.
Miracles Thread 12: Contemplations JiMi
"Vision of Love is the Reason for Miracles
Miracles live within the Open Heart and huddle deep within the recesses of our Soul"
"Miracles live within the Open Heart"
I am at a point where the veil is revealed.
A push or a pull, I pass by as unauthentic.
A should, could or would, the same.
I surrender to peace within
no longer an instrument of maybe.
Presence in here, hear, ear, earth.
I travel deeper into the memory rungs of Tree,
letting go of the need to be tested and tried.
Pure acceptance of, to, for, from Divine Will.
I surrender letting go of my veils.
Just for today, I BEING, JiMi Tao
Miracles "huddle deep within the recesses of our Soul"
Miracles are Beings of Agreements.
Agreements to LIVE.
Agreements to live huddled and nestled together in the deep recesses of our SOUL.
To enter into New Life Form as energetic gravity systems emanating toward a deeper understanding of Love.
Connecting Joy in Resonance as an entity of 'consideration of common passion' Compassion.
Radiant Joyful Happy/Happiness.
Freedom to know connection yet allowing for the other to walk their own path of discovery with Source. Allowing miracles to bind, cord, braid........ in the likeness of their own commonalities.
I see this dream coming into form within our community.
As each group consciously or unconsciously works through the steps of Reliability.
It has been a deepening year of inner and outer miracles,
where each has had to make large bounds in strength and trust of Source, Self and Other.
Letting go of the veils of ignorance which keep the mind cluttered with the distractions of coulds, woulds, shoulds...........
and myself.........
finding a place where I am able to work, be myself, play with my friends in the place that holds my very body. How grateful I am to have been able to give up indecision of where I Live.
Stepping into New Form in the very Home that has birthed me.
I look at common passion and I feel gratitude well up inside of me and such connection with all that is.
I am in deep consideration of this eight year period where I began this journey Reclaiming Holy Ground of the Chinese Immigrants
Now here I am, Reclaiming the Sacred Land of the Native People here. How blessed I feel to be among the Above and Below,
Being that I am, just allowing for self to be of service where and how I am asked and allowing all also to be of service to me/us.
I am humbled by the simplicity of Living the profoundly authentic life.
How grateful I am and the people are for this Presence call Beautiful Splendor.
Dancing the dance and watching the dance and teaching the dance.
What a wonderful happiness I have.
Inlove and Injoy,
JiMi Tao
© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024