1. Teaching a. Letter of Spiritual Direction b. Organizational Templates
  2. Journal a. Dreams, Needs, Concerns, Limitations and Trust b. Dream Journal
  3. Creative Space a. How are you spending your Time and Space?
  4. Qualities/Aspects a. Template for Aspects and Qualities b. Place your Quality and Aspect Work here.
  5. Contract/Rule of Life a. Rule of Life b. Contract

____________ - One/One Meeting Note

Formulas & Theorems Covered Today:


Lecture Topic:
During the lecture, take notes here.

Summary: After the lecture, summarize the main points of this lecture topic.

____________ Community Meeting Notes

Letter of Spiritual Direction / Homework:

Today's Topics:

Important Points:

Lecture Topic: During the lecture, take notes here. Insert a sub-page for each lecture topic.

Summary: After the lecture, use this space to summarize the main points of this Lecture Topic.

____________ - Notes Student - Guide conversation

Today's Topics:



Lecture Topic:
During the lecture, take notes here.

Summary: After class, use this space to summarize the main points of this Lecture Topic.

Study Questions: After the lecture, create questions based on the notes.

____________ Name - Journal

Personal Journal Reflection
Summary one paragraph weekly of how things are going for you.
Work through the aspects.

____________ Name - Journal

____________ Creative Space

Take an accounting of how you are spending your time.
Journal in the evening on where you have been.




____________ name - Daily To Do List

List the things that you do everyday

List the things that you would like to do

Take into consideration what your thoughts are and how much time it is taking.

____________ name Qualities and Aspects


  1. Partnership
  2. Family
  3. Work
  4. Friends
  5. Home
  6. Vehicle
  7. Ego
  8. Soul

Student Qualities

  1. _______________________________
  2. _______________________________
  3. _______________________________
  4. _______________________________
  5. _______________________________
  6. _______________________________

Student Qualities Definitions

  1. _______________________________
  2. _______________________________
  3. _______________________________
  4. _______________________________
  5. _______________________________
  6. _______________________________

____________ name Contract/Rule of Life Section 5


  1. Contract
  2. Rule of Life Format

____________ Rule of Life Report

Name of Spiritual Guide: _______________________________

Name: _______________________________

Address: _____________________________

Phone: _______________________________

e-mail: _______________________________

Skype name: __________________________

Date: ________________________________

Report #: _____________________________

Morning and Evening Dedications require a candle and silence.

  1. Prayer: a. Personal b. Cycle of Life and c. Dance of Creation d. Special Prayers
  2. Well Being a. Meditation b. Contemplation c. Exercise d. Nutrition e. Play f. Creativity
  3. Journal a. Day Dreams b. Night Dreams c. Events d. Books you are reading
  4. Evening Dedication a. Silent Time b. Personal Spiritual Practice
  5. Contact with Spiritual Guide a. Write a paragraph of your understanding of the conversation. b. Complete assignments and post at least one time per week.
  6. Sanctuary a. Daily Silence b. Weekly Silence c. Personal Retreat (3 days per year) d. Community Gatherings (Monthly) e. Community Retreats (Yearly)
  7. Monthly Rule of Life Report a. Due on the ________ of the Month. b. Contributions:
  8. Service: a. 1 hour per week not in the profession that you are in.
  9. Submit one paragraph per question.

  1. How is this Path teaching you about Joy? What parts come easy? What parts are difficult?
  2. How is this Rule teaching you about Joy? What parts come easy? What parts are difficult?
  3. What have you learned about yourself this month?
  4. How has your individual process helped you to gain clarity about your supporting relationships?
  5. What have you learned about relationship this month?
  6. What new insight will you approach this month with?

Signature _____________________________

Date _________________________________

____________ name - Contract Section 5

Student Name:

Spiritual Teacher/Guide:

I, _________________________, agree to work with ________________________.

As my spiritual guide for 6 months.

  • My Monthly Contribution is: $100.00 due on the 15th of each month.
    • Jiajimi.com
  • We will meet on the phone 1x per month on a set day, I will be prepared for our conversation by clearing my scheduled, mind and being openhearted.
  • I will complete my assignments in a timely manner.
  • I am open and willing to learn a spiritual practice of peace.
  • I will seek pure authenticity In Kindness with myself and those who grace my life.
  • I will Be respectful of myself and my teacher and guide.
  • I will be in constant consideration of the meaning of freewill and the choices that I make in my life which serve Loving Kindness.

I am in freewill participation and seek to further understand Love's Meaning and resemblance in my life.

Contract Begins: ___________________ Contract Ends: ___________________

Signature of Student ___________________ Signature of Spiritual Teacher/Guide

Universal Oneness is the discovery of how we Love One Another through experiencing Living with and using the tools of All Existence. Ascended Wisdom Teachings

____________ name - Contract Section 5


  1. Dreams, Needs, Concerns, Limitations and Trust
  2. Weekly Assignments
  3. Weekly Summary
  4. Monthly Summary (derived from weekly summaries)

Name Section 6 ____________ Dreams, Needs, Concerns, Limitations and Trust

Co-Creating Substance in Time and Space

This is an initial dialogue which will help to discern the process and better help us to develop a language, a way of speaking, and an understanding of fluid timing that is unique to each of us.

Step 1 - List your Qualities

Step 2 - We will each state (submit) our:

  • Dreams
  • Needs
  • Concerns
  • Limitations

For our working together and what we want to see in this process

Step 3 -
We will each look over the other persons Dreams, Needs, Concerns and Limitations (DNCL)
And respond to each using one of our personal qualities.


  • First Person: Qualities: Joy, forgiveness I dream of having a peaceful life. My need is to find silence in my mind. My concern is that I am so busy that I can not find focus. My limitation is that I don't really know if I want to find focus.
  • Second Person Response: Qualities: Adventure, Curiosity RE: Dream Sherman, I hear your dream of having some peace. I like venturing into that space. I can support your dream of peace through my quality of curiosity, by asking you every once in a while how that peace is working. RE: Need Sherman, wow, right, the monkey mind? Okay, well I can support your need through my quality of Adventure, by sitting in silence with you once a week if you like. Etc............

Step 4 - Trust Statements are developed through a mutual conversation of personal experience and expression and group experience and expression.

A Beauty Way
JiMi Tao

____________ Assignment's Section 6





B. Purpose: TO Develop an understanding and procedure to teach.
(This will require that you are able to speak to the topic with depth, clarity and vision. You will need to break it up into sections)

  1. Name of topic - Define it.
  2. Exploration of the topic - written personal experiences which are spoken to in your conversations. Make sure that you can speak to the Mind body, Physical Body and Emotional Body
  3. Outline directions and peek awareness's.
  4. Write a story which will give the audience the opportunity to envision what you are trying to relay.
  5. As a group make sure the following questions are addressed.

Who participates?

How does each participate.

Are there specific areas of participation?

How are the areas divided?

What do the areas represent?


When does it take place?


What is needed? Physical matter? Mental Matter? Emotional Matter?


Where does it take place?

Why are the areas above important to understanding?

How does each area stand alone as an important individual structure?

How does their commingling help to support the community in sharing - giving and receiving in joy?

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024