Presence Intervals 1-8

02-09-2013 Letter of Spiritual Direction - The Presence Interval 1 of 8

Lesson 1

"The Art of Living Life requires a spiritual relationship of unison in thought, word and deed."

I appreciate and am grateful for each of you and your processes in the development ofself and other. Of our community.

Where am I? Where are WE? Where am I?

As many of you know, this last year has really be a GIANT Transition for me, culminating in the burning of Joe's and my Akashic Record for the purpose of the NanoBlend (see thread book) of New World Formation in Sound Harmony.

Where are WE?

You continue to be in a holding pattern of Presence where you are learning how to co-create in a manner that serves as a harmonic structural integrity which mends the splitting of Love.

Right now you are working in the first of 8 intervals of initiations into this New World Harmony.

So it is that while you are here in the Presence you are being given instructions on the Universal Natural Order of Appreciation which leads to Authentic Cherishment. You receive this through your development in your clairvoyance (see thread 9 in your prayer book), through personal instruction through me and from mother earth and father spirit.


"You continue to be in a holding pattern of Presence where you are learning how to co-create in a manner that serves as a harmonic structural integrity which mends the splitting of Love."This is a core issue of cite breakdown in humanity concept.

As always, we are in a classroom learning about the integrity of love, where love lives as strength in us and where it lives as weakness in us. These last several weeks have been of crucial importance in the discernment of Universal Natural Order to understand your individual and particular concepts of Sharing. The main way in which Humanity Shares is through Word. Word, Language, Comprehension, Communication, Conversation is the foundation from which Humanity co-creates culture. - In our community we are Culture Creators lnloves Harmony, and as such we are constantly learning about how well we communicate.

A couple of questions that come to mind are,

  • "What do we want to communicate?"
  • "What space, 'within communion with my Divine self', do I want to communicate from?"

The structural integrity of our cultures
are based in the core cherishment of honoring what we love,
by knowing what we love,
by acknowledging what we love,
by sharing what we love.
and by REQUIRING that those
whom we do communicate with
Be of of Like KINDNESS.

"Say that we are on a camping trip and a wild one comes to the camp site, what do I do?" Well, if you are in-tuned with nature you can sit with the beast and share space time merge incomfort and ease.
If you are in unconsciousness, it is best if you walk away.
So, who is the less conscious, the beast who knows who he is or the person who is fearful of where they sit?


Lesson 1 - Examination of Inner Attitude 1st Trinity of the Mind

Let us speak to point one of the Integrity of the Language of Cherishment.

  1. What does it mean to Know what I love?

  2. Where are the places where I use language in an unconscious way, overlooking the cherishment of meaning of the sharing?

  3. How have others shared ideas with me and I took the Idea and ran my Thoughts through it and called it mine?

  4. How do I learn to share Ideas and know that the thoughts that run through me are mine and connect me with the integrity of the universe?

  5. How do I acknowledge the conversation of shared ideas with another and honor this as a point of co-creative reference? This co-creative reference when spoken to allows for co- creation and mutual support in authenticity of design of matter.

  6. How did I hear an idea that was mine from another and opt not to acknowledge it and find hate in it? What does this say about my inner life?

  7. What do I need to come to the table with, to have communication that serves as healing, co-creative, and substantive for the maintainability of culture?

  8. What is your question for the group?

Lesson 2 - Actions or Inaction 2nd Trinity of Form

Please use the above questions for this consideration. This is the testing ground for first interval of eight in
How to Remember that I Love You - Cherishment

  1. Over the course of the last several weeks as teacher and guide, I have
    i. given each of you an Idea,
    ii. spent time with you that was not formal in makeup
    iii. Concepted ideas and worked with you through thier major points.

  2. I have given you each areas of 'what I learned from JiMi and have asked you to use this space.

  3. What I have seen in these spaces is minimal,

    • which tells me that my use to you and our relationship is minimal
    • not worthy of conversation.
  4. Rather than appointments marked and scheduled, I have spent many hours in conversation independent of formal structure so as to develop better communication skills with you.

Lesson 3a - 3rd Trinity

How do I consider the intimacies of conversation as valuable tools which provide me with ideas from which to dream my aspects?

The first interval of Cherishment concerns acknowledgement. Weighs and Measures are foundational in the Body of Matter. Questions of inner heart integrity speak to the relationship of communication in cherishment.

Lesson 3b - Of Emotions of Feeling 3rd Trinity

Assignment - Post in your private Assignment section in New Breed Healers.

  1. In looking at your rule of life reports, if a rule of life was complete in Dec. or Jan. In meeting with Spiritual Guide section was there an acknowledgement of deep conversations not by appointment?

Were these conversations valuable? not valuable? how?

  1. In reflecting back on conversations with JiMi in the last two months what were the Ideas within our conversations that sparked my Thoughts in developing an aspect of my life?

Lesson 4a - The language of Cherishment 4th Trinity

In the What I learned from JiMi section, Post what you have learned as an idea given and a thought expanded for the co-creation of an aspect of your life.

I would like to see clarity and concise bullets.

Lesson 4b Summary lnLoves Cherishment 4th Trinity

What have I learned about myself? Please post your summary in the Community Formations Section.

As a note: Please remember that my wisdom is always ordered in points.
The Purpose of First Interval of Eight is: To co-create new synapse of love by comprehension of the current issues of ownership, entitlement and general unconsciousness that goes with glossing over cherishment as a non-existent lingering by product of humus.

Clarity of Assignments: There are Four Lessons in the First Interval of Love' Promise in examination of Cherishment.

For the next several weeks we will be taking each point and examining the manner and matter of our cherishment.

Sometimes this work can feel bulky and time consuming.
I would like a consensus from the group as to how much time you would like to take as a group to complete the entire 1st Interval.

Lesson 4 - 4th Trinity of Co-Creative Ascension
Weeks 7 & 8 - 04-21-2013 - 05-04-2013
Purpose: Examination of Co-Creation in the Ascension Process through Cherishment
Goal: Learnig to speak to Point Four: The Integrity of the Language of Cherishment
Summary: Questions to be answered at the end of EVERY Lesson throughout the course of the INTERVAL Work:

  • Where am I?
  • Where are WE?
  • What do we want to communicate?
  • What space, 'within communion with my Divine self', do I want to communicate from?
  • Create a Question for the Group

Lesson 4
Week 7 - 04-21-2013 - 04-27-2013
Assignment 7 - This first week again is a time for reflection and consideration. This is a time to observe self and take notes. As above you are to post your "note" in your note topic section.
Use your previous work and the considerations below in observing your week

The language of Cherishment:

  1. In the What I learned from JiMi section; post what you have learned as an idea given and a thought expanded for the co-creation of an aspect of your life.
  2. I would like to see clarity and concise bullets.

Lesson 4
Week 8 04-28-2013 - 05-04-2013
Assignment 8 : Use your notes from the previous week and post
Interval 1

  1. What have I learned about myself?

  2. From your notes from last week and your summary statements from Lessons 1,2,3 and complete your overall summary.

    a. Where am I?
    b. Where are WE?
    c. What do we want to communicate?
    d. What space, 'within communion with my Divine self', do I want to communicate from?
    e. Create a Question for the Group

Week 9


  1. Write a summary of the complete interval, where am I in cherishment?
  2. Did I/WE/US co-create a new synapse of love by comprehending the current issues of ownership, entitlement, and general unconsciousness that goes with glossing over cherishment as a non-existent lingering by product of humus?
  3. Where am I?
  4. Where are WE?
  5. What do we want to communicate?
  6. What space, 'within communion with my Divine self', do I want to communicate from?
  7. Create a Question for the Group

Week 10

Rest: Put this project down and REST.

Week 12 05-19-2013 -05-25-2013
Create: Create, build a non-word expression of your experience; paint, music, dance, any form of artistic expression.

Converse 05-26-2013
Final Conversation on Sunday, May 26th NBH Meeting, 11:00am.
Sharing our experiences of Cherishment in Presence.

*End of First Interval

Blessed Be

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024