New World Considerations on Loving
Week1: Unraveling Threads of love
In the heart of unconditional love,
Presence resides in Sharing.
Sharing is the natural pathway of co-creation
of love in compassions joyful cooperation.
Sharing allows for compassion
in understanding self and other.
Through cooperative sharing,
trust builds upon the nature of individual truth
and collective truths as unified.
Truth of personal experience affords,
self and other a presence
in commonality which gives breath,
hope to co-creative dream and form.
This kind of honesty
removes "concession" from the equation,
because a blending of like-like
has been created as valuable.
Unconditional love
Is without concession
as the processes of genuine unity
find equilibrium through
the Great Mystery.
Truth, Trust, Allowance,
Become steps in Authenticity
in the formation of Paith
as individual experiences Unity within self.
Dignity, nobility, and Generosity
develop Courage In Genuine relationship with other.
When meeting as a Sonorous
Dignified Truth
Noble Trust
Generous Allowance
Do Fonn Genuine Unity
Being Communion in Divine and Human Magic
In Communion
Unconditional Love Births
Presence in Love
JiMi Tao
Week2: Promise
A Promise of Wisdom
Promise - defined as the Quality of Potential of Excellence.
Loves Promise is Being Unconditional.
To Remember is to bring back an Awareness...
In Freedom we are asked two things, which together are One.
To remember Love itself as Being Unconditional ...which allows each the Freedom of Choice in every moment of life living the Sacred and Holiness as Art. Living Life as Art.
Sharing a Point of Light in all existence.
....Remembering is the Sharing of this Point of Light, Love.
And As Unified Love, Remembering Love IS All there IS..
Remembering Love IS All there IS
So it is From this Core Light which lives in Freedom of that I AM,
That I offer to you this gift of connection INLove.
"Beloved, I ask you to Promise to Remember that I Love You. "
**What does this mean for you?
**Can you ask me to do the same for You?
For me it would remind me of who I AM,
Love Itself.
That I am not alone.
That in my deepest places of uncertainty,
I would remember your great capacity to
love and that I am love and loved.
And in my deepest joys,
there is another who also knows of such joys,
and I am not alone in my gratitude and cherishment
of living my life as That I AM,
Love in appreciation.
And in the beauty of self discovery
in whatever form , action or relationship
I might find myself in,
I would remember that there is another
whom loves me in my entirety.
Thus leaving no room within or without,
for an asking for a this or that,
but rather a well of allowance and acceptance
of a higher order of generosity of self.
A self without attachment of comings and goings
of self or the other.
For you do exemplify for me
Love refined.
And it is in my own frailty,
I need this help, this tickler, this strong hold...
for life can feel complicated and I can forget
the Being of Love that I AM.
And I can forget
Remembering the Being of Love
that you are in
humble gratitude
If you cannot ask me, it is okay.
I do ask you, Beloved to
Promise to Remember
I Love You
As For Me
A Promise to Remember that I Love You
Gives us equitable freedom
to call upon me
when you need me or want me;
for this sharing
is of a great and noble honoring
of devotion and loyalty.
A gift of delight
of Belonging that is not found
upon the path of individuality.
And while in the comings and goings
of your daily walk,
you will know unwaveringly,
that I stand still in light
and hold you sacred,
just as you are...completely
and without reservation or condition.
And may this remembering give you
passionate strength
to walk your every step surely
and in great confidence of
the Compassionate Joy you bring into this world.
Thank You for Being You.
I Love You Beloved,
JiMi Tao
Week3: Choice
This is the way if it
Of Freedom
Of Scarcity
These are your
You give us one
Of Scarcity...
And s/he who feels so unworthy
is caught up in the personal sympathy of
'not cared for'.
And at some point this is
a choice.
And in your remembering of your
choice of disengagement,
your heart shall break open
like a volcanoes eruption.
And you shall know
the depth of Love
that has walked with you.
No more shall I,
Love walk
hidden from your view.
In every step you take
you shall see me.
In every breath you take
you will scent me.
As your fingers or skin touch
it will remind you of me.
You will see your shadow
and you will call out to me.
The taste of your tongue in your mouth
will bring memories of my kiss,
my tenderness
and my caress.
Your sweat will remind you
of our passion.
Books and words
and song and dance
will bring memories of
Our Pure Belonging.
The sway of branches and flow of
rivets, rivers, waters, deserts and mountains,
lakes and streams, oceans and seaweed...
Will cause you
to reach out for me.
When you sleep
your hand will reach for mine
and you will remember
the comfort of our rest.
You will hear my sweet voice linger
in your mind
and the beat of your heart itself,
will beckon forth memories
of your love for me ...
and you will wonder how
your pride kept you
from affording me these same memories.
And you will know
the depth of your
sorrowful selfishness.
And you will understand
that the conditions you have placed upon love
are for
love to be invalid.
And in the deepest of humility
you will know that
I have forgiven you
and i have
Loved you Unconditionally.
Yet you will not
see me
for I will be gone from
your existence.
And you will Roar
in the hell of your own making,
through conscious choice
of not wanting to Belong.
Of not wanting to Share.
Of not taking a Chance.
And I will meet you
in hell
For how can
a Love so deep
Be far from Beloved?
And in a time
I will meet you in
for all Life does return to
Love Itself,
WE Belong to Love.
And I will remember
this suffering
is one we share
in loneliness.
And I will sorrow
through eternity
knowing that
the smallest degree
of genuine unity
could not
be met by
And I will mark this life
as failed.
For that which I
treasure as precious
had no room in hearts
chest for me.
So I am left alone,
along the side of the road
not accounted for
as valuable enough to be asked
To Remember Love.
JiMi Tao
Of Service
"So I am left alone on the side of the road,
not accounted for as valuable
enough to be asked to remember love."
Today Faith and I fed the hungry children along the river path. A group of23 ranging from the age of 10 to 17 maybe. In particular was a boy appearing to be the youngest of the group.
Blonde, slim sullen amongst the group of many colors. He sat on the edge, hopeless in a group of already hungry and in need. The least among the least counted for. Trying to fit in...
My heart ached as I saw him first and he was the last served. I felt within, that he wondered if there would be any left for him though no movement informed me of this. Not even his eyes.
As I handed him a white lunch bag with a smily face that Faith placed upon it, the smallest and deepest smile touched his sweet face. He placed the bag next to him and turned his face forward as ifto tum from our eye to eye connections. Turning from our inner knowings of his delicate plight. A slight moment of soul in soul touch. A moment in eternity, a flash, a light, a hint of a sparkle. An 'I count'...and in that second of recognition I saw hope.
And my heart fell between joy in gratitude and sorrow in loneliness, and the feelings that sat before me were without name. For in that moment, love touched no name, no place and every name and place in existence.
How I wish I could reach out and hug these children, give them the smallest drop of hopes elixir, that they might dream big, hope deeply and that Grace itself might lead them in a direction of certainty that they are the freedom of love itself. That all children might know safety and comfort and be given the gifts of pure care.
Oh Love Eternal,
that you might today change the tides of loneliness
of this broken and beautiful world.
That you might call forth Angels and Archangels
to abandon the brokenness
and heal the human race.
That we might share life in joy with one another.
I fret so over the children of our world
as cold days and nights of winter come.
Keep these children and all children warm and safe.
Let not frost nor hunger over take,
but the soothing hands of comfort
rest them in wellness.
INLove's service
Kindly be comfort where rest is called upon.
JiMi Tao
© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024