Meditation "Of No Opinion"

Hi Friends,

* WE will be working with the 4 Trinities and the Ancestral Lineage Healing Book learning how to discipline and concentrate on a single thought and move into no thought through dissolution of the monkey of mind, physical and emotional discomforts and moving into emptiness.

I. Some simple instructions and guidelines.

There are four breaths in this meditation.
Each series of breaths are 5-7 minutes in length.
You will need the following:

  • Attitude of Surrender
  • Attention and respect for silence
  • A comfortable position, 'this is a sitting meditation' If at all possible, please sit.
  • A Journal to record your experience Mind Body, Physical Body, Emotional Body.

My thoughts on Meditation.

  1. Meditation differs from contemplation in that we move into the silence of no mind and no opinion.
  2. Meditation requires a physical stillness. No sound, no noise, no questions, no answers.
  3. Meditation is important as it provides emptiness. Emptiness is necessary for the clearing of the clutter. Clutter that occurs in all bodies.
  4. Meditation is important as it allows for the creation of strength in all of the bodies.
  5. Meditation is the Spirit's way of accessing the inner self and shining light on the mystery within.
  6. We could think of meditation as a spirit vehicle and contemplation as a soul vehicle.
  7. Meditation can be done alone or with large groups.
  8. Meditation teaches inner connectivity through silence.

II. This Meditation Group is called "Of No-Opinion"
This Meditation class is multi-leveled, surprised?

Of No-Opinion is so important because we walk in a world where everyone has an opinion about everything. And voicing that opinion is a right of freedom. However, opinions outside of authentic voice are mimics of a cultural sound that may or may not be in balance. So it is that taking time in meditation daily, weekly, monthly, yearly..........whatever you can do... is a beautiful way to open up to a higher divine understanding of all life and relation. And what a relief and gift to offer self and other a moment of sanctuary where there is safety, care and comfort from attitudes of judgment.

Here is what we will be working on and working through.
Begin by bringing your hands together in a prayer position at the forehead... bow.
Namaste... the Light in me honors the light in you.
Sit straight, brining hands in prayer position to the heart.

Take time to allow for yourself to gently move into the inner sanctuary of self.
Bring your hands to a comfortable position resting on the knees.
Say aloud your haiku, or listen to the recorded meditation.

  1. The First Breath is of the Divine and Human Mind of Love. This breath moves in through the nose and out through the nose. As you concentrate on this first breath you will watch silently, the thoughts of this or that flow by.

Approaching this initial breath you will want see your thoughts as passersby. Say you are walking along a beach and you notice someone. You simply bow your head and allow it to pass in NO Opinion. In this manner you will approach the thoughts that travel past.

Your concentration is in the inhale and exhale of the mind.
What a wonderful place to be, an allowance for thoughts to pass by... nothing to fix, nothing to consider... simply allowing for no thing to replace the zoo of the mind.

As you take this first series of breaths, you will notice where your breath begins in your nose and where your breath ends.

**So it is that in the OM of this mental level we will be working with the 1st Trinity and learning how to discipline and concentrate on a single thought and move into the Divine Power of no thought through dissolution of the monkey mind and movement into the Great Mystery's Matter contained in the Emptiness.

  1. Second Trinity OM is the Trinity of the Divine Body of Human Matter where we learn to love. Say aloud your haiku or continue listening to the recorded meditation.
    On a physical level we will connect with the physical body through a breaths that travel
    in through the MOUTH and out through the Nose.
    This is a cooling breath and it is targeted to bring oxygen to the organs of the body through the inhale and to detoxify these organs through the exhale.
    As you practice you will notice that your physical body surrenders to the gentle quieting of the breath and stress in sitting is replaced with deep centeredness.
    Again we empty and naturally replace with the haiku.

  2. Third Trinity OM is of the Divine Wisdom and Human Emotions the place where we live for love. Say aloud your haiku or continue listening to the recorded mediation.
    On the Emotional level we will connect with Divine Wisdom through a series of breaths which travel in through the nose and out through the nose.
    These breaths are experienced in the emotional bodies of the cells, muscles, connectors and skin.
    As you breath, your emotions become clear expressions of love's joy.

  3. Fourth Trinity OM is the DivineHuman Universal Unification of the Trinities and we live from love in Communion, Compassion, Co-Operation and Begin our Co-creative Ascension.
    Say aloud your haiku or continue listening to the recorded meditation.
    This breath is in through the nose and out through the mouth.
    This breath begins at the nose and travels to the base of your first chakra and returns up through the spine, through the base of the neck and opens in the hypothalamus behind the ears. It awakens the sleeping brain and allows for the new synapse of greater clarity in access.

Bring your hands to a prayer position at forehead and bow.
Namaste... the Light in me honors the light in you.

Take time to allow for yourself to gently come out of the inner sanctuary of self.
You will want to journal your experience using your contemplative posture.

I have downloaded a singing meditation which can help you to further develop your breathing skills. You can use it as a guide during the week.
Mediations provided weekly.

Blessings in Joy

Sitting posture:


  1. On the floor with nothing under bottom.
  2. On the floor with a pillow under bottom.
  3. On a chair where feet are on the floor flat, bottom fits securely on a non-moving chair, back is straight.
  4. Laying flat on back.

At the base of your bottom there lives a triangle formed by the front pelvic bone and two butt bones. Ideally you will sit with a column of light in the center of this triune and allow light from heaven to earth and earth to heaven to flow through you.
This is your sitting goal.

There are various Mudras (hand positions... language of connection through the signing of the hands).

In our Meditation we will be using Earth Heaven Mudra.

You will connect your thumb and pointer finger on both hands.
Bend the remaining three fingers.
Place your hands on your knees.
Your right hand facing down, connecting with the Earth
Your left hand facing up, connecting with the Heavens.

You are the conduit between heaven and earth and earth and heaven.


© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024