Letter to our World

Dear Community,
I have written a Letter of Spiritual Direction for All.
May we begin today to be the Change that we Have Been Waiting For,
Thank You,

Dear Family, Friends and Kin of our Nation,

The weight of Goodness is upon us.
Like the Great Oxen of Strength, we are tethered to the immensity of Goodness which is set before US.
And it is our Sole Soul Duty to Honor and Respect this Courageous Fight.
A fight where the Goodness of Moral Conduct and Perseverance march Hand in Hand.Wavering not to the discordant energies grasping for root.
Rather Kindness leads OUR Unified Strength and Honors the Health and Well Being of ALL Peoples.

To Our Kin who have been unheard and unseen, we are here to witness you in Listening and in this listening may you come to know that you Belong to US and you are Welcome for we Belongto Each Other.

Peoples of My KIN,I
See You
Let us find the WE in our commonality.

I Hear You
Let us provide for the Health and Well Being of you and your Beloveds.

I Need You
Let Us find ways to Help you to Be Safe, Loved, Cared For and Belonging.

I Remember You,
Let Us re live the song and dances that lightens our hearts.
Let Us teach our children, our grandchildren, our Mothers and Fathers, our Grandparents, ourAunts and Uncles, Our kin and Our Extended Kin........Let Us Teach the Songs of HOPE.

I Remember You,
The hard work and labor of keeping our families, neighborhoods, villages. Cities, counties, states and nations ...a circle of warmth, well fed, well clothed, well educated, well housed, well transported, Well as in Health.

I Remember You as my Friend,
I welcome you to sit in the Sanctuary of Presence with me,
That we may gain renewal of Trust through Wisdom of Emotions Clarity.
That we may shed tears of humble belonging, find forgiveness for our long separation,
And reunite us in Our Common Goal of Compassion for our common and uncommon journey.

I remember your laughter my friend,
I remember your smile and the deep touch of tenderness.
May we meet here in the deep recesses of our innermost hearts,
That we may find easy routes fertile for growth in acceptance and happiness for the existence of each other.

Just for today, I take a Breath.
Just for today I sit in quiet for 5 minutes.
Just for today I use this 5 minutes to open my heart
Just for today I use this open heart to remember a moment of joy in my life.
Just for today I let this emotional wisdom sit as the light of my heart
Just for today I let this light lead me in peace to you.

May love guide Our steps and fill Our journey with HOPE, Just for Today,
JiMi Tao - A Beauty Way

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024