TEACHING: format
Hi All, Just a reminder that the format below needs to be used when developing a teaching.
Make sure that it is written out clearly and that you send it to me for our discussion and review.
My you Life take on freely the face of Joy in Laughter, Willow
Purpose: To Develop an understanding and procedure to teach.
(This will require that you are able to speak to the topic with depth, clarity and vision. You will need to break it up into sections)
Name of topic - Define it.
Exploration of the topic - written personal experiences which are spoken to in your conversations. Make sure that you can speak to the Mind body, Physical Body and Emotional Body
Outline directions and peek awareness's.
Write a story which will give the audience the opportunity to envision what you are trying to relay.
As a group make sure the following questions are addressed.
Who participates?
How does each participate.
Are there specific areas of participation?
How are the areas divided?
What do the areas represent?
When does it take place?
What is needed? Physical matter? Mental Matter? Emotional Matter?
Where does it take place?
Why are the areas above important to understanding?
How does each area stand alone as an important individual structure?
How does their commingling help to support the community in sharing - giving and receiving in joy?
JiMi Tao 10 Limbs of the Tree
© 06-2017
The Tree
Dharma literally means the Tree. What is the tree of life but that which continually moves through the cycles of living and dying, birth and rebirth. Honoring the cycles of Being in Presence.
Bodhisattva means the being who brings insight into the ways of peace for all beings.
JiMi Tao literally means a Way of Beauty or Beauty Way.
And so, I offer to you this,
The tree of life, Willow resides near the waters of life thats/he may provide shelter, clarity, insight and peace to all those whom s/he is here to teach and care for.
S/he the willow does not go outside her station to look to provide shelter, but grants shelter to those whom find Kin with her nature. For those whom have taken the Great Vow to be in peace and provide access and eternal insight to those whom choose peace as a way of life. Shelter is given to those who have given up the need to be violent.
When we begin our journey into the outside world, our branches are youthful and tender and 'yet to become' a limb. Yet the Willow does look to having great limbs which will identify he/r strength and capacity to shelter, guide, protect and give space for the co-creation oflife in peace. Offering continually this message of eternal faith in the great Loved Ones who have taught us, guided us and come before us. The Enlightened and Awakened Ones who continually guide our path in Great Joy. So, it is we are here to share our path of peaceful ease which has been before us for all eternity and yet seldom known or seen. We must cause hearts to hear the sound of the river wave. Thus, weakening the strong statue of 'I KNOW' and exchanging the "I Know Suffering for I KNOW PEACE." And in this way today we enter into the world of tender reed and imagine the Limbs of Heath and Well Being that we honor as vowed members of "Great Line of Loving."
There is no branch or limb that is more important or valuable than the other, yet for purposes of organization and easy reference I give these to you by number.
- The Limb of Wisdom
- The Limb of Ascetics
- The Limb of Emptiness
- The Limb of Sharing Knowledge
- The Limb ofTeaching Knowledge
- The Limb of Universal Secrets
- The Limb of Caution
- The Limb of Eternal Memory
- The Limb of Clairvoyance
- The Limb of Listening
Of these limbs, there are specific ones that are for teachers only. The two that are not necessarily for teachers are:
The Limb of Caution and The Limb of Listening. These are befriending Limbs which are used as attributes for general conversation and personal considerations in self development.
The Limb of Wisdom is a movement of the Bodhisattva or the person of peace to help another to gain access and insight to peace through the ease Wisdom or making wise choices in day to day life. These choices are in consideration of cause, effect and outcome.
The Limb of Ascetics is a movement of the Bodhisattva or the person of peace to help another to gain access and insight to peace through the ease of Ascetics. Personal practice through the Beauty of our Rule of Life.
The Limb of Emptiness is a movement of the Bodhisattva or the person of peace to help another to gain access and insight to peace through the ease of understanding the Void. The void which is empty and yet holds all matter of possibility.
The Limb of Sharing Knowledge is a movement of the Bodhisattva or the person of peace to help another to gain access and insight to peace through hearing the words of our way. The speaker here has a voice that is able to soothe the soul, the heart and the mind and give relief to physical body of the listener. The gentle and harmonic voice of Peaceful Presence.
The Limb of Teaching Knowledge is a movement of the Bodhisattva or the person of peace to help another to gain access and insight to peace through education. Here the Teacher teaches our way through the Teachings that have been provided.
The Limb of Universal Secrets is a movement of the Bodhisattva or the person of peace to help another to gain access and insight to peace through Ceremonies which can produce a kind and gentle cooperative relationship with the Elements through Magic, Mystery and Miracle in Equanimity.
The Limb of Caution is a movement of the Bodhisattva or the person of peace to help another to gain access and insight to peace through the shrewd, scrupulous and strict self. Herc actions always come from the peaceful self of presence which honors self-control and self-discipline in JOY.
The Limb of Eternal Memory is a movement of the Bodhisattva or the person of peace to help another to gain access and insight to peace through seeing the past, present and future. Healing memories and providing new memories of great happiness and access to create one's own memories of happiness.
The Limb of Clairvoyance is a movement of the Bodhisattva or the person of peace to help another to gain access and insight to peace through accessing senses through time and space and providing options of peaceful change.
The Limb of Listening is a movement of the Bodhisattva or the person of peace to help another to gain access and insight to peace through the art of hearing what is being said by remembering the exact words, inflection and intention of the spoken word.
Blessings inloves Peaceful Ease,
- Each of you has an idea of teaching and or sharing our work and Way.
- Define in one paragraph "what that teaching or sharing is."
- Look to the 10 Limbs and decide where your teaching or sharing might best fit.
- Choose 3 Limbs which best suit your way of comprehension and ability to share.
- Your list of three options
- Your reasons, process, and assignment
My Dearest Community,
Sending to you some happiness. I hope that your time off is very joyful and that you are experiencing the beauty of this warm time of splendor.
Thank you Jane for keeping me updated while my computer was down this week. Up again©
I thank all of you for your clarity in your processes of consideration of the limbs. I am in deep consideration of how we will move forward here.
We are nearing the end of our "Passionate Passageways of Grace" Contemplation.
Wonderful. Look at how long you can stay steady, nice work.
I would like you to take some time and read through your work.
Consider the initial intention of the contemplation, Opportunities to awaken in awareness to Being Pleasant in our enlightened lives.
It would be of great value for you to find places, just a few where you found yourself embodied in this intention. Maybe you will want to write your summary in your contemplation book. We began this contemplation nearly a year ago.
When you worry about whether you can consistently embrace peaceful ease and wellness of mind, remember, you have developed a very strong muscle and synapse to do so. Very Good.
The new contemplation will begin within the next month.
In the mean time you may want to use your contemplation as a day by day, using the page as a reading.
Again blessings as you continue your quiet time off.
Inloves connection ingenerosity,
© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024