LSD: Passive Aggression

Dear Community,

Thank you for your timely posts and your deep considerations.

This week read others posts and really look at commonalities in your story and differences.

Where is passive aggression born?

Look at the guise of passive aggressive veils, list 5 ways of how the passive aggressive nature allows for violence of self and other.

How does passive aggressive violence take away the joy of others.
List 5 way of how your joy was taken away.
List five ways of how the joy of community was taken away.

due weekly post next wednesday

Inlove's trust,


Dear Friends,
We are gathering for the day

We hope that you come and visit with us. We look forward to sharing smiles and hugs and some food and refreshment. No real agenda, just family, friendship and food.

It has been a while, so let us take this opportunity to come together reacquaint and socialize. Our Friendship is important and we would like very much to greet with joy our circle and newly forming circles.

Send us a note if you want to join us or you can let one of the members know.

Please RSVP by November 1, 2017

Community Gathering Day

We the People of Peace gather in Celebration of Friendship

If you are interested in a private appointment with JiMi
please send a note to

[email protected]

Or let a community member know

Available appointment times

JiMi Tao -A Beauty Way

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024