LSD – Identification of Passive Aggression
Dear Community,
Complete and a letter to yourself, its title is: A LOVING HUMAN BEING.
The letter should include what you have learned,
how you are awakened to a kindness that embodies the warmth of comrade and group care and teamwork.
It should include a conversation about how you will and do honor kindness to yourselves and kindness to others.
It should speak firstly to how you recognized the frailty of self in fear and how you have developed a stand to honor moving in the direction of community in warm hearted Kindness.
As Bodhisattva's you must take on the Supreme Quality of the Bodhisattva, WARM HEARTED.
As you have been working with the Equitable quality of Kindness, to advance into the realm of beyond the cycle of death and dying, you must become warmhearted kindness in all of your dealings.
It will be important for you to examine your own supreme quality,
examine it through kindness
and then
examine it through warmhearted kindness.
To repeat patterns of dismissal is not only offensive and non virtuous it is detrimental to the health and well-being of self and group.
So it is that I STOP you here and save you from the repetition of cycles of destruction.
I say, you have come to the place of great healing and have completed a cycle.
The only things that are required are this..........
Immediate answer to the call. Whatever your dilemma state it. Let the chips fall where they may.
We are not an authoritarian community or way. If you see this pop up, speak to it. If you need help speaking to it, call on me.
Be willing to move forward in grace.
I hope I am clear. If there are those of you who wish to continue in the way of destruction, please contact me privately.
All this being said,
It doesn't mean that things won't bother us,
It doesn't mean that we won't at times feel insecure and scared or angry.
It does mean that there is the light of hope that guides us in becoming the highest potential of self and a sacred reflection of the warm hearted kindness we see and know in self and in other.
Our choice to be warmhearted kindness in the supreme quality of our lives does give us the opportunity to be healthier than we could ever know ourselves to be, this is why it is the way of virtue is without destructive behaviors that create violence within self and other.
May we decide to take the high road today and every day.
May we set aside the blame and shame that has carried the cycles of death and dying as important.
May we hold sacred the happiness that is the innate right of all beings.
May our beingness be a blessing of gratitude for all of creation.
May we honor the life of respect, courtesy and conduct that reflects the moral codes of warmhearted kindness.
May we please and be pleasing, and may we know the appreciation of love that we are.
Blessed be,
What stands between Freedom and Will?
This is the question that you will be working on this week.
We spoke about the path of Habit, Practice and Discipline.
These are important vehicles that help us to learn about how to exercise our freedom and Will and to come to a place where freedom and will become freewill.
So, it is important to develop a habit. A moral habit. A habit that brings you joy, that is an offering of goodness to self and others.
To develop a habit that is of moral content we must understand the importance of humility. We must learn to be humble. Humble requires us to be of the essence and essential self that recognizes that all that we know, we know little. So, I might claim to know and yet I must always hold a deeper and more open space in admission of my unknowing.
We must always be careful not to create discord by the things we might say in our euphoria of highest experience of self. We must always remember that our greatest pleasure is ours to experience and share as a pathway of joy and be careful that in our sharing we do not claim expertise. For expertise is like beauty, momentary and in the sensual experience of the one experiencing.
In this way of offering humility as a humble gateway, gratitude in Joy may exist for all and welcome others into the open arms of worthy and valuable rather than flawed and worthless or less than.
So let us this week practice in joy the habit of exercise in humility. That in our humble awakening we may light the light within and shine forth in strength and well-being. That all our inner lights may remember each other in humble grace and gratitude of belonging to each other.
© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024