Lessons with Serapis Bay

Serapis Bey is Chohan of the Fourth Ray, the white ray. Some fourth-ray qualities are Purity, Discipline, Joy, Hope and Excellence.

My master, Serapis Bey has walked with me, helping me to discern these qualities and gain mastery from Spiritual Earth to Spiritual Cosmos and vice versa. These are the teachings of Master Serapis Bey and my exploration in understanding through my personal lessons.

Master Bey is at times called the disciplinarian, as he is fierce in his determination to save souls from the self-destructive behaviors of self-indulgence, moving us upon our most efficient path of ascension. In my work with Master Serapis Bey, I have seen and experienced many miracles. He has also brought forth my own ability to clearly talk and experience my counsel members, such as Quan Yin, Mary Magdalene, and others. I welcome you to contact Master Serapis Bey should you wish to further your personal understanding and insight in the Spiritual Cosmos and Spiritual Earth.

Simply call upon him and he will appear, for he knows who you are by name. As a devotee of the Divine Mother, Master Serapis Bey works with her light to enlighten the fire of all souls. The energy supported by this enlightening is in the form of experiencing acceptance, using and living our earthly power, recognizing our being humanly divine, walking with all people in unity, integrating and accepting our natural Magic through Mystery and Miracle as consciousness becomes matter.

In gratitude, simplicity and adoration, my acknowledgements to my teacher and cosmic spiritual guide.

Willow Tequillo

Serapis Bey—
Let us SEE—open the mind third eye to Dream:

“From the Eternal Divine—Mother as mater, matter, particle = Earth, dirt, stardust = same-same.

Infusion of Spirit in the minute. The ‘minute’ into global or earth or universe mater, matter, Mother Earth, dirt stardust, particle, again same-same.

Separation by ‘force or less force,’ of gravity.
All communion.

Closer gravitational field = closer Harmonic Compassion. (Which leads to the idea – of you think that the universal matter forces are in more or less alignment to Co-Operation than the People of the Earth – remember people are all living things on this planet. This planet is living, therefore ALL things are in freewill participation.)

Eternity above is less dense than eternity below.

Mother Earth is young, moving through at this time the first complete cycle or New Formation.
All concentric circles of Mother Earth or the four worlds are merging in upon themselves at this Time in Eternity. All the Emotion of Formation is being blended into one force Of Love, getting ready to Re-Create and Co-Create with Divine Eternity of Love.

Liken this unto the individual who finds love with one’s self = Peace within and without. Then When Two Individuals have found Self as Self, and they then together see each other from within and without of their own clarity....... A new formation of Love is Born.

Liken this to the Divine Cosmos in the Eternity of All that Is – Divine Eternal Love is birthing the Beauty and Joy of Mother Earth in her Four Incarnations. Mother Earth, as she comes face to face with her Divine SELF, will re-emerge as the complete companion of Great Spirit. Great Spirit is experiencing the same, though the number of incarnations for Great Spirit is more vast than those of Mother Earth.

Yet remember that Star Dust, Mater, Mother is Eternal, both Mother and Spirit, a dual experience of ONE Divine InLove.

At this TIME IN ETERNITY, Each have embraced and witnessed Each as Whole Self, self as self, and other in self, and self in each other, therefore whole in personal identity and in full compassion of the other.

This is the Eternal Spiritual Cosmos as Mother – seeing self (Belonging) as one (star) part in the Universal Song of Spheres.

This is the Eternal Spiritual Earth as Mother – seeing self (Generosity) as the matter of the minute which makes up a part (star) of the Universal Song of Spheres.

One Being InLove with self – imbued and enlightened in the passion of seeing self in Great Spirit. The eternal abyss through Matter of soil or matter of particle, Infinity Eternal within and without.

One story told by Great Spirit; the same story told by Great Mother, each whole, each beauty, each joyful, each individual experience and expression of the same thing, ONE BEING INLOVE.
Knowing and re-creating, Co-creating self and self in Co-operation through Compassion. Choosing to know self as communion, belonging to One Life in ALL.


Thank you Master



First Ray - Red Ray - Root Chakra - Ascension and Initiations - Kundalini

Holds the ascension door open at the Temple of Ascension on the etheric level in Luxor, Egypt.

He was the Egyptian pharaoh Amenhotep III, c. 1417-1379 BC called "the Magnificent." He brought Egypt to its height of diplomatic prestige, prosperity, and peace. His extensive building of monuments, palaces and temples included construction of the temple of Luxor, which was built to correspond to the outline of the human skeletal framework. Careful studies of its architecture have revealed that the entire temple explains many secret functions of the organs and nerve centers.

Serapis was also embodied as Leonidas, king of Sparta. In about 480 B.C., with only three hundred soldiers, he resisted the advance of Xerxes' vast Persian army in a herculean effort at Thermopylae. Though finally defeated, their fight to the last man is celebrated in literature as the epitome of heroism in the face of overwhelming odds.

Serapis was embodied as a high priest in the ascension temple on Atlantis more than 11,500 years ago.

In the nineteenth century, Serapis Bey worked closely with El Morya, Kuthumi, Djwal Kul, and other Masters to found the Theosophical Society - Madame Blatvatsy.

Serapis Bey supposedly ascended in about 400 BC.

Saturday, March 20, 2004 9:00 am

Last night Master Serapis Bey along with Gabriel came to me. Gabriel came first and walked with me while I finished my chores and cleaned up my house. He said there would be a profound occurrence and that I was to take silence until Sunday night. I was to take no chemical into my body, but to detox, for the event would be a soul and body event.

Later before I went to bed, Serapis, though he told me it is Seripah Bey, came to me. I did not know him prior to this, but I have heard his name. Last summer an orchid was brought into my life, and I was inclined to name it Seriph. Then later I was told by the Council of Ancients that I come from a place called Seripah(? )and that this is where the Essenes come from.

I have been given some understanding in the last couple of months about masters.

I know that I have been going through the process of initiation and a Seer told me that the Ancient Ones told her that I was to help with the process of Ascension and that I have ascended many times. Before I was able to help, I needed a clear understanding of self. I do not claim to fully understand self, but I do have a willingness to look at every aspect of self in order to facilitate life and living at its fullest potential.

Dialogue with Master Seriph

Q - What do I call you?

A - Master

Q - How many masters are there in this universe?

A - More than you can imagine.

Q - Does everyone become a master?

A – No

Q - How does it happen?

A - Over many, many lifetimes.

Q - How do you know if you are a master?

A - Why do you ask such a question when there is no question in your mind?

Q - Because others who will read this will want to know and I thought that you would have the best answers.

A - One knows the essence of which they are born when one incarnates into this world. You knew at a very young age that you were called to live within the temple. You knew, and you could not leave, even when you saw that it was corrupt. You stayed, thinking that in some way you could change it to bring it back to its original source. But that was not possible because religion cannot hold God. Religion tries to define a moment of God in the space of eternity, tries to deny the changing, for God is always becoming more. Yet religion tries to make the changing unchanging, and it becomes stagnant and poisonous. This need to control events, stop growth, evokes power within the leaders, giving them a thinking that they are there to protect God. How ludicrous it is for a mortal, with mortal thoughts, to think that they know better than God how to protect. God needs no protection. God’s only desire is to fully experience himself through his creation. God wishes for his creation simply JOY and full awareness of his essence, Beauty.

Q - Does that mean that God is Beauty?

A - God is God. All in All. If beauty is the name that you would subscribe to God, then yes, but God is much more. This is not why we are here. These questions you can ask your council. You are here for another most important reason.

Q - Please tell me I am listening I am.

A - You have been in training now for 44 years of this earthly life. You have experienced many things in a short period of time. You did this of your own accord.

Q - I want to talk about my faults.

A - You are such a silly woman. Don’t you know that your faults don’t count, only your achievements? Faults only count on earth where the system is based in judgment. In eternity only the events which have helped your soul to remember and re-member have any bearing on your developments.

Q - So you are saying that if someone commits murder that there won’t be some awful punishment later?

A - Humans have such a warped way of looking at things. If someone commits a horrendous act or many horrendous acts, this is merely a measurement of that soul’s development. Soul’s purpose is to reunite with Source. For the closer we move to God, Source, Divine, EnSof, whatever you wish to call it, there is in fact a higher frequency vibration, and ‘everybody feels good’.

Back to your original questions--does everyone become a Master? The answer is no. Such beings (souls) who have forgotten the memory, have become so fragmented and separated by their own acts of turning away through their very use of their own freewill, have lived many lifetimes. The accumulation of such ‘muck’ has entered them as being a tar like substance. This is the same as the cigarette in the body. It holds on to the very organ which provides breath. This is the ultimate self-destruction. This is the state of the world at this time.

This is why I told you last night that that was your last cigarette. You had to come to the understanding of how the soul is in this tar for many people. Tar represents the many worlds that have come before. You say that there are four worlds prior to this incarnation of the human race. You tell of it in the inspired Mandala. I am here to tell you that there are many worlds. Many lessons and many times in eternity. You are here for a reason. The mandala work was given to you to help the people understand who they are and where they come from. Your life of mystical experience has been a difficult road as you have experienced ecstasy and emptiness. Now you come to this time of bringing all of your experiences together. Bring them together in a way that tells the story of the blue road and the red road. Do remember that blue and red make purple, and in purple all things live, for that is the color of Divine essence. It is the color from which you come. Remember when you were fourteen and you found that wonderful short outfit? It was purple and white, and you wore it feeling completely at home with it? Remembering who you are is essential to sharing your gift.

Q - How is it that the Essenes’ colors are purple and emerald?

A - The Essenes’ color is purple, the color of memory, and information is Emerald. That is why TwoHawks is in your life, because he comes from the source which holds the memory and brings the information to us. We are Essenes. Our purpose is to bring to humanity in special times in eternity: the Wisdom, Beauty, Hope, Faith and Truth. We are given at that time our Twin Flame to burn with us in the passion of our life purpose. It is a relationship of the flame. Orange and red and yellow and white. These are the colors which you will wear to represent the life which we share.

Q - Can an Essene wear a color other than purple?

A - Essenes are made up of all colors. We are the purest white and then a reflection of all. We are purple because our highest thoughts are those of the creator, source, EnSof, IEVE.

I want to talk with you about your attitude about life. You are here for a purpose. Your spending time in tar thinking is diminishing that light which flows through you and is causing this block in your back. Know this now, You are taken care of now and forever. You have never not been taken care of. Only when you have turned and not listened to your SELF have you become injured. So, stop with the I DON’T Know. You do know. Walk freely, willfully into the destiny of your Life. You have created great and beautiful dreams for yourself. Trust that you have prosperity and are prosperous. That is what I am here to tell you, Manifest anything you want, do and dare to do it, and when it comes, say, I knew I could. You could and can because your heart intention is to Know God through You. Would God, the Source of All life, want anything less for you than the Fullest Joy and Prosperity, Beauty and Hope?

God is Love, and when a child comes to the Father and says, father that I would have your arms around me, would he not stop and embrace the very essence of his body? This is the gift of Horas that TwoHawks has brought to you. How much more that he could hold you within his womb as mother and could give to you anything that you desire to make your life happy and whole and complete. For it is in your experiencing of your own Joy that the Father experiences his life and purpose. The embers must burn closely together in order for the fire to give off enough heat. So it is with the relationship between the Self and the Father.

So Willow, know yourself to be one with your maker. Know the divinity of your nature. Accept all gifts that are offered to you with a gentle kindness and thank you.

Do not disregard the compassion and heartfelt intention of another as if it were not good enough. But rather, in the gift that you receive, find the feeling in which it originated, and, with gratitude, hold it in your heart; honor the essence of the thought. Know that your father’s will is to fully provide for you. Father says, ‘I know your needs, but through your free will, tell me what you want.’ Then choose what you want. You say, I want a vehicle that transports me safely, securely, etc. Then so be it. It is done. You say that you want to be free of financial strain. Then so be it. It is done. All your needs are met. What you think you need will be given to you seven fold.

Think of Russ. Did he not give you so much more love and experience than you could ever think?

Q - Yes, but it was really difficult.

A - Yes, but it is not about the degree of difficulty. It is about the way in which you walked. And what of TwoHawks? Is he what you ever expected in a man?

Q - No, I would say that he is a greater gift than I ever expected.

A - That is because you did not expect it. You were simply walking in that which was set before you and it came to you. This is how it works with God. All things come in their time. Time is about living. It is the mother’s way of cycle. You just do what you are here to do and the rest will just happen.

Q - What is it that I am supposed to be doing?

A - First thing is, see worry passing from every cell of your body. See pain passing from every cell of your body. See shadow move from every cell of your body. You now let go of all memory of trauma, sadness, and fear from your life. You now let go of all expectations from your life. See it all passing through you and being given into the great cosmos. For it is from her that it can be transformed, it is not for you to direct this energy, for this is the work of the source from which it came. This is the work of Mother-EVE –
And now walk purposefully through your day.

11:11 AM
by Willow

Mighty beyond words is the flame of the Cosmic,
hanging in planes, unknown to man;
mighty and balanced, moving in Order,
music of harmonies, far beyond man.

Speaking with music, singing with color,
flame from the beginning of Eternity's ALL.
Spark of the flame art thou, O my children,
burning with color and living with music.
Listen to the voice and thou shalt be free.

[Emerald Tablets-Thoth Chapter III]

11:11 also represents the pillars - columns - on either side of a star gate that everyone on the planet will see, simultaneously, at the end of this 'cycle of time'. It is linked to the color blue - as a higher/faster moving frequency color. Our Earth experience in 3-D is on a slower frequency - red.

12:44 PM

Q - I am back.

A - Did you enjoy your free time?

Q – Yes

A - What did you do?

Q - I made some food, appreciating that I have plenty of food since I have been home now for a while without going to the store or town.

A - What did you learn in your time off?

Q - I remembered to be thankful that you helped me to clean my house last night so that I could spend time with you. I was grateful that I like simple food and I appreciated myself, that I would prepare something tasty for myself whereas in the past I would worry and quandary over food. It was taking care of myself and liking it. It was good. I then went outside and looked at the beautiful rose bud tree. There are three right off the front porch. They are just blooming, and just this morning, the tiniest of sweet leaves are breaking through. The trees are just beautiful. The bees really appreciate it.

A - You have a question for me.

Q - Yes. I am sitting here in my chair looking out the window and I see a beautiful bunch of purple wildflowers. And I grasp their essence with my whole self as if they are a part of my very being. I experience this wonderful sense of what we call unity, and yet that is such a small word in relationship to what it really is. Well, then I wonder, what is the more virtuous act:

One who walks by and never sees the beauty?

Or the one who sees the beauty and believes that it is created for him/her?

I have come to an understanding that the most virtuous act is the one who has no ownership, attachment or expectation. The one who simply knows the flower to be a flower in its fullest potential and sees self as the vessel that adores and cherishes the very beauty of life. The flower, being a part of that life, is simply the greatest manifestation of creator in that form. Just as the being who observes is the greatest manifestation of that creation, and so on....

Virtue defined: Light that becomes part of either intelligent activity or of manifested energy becomes virtue. (1Life’s Hidden Meaning: Niles MacFlouer, pg. 674)

A - You ask me to speak of judgment. The source of all life is the source of life. If one is distracted, then the potential to use that experience is lost to such a one. This distraction is a missed opportunity for soul growth. One who sees beauty and owns it as its own is very much like the child whom the Master Jesus taught. Be like a child. Be in wonder like a child. Know that all gifts are there for you to further your happiness. As much as one appreciates the simplest grace, that grace is manifested 7-10 times in that being.

So it is when one reaches the vibration-al level of knowing unity (yt-in-u=Christ in you). Knowing is a matter of experiencing one’s fullest awareness, as TwoHawks says. When one comes into knowing, then this is when one, rather than walking toward or away from Divine Source, understands that it is not about to or from. But rather, Divine Source is every where, no where and now here. All in All. When one is enveloped in the Beauty, then ONENESS is KNOWN.

Seek out the Beauty in your life, and gratefulness will enter your heart. When one sings in unity with all beings the song of Gratefulness (check out the music of the Grateful dead) ---- Great Joy is Known throughout eternity. You are beings which have great capacity to bring light into the Universe. Take hold of your Being; embrace your sacredness; know yourself as that which you are and always have been, the fullest potential of God manifested in you. This is when virtue is created at its fullest potential and is a benefit for the fuller consciousness for all.

This is what the Master Jesus taught. It was when he fully knew himself that he ascended. Jesus taught in his life the idea of resurrection, Life after coming out of the desert, and pointed to ascension. His life was the act of ascension.

PAY ATTENTION: THIS IS YOUR MISSION: You are to teach humans how to ascend.

Q - What is ascension? I have my own ideas about it, but I want to hear from you what it is.

A - You know because you live it every day and always have. You have gone through the steps of ascension on every level of being. Why do you think that you have had so many experiences in your life? You have lived a full life, experienced that which has been, joyful, painful, difficult, easy. You have had people and structure make decisions for you and you have fully examined why you followed those structures. You have seen those born and those die. You have helped in the process of changing peoples’ lives and made choices which have been difficult, and you have experienced the consequences of those choices. But you made the choice and never sat on the fence. You have been passionate about your life, and because of this way of living, you have come to a place in your time of living to teach Ascension.

Take a break and we will come back to Ascension: 1:26 PM - 2:19 PM

A - What have you been doing?

Q - Reading about Masters and Ascended Masters and Monads.

Then I came across Philippians 4:1-9 Joy in giving. It is very beautiful.

A - That is the key to Ascension. We will talk about it. First, Define the key characters and aspects of the intention of this reading.

Q - Okay.

Philippians 4: 1-9 Joy in giving.

I urge Euodia and I urge Syntyche to be of the same mind in the Lord. Yes and I ask you also, my loyal companion, help these women, for they have struggled beside me in the work of the gospel, together with Clement and the rest of my co-workers, whose names are in the book of life.

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. Let your gentleness be known to everyone. The Lord is near. Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Finally, beloved, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Keep on doing the things that you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, and the God of peace will be with you.

Euodia: Defined- (Gk) Prosperous journey, prosperous course; good journey,fragrant; sweet scented.
Meta: The soul aspiring to that which is spiritual and high, to abundant good (fragrant and sweet-scented refer to the sense of smell; smelling stands for aspiration in consciousness.) (2 Metaphysical Dictionary, pg. 210)

Syntyche: Defined- (Gk) To meet; come in contact with; accident; fortunate, chance; fate.
Meta: Euodia signifies aspiration, the soul’s aspiring after that which is spiritual and good. Syntyche (fortunate, accident, fate) is a phase of the soul that is in close touch with the Euodia state of thought, which is aspiring after the highest and best but has not yet become fully awakened to the fact that everything comes about according to divine law, that we all make our own fate, and that nothing just happens. (3 Metaphysical Dictionary, pg. 636)

Clement: Defined- (Latin from Gk) Tender; merciful; mild, kind.
Meta: The gentle, soothing, releasing (tender, merciful, mild, kind) quality of the in its calming, equalizing, healing activities in the consciousness. (Paul, in his missionary work, represents the word of Truth in its ministry to the whole of man’s being.) (4 Metaphysical Dictionary, pg. 153)

Christ: Defined- (Gk) anointed; the anointed; the Messiah.
Meta: Christ is the divine-idea of man. Jesus is the name that represents an individual expression of the Christ idea. ...........Christ is the only begotten Son of God, or the one complete idea of perfect man in Divine Mind. He is the embodiment of all divine ideas, such as intelligence, life, love, substance, and strength. In the architect’s mind there may be one masterpiece, but that masterpiece is the sum of all the beautiful ideas that have come to his mind…(5 Metaphysical Dictionary, pg. 150)

Prayer: Defined: Meta: Communion between man and God. In true prayer we take with us words of Truth, a statement of Truth, or an affirmation, and turn our attention within to the very center of our being, where the Father dwells. WE affirm these words of Truth and meditate on them, then get very still within the silence for God to make them real to us. Prayer can be defined in many ways. It can be said to the “the taking hold of God’s willingness.” Jesus Christ forbade all prayers of doubt, but said, “All things whatsoever ye pray and ask for, believe that ye received them” (Mark 11-24) and “Your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.

To one in understanding of Truth, prayer is an affirmation of that which is in Being. Then, why the necessity of the prayer, or affirmation, if the desired condition already is? In order that the creative law of the word may be fulfilled, we must pray. All things are in God potentialities. It is man’s share in the creative process to bring the unmanifested into the manifested. Through prayer we develop the highest phase of character, and it softens and refines the whole man. Prayer is not a supplication, or begging, but a simple asking for, and affirmation of, what is waiting for us at the hands of our Father.... (6 Metaphysical Dictionary, pg. 150)

Supplication: Defined: refers to the act of kneeling down. Laying down of the mat. Position of relationship.

A - As I said that is the key to Ascension. We will talk about it.

First understand that there are two aspects of ascension. Just as there is the dual relationship in all things, there is a dual relationship in Ascension. Many religions have been set up to teach this, though they get stuck in the first awareness. Let us look at the main characters in this reading that we are examining in order to have a point of reference to study, so that we are very clear on what we are teaching.

First aspect of Ascension requires the Euodia, the soul aspiring to that which is spiritual and high, to abundant good (fragrant…). A Will of the individual soul to be present in Being.

Secondly, we meet Syntyche (fortunate, accident, fate) a phase of the soul that is in close touch with the Euodia state of thought, which is aspiring after the highest and best but has not yet become fully awakened to the fact that everything comes about according to divine law, that we all make our own fate, and that nothing just happens.

When one comes to the understanding of one’s freewill, ah, a light goes on and one is brought back to supplication as defined above. Brought back to the knees or laying down of the mat. For then one understands that there is a divine law. And that divine law has at its helm (head) mind, or thought, only one thing: To create, to fulfill and to provide. And in this divine law is the law of intercession with permission. Availability, but you have to ask for it. You see in your definition of prayer this is a most important concept. Think about this and teach it.

For prayer requires a number of understandings:

  • Requires the understanding that creator is abundant, and life is abundant, and all is there for you.
  • Requires Truth.
  • Silence and inward reflection and stillness.
  • Understanding of one’s personal participation in the process of creation and manifestation.
  • And that this is the very will of God.

Let us talk first about Freewill and God’s will. Freewill is the gift of the Creator of self-expression. Its intention is love and sharing, knowing and beauty. It is simple, when one is in knowing as described above, and again for clarity--full active awareness and participation of the heart and its intention in action with a specific event--this is knowing.

Self-expression of freewill is open to fully experience self. Stages of growth take place. Such as we discussed earlier, there are many worlds. You say that there are 4 and we are in the fifth, and when we ascend we will come into the 6th , and shortly thereafter 7th. Actually 5th, 6th and 7th are the 8, 9, 10 or new directions in the Dance of Life and in the MER*KA*BA. Rick can work this out more clearly for you, but here it is.

Philippians 4: 1-9 Joy in giving.

I urge Euodia and I urge Syntyche to be of the same mind in the Lord. Yes and I ask you also, my loyal companion, help these women, for they have struggled beside me in the work of the gospel, together with Clement and the rest of my co-workers, whose names are in the book of life.

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. Let your gentleness be known to everyone. The Lord is near. Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Finally, beloved, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Keep on doing the things that you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, and the God of peace will be with you.

Euodia: Defined- (Gk) Prosperous journey, prosperous course; good journey,fragrant; sweet scented.
Meta: The soul aspiring to that which is spiritual and high, to abundant good (fragrant and sweet-scented refer to the sense of smell; smelling stands for aspiration in consciousness.) (2 Metaphysical Dictionary, pg. 210)

Syntyche: Defined- (Gk) To meet; come in contact with; accident; fortunate, chance; fate.
Meta: Euodia signifies aspiration, the soul’s aspiring after that which is spiritual and good. Syntyche (fortunate, accident, fate) is a phase of the soul that is in close touch with the Euodia state of thought, which is aspiring after the highest and best but has not yet become fully awakened to the fact that everything comes about according to divine law, that we all make our own fate, and that nothing just happens. (3 Metaphysical Dictionary, pg. 636)

Clement: Defined- (Latin from Gk) Tender; merciful; mild, kind.
Meta: The gentle, soothing, releasing (tender, merciful, mild, kind) quality of the in its calming, equalizing, healing activities in the consciousness. (Paul, in his missionary work, represents the word of Truth in its ministry to the whole of man’s being.) (4 Metaphysical Dictionary, pg. 153)

Christ: Defined- (Gk) anointed; the anointed; the Messiah.
Meta: Christ is the divine-idea of man. Jesus is the name that represents an individual expression of the Christ idea. ...........Christ is the only begotten Son of God, or the one complete idea of perfect man in Divine Mind. He is the embodiment of all divine ideas, such as intelligence, life, love, substance, and strength. In the architect’s mind there may be one masterpiece, but that masterpiece is the sum of all the beautiful ideas that have come to his mind…(5 Metaphysical Dictionary, pg. 150)

Prayer: Defined: Meta: Communion between man and God. In true prayer we take with us words of Truth, a statement of Truth, or an affirmation, and turn our attention within to the very center of our being, where the Father dwells. WE affirm these words of Truth and meditate on them, then get very still within the silence for God to make them real to us. Prayer can be defined in many ways. It can be said to the “the taking hold of God’s willingness.” Jesus Christ forbade all prayers of doubt, but said, “All things whatsoever ye pray and ask for, believe that ye received them” (Mark 11-24) and “Your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.

To one in understanding of Truth, prayer is an affirmation of that which is in Being. Then, why the necessity of the prayer, or affirmation, if the desired condition already is? In order that the creative law of the word may be fulfilled, we must pray. All things are in God potentialities. It is man’s share in the creative process to bring the unmanifested into the manifested. Through prayer we develop the highest phase of character, and it softens and refines the whole man. Prayer is not a supplication, or begging, but a simple asking for, and affirmation of, what is waiting for us at the hands of our Father.... (6 Metaphysical Dictionary, pg. 150)

Supplication: Defined: refers to the act of kneeling down. Laying down of the mat. Position of relationship.

A - As I said that is the key to Ascension. We will talk about it.

First understand that there are two aspects of ascension. Just as there is the dual relationship in all things, there is a dual relationship in Ascension. Many religions have been set up to teach this, though they get stuck in the first awareness. Let us look at the main characters in this reading that we are examining in order to have a point of reference to study, so that we are very clear on what we are teaching.

First aspect of Ascension requires the Euodia, the soul aspiring to that which is spiritual and high, to abundant good (fragrant…). A Will of the individual soul to be present in Being.

Secondly, we meet Syntyche (fortunate, accident, fate) a phase of the soul that is in close touch with the Euodia state of thought, which is aspiring after the highest and best but has not yet become fully awakened to the fact that everything comes about according to divine law, that we all make our own fate, and that nothing just happens.

When one comes to the understanding of one’s freewill, ah, a light goes on and one is brought back to supplication as defined above. Brought back to the knees or laying down of the mat. For then one understands that there is a divine law. And that divine law has at its helm (head) mind, or thought, only one thing: To create, to fulfill and to provide. And in this divine law is the law of intercession with permission. Availability, but you have to ask for it. You see in your definition of prayer this is a most important concept. Think about this and teach it.

For prayer requires a number of understandings:

  • Requires the understanding that creator is abundant, and life is abundant, and all is there for you.
  • Requires Truth.
  • Silence and inward reflection and stillness.
  • Understanding of one’s personal participation in the process of creation and manifestation.
  • And that this is the very will of God.

Let us talk first about Freewill and God’s will. Freewill is the gift of the Creator of self-expression. Its intention is love and sharing, knowing and beauty. It is simple, when one is in knowing as described above, and again for clarity--full active awareness and participation of the heart and its intention in action with a specific event--this is knowing.

Self-expression of freewill is open to fully experience self. Stages of growth take place. Such as we discussed earlier, there are many worlds. You say that there are 4 and we are in the fifth, and when we ascend we will come into the 6th , and shortly thereafter 7th. Actually 5th, 6th and 7th are the 8, 9, 10 or new directions in the Dance of Life and in the MER*KA*BA. Rick can work this out more clearly for you, but here it is.

First awareness in regard to freewill. We will discuss in general freewill so as to encompass those with a greater understanding and those with a limited understanding. For the understanding is important to the whole on every level.

Freewill is the gift given by the creator to enhance full understanding of self and all that it encompasses, what you call good and bad. There is no such thing as good and bad, in the whole understanding. It is just that the creation of virtue through freewill is very beneficial in the whole coming into fuller awareness of God, Creator, Great Spirit, Source, EnSof.

There are two ways in which Virtue can benefit. First it relates to the question you asked earlier about the flowers and who is more virtuous. As I said, it is the degree of understanding of self.

  • There is no virtue in the one who walks past the beauty and does not see it. Even the blind can sense the beauty. But there also is no negative Karma either--it is what it is.

  • There is no virtue in those who would attempt to describe the scent of a flower, but have not taken the opportunity for which to know the beauty. There are many reasons that a person such as this purports to know. These reasons all stem from fear.... That sense of judgment placed upon self, by self, and reflected in relationships, always the reflection of the lesson to be learned. But humans get caught up in blame, ‘you did this or that,’ when, in essence, self has created the scenario to reflect back in physical form that which is not being seen on the level of the personality’s ego and soul. There is negative Karma attached, for there is a deliberate act of deceit involved.

  • There is a degree of virtue in one who claims beauty for self. For it is in the knowing of the self that one is able to identify with beauty and inner identification creates virtue. Such as one who smells the flower. The one who places the flower up to their nose and inhales, in most cases, can tell through sense what this flower smells like. The whole is always benefited by Virtue which is created. The degree of virtue which is created varies by intention.

  • Then there is the virtue manifested by right relationship to Oneness. This involves a discussion on Unconditional Love which is the highest form of Virtue and what brings the whole awareness into right relation with God, Source, EnSof. It is DIVINE – Divine- DIVINE, which then expands on both ends, for all becomes more.

Q – Yesterday.... and I were in conversation.... said something about being in right relation. He described a person dying on the side of the road and the personal choice one might make not to help, and this as being in right relation. He suggested that if he did not ‘feel’ compelled to help, then to help would be helping out of a sense of duty rather than out of desire. How does this relate to virtue?

A - This question brings us to the second part of Ascension.

Let us first examine the degree of compelling. If a person sees a person on the side of the road and makes a decision to help or not help, there is a compelling whether it be very slight or enormous.

Q - Point taken.

A - Secondly, until one can see and understand the value and benefit of SELF(High) which is always in direct right relationship with Source with and between Self (lower which is personality incarnated upon the earth plane), one does not know, like smelling the flower, unconditional love. One can guess, one can read about it, one can practice all that they think it means. But one cannot KNOW unconditional love until one can love self, make choices for self and the well-being of self. So, in this degree, Eric and Rick are correct. One must first understand, experience the freedom in choosing what and who to love. Acknowledge though that this being is still working from its lower form or chakras. But this understanding must be attained for one to then one can get to the next level of ascension. That may sound a little harsh to you Willow, but it is true.

Now there is an exception. There are those who incarnate on the earth plane in a more progressed state but lack the memory of living outside of community, i.e., they have forgotten the value of self. This is different than never knowing the benefit of self, they have simply forgotten that this is an important aspect of being human. They give unconditionally as part of their nature and development over many lifetimes. These beings have the experience of the lesson in a different way. They have experienced ascension in past lives and practice remembering, but they too have lost memory. They enter into the earthly incarnation with memories of who they are, but they are unable to take care of self because they have forgotten the value of personal freedom, wants and desires. They only have memory of the whole. For them it is a matter of re-membering the value of the physical body and self away from the whole. RE-membering that taking care of self is just as important as taking care of the whole. Hard choices have to be made because of the sense that this being understands about its relationship to all things. Here this individual must come to respect the individual aspect of being a being human.

The marriage of the self and self and Self and SELF.

Take a nap and think about this.

3:19 PM-4:22 PM

Q - I am back.

A - How was your nap? What did you learn?

Q - I learned that there are degrees of giving and receiving.

A - Tell me.

Q - I learned that in one scenario, a person could be one who has reincarnated and is having the dilemma of how to provide for self because his past life, self-talk or his remembering that serving the highest good of the group produces the most virtue. But when one incarnates here on this earth and does not take responsibility for self-care, then there is little virtue gained by the whole because this one is in constant struggle with self, and as selfless as this person hopes to become, he is stuck in self and serving no one but self. This is then the reflection, and the heart aches for the dismissing of life and its value as an individual being that he is created to be. Therefore, this lifetime could be wasted until a clear understanding is gained about the virtue of beauty, gratification which stems from gratitude, love, and joy.

A - First of all consider that each quality that exists has the base quality of Love. Therefore, when you say beauty, gratitude and love and joy, what you are really speaking to is the twin flame of each essence. Beauty/Love; gratitude/love, joy/love, etc. Fully know this. It is the essence of all life. It is the essence of Truth. It is the essence of faith.

For example: Full virtue is experienced when one knows something;

I know that when I smell this violet that the fragrance is this. This is knowing.

Now Let us get back on the subject of Freewill and Ascension. This is true what you say, there are many things to consider about the state of each being and their choices in their incarnation. We can be general though, and this is certainly a point to consider. Also remember that there are great beings who incarnate, sacrificing human form in order to allow another to have the experience of giving. There is great virtue in this.

Q - What of the being who incarnates with a certain message to bring to the world? What happens if this person is caught up in their own unworthiness and the message is not given?

A - This is a very good question, especially considering this ‘time in eternity.’ There are those who are incarnated at this time to bring a message. They are commissioned to participate in very valuable ways, not to say that all are not valuable. The difference is that these beings have incarnated on earth for a specific purpose. Liken this to the director of program becoming ill. The next in command would take over. The gifts and benefit that the director has as contribution will not be experienced. Does the thing fall apart? Life is not contingent upon one human being. Fullest universal expression is contingent upon fullest participation of the whole. That is all. As TwoHawks would say, “It is what it is.”

For further understanding of the plight and dilemma which face these higher frequency beings, their multi-dimensional thinking and understanding, it is often most difficult for these beings because of their relationship and understanding of Higher Law. Also, the idea of manifesting for self is in direct opposition to inner belief. This is the confusion which this being faces. You see, in the awareness of Unconditional Love, all acts are in consideration of the Whole. This is the process. These beings have spent lifetimes in this space, having gone through the stages and process of awareness to this point. In every incarnation, memories are fuzzy. Be clear; once this soul remembers the value of self and whole, manifestation occurs in multi-dimensional forms and with great force. For this is the energy that has been held back. In this most enlightened being much virtue can manifest for the whole.

The Higher Law has not yet become manifest in most people on the earth today, the law and societal rules dictated by the lower frequency beings is prevalent. Greater disturbance for the being which resonates on the higher frequencies is experienced. Their thinking is often judged by the popular as being considered crazy or unorthodox, which is reality in lower frequency beings.

The dilemma is twofold:

The second level being, or the being which resonates on the higher vibration, must work extra hard in remembering. Remembering the process of the human being. This is your work Willow. You will write about the evolution of the human being in relationship to the evolution of humankind, on a mind, body, Soul level. You will speak to the stages of creation, duality of creation and creator, being and being-ness, and so forth. Your work, your life work on human nature, will be your work. Write it, paint it, teach it, and tell it in story. The human being today must come into full awareness of who they are, where they live, and why they are there. When they know this, they can then come to the understanding and knowing of unconditional love and ascension.

Q - So I am here to create a story about living as a Humanly-Divine Being?

A - Yes. And you are to teach both the lower frequencies and the higher frequencies.

Q - That sounds like a big work.

A - It is, and you are guided and held by your Soul Group, and you are surrounded by your Soul group. Always have been, always will be.

Q - How is it that you know so much about my life?

A - I was there when you were born, before and after your incarnations. I am always here.

Q - What of TwoHawks? Who is he?

A - I already told you, he is your twin flame. Have an awareness that the need to have someone in your life is not the purpose for having someone in your life. One such as he has been brought into your life as a gift to you. Carry it as precious in the experience, for all things of this earth are perishable. You most of all know this. Remember to teach that when one Loves, it is not the love that they hold on to, but it is the love which moves through, always changing and experiencing itself as something new and creative. To you I give the blessing of Creativity in all you do and all you touch, for it is in the Womb of Creativity that all “Matter of Spirit” becomes fully manifest. Enjoy this gift fully. Experience it with every breath of your being. Create and create and Create and may the Beauty of all Life Flow through you as Love itself resides in and through you and nurtures your very being. You are loved, Willow.

Take a while to yourself: when we return we will speak of Unconditional Love. The higher frequency being. Then tomorrow we will discuss these two aspects and how you will teach them.

5:12 PM-7:26:12 PM

Q - I am back....

A - Good. What did you learn?

Q - I learned that my daughter is on a really good soul journey. I learned that a fly can be really persistent until it gets its message across. Like, this fly was pestering me for a long time. Then I stopped and it flew very close to me, and I felt the movement of the force of air that it had. I recognized it, then it left. Gee, I could have done that in the beginning. I guess that is a lesson about lessons.

A - Yes. Now let us talk about unconditional love. What it is, and who can give it, and to what degree.

WE will call the two-- Lower frequency beings and Higher frequency beings.

Lower frequency beings are those beings who are here mostly to learn about just being nice, doing what is beneficial to the whole, even considering the whole. These beings have not ascended in past life but are still working through negative karma and trying to reach a place of knowing that they are a part of something. These are third chakra beings. They use their freewill intentions for the betterment of self without consideration of effect or virtue on the rest of the world. The world today is made up mostly of these beings, though there is a great shift in consciousness, and, as these come into awareness of their relationship and love for the tribe, or second chakra, a marriage will occur. Then they can move up through the heart (fourth) to fifth chakra, etc. Until this awareness takes place, this lower frequency being will continue to search for and move away from the inklings and nudging of the soul. Always in an inner debate of whether to give up that addiction, until the soul refuses to take no for an answer, and brokenness occurs. When the lower frequency being hears the song of the angels, they are reawakened. It is on this vibration that the higher frequency being must hold ground for the fluctuation in wave movement wave.

Let us consider the idea of Giving without Reservation:

The lower frequency beings are able to love self, they are able to give love, but they resist and often times dismiss the notion of giving without reservation. They are afraid that in giving, something will be taken from them. They live in a space of scarcity. Remember, virtue is based upon one’s intention. A person who lives in fear of losing while they are giving has the intention of holding and not changing. Locking down, binding........ there is no virtue in this idea. Here is the origin and the manifestation of scarcity. Only look at the earth today and see all the people ‘without’. This is the Group Conscious manifestation of scarcity. You know about this idea and the problems. It is an important concept that must be clearly understood by all beings. You create what you think. If you think scarcity, that is what you manifest.

*** Let us be clear that we are speaking to the next level of intention, which is different from the example that we stated earlier. Also, let us be clear that there is no “middle of the road” when referring to intention.

Let us take the higher frequency being who also resists the notion of giving without reservation. This person is one who resists because of feeling unworthy to give. Many High Frequency beings live as prostitutes because of this very thought pattern. The intention might be to help, but this one is caught up in considerations of self-worth. These are just two considerations.

Q - Is there virtue in either?

A - Surprisingly for you, the virtue would be in the first example. For the first makes a conscious choice and has the intention of living choice. Choice is using the gift of freewill, which then equals appreciation. Acts of appreciation are virtuous.

What of the one who sits and does nothing but ponder whether or not to make a move? There is no living going on, the choice of ‘no’ choice is the choice to accept a gift without gratitude or acknowledgement. This is turning away from source. Unworthiness, self-defamation are unwelcome and returned to their source of thinking, for they enhance no life. In fact, it devalues. It would be like being given the gift of food but rather than come into the home and sit at table, one would rather stand outside, bowels churning with starvation, than believe that they are loved enough to be provided for.

And there is the selfless person who makes the decision not to help because they are not in right relation with self. There is virtue here, knowing a need and then choosing not to help, the virtue come in the intention. The choice to care for self is very important and has virtue. Also, the acknowledgment of a need has virtue.

Teach this Willow---------Tell them: Take a Chance. It doesn’t matter that you fail or succeed.......... but that you tried and that you loved while you tried. Just take a chance.

Q - What is the relationship with Unconditional love and the capacity to give and receive?

A - As you can see, the lower frequency being is unable to love unconditionally (i.e.. loving without an expectation from that which is receiving love, giving back or having the capacity to give anything in return.)

Let us go back to the dying man on the street. Here are a couple of different scenarios: WE spoke of where the intention originates, and that the one who makes a conscious choice does produce virtue because of the decision to use the gift of choice. Here we are speaking to “walking by verses not walking by.” By the way, the decision not to help in and of itself, produces no virtue.

  • The lower frequency being who is working in selfish intention might walk on by making a choice not to help because that is who they are. I don’t owe anything to anyone, that is a conscious choice. There is no virtue.

  • The SelfLess being might make the decision not to help because they are not in right relation with self.

  • The Higher frequency Self-Aware being has a relationship and honoring of meeting self, and therefore understands and journeys in the notion that what I do for self - I do for others and what I do for others - I do for self. There is virtue here, and acts of Unconditional Love directly support the growth of the highest intention. Whether to help or not help is not the consideration, this being would help if there were the capacity to do so, this is the intention. There is virtue.

Also: There is no conflict in duty, for there is nothing wrong with duty. There is virtue in duty. There is no virtue in obligation, which I think your friend was talking about. The misunderstanding comes from the “I should, I could” attitude and self-judgment. Willow be aware of this......... When someone tells you that they do not judge and they use words like ‘I should’ or ‘I could,’ be aware that is judgment.

Let us speak to this.

Qualities of Unconditional Love:

  • Loving without expectation or judgment.
  • Living presently in mission.
  • Living in presence of giving and receiving--it is being fully, experiencing fully,and knowing fully that all is here.
  • Holding a stone and saying thank you for being you.
  • Saying to self, thank you for being me.
  • Holding a thought or a prayer in your heart for those you love and those you don’t like.
  • Accepting the role of your being, and accepting that you are worthy.
  • Your source is unconditional no matter what you believe.
  • Service in the intention of all Oneness.
  • Recognizing the gift and loving it in gratitude and joy.
  • Knowing Beauty in the ugly.
  • Embracing the leper. For the leper is only a reflection of our soul relationship with self.
  • Forgiving and seeking forgiveness.
  • Reconciliation and renewal.
  • Walking the path of hardship and establishing faith.
  • Learning to experience hardship as a matter of a measuring stick without attachment to pain. For hardship is an event. When events are brought from the mind to the heart, then responded to in balanced emotion, this is unconditional love. For then one can say, I love living my life with both pain and joy, just the same, for both are but of Love. And love is Unconditional.

So walk now in Joy and Beauty, Willow. Know that you are held and rocked and Loved. Teach Love, for you are a Master. See you tomorrow. 8:37:31 PM

A - I thought that I said, ‘see you tomorrow.” You are back.

Q - I smoked.

A- I know. The question is, “What did you learn?”

Q - A couple of things.

  1. I learned that the topic is freewill and our allowance for others to have freewill. Our not imposing upon the choice and development of another human being. All things have freewill.

The will of God.

The will of the individual, be it any being.

The will of the plant and earth.

The will of the elements.

The will of the seasons and cycles.

The will of the planets, moons, stars, and suns.

The will of the essences

The will of God


  1. This also has to do with the idea that all things have free will. This is the teaching of the Buddha. Example: Last night I looked at a leaf on the branch of a budding tree. I was thinking about access and my will to create. I placed my energy on the leaf on the branch of the tree. And it began to grow. Then this afternoon I was looking at the leaf and it was the only one which stopped growing. New leaves everywhere except the leaf. But then something else happened, I moved my heart space into the leaf, and I cherished the existence of the tree and branch and leaf.... And the branch alone shook. Literally in the midst of stillness and surrounded by other branches, this branch alone shook. Then I thought, I am making this branch move, but it became still. Then I placed in my heart adoring the beauty of the tree, branch and leaf, and again the branch shook.

  2. Then tonight I am outside and I hear Freewill. And I think about why I am smoking when you told me not to. And I clearly began to understand Unconditional love. It is about giving and receiving. But first it is about receiving. Because we learn the nature of giving by having the experience of receiving. One who has not received love as a child unconditionally by someone......... does not know how to give unconditionally. And the one who received so much attention without the giver being conscious that they could be imposing their will on another, also has problems in their ability to process the understanding of unconditional love.

  3. So it is in living and dreaming. One must be very careful with thoughts because thoughts by emotion are very powerful. And these unwelcome thoughts can hinder another’s growth, and this is the most detrimental. In at least one great spiritual community it is known that there is only one sin--that is taking away another’s JOY. The ways that we take another’s Joy is by placing our will upon them. This is enslavement.

  4. This is why we strive to BE.......... because in full awareness of Being, we understand that only when we live our lives fully, with the full spectrum of Divine Light moving in and through us....... only then do we come into full experience of divine intention.

  5. This is important because any time that we are outside of ourselves, we impose ourselves (our will) upon another. Outside of ourselves is “ever doing anything without conscious thoughtfulness”. Whether that be physically, mentally, or emotionally. Our thoughts, which are actions in the spirit, are the vehicles of the matrix. When I was outside, you showed me the feeling of the spirit of thought. I was surprised at the weight of it. It looked like gray matter.

A - It is gray matter, brain stuff. Yes, let’s talk about will and its varying relationships.

There is the Will of God.

We often ask ourselves, “What is the will of God?”

This is an incorrect use of personal will. We do not presume upon God. (Clarification on this matter. God is there at all times for you, as I said before. But we are now talking about the Higher Frequency Being.) Before you come to God, lay down your mat, create your space, enter into silence the holy temple. Holy Temple is that space within the deepest within. It is that place between the breath. It is there that we fully know the relationship with Divine. The connection to the source is both giving and receiving. It is here that freely we open up to the center of light. Willingly we fall into the void, lifting all things up and releasing them back to their source. Freedom surrounds you and you move with the universe, you resonate on every level. This is unconditional love. The fullest acceptance in giving and receiving. And it is in this place that we learn Trust. For it is here in this moment of Surrender that all sensations in every body resonate with color, vibration, and harmony. It is here that the greatest orgasm ever occurred. It is divine self uniting with divine. And it is here that we experience once again that meeting between I-Eve. And the rhythm continues to resonate on this earth in every being, in every way, world after world after world...............

We are the product of a great love affair. The greatest Joy of the Maker is to see the fullest manifestation of all that his Spirit moves through. Just remember that his spirit moves through everything and everyone. There is no limitation or expectation of his love. This is the giver and the receiver, for God is open to receive us where we are. One great lesson of this unconditional love is the lesson that God does not impose upon anything or anyone for that would be imposing upon the Freewill.

Horas shoots forth his seed. This is the letting go.

Hathor receives, accepts this seed, and again, as she is the very same as Horas, she allows the seed to take root and become all that it can be. This is unconditional love. Allowing another to “be all that they can be” and “seeing in them more than they see in themselves” -- a couple of good sayings of your time.

The essence of Unconditional love in relationship to Divine Nature is to understand Freewill.


  • The nature of God is Unconditional Love.
  • The nature of Love is Freewill.
  • The nature of Freewill, is Conscious Thoughtfulness.
  • The nature of Conscious Thoughtfulness is the examination of thought.
  • The nature of Conscious Thought is the full awareness of where Will is residing or intention.
  • The nature of intention is understanding truth.
  • This is Wisdom.
  • These are the lessons of the I Am. Feelings through the senses. Examination of Qualities. Centering and balancing, and Where Do I live?

These are all lessons. For the lower frequency being they will be about learning to feel and understanding where in the bodies these are felt.

In the higher frequency beings these lessons will be about conscious choice--How to examine where my conscious choice is coming from. Is my conscious choice imposing or am I being welcomed to participate? Am I openly participating or am I holding something back? If I am holding back, then what does it feel like? Where does it live in my mind, body, soul?

This is where intention comes in. Yes, everyone can have prosperity and access. But look again at the story of the leaf. It is the wise one who remembers that we are here to create virtue for the whole. It is here that we come to silence, holding our will within our hearts with growing expansion, sharing itself with all, for this is all it can do,,, it is pure spirit and spirit can only shoot forth with pure intention, to create. It is here that we reside. This is the promise of ascension, ascension for all.

Fully teach the examination of Will.

In right relationship it is simply one with all. There is no expectation, judgment or condemnation or blame. Will in right relationship looks like a burst of love, pure white light. For it knows that giving is different than forcing and receiving is different than taking.

Forcing self to give away more than one has to give. This is self-abuse. One cannot give a portion of self. One can only be. Giving from resources which have not known self-care is the taking away of our own Joy.

Taking what is not yours, includes thoughts, as thoughts manifest as actions. Thoughts are actions in spirit form and have a greater impact on another’s psyche. So it is in right relationship when we think of others. When we are in light and our thoughts come across someone, we act in right relationship. I share with them what we are, pure love and non-imposing.

Forcing, which is further camouflaged as giving without permission, really comes down to forcing one’s self upon another, even if is only a thought.

Taking, without appreciation and gratitude, is not receiving. This is very important to the receiver for it is the thought behind the intention which serves to cause manifestation. That is why people can manifest in their lives. Their intentions are clear. When we receive a gift and we bring it into our heart space and know and appreciate the intention from which it came. This creates virtue. Holding a space with gratitude for love is cherishing, and Cherishing has much virtue.

Giving without concern, or out of obligation, is without virtue.

You can go to bed now if you like. You learned your lesson well. I had no doubt that you would figure out that you are the ruler of your life. Never allow another to impose their will upon you, for both the giver and receiver lack respect for God and all Beings.

Sunday, March 21, 200413/21/2004 3:10 PM

Now teach this.
From Mystery into Manifestation or Manifesting the Mystery

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