Sacred Reflections: Center for Transformational Awareness

Willow JiMi Tequillo, Spiritual Earth and Cosmic Guide

Founder and Co-creator of:

Willow is a first-born daughter in a matrilineal lineage of medicine women. Educated in the disciplines of Social Work and Divinity, Willow spent 20 years of her career in humanitarian service as social worker and minister working with all ages, stages, and socio-economic and multicultural backgrounds of the human being.

Through Sacred Reflections, Willow works nationally and internationally as a spiritual guide, medicine woman, and visionary artist with individuals, groups, organizations, and communities. Willow co-creatively uses earth and cosmic medicine tools to aid the individuals and groups back into primary sense awareness as a means to rekindle and awaken personal connections in Universal Oneness.

This development and evolution of the Sacred Divine Human Being is the essential key to UNITY within the individual, family, group, organization, community, and universe. Through the mind heart intentions of Communion, Compassion and Co-operation, new Co-creative relationships within communities are developed and maintained in health and unity.

I, Willow, am a universal humanitarian, exploring the possibilities of integrating
traditional and new creative ways to live and co-create in
the most harmonious and authentic ways.
My life and work are dedicated to ‘Universal Oneness of Peace and Unity.’

Seeking to honor the loving guidance of the Ancient Ones,
Willow gratefully shares the gifts that they share with her in the areas of:

  • Personal grounding through finding center and balance
  • Light and color as tools for healing.
  • Creative dance, song, story, and art as tools to reawaken memory.
  • Individual sensory earth connection through primary senses.
  • Earth and cosmic ritual and ceremony.
  • Clearing of land.
  • Creating and Maintaining Sacred Space.
  • Maintaining Sacred Space.
  • Earth vortex: discovery, development, and care.
  • Cosmic journeying.
  • Night dreaming and Day dreaming.
  • Soul Portraiting
  • Soul memory and healing.
  • Past life and family soul healing.

Formation Guide for The Community of New Breed Healers and VaTeMaRe Amethyst Vision Seekers

by Willow Tequillo

Spiritual Direction and Guidance:

Willow’s personal statement regarding spiritual guidance.

“Spiritual Guidance is a form of spiritual training provided to the individual within or outside of the physical body of a spiritual community. A spiritual guide is a being who maintains a life devoted to sharing the wisdom of their life path, the life path of the ancestors and their teachers. The spiritual guide has gone through processes in the ‘awakening process’ and speaks only in those areas in which they feel competent. The spiritual guide gives and receives guidance and training and is able to speak clearly to specific aspects of soul development. The spiritual guide is under guidance of another guide. The spiritual guide understands individuality and community, serving both in respect, confidentiality, discernment, kindness, and wisdom through and in love.

Willow’s Statement of Intention:

I Willow have been under spiritual direction for the whole of this incarnation. Through the process of my unfurling and unfolding, I Willow, choose in freewill participation, the sacred life and pathway of my life purpose.

I, Willow, seek to guide the individual in finding the joy of authentic self through knowing personal truth InLove.

I, Willow, seek to serve and honor Sacred Reflections and the Community of New Breed Healers and VaTeMaRe Amethyst Vision Seekers in loving wisdom through Communion, Compassion, Co-operation, and Co-creation for the purpose of Co-creative Ascension

InLove and Peace,

The Community of New Breed Healers and VaTeMaRe Amethyst Vision Seekers

Formation Guide by Willow Tequillo

About Contemplation

Contemplation is the process work in Inner Formation. The contemplative process of Formation has been used by aboriginal beings, beings of medicine, hermits, mystics, and cloistered groups since the beginning of human consciousness. Until recently the common belief has been that the only Beings who could reach enlightenment were those who souly/soley developed a personal discipline within the walls of confinement and religious order. This is no longer truth and individuals are experiencing successful awakening when dedicated to and in support of a working spiritual community outside of the monastery.

Living a personal spiritual life in the world is a new concept

In recent history, individuals have advanced in consideration of and in response to life. This consideration has been a significant contributor to the major shift in consciousness which is occurring universally. Personal awareness of the individual contribution has brought into existence a quantum evolutionary step in Conscious Thinking and Understanding . The last conscious shift of this magnitude occurred during the Renaissance when the Idea of being ‘In Love’ became a reason for Unity.

‘Still point’, balance and center, occurs when each Being takes personal responsibility for understanding personal Truth. Our desire to be all that we are created to be, while living in our world is both available and necessary during these most Sacred of Times. Universal quantum capacity for inner and outer balance is here. We are in the midst of an Evolutionary progression of Collective Consciousness at a rate and capacity that has not been witnessed in this world lifetime. Each individual’s personal awareness contributes to this shift. The Universal effect of the shift from ‘chaos’ to ‘still point’ carries a magnitude of importance on a universal level. May our lives sustain Beauty and Reverence as we Embrace Divine Love in new and enlightening ways.

Blessed be our magnificent journey on the pathway of inner knowing and outer reflection.

In Love,


Sacred Reflections is a way of life. It is a teaching which holds the highest intention of knowing oneself as authentic being. Through commitment in Communion, Compassion, Co-operation and Co-creative Ascension, Sacred Reflections seeks to know and be the clearest vision of DivineHumanBeingInLove.

Three principles:

  1. Divine is Love.
  2. We are the Children of Divine Love.
  3. We Are Divine Love.

Three Aims:

  1. To walk my path in fullest conscious personal spiritual awareness.
  2. To BE in harmony in my spiritual, emotional and physical life.
  3. To know myself as wholeness within the Oneness of All.

Questions of Self-Examination:

  1. We ask three primary questions:
    Who am I?
    Where do I live?
    Why do I live there?

  2. Then we ask:
    Where do I want to live?
    How do I get there?
    What do I desire?
    Through my desire, how do I honor or dishonor my own freewill?
    Through my desire, how I do I honor or dishonor the freewill of others

Rules for daily living:

  • Sacred Time
  • Sacred Space
  • Meditation
  • Prayer
  • Nutrition
  • Exercise
  • Study
  • Service
  • Contribution

What is the purpose of Sacred Reflections?

Through inner seeking,
we find out who we really are.
In finding out who we are,
we remember who we are created to be.
In re-member-ing who we are created to be,
we know ourselves to be a part of the whole.
As part of the whole
we Remember that we are One.
I AM You
We Are WE
Universally DivineHumanBeingsInLove.

The Community of New Breed Healers and VaTeMaRe Amethyst Vision Seekers:

The formation process of Sacred Reflections is a discipline which seeks to consciously co-create in intention New Breed Healers and VaTeMaRe Amethyst Vision Seekers in highest vision of DivineHumanBeingInLove.

WE strive for this full understanding of our wholeness through discipline, personal conscious awareness, and a clear understanding of being freewill participants in this incarnation. We begin our personal and communal journey with the examination of freewill as both a divine gift and divine responsibility. We live within and outside physical community. We hold sacred relationship through prayer, meditation, retreats, and in communication technology. Advancements in thinking and technology have provided accessible ways of embracing community on global and universal levels.

A commitment to formation in communion with others is a commitment to entering into a guided process of deep personal work within a community. The community is made up of beings who hold the same sacred intention as individuals and as a whole, although we are all from different spiritual and/or cultural traditions.

For the individual, formation helps to identify key patterns in relationship with self, others, the world, and universe. Through this process you will be consciously calling forth experiences which will challenge your understanding, faith, and personal truth. The result is finding out who you are as authentic being. Your desire to know your authentic self will be the motivating factor which will compel you to move forward in this work. You will develop close personal relationships with your companions on the way. They will be there to give and receive heart-to-heart support, challenge and encouragement.

When awakening occurs within community, this intensive personal transition, transformation, and transfiguration is shared and joyfully honored by our brothers and sisters who also walk this sacred pathway of humility. Deep and meaningful relationships support our ever-strengthening heart and desire for understanding of what ‘universal peace’ really means.

The Realm of the Soul

Entering into the realm of the soul is an inward calling to remember and re-member who we are.
It is a Divine remembrance of wholeness.
The voice of the soul is an inward yearning.
This call beckons each of us to consciously examine our attitudes, choices, decisions, and actions based upon who we are, where we live within our selves, what we believe about our world, and where our faith is held with divine.

Who are the Brothers and Sisters of: The Order of New Breed Healers?

WE are individuals of all Spiritual paths.
We are awakening and awakened workers of Divine Light and Love Intention.
We are Beings who have encountered death in many ways.
We seek to honor our experience of Oneness in freewill participation in this incarnation.
We strive for our authentic self to be the pure reflection of our truth, and that our truth be in harmony in Divine Love’s Will and Understanding.
We hold sacred the gift of all life and relationship, ever striving to serve simplicity in truth as Communion, Compassion, Co-operation and Co-creative Ascension.

We seek to honor Our Lives as Sacred Reflections of Divine Intention
And through this awakening Honor All Life in Sacred Oneness.

My Commitments and Intentions as a New Breed Healer and VaTeMaRe Amethyst Vision Seeker

My commitments and intentions to myself and my community are:

  • My commitment to my relationships with another being, is to examine from my heart and to act(action) from my heart.

  • To recognize that whatever it is that I am speaking to is also a reflection of my personal view which may or may not have unresolved issues (and likely does have unresolved issues as I am DivinelyHuman).

  • To have an allowance for another view that I do not understand.

  • To acknowledge that what I do understand is only a small part spoken of all that is unspoken.

  • To honor the idea of whatever I think I understand, and to equally honor that which I do not understand.

  • To know that my judgments are containers which can be used to hold sacred joy or to destroy and humiliate.

  • To manifest relationships which hold sacred the Being that I am and the Being thatthey are, in integrity and inlove.

  • To Co-Create with others InLove through Communion, Compassion and Co-operation.

To do this means that I must in Humility examine myself by:

  • Knowing what is important to me and to knowing what is important to the other.

  • Seeking to understand beyond the superficial level.

To do this, I must go within and ask for guidance in what the important thing is and trust in that guidance.

I must be willing and able to make concessions without feeling as if OUR freedoms having been taken away.

To know this, I must know that the concessions that we are making are with persons/beings who hold the same integrity and commitment to the relationship.

This requires me to be in my highest integrity and desire of union with Divine InLove.

Contract of self with Self

I,_________________________________________, with the clarity of freewill, courage and vision, enter into a 6-month personal contract with my divine self and the Community of New Breed Healers/VateMare Amethyst Vision Seekers.
I trust in Divine Love’s guidance and blessing as I walk sure footedly, my path of Wholeness.
Signature (Aspirant)
Signature (Spiritual Guide)

Dark Night of the Soul
Ego/Soul Dialogue in the place of transition.


I enter into the realm of the soul.
I ego stand within the burning flame of one-sided thinking.
I burn away the knowingness of who I thought myself to be.
Now I see you, Soul, I embrace your beauty.
Why have I for so long resisted you?
Now as I feel your beauty and embrace,
I also know the torrents of the imbalance of my life.
I see you,
You stand steady upon the waves of change and fortune.
Teach me how, with grace, to know your beauty,
To be beauty with you.


Dear Love of my life.
Do you know that I have chosen to be your twin?
For you hold the qualities which I call mine.
I see your beauty, you are beauty.
Let us stand together in the rhythm of our Beingness.

New Breed Healer Community Member
Welcome to your first focused contemplation and meditation, where you begin your walk along the path into the formal ego/soul formation process.

The Intention of Sacred Reflections teaching and formation process is:

  • To provide each individual with a clear pathway to self-discovery.
  • To provide a safe way in which to awaken in enlightenment.
  • To provide access for the advancement of Universal ONENESS.

The Purpose of formation is to discover for yourself a safe and meaningful way to access:

  • Authentic self.
  • Soul purpose of this incarnation.

The Goal of formation is:

  • To create safe passageways and gateways of Ascension in Universal Oneness.

About the contemplation of intentions:

  • The purpose of this contemplation is to aid in self-discovery of personal attitudes about self.
  • This series of contemplations is set up to help you discover your multidimensional self in a multidimensional process while finding, maintaining and sustaining center and balance in the mind body, the physical body, and the emotional body.
  • This is done by bringing conscious attention and focus to the original split or separation of the Divine and Human Being.
  • Origin of split lies within the most intimate relationship of:
    • Self as Embodiment of Divine Source InLove
    • Self as Ego/Soul
    • Self-Realization as DivineHumanBeingInLove.
  • Careful examination reveals this Sacred Geometry of the Trinity, or One split into Two = Three. This is the primary foundation of Unity and the Sacred Geometry of ALL Existence.

In our enlightened awareness we are able to discover where duality polarizes withinour Mind Body, Physical Body, and Emotional Body. Ego/Soul can reunite in Oneness when these polarized places are identified and are given the allowance of recognition and voice. Through humility, the process of forgiveness happens, unconditional love is experienced, and incredible healing takes place in all bodies while monumental shifts of consciousness occur. This is called the Awakening of Awareness.

This conscious awakening is the Divine Breath felt and acknowledged universally. Fullest experience and expression of wholeness becomes the Sacred Reflection of Whole Being InLove or DivineHumanBeingInLove. All Creation advances in Emotional Evolution when these awarenesses are experienced through the DivineHumanBeing.

Healing the polarities of duality, and separation as scarcity, is honoring ourselves as whole parts. Honoring ourselves begins in personally understanding where polarities create fear of abandonment within ourselves which is acted out in 4th World quality. Our soul memory holds the pattern of fear of loss and brokenness. All fear stems from our soul memory/experience of abandonment and separation from scarcity, of Prime Source.

Prime Source is the RESOURCE of BEINGINLOVE.

When our ego/soul unite in the understanding that we are whole parts of Prime Source through our experiences of and as Divine Source InLove, WE ARE HEALED, and we are fully capable of manifesting our lives in perfect intention of freewill participation in BEING.

Expectations of the Spiritual Guide:

  • That you fully participate in YOUR Process.
  • That you consciously work with your Rule of Life.
  • Sacred Time and Sacred Space:
  • Participate in rituals of candle lighting and smoke (incense) in the morning upon awakening to honor the cycle of light and in the evening, to honor the cycle of night. To bring focus of Divine and to give our prayers and concerns to Great Spirit and Great Mystery.
  • Call in your Counsel and Guides and participate in relationship by:
    • Asking questions
    • Listening for guidance
    • Making conscious decisions to follow guidance or not.
    • Develop a personal dialogue in regard to your understandings.
  • That you use the tools of Dance of Creation, I Am, Merkaba, Shield, and Soul Portrait Book and other spiritual books to help you to identify where you are in the soul processes of unfolding awareness.
  • Continue to maintain weekly contact with your spiritual guide through the duration of your intentional spiritual development.
  • Share one meditation a week with your spiritual guide by phone, in person, or by email and on the forum, for the purpose of identification of where and how you are in your process of inner examination. (For deeper examination and holistic understanding, you may wish to submit your night dream and day drams for that day also. This is a useful tool in the process of looking at the whole self-development.)
  • Use the Forum and Participate in community discussions regarding words or concepts that you feel you understand, or you do not understand.
  • Seek to find personal meaning and routes which root your conscious understanding of your personal truth.
  • Honor yourself by holding yourself in humility, honesty, and truth... that the unconditional love that abides in the deepest recesses of your being may flow through in purest form and enlightenment.

It is in these times of personal examination that we discover
what it means to be the very vessels which experience
the sacred movement of Divine Breath within and without our Being.
It is through this Divine Breath
That we begin to discover what it means to
BE Sacred Reflections of
All Love as Life.

Blessed be your journey of Enlightenment and Awareness in All that you are Created to BE. May the fragments of shadow be brought together, creating the Rainbow of Perception, Adoration, and Cherishment.

InLove and InPeace,


Sacred Reflections: Center for Transformational Awareness

Formula for MerKaBa Shield and Reading
Lesson 1

Initiations into Personal Awareness
MerKaBa Shield Teaching

Willow Tequillo


Name ____________________________________________________________
Date ____________________________________________________________
My Quality ______________________________________________________
The color that appeals most to my eye ___________________________
The color that I find most beautiful ____________________________
The color that makes me feel the most joy _______________________

MerKaBa Reading

Choose three colors which most resonate with you.

#1 –
What do you feel in the Mind?

Where in your physical body do you feel it?

What do you feel emotionally?

#2 –
What do you feel in the Mind?

Where in your physical body do you feel it?

What do you feel emotionally?

#3 –
What do you feel in the Mind?

Where in your physical body do you feel it?

What do you feel emotionally?

Final Summary of MerKaBa Shield

Bring it together into physical form and language

Magenta dot Red Steps Orange Arrows Blue Circle Turquoise YinYan True Blue Diamond Purple Merging Triangles Egyptian Gold Spiraling Diamond Yellow StarBurst Lime Torus Loop Rosy Golden Laminar Flow

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024