Contemplation: Trinity Examination

Sacred Reflections:
Center for Transformational Awareness

New Breed Healers Community

Lesson #2
Trinity Examination and 21-Day Meditation

Willow Tequillo

Day 1

Study the Trinity diagrams at the beginning of the Instructions and the process below. Walk through it in your mind. Examine the sequence and natural flow of the trinities from 1st through 4th trinity.

1st Trinity are the Qualities of Love

  1. Mind of Love Creates Qualities

  2. Idea of Love Maintains Substance

  3. Thought of Love Transforms Connections

  4. Magic of Love in Communion

In the first trinity, Transformation occurs. Here energy and life force move as source. Think lightning bolt. In the first trinity we are working with the element of Fire.

2nd Trinity are the Connections to Love

  1. Matter to Love Creates Connection

  2. Knowing to Love Maintains Energy

  3. Wisdom to Love Transforms Qualities

  4. Mystery to Love in Compassion

In the second trinity, Transmutation occurs. It is here in Matter, substance, womb where the Love is known, held and embraced. Think any substance as matter, earth, body, etc. It is here in the void where Transmutation occurs. In the second trinity we are working with the element of Earth.

Day 2

Read: Soul Portrait Book (Awareness Book?) ---- Portrait #1: Essential Being

Contemplate: “Mind Creates Qualities of Love.”

Transform: Take the above statement and replace the word ‘love’ with your quality. Such as, “Mind Creates Quality of Joy.”
Ask yourself what I the mind of Joy (your quality)? How does the mind of Joy (your quality) create Quality? Explore and examine this quality in this statement.

Action: Write a statement about what this all means to you.
In your walk today, see where and how this quality is an intricate part of your life as who you are. See how it may or may not be a quality important to others. Without judgment, just observe. Observe how this quality is simply an aspect of love.

Day 3

Read: Soul Portrait Book (Awareness?) ---- Portrait #2: Inner Light
Contemplate: Idea Maintains Substance of Love
Transform: Same as Day 2
Action: Same as Day 2

Day 4

Read: Soul Portrait Book ---- Portrait #3: Inner Chaos
Contemplate: Thought Transforms Connections of Love
Transform: Same as Day 2
Action: Same as Day 3

Day 5

Read: Soul Portrait Book ---- Portrait #4: Matter of Void
Contemplate: Magic of Love
Transform: Unites
Action: This is a day of reflection. Read over the last four days and write a summary of your truth of this quality.

2nd Trinity. The Agent as understanding.

Second Trinity examines matter.
You are still working with the same quality. Th3 shit takes place in the area of perception.
Consideration: What is Matter? Is it physical, mental, emotional, spiritual?
What is your understanding of soul matter? What is the essence of matter; what are the characteristics and expressions of matter? Is matter outside of the human being alive or dead? Is plant life matter, and does it have freewill? Is freewill a gift given only to the human being? What is my response to matter? Are ideas and thoughts matter?

Day 6

Read: None
Contemplate: “2nd Trinity are the Connections to Love”
Transform: Take the word ‘love’ and replace it with our quality. Contemplate the new statement.
Action: Write a statement of what this means to you.
Ask yourself, ‘What are the connections to (your quality)? How do I experience love in this quality?’ Where do I feel in my physical boy these connections? Where in my daily life and work do I feel these connections (you are using your qualities)?

Day 7

Read: Soul Portrait Book --- Portrait #5: Halls of Healing
Contemplate: Matter Creates Connection to Love
Transform: Same
Action: Same

Day 8

Read: Soul Portrait Book --- Portrait #6: Wave of Matter
Contemplate: Knowing Maintains Energy to Love
Transform: Same
Action: Same

Day 9

Read: Soul Portrait Book --- Portrait #7: Wave of Universe
Contemplate: Wisdom Transforms Quality to Love
Transform: Same
Action: Same

Day 10

Read: Soul Portrait Book --- Portrait #8: Womb of Life
Contemplate: Mystery to Love
Transform: Unites
Action: This is a day of reflection. Read over the last four days and write a summary of your truth of this quality in regard to “Matter.”

3rd Trinity: The Process as exploration.

Third Trinity examines Emotion.

You are still working with the same quality. Now you are taking that quality through the emotional body. The emotional body embraces both the mind and the physical body. Be alert in acknowledging where and how emotion is expressed, felt and nurtured or ignored for the next five days.

Day 11

Read: None
Contemplate: “3rd Trinity Creates Energy Flow for Love”
Transform: Take the word ‘love’ and replace it with our quality. Contemplate the new statement.
Action: Write a statement of what this means to you.
Ask yourself, “What are the creative energy flows of (your quality)? How do I experience love through creative energy flow in this quality?” Where do I feel in my physical body these connections? Where in my daily life and work do I feel these connections (you are using your qualities)?

Day 12

Read: Soul Portrait Book --- Portrait #9: Duality
Contemplate: Manifestation Creates Energy Flow for Love
Transform: Same
Action: Same

Day 13

Read: Soul Portrait Book --- Portrait #10: In the Dance
Contemplate: Becoming Maintains Qualities for Love
Transform: Same
Action: Same

Day 14

Read: Soul Portrait Book --- Portrait #11: RE: Formation Fire of Formation?
Contemplate: Emotion Transforms Substance for Love
Transform: Same
Action: Same

Day 15

Read: Soul Portrait Book --- Portrait #12: Essence of Life
Contemplate: Miracle for Love
Transform: Unites
Action: This is a day of reflection. Read over the last four days and write a summary of your truth of this quality in regard to ‘Emotion.’

4th Trinity: The Effect as Metathesis

Fourth Trinity examines Co-creating from Love.

You are still working with the same quality. You are now embracing the aspects of the three previous qualities, integrating through deep examination.

Day 16

Read: None
Contemplate: 4th Trinity Creates Substance from Love.
Transform: Take the word ‘love’ and replace it with your quality. Contemplate the new statement.
Action: Write a statement of what this means to you.
Ask yourself, ‘How does (your quality) create substance? How do I experience the creative substance of love in this quality?’ Where do I feel in my physical body these connections? Where in my daily life and work do I feel these connections (you are using your qualities)?

Day 17

Read: Soul Portrait Book --- Portrait #13: Inner Light and Balance
Contemplate: Communion Creates Substance from Love
Transform: Same
Action: Same

Day 18

Read: Soul Portrait Book --- Portrait #14: Surrender
Contemplate: Compassion Transforms Qualities from Love
Transform: Same
Action: Same

Day 19

Read: Soul Portrait Book --- Portrait #15: Enlightenment DHBeingInLove?
Contemplate: Co-operation Maintains Energy from Love
Transform: Same
Action: Same

Day 20

Read: Soul Portrait Book --- Portrait #16: Sanctuary
Contemplate: Co-creation Creates New Qualities from Love
Transform: Same
Action: Same

Summary: Completion of Self-Examination of Quality and Trinity

Day 21

Read: Soul Portrait Book --- Portrait #17: Ascension Into Truth

Contemplate: “I have completed a process of reflection, contemplation and examination of this quality.” In a statement, write about what you have learned about this quality. How have you grown? Do you feel stronger in your heart? Do you know anything about yourself that you did not know before you began this twenty-one day process?

Transform: Write down five events that you recall in the last 21 days which stood out as giving you a deeper understanding of this quality.

Action: Do the ‘I AM Meditation with your quality to fully integrate this quality into your fullest being.’

Answer the question in writing: “How am I embracing this quality in my life, and how is this quality being a reflection of this quality in the world in which I live?”

InPeace and InLove,
Thank yourself for the attention, acknowledgment and allowance you have given yourself to grow in freedom and discipline.

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024