Article for Shamans Conference 2005
Article by Willow Tequillo written for the International Shaman’s Conference 9/2005
Sacred Reflections: Center for Transformational Awareness
Trinity Process of Spiritual Formation
Today we encounter a clear understanding, process and relationship of 7th World Prime Qualities of Communion, Compassion, Cooperation and Co-Creation for the Soul Purpose of Love.
Let us walk surefootedly in these worlds as we pass in all wellness through the Reed.
Blessings and Peace,
Willow, Twohawks, Rowena and the Ancient Ones
I What is Trinity?
Trinity is a whole Understanding of Prime Divine through the Expression of Love. Trinity lives in and through our personal awareness and understanding of Divine Human process As Love and In Love.
We embrace Divine awareness and understanding through mindful reflection to and from our Heart Awareness.
Trinity is composed of four Primal expressions which are:
Of Love, To Love, For Love and From Love.These expressions are referred to as the four qualities which make up the essential characteristics of 4 Trinities.
Each Trinity is a complete expression of one of the 4 Primal Expressions of Love.
Each Trinity embraces an understanding of the 4 Prime Aspects of Love.
Each Trinity is complete in its own expression.
The fullest combined Understanding and Expression of 4 Trinities make up One complete Trinity understanding, New Earth Formation.
Trinity speaks to the Whole Understanding of the Meaning of Love for the purpose of understanding Emotional Evolution.
Trinity describes the contents of the vehicle for the process of Emotional Evolution as the fullest awareness of the ‘Mindful Heart’.
Mindful Heart is the embodied relationship within the physical body, heartbody, mind body, spirit body and soul body and their relationships.
Trinity lives in and through Beings personal awareness and understanding of the process ‘In Love’.
“Being In Love” equates to Prime Divine and/or Trinity which lives in and through our personal Conscious Awareness and Expression of ourselves as Divine Human Being.
The Fundamental Divine Human Process for knowing ourselves as Whole Being in Divine Oneness is easily identified through understanding the Prime Divine Expression - Love.
Why it works:
The need and understanding of this process is of most importance today.
Our world is made up of Beings exposed to the Linear Mind Dominance which has resulted in Beings unable to find center and balance. Linear mindfulness is most important, yet when it is the sole/soul source of understanding, imbalance occurs. Because our world today primarily speaks to the linear aspects of Mind, it is difficult for Being to reach ‘inside’ to know ‘self’.
The gate way, which is the path of two directions, is closed off or inaccessible. In confusion, Being understands this state of imbalance as Natural. Though it is not Unnatural to be in extremes at times, it is not Natural to constantly live in any extreme state. The quest is to validate Being where Being lives. Discovery of modes which allow Being the freedom and validation of purposeful existence within Being’s own environment is necessary. Today we call forth Methods which speak to the necessity of balanced Being in both worlds (Heaven and Earth) for the strengthening of the web of life. Today we realized that it is no longer necessary or required that Being leave identification with their Life in order to come into full relationship with self/Self. Monasteries are no longer required for the Being to become Enlightened.
Mindful Experiential Processes of Formation dedicated to Soul/Ego integration are required for Being to experience ‘stillness, peace, wholeness, guidance, and consciousness’. The methods that are available today attempt to help the Being find inner peace yet appear to be invalid because they lack the ability to get the ‘mind’s’ attention. Our task is to remember the peace found in stillness and to develop models which speak to Being as Whole.
Importance of Conscious Awareness, Global Consciousness and Cosmic
We are in a monumental time of awakening on a Cosmically Conscious scale. Beings in Balance are a tribute and a Conscious Contribution to the Micro-cosmic and Macro-Cosmic Nature of All Life. The Hopi (the people of peace) believe, ‘as is within, so is without’. The greater the awareness of each Being, the greater the balance of All life and form.
This statement is important because, though a Being may not consciously ‘Know Self’ to be awakening, the fact that they are incarnate at this time is ‘Truth’ in their process of Awakening.
Concerns of Un-Conscious Awakening:
The Ancient Ones tell us of this ‘Time in Eternity’ where we are in a monumental time of awakening on a Cosmically Conscious scale. Many cultures know the important difference in conscious and un-conscious awakening and the dangers presented for the initiate. Our people believe that one of the major causes of mental illness today has to do with this un-conscious awakening.
When Being is ‘awakened’, Being can go into an ecstatic state, ‘believing all to be blissful’. Without proper guidance and formation, the reality of earth bound living sets into the awakened Being and disillusionment takes over. Without proper Spiritual guidance, Being experiences the pain of such reality and ‘death’ without guidance. This death does not usually occur in the physical body, although death in any form is harsh and confusing. This death is a natural state and process which requires guidance. Few Beings who experience this death alone have the ability to process or understand what is happening. This is a dangerous undergoing for Being and those in accompaniment. The result is Inner Chaos and Outer Chaos, such as we see as our World View today.
Formation and Guidance:
Trinities is a method of formation which takes into the consideration the needs of both the linear and abstract qualities of Mind by speaking to both processes at the same time. The gift then becomes an Awakening of the senses through a process which allows the whole Mind to be experienced and brought into balance in a gentle and grace-filled way.
World Cultures and Cosmically Conscious Beings are lending light and love in the evolution of this Time in Eternity and phenomenon of Cosmic Conscious Heart Mind Awareness. Together, we step forward in greater awareness of Beauty and Love to lend a hand, in aiding each Heart Mind to Know Self.
As Shamans, Teachers, Healers, Beings of Medicine,
Our Purpose and Cosmic contribution is to provide clear pathways for each Being’s understanding of Personal Truth.
Let us collectively form a Pathway and an open Gateway, as clear as possible for every Being on this planet and in the universe/s.
Let our own Conscious Awareness of the process of Emotional Evolution Embrace the Graceful Advancement of this ‘Time In Eternity”.
Today we have encountered a clear understanding,
process and relationship of 7th World Prime Qualities of
Communion, Compassion, Cooperation and Co-Creation for the
Soul Purpose of Beings InLove.
Let us walk surefootedly in these worlds as we pass in all wellness through the Reed.
Blessings and Peace,
Willow, Twohawks, Rowena and the Ancient Ones
© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024