Definitions for Daily Discipline

Rules for Daily Living:

Sacred Time

  • What is Sacred Time?
    • Sacred time is the time that we take with conscious intention for the sole/soul purpose of creating an inward and outward space for divine communion.
      • There are people who would state that time taken in the car on the drive to work or the moments that one experiences as ‘just happening’ are sacred time, and ‘yes’ that is true.
      • And for clarity...
      • The Sacred Time that is being referred to in the Rule of Life is specific to the intentional creating of time in daily life for the specific purpose of prayer, meditation, study, and service.

Sacred Space

  • What is Sacred Space?
    • Sacred space is both the inward and outward space that we create in our life for the sole/soul purpose of divine communion.
      • Inwardly it is the heart space that is co-created with divine through prayer, meditation, study, and service.
        It is the opening in the heart, mind, physical body and emotional body as we enter into the land of humility.
      • Outwardly it is the space that we intentionally create within our environment that is dedicated to the specific use of prayer, meditation and study.
      • This place can be carried with us, such as a mat or rug in some traditions, and a medicine bag or bundle in other traditions.


  • What is Meditation?

    • Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary: Meditation: Pronunciation: ‘me-dÊ-tAt Function: verb Inflected Form9s0: -tat-ed; tat-ing Etymology: Latin meditatus, past participle of meditari, frequentative of medEri to remedy—more at MEDICAL intransitive senses: to engage in contemplation or reflection 1: to focus one’s thoughts on ; reflect or ponder over 2: to plan or project in the mind; INTEND, PURPOSE; synonym see PONDER.

    • For our purpose, a limited basic definition of meditation is: the specific intentional practice of silence in preparation to commune with divine. It is the emptying of our mind for the specific intention of hearing what divine love has to share with us.

  • What is Contemplation?

    • Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary: Contemplation: Pronunciation: ‘kän-tÊm-‘plA-shÊn, -‘tem- Function: noun 1a: concentration on spiritual things as a form of private devotion, 1b: a state of mystical awareness of God’s being; 2: an act of considering with attention; STUDY; 3: the act of regarding steadily; 4: INTENTION, EXPECTATION
    • For our purpose, a limited definition of contemplation is: The specific act of mindfulness on a specific spiritual thing such as a word, phrase, poem, song, sound, light, and /or form, to name a few. Observation through sensory experience and allowing divine to speak to us inwardly of what the relationship to all spirit/matter is.
    • When contemplating, it is important to allow divine to just speak. To create the space within ourselves that is open to receiving. This is another step in humility. To know that we do not know everything. Through our allowance to spend time and to listen through our heart, divine speaks to us and peace and joy are known. Here we begin to understand where our center is and the joy it is to be.


  • What is prayer?
    • Merriam- Webster’s Dictionary: Pronunciation: ‘prA Function: verb Etymology: Middle English, from Old French preier, from Latin precari, from prec-, prex request, prayer: akin to Old High German frAgEn to ask, Sanskrit prcchati he asks. Transitive senses 1: ENTREAT, IMPLORE – often used as a function word in introducing a question, request, or plea<pray be careful> 2: to get or bring by praying intransitive senses 1: to make a request in a humble manner. 2: to address God or a god with adoration, confession, supplication, or thanksgiving.
    • For our purposes, prayer takes various forms.
      • In our daily rule of life, prayer is our conversation with Divine through petition, appreciation, cherishment, adoration, devotion through song, dance, deed.
      • Our prayer takes on the forms of
        • Thankfulness as the sun greets the day.
        • Petition as we pray for the world and all of our concerns.
        • Joy as we participate in union with the Dance of Creation.
        • Adoration as we know ourselves to be part of the whole.
        • These are but a few forms of prayer.


  • What is nutrition?
    • Merriam- Webster’s Dictionary: Pronunciation: nu-tri-shÊn, nyu- Function: noun. Etymology: Middle English nutricioun, from Middle French nutrition, from Late Latin nutrition-, nutritio, form Latin nutrire: the act of process of nourishing or being nourished; specifically : the sum of the processes by which an animal or plant takes in and utilizes food substances- nu-tri-tion-al/-‘trish-nÊl, -tri-shÊ-nÊl/ adjective - nutritionally adverb.
    • For our purposes, nutrition is the consideration of providing food which is in harmony with and for the physical, mental, emotional, spirit and soul bodies. All of our bodies require specific foods for health.
    • The physical body requires foods that are more natural and less processed. Our personal examination of what we place into our bodies needs to be considered. Are the foods whole? Are they alive? Am I eating? Am I not eating?
      - Body work and light work are important to the maintaining of the bodies.
    • The mental body requires study, thoughts, creativity, expression through dreaming, challenge and problem solving. Feed the mind with thoughts and experiences which enhance the wellbeing of the intention that we hold for living.
    • The emotional body requires experiences of joy, of communion, compassion, and co-operation. The food for the emotional body is love through acceptance, allowance, and joy.
    • The spiritual body requires the freedom of passion, for it is the life force and energy which moves through all matter.
    • The soul body requires acknowledgement that is matter which holds the memory of life purpose. Soul is fed by the provision of space and time. Soul is the place for dreaming through all of the other bodies.
  • Unity within our being occurs when all the bodies are nourished and cared for.


  • What is exercise?
    • Merriam- Webster’s Dictionary Main Entry: 1: ex-er-cise Pronunciation: ‘ek-sÊr-‘s/z. Function: noun. Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French exercice, from Latin exercitium, from exercitare to train, exercise, frequentative of exercEre to train, occupy, from ex- + arcEre to enclose, hold off – more at ARK 1a: the act of bringing into play or realizing in action : USE 1b: the discharge of an official function or professional occupation 1c: the act or an instance of carrying out the terms of an agreement (as an option) 2a: regular or repeated use of a faculty or bodily organ. 2b: bodily exertion for the sake of developing and maintaining physical fitness 3: something performed or practiced in order to develop, improve, or display a specific power or skill <arithmetic exercises> 4: a performance having a strongly marked secondary or ulterior aspect <party politics has always been an exercise in compromise – H.S. Ashmore> 5a: a maneuver, operation or drill carried out for training and discipline. 5b: plural : a program including speeches, announcements of awards and honors, and various traditional practices of secular or religious character <commencement exercises>
    • For our purposes, exercise is the intentional conscious training for the physical, mental, emotional, spirit and soul bodies. All of our bodies require exercise for health.
    • All of the bodies require rhythmic movement for balance and center.
    • The Dance of Creation is a movement which speaks to the union of all of the bodies and their relationship with the Universe.
    • Meditation and Contemplations are also exercises which address all of the bodies.
    • Music and song.....
    • Running, biking, swimming-- these are exercises which speak to the various bodies.
    • Yoga, Tai Chi, Martial Arts and Sun Dance are the more intentionally devoted exercises which embrace the bodies on the most intimate levels.
    • Sexuality and physical contact when explored with companions which hold the same heart and mind integrity and intention is an exercise which embraces the exploration of the whole being and is unique in its ultimate sharing in union.
    • Celibacy is an exercise which is useful in teaching how to hold energy and intentionally move energies through the various bodies. It also provides the freedom to personally explore without distraction from another human being.


  • What is study?
    • Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary: Pronunciation: ‘stÊ-dE Function: noun Inflected Form(s): plural stud-ies Etymology: Middle English studie, from Old French estudie, from Latin studium, from studEre to devote oneself, study; probably akin to Latin tundere to beat – more at CONTUSION 1a: state of contemplation : REVERIE 2a: application of the mental faculties to the acquisition of knowledge <years of study> 2b: such application in a particular field or to a specific subject <the study of Latin> 2c: careful or extended consideration <the proposal is under study> 2d: (1) a careful examination or analysis of a phenomenon, development, or question (2): the published report of such a study 3: a building or room devoted to study or literary pursuits 4: PURPOSE, INTENT 5a: a branch or department of learning: SUBJECT. 5b: the activity or work of a student <returning to her studies after vacation> 5c: an object of study or deliberation <every gesture a careful study – Marcia Davenport> 5d: something attracting close attention or examination 6: a person who learns or memorizes something (as a part in a play) – usually used with a qualifying adjective <he’s a fast study> 7: a literary or artistic production intended as a preliminary outline, an experimental interpretation, or an exploratory analysis of specific features or characteristics 8: a musical composition for the practice of a point of technique
    • For our purposes, study is the mindful intentional conscious training for the physical, mental, emotional, spirit and soul bodies. All of our bodies require study for health.
    • Study and observation of our earth and cosmos.
    • Intellectual study which is shared by the community.
    • Study is the training which helps us to keep track of where we have been, where we are going, where we live, and where we want to live.
    • Study is the vehicle of learning and home of understanding.


  • What is service?
    • Main Entry: 1: ser-vice Pronunciation: ‘sÊr-vÊs Function: noun Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin servitium condition of a slave, body of slaves, from servus slave 1a: the occupation or function of serving <in active service> 1b: employment as a servant <entered his service> 2a: the work performed by one that serves <good service> 2b: HELP, USE, BENEFIT <glad to be of service> 2c: contribution to the welfare of others 2d: disposal for use <I’m entirely at our service> 4a: the act of serving - as a helpful act <did him a service> 4b: useful labor that does not produce a tangible commodity – usually used in plural <charge for professional services> 4c: SERVE.
    • For our purposes, service speaks specifically to serving our community and serving our world/universe.
    • Serving the Community of New Breed Healers, refers to creating the time, space and devotion in the sustaining and maintaining of the community on three levels:
      • Through personal prayer and intention.
      • Through creating, maintaining, and sustaining intimate relationships with other members of the community as a whole. The order of which you are participating is not an ‘elite club.’ It is a way in which to provide guidance on a track. It is not exclusive, and all members from all orders are expected to be working together as a community, each order having a different function, each function vital, honored and valuable to the whole.
      • Physical work for the Community includes: workshops coordination, music, ritual and ceremony, prayer list, library, office work, computer work, hospitality, maintenance and yard, to name a few.........
    • Serving the community as our world/universe refers to volunteering at least one day per month to one of the following (if your career work is in with one of these groups, choose another to work with). Be creative
      • Human beings: child, youth, adult or aged
      • Animals
      • Earth
      • Cosmos
        • The importance here is to learn with and about relationships.


  • What is contribution?
    • Pronunciation: KÊn-‘tri-byÊt, -(n)byüt also and especially before -ed or -ing – ‘tri-bÉt: chiefly British also ‘kän-trÉ-‘byüt. Function: verb Inflected Form(s): -ut-ed: -ut-ing Etymology: Latin contributes, past participle of contribuere, from con- + tribuere to grant – more at TRIBUTE. Transitive senses 1: to give or supply in common with others 2: to supply (as an article) for a publication intransitive senses 1a: to give a part to a common fund or store 1b: to play a significant part in bringing about an end or result 2: to submit articles to a publication – con-trib-u-tor byÉ-tÉr, -bÉ-, ‘byü-/ noun
    • For our purposes, contribution refers to:
      • An intentional material commitment to the Community of New Breed Healers
        • Identification and understanding our personal inward response in responsibility to giving and receiving to a spiritual community is a key component in identification of blocks to manifesting what we dream in our lives.
        • A spiritual community represents that aspect of ourselves (soul) which cannot manifest in this earth world – or – world of matter, without the express intentions and physical (life force or energy support) of the physical “I” being.
        • Just as ego cannot manifest healthy dreams in the physical world without breaking or bending to the soul’s memory.
        • It is when our ego and soul come together for the life purpose of co-creating in union, which means “in single intention,” that we are facilitated in releasing duality and merging into Oneness.
        • Let us be clear. The intention is for Oneness, but O/oneness cannot be gotten to without a complete understanding of the relationship to our divinity and our humanness.
        • Divine Human Being embraces and honors both and source and resource.
    • Examination of our source and resources.
      • It is very important right now to feel within your physical body what your reactions are in this area as you are reading this.
        • How do we use our resources in excess, and what is that relationship and our response to deprivation?
        • Examining what is excess use, natural use, greed and waste?
      • Our response is in direct correlation to and with our ability to manifest our stated desires and in understanding what we are manifesting is indeed what we desire.
        • If contributing feels like scarcity, then it is important to look at where scarcity exists in your life.
        • If it is natural to give freely without considering what you have to give, examine where scarcity exists in your life.
      • This is a place to examine where we give more than we have or take more than is our share.
        • This is a very important place to examine our intentions for giving or withholding.
        • This is the place to measure the foundation and examine attitude, choice, and action.
      • This thinking provides us with an opportunity to speak clearly about our needs and the needs of the community.
      • Learning to give and receive in Freedom is the ultimate participation in Unity. It is here that we learn to examine what we have, what we have to share and what we do not have to share, and to make a statement.
        • The freedom to make a statement without feeling pushed upon or pulled upon is most important at this time.
        • The freedom to speak of our needs is most important at this time.
        • Being given the opportunity to speak our needs in a sacred and loving way can free us from old patterns of unworthiness.
        • It is here that our openness and ability to speak creates a space for humility. In humility we learn about grace and acceptance, and we learn about Surrender, and through Surrender, we learn about Joy and Happiness and Peace.
    • Financially committing our support to our own spiritual walk is the reciprocal action in the flow of matter.
      • After careful consideration and, if needed, guidance, give in the heart space of co-creating. Receive in the heart space of co-creating. This is the place where all are honored.
      • New Breed Healers are examining and exploring what it means to give and receive in the natural laws of nature. The natural law of nature is that there is abundance for all.
        • When I consider that a single tomato seed will yield a plant which will produce tomatoes enough for three families. And that each tomato has the capacity through its own seed to reproduce 30 other plants. All that is required is desire, earth, sun (fire), air and water. All of these are free.
        • When I consider the simplicity of natural law, I realize that it is only my own thinking that blocks my understanding of prosperity and abundance.
    • Providing gifts back to the mother during ritual is the honoring with acknowledgment the gifts that have been given in the circle of life.
    • Contributing in sacred ceremony and ritual are ways of healing our selves and our world.
    • Contributing time and energy in the joy of relationships with other community members sources and resources the Unity of Love in our lives.

These are just some surface thoughts to get you started.
Examine what these mean to you.
Let us explore and find relationships in our own understandings and find a common place to be speaking to what is important to the individual and the whole.

Blessed be peace,

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024