Natural Order - Meditation on the Dollar Bill - 12/2007


Ancient One - Mount Zion.
Photograph and Meditation
by Willow Tequillo
Copyright 12/2007
This document and meditation may be used, copied and distributed in its entirety
For the use, care and wellbeing of the Universe

Natural Order: A Meditation on the Dollar Bill as an Energy Current for the Human Being 12/2007

READ, Consider and then do the Meditation at the end of this document.
Assistant Teachers and Meditation Leaders.
You may wish to read this aloud while your students are in a meditative state.

Concepts and Considerations:

Jupiter and Pluto alignment
There's really so much to be said of this great planetary shift which embraces, the New Moon in Sagittarius, the Sun, Pluto and Mercury and Jupiter and Venus all coming together.
To make a small statement, some of these events last occurred 2000 years ago, others aspects have no record. It is the time of Galactic Conversion, unprecedented in this world cycle. It is the Time of Times.

Why is this important?

Consider just two aspects, Jupiter the planet which rules finance or money and Pluto which we might liken to holding the space of Soul.

Consider that Soul is the Memory Keeper of our eternal and incarnate self. That part of us who holds the memory of all our life times and all of our dreams.

Consider for a moment, what if the dogma which states that “in order for us to be spiritual beings, we must live in poverty”,..... is a lie?
What if that statement was really created to oppress the masses?
What if statements like that were created to make humans believe that the only way to connect with Divine Source was through another more ‘holy’ or ‘religious’ person?
What if you chose to believe that everyone has equal access to all that is, and that All that Is has an equal desire for the happiness and wellbeing of all life? Natural Order.

The conjunct of Jupiter and Pluto is a Divine intervention of a Cosmic Truth. That Truth being that The Dreams of All are important and that the energy which supports us whether it is water, or wind or money, is there for the happiness and wellbeing of all. As the energy of life (Great Spirit) flows into Great Mother, every aspect of Great Mother is nourished, sustained, maintained and cherished.

We as an expression of Great Mother and Great Spirit are fully held and cherished by Divine Source. Could it be any different? It is only our personal thoughts of unworthiness which cause and recreate disillusionment in our lives. What if we chose to think something new?
What if we chose happiness and believed that our happiness matters above all to our Source?

The Jupiter and Pluto conjunct remind us that as the soul carries the memories of our dreams so does money carry the memory of our dreams. As they show up at this time, the realization that the presence of our soul connecting upon this earth plane is the same as all energy supporting our dreams here as we are fully present in our lives. Does this make sense?
There is a direct correlation of abundance of support for our dreams and it is that this is merely the first week of a long unfolding. We can surely expect that as we clear the retrograde Mars influence, the gateway of prosperity is open to all in fruition.

As New Breed Healers, you are likely to experience the desire to let go of old patterns in an unprecedented way. The work of our personal process compels us to let go of that which does not serve us and we can see more clearly than most, that which holds us back. WE must remember that our personal rebellion or denial of our inner truth is only supported by the wounded ego and that there are two roads of healing. The red road, which is the difficult path of denial which consistently provides us with opportunities to come up against our own stuff. The other is the blue road, which is the pathway of flow. Here we acknowledge and recognize our limitations and we surrender and let go of that which does not serve our highest potential. WE allow our ego to be held in the loving arms of the soul and the two together enter this new phase of human development in Unity and Appreciation for each other.

Both roads are valid and will ultimately lead to the place of humility. Humility is the only gate way which allows entrance into Oneness. The question is, are we choosing to walk the path in clarity and surrender or in denial and victim?

Meditation on Money

You will need the following for this meditation:

  1. A Dollar Bill
  2. An open mind.
  3. A quiet heart.
  4. Physical capacity to hold something.
  5. Desire to listen and learn.
  • Begin the meditation by quieting the mind with several belly breaths. For New Breed Healers, prepare yourselves with the Crescent Moon Meditation.
  • Open the gateway of the heart by relaxing and allowing the breath to fall deep within the calm of inner peace.
  • Take a dollar bill in your hands,
  • When centered ask the dollar bill acknowledge and welcome the Dollar Bill into your meditation.
  • Ask if it want to speak to you and share in its dreams.

Part 1

  • Next, ask the following questions. Allow time for the Dollar bill to show you its travels and answer your questions:
    • Where have you been?
    • How many loaves of bread have you bought?
    • How many gallons of milk have you bought?
    • How many children have you fed?
    • Show me please, your favorite dream that you have participated in.

Part 2

  • This is a series of questions about intention and dream. Ask:

    • What is your dream?
    • What is your intention?
    • What is your desire?
    • What does my MIND Think about thinking?
    • Where do I Sense this in your PHYSICAL body?
    • What Do I Feel through in my Emotions?
  • Now ask yourself:

    • What is my dream about money?
    • What is my intention?
    • What is my desire?
    • What does my MIND Think about thinking?
    • Where do I Sense this in your PHYSICAL body?
    • What Do I Feel through in my Emotions?
  • Take several minutes to write down your experience.

  • Consider the following questions as a pathway to discover your personal experience of Money as and Energy Current:

Items for further contemplation and consideration.
Make sure that you take the time to write down your considerations and contemplations so that you can keep track of your process.

How do I experience money?
What are my prevailing thoughts which insure prosperity within my life and in my world?
What are my prevailing thoughts which insure the abundance of scarcity and poverty in my life and my world?
What are my fears about money?
What are my beliefs about giving and receiving?
What are the veils which cloud my vision?
What are my beliefs about happiness?

How do I receive?
How do I give?
Is there a difference, if so what is the difference?

What new Dream, Intention and Action will I take to align my thoughts with my dreams and desires?

May Blessings. May the gift of fruition in Giving and Receiving provide for you Access to all of your Dreams in your Highest Potential.

InLove and InPeace,
Willow Tequillo
Spiritual Guide, Medicine Woman

Everyone is offered the opportunity to participate and learn within the Natural Order System of Exchange.

Natural Order as Co-Creation

When one can give to another in center and balance, a gift is given.
When this gift can be received from the other in center and balance, a gift is given and received.
When gifts are exchanged in the open heart space of giving and receiving,
harmony is the expression in Light, Color and Form -
Birthed from intention of Communion, Compassion and Co-operation and thereby has the facility to become Co-creative.
Willow Tequillo

Natural Order is the formula for soul evolution through physical matter.
Soul work requires 8 to 10 percent of Sacred Time and Sacred Space.
In monetary means it is 8 to 10 of cost for housing (soul) and vehicle (ego).


To be fully present in Freewill Participation with constancy in following areas:

  • Conscious attitudes and behaviors which are rooted in self respect and respect of others.
  • Keeping a Rule of Life, see forum on Rule of Life and examine Definitions
  • Respecting the commitment of Willow's Time
  • Respecting the commitment of Willow's Space
  • Respecting the commitment Willow's gift offering of teaching and guidance.
  • Respecting commitment to as monetary contribution to Sacred Reflections:
  • Respecting the commitment in the development of personal trust relationships with other New Breed Healers for the development of community.
  • Respecting the commitment of a Weekly personal contribution of thought, examination and exploration of contemplations and study through the Forum.
  • Respecting the commitment of a Yearly retreat with Willow: Please place your gift exchange in the gourd.

Dear Family,

It is a time of patience etc 🙂 In regard to tithe, I can see where we got confused. Hopefully this is clearer.

Natural Order says 20percent of energy. We as humans use 2 aspects to determine our energy use.
One is in the aspect of home, the other in the aspect of vehicle.

8-10 percent of cost of home
8-10 percent of cost of vehicle

each determined separately then added together.

In divine terms this is equal to 20 percent. However in terms of the human mind it looks like 10 percent of 2.

So here goes.

\$100.00 for housing is equal to \$10.00 @ 10 percent

\$100.00 for vehicle is equal to \$10.00 @ 10 percent

Tithe is \$20.00

20 percent of \$20.00 is \$2.00
half of which goes to each lineage.

However it can also be calculated as:

\$100.00 for housing
\$100.00 for vehicle

@ 20 percent

Tithe is \$40.00

20 percent of \$40.00 is \$8.00
half of which goes to each lineage.

either way that feels in right relation to your heartmind is correct.

And what we tithe is ultimately based upon our heartmind and allowance for our personal circumstance.
This is simply a measure to help us to understand and take notice of where our energy is used.

Is this clearer?
Inlove's grace

Western Mind Order of Exchange:

  • \$100.00 per personal session phone or in person
    1 hour scheduled and Paid for in advance.
  • \$100.00 for Sacred Reflections Contemplations.
    Paid for in advance.
  • \$200.00 per day for individual retreats.
    Scheduled and paid for in advance.
  • Conscious attitudes and behaviors which are rooted in self respect and respect of others.
  • Keeping a Rule of Life, see forum on Rule of Life and examine Definitions
  • Respecting the commitment of Willow's Time
    One rescheduled time will be made for purchased session if missed by client.
  • Respecting the commitment of Willow's Space
    Persons who enter into Willow's home or space who lack respect will be asked to leave without refund of \$.
  • Respecting the commitment Willow's gift offering of teaching and guidance.
  • Respecting commitment to a Monetary contribution to Sacred Reflections:
  • \$100.00 per personal session phone or in person
    1 hour scheduled and Paid for in advance.
  • \$100.00 for Sacred Reflections Contemplations.
    Paid for in advance.
  • \$200.00 per day for individual retreats.
    Scheduled and paid for in advance.
  • Respecting the commitment in the development of personal trust relationships with other New Breed Healers for the development of community.
  • Respecting the commitment of a Weekly personal contribution of thought, examination and exploration of contemplations and study through the Forum.
  • Respecting the commitment of a Yearly retreat with Willow: \$200.00 per day

For those New Breed Healers who wish to contract or have contracted in the Natural Order System of Exchange:

  • Willow will accept 2 telephone sessions before Rule of Life is complete.
    No other sessions will be scheduled before contract, 2 page paper and an initial contribution are made.
  • I, Willow, do understand that there are circumstances beyond our control which at times get in the way for making or being on time for a sessions or report forms.
  • For this I am making a 2 missed or rescheduled session and one missed report form allowances within each 6 month contract period.
    Late, missed or rescheduled appointments cost me, Willow, a great deal monetarily, in my ability to work, and in relationship to my personal life. I will wait 10 minutes for a scheduled session. After that, that session will be considered missed. I, Willow, often schedule sessions during times which are convenient for each person. These can be times which are extremely early or late.
    Failing, being late or rescheduling appointments is disruptive, disrespectful and without consideration of my personal time, space, energy and contribution.
  • After the second missed or rescheduled appointment, I, Willow, will consider this exchange to lack the understanding of Natural Order of Exchange and any future sessions will be through the Western Mind of Exchange.
  • At the point where the student can clearly see, speak and practice the value of Natural Order of Exchange through a show of consistency and constancy in giving and receiving in all areas of consideration, then a discussion between Student and Willow can take place regarding reverting back to Natural Order of Exchange.

Benefits of Natural Order of Exchange:

Natural Order of Exchange teaches:

  • Personal respect and respect of others.
  • Abundance of what is personally valued.
  • Personal examination of personal truth.
  • Natural flow.
  • Constancy and intention of personal and community dream.
  • Personal validation of personal sacred time and sacred space.
  • Care for what is important in our personal life journey.
  • Paying attention to where we are spending our resources of time and energy.
  • Shared co-operation in co-creation.
  • Personal validation of self and others.
  • Value of Community

Benefits of Western Order of Exchange:

Western Order of Exchange teaches:

  • Personal value
  • Abundance for self through the dream of the other.
  • Living the values which are set by others.
  • Over extension
  • Chaos

A quote from my grandfather:

"The Western Mind does constantly fascinate me. In the clan, I would be remiss if I were not 'Including' the other in my dream, for this is how community, world and universes are built, and visions and dreams are accessed and supported. It occurs to me, whether or not we personally believe that we are a part of a community, we are not alone. Those who wish to think they are alone often find themselves in a double bind of seeking that which is rebelled against."

Inlove and InGratitude,

The Four Fold Way says that there is always "Four" which create and co-create in a stable foundation.

  1. Source
  2. Agent
  3. Process
  4. Effect

As I have processed in the work of the Traditional Natural Order of Nature through the concepts of Communion, Compassion, Co-Operation and CoCreation (Ascension), developing the formula for the sake of simplicity, through the Three Trinities of Creation into the Fourth Trinity of Co-Creation.

First Trinity is the Mind of Love as the "Creative Source" (Seeds or Intentions).
The Mind of the Creative Source,

Dreams the Intentions Of Love through the Mind.
Defines the Substance Of Love through Ideas.
Supports the Connections Of Love through Thoughts
Becomes the Magic of the first full movement of the Creative Source as the Transformation of Communion OF LOVE= 1st of the Fourth Trinity.

Second Trinity is Knowing To Love as "Agents" (what Matters or sun, soil, water... )of Love.
The Agents of the Creative Source discern,
Matter as they Dream the Connections to Love.
Knowing by Defining the Energy Flow to Love.
Wisdom by Supporting the Dream to Love.
Becomes Mystery of the second full movement of Creative Source as the Form of Matter through the Transmutation in Compassion TO Love = 2nd of the Fourth Trinity.

Third Trinity Emotion is the "Process" For Love
The Processes of the Creative Source sort (determine the pathways of understanding or the fruit)
Manifestation Dreams the Energy Flow for Love.
Becoming Defines the Dream for Love.
Emotion Supports the Substance for Love.
Becomes the Miracle of third full movement of Creative Source as Emotion through the Transfiguration in Co-Operation for Love. = 3rd of the Fourth Trinity.

Fourth Trinity Is the "Effect" of Love in Full complexity of Co-Creation in Ascension (New Life Form)
Creative Source Ascends through Transubstantiation From the Co-Creative Effect of BEING FROM LOVE

First Trinity's Magic of the Communion of Love.
Second Trinity's Mystery of the Compassion to Love.
Third Trinity Miracle of the Co-Operation for Love.

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024