Post Death Dance LSD - 11/2007

Letter of Spiritual Direction: Post Death Dance 2007

Dearest Beloved New Breed Healers,

I sit here in the Domes looking to the
East, new seed intentions filling my view. It is cold here as the snow has
begun to fall, though the desert floor is still brown. The Creek is flowing
high and the face of Mt. Rose, in all of her beauty is covered in white.

As I reminisce about the days that we were together, whether in physical
space or remotely, my heart warms and my eyes fill with the tender tears of

I am in awe of your personal generosity of self in courage as we travel within this process of unfolding. The humility and sound discernment of
each, leaves me 'knowing' that our community stands like a fortress with the
kind of strength and intention that this earth plane has not previously seen.

I thank each of you and each of us, for we are one ........ for the communion
inlove we have had and continue to have. These awe and wonder filled opportunities to freely be within our beauty and our ugliness, then coming
to the place where all is beauty and the journey is remembered as the fresh
and new path daily.

I thank Divine Source as Great Mother and Great Spirit for the desire to
play in co-creation with us as we explored ourselves what Ascended Communion
means. The perfect dance with the Elements, Directions, Cycles, Worlds and
Realms ......... what a perfect dance we dance as we stumble in our own unknowing

What a perfect dance we dance as we are given 'InLove" the space and arms to
be humble and in this humility to find the inner peace long sought and welcome. A dance were we too in our own humility are given the opportunity
to give others the allowance to let go of the vice grip of stagnation, grief
and sorrow ...... and to be at peace in humility within their own frailty. This
is the gift of humility, for when we allow ourselves the space to be fragile
and we allow and trust others to hold us in our frailty, we know humility.
When in our own frailty we as individual create a space within our own heart
to allow others to be frail, we learn true humility. It is here that ALL
Life is One and Knows SELF as One, and we are met in everyway with the generosity and cherishment From All That Is. This is where we met this Death Dance. Death to our own need to hold on to old and worn out patterns.
Patterns which served Forth World well, patterns which have no place in Peace, for peace is the Highest Quality of Fifth World.

I am honored by each of us who walk this journey, for together we are a Divine Source.

In our surefootedness we co-create the path for the world to follow.
In our unsure ness we walk the faithful path of Hope.
In our wounded ness we walk the path of trust in curiosity of a new and healing balm.
And when we meet as we have done this Death Dance, we move to the higher
realms of understanding that pain is the stagnate way of being and is simply
our own need to let go of that which no longer serves us.

As we daily examine our intentions, dreams, our focus and our actions, may
we come to see that they are ONE and may The ONE know self to be Whole.

Thank you all again for your generosity of self and may the peace which has
embraced our community continue to grow in all fruition in each of our daily
lives and world.

I am here and fully present.
Inlove and Inpeace,

As you know or know now, I will be staying at the Domes for the next several

Inlove and Inpeace and Ingrace may your day be filled. May the Light which
is you fully enlighten the world in which you travel.

I look forward to getting back on track in this new vibration.

And ......... as an aside for the above note:::::::

I see that may of you are posting your Rule of Life Report Form.
Thank you : )

This assignment is for all, even though you may not have been there physically you were going through your own stuff .......

As an aside and part of your personal contemplation and examination for this
month please address the following questions:

My general attitude going into the retreat was ....................

My general attitude in going out of the retreat was .............

I am grounded in what areas today ............

How did I feel in writing down my fears.
What was it like to let go of them?

How am I paying attention to my intentions?
Do I remember them.
How will I incorporate them into my daily walk.

What parts of the Death Dance Retreat challenged my fears?
How did I deal with them?
Did I deal with them in the same way as I have previously or did I take on a
new way of communication with my self and others.

What did I learn from these interactions?

What do I know today about community that I did not know before this retreat?
Is what I have learned important to me or not?
If it is how will I support it?

What new relationship did I develop that helped me to see Me and to cherish
a part of me that I have not seen in the past?
How will I nurture this relationship within my self and with the other?

Please post this in your Rule of Life section and name it : Post Death Dance Retreat Summary.

Love and hugs,

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024