2/2008 Contemplation A and B

Write one paragraph per each contemplation for each thread movement.


Willow contemplation for February 6, 2008

Contemplation 'A'
Divine Power
Human Mind
Individual Trust

Divine power sits in the center of my being.
It inspires me and gives me courage to follow my path.
Divine power in the center of my being inspires my Human Mind in courage for I know that my source is connected
to the Divinity of the universe. From this place of inspiration and humility, allowance for the various perceptions of
myself and others is available to me. I trust in who I am, for my human mind is focused upon the divine power of
all that is, here everything is one and all is well.

Contemplation 'B'

Individual Trust
Human Mind
Divine Power

Now do the contemplation with the center being individual trust, next human mind and now divine power.

See where it flows as the breath in and the breath out.

What are your personal realizations today?

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