4/2008 - Notes on Ceremony (Amy John)

Ceremony and Ritual: Fullest co-creative participation in Universal Oneness.

Lower worlds (dimensions) and Matter Based Bodies (Earth)

  1. Mind
  2. Physical (Knowing)
  3. Emotional
  4. Etheric

Sacred Reflections Trinities works to unify the lower and upper worlds in Oneness.

Upper Worlds (dimensions)

In, Rowena Patte Kryders, Robes of Light, she discusses fully the Nine Egyptian Bodies which are listed below.

9 Bodies which reside in Higher Dimensional Realms

  • REN - Name of the Soul at 1st Incarnation
  • KHAT - Physical body hologram
  • KA - Etheric double and subconscious
  • KHAIBIT - Unconscious shadows, rectifier of emotions and thoughts.
  • AB - Conscience which reflects other subtle bodies.
  • BA - Soul which knows its Soul purpose.
  • SEHKEM - Vital energy of the kundalini.
  • SHU - Unity of voice through lower body's involvement in Sacred Art.
  • Khu - The Khu resides with Prime Source in Eternal Light.

David Frawley, an expert on Hindu philosophy and religion, comments on Dharma as follows:

A universal tradition has room for all faiths and all religious and spiritual practices regardless of the time or country of their origin. Yet it places religious and spiritual teachings in their appropriate place relative to the ultimate goal of Self-realization, to which secondary practices are subordinated.

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