8 - 2008 Laughing Ceremony - Gathering of New Breed Healers

Summer 2008 Gathering of New Breed Healers
Thursday, July 31st - Sunday, August 3rd

Laughing Ceremony
Twin Lakes California

© By Willow Tequillo.

A Sacred Reflections: Center for Transformational Awareness Original.

Contents of this booklet may not be shared in any form outside the New Breed Healer Community

Table of Contents
Laughing Ceremony
About the Laughing Ceremony
Study of the Nine Bodies
How to make the mask
Twin Lakes Camping

About the Laughing Ceremony

Who: New Breed Healers and guests are welcome to participate in person or remotely.

For those guests who may come to participate in this 'Open Ceremony' they too will have the opportunity to participate in the dry runs and to create a mask. They will not be able to participate as members in the ceremony. They will be able to attend as guests.

What: Concepts of the Laughing Ceremony; The Study of the Nine Bodies; Heyokia, Katchina, Clown or Fun Makers

Concepts of the Laughing Ceremony

In all Aboriginal Cultures such as North American Native American Cultures, this is a ceremony which usually occurs in the summer time. This ceremony is dedicated by the individual in community with gratitude for the lessons of life which make us laugh and cry. This is a ceremony which speaks to the absurd, the too serious, denial and our innate ability to ignore and just get too serious about ourselves.

This ceremony teaches us that when we take our selves too seriously; personal injury, community instability and hostile forces are the manifestations of the heart. The heart through personal choice in active energy therefore manifests the highest intention of our being. If our being is about sacrifice, suffering, unworthiness, selfishness, insecurity and jealousy, then that is exactly what it will create in form in the life of the individual. When a community becomes unstable due to the attention being gifted to the ‘sacred fear’ then it too will become a body of like manifestation.

The laughing ceremony is a ceremony which takes place in the playful summer sun, where the full light of Great Spirit embraces Earth Mother and all of her children. We humans are her children. We are the children of Great Spirit and Great Mother, just as all people are. The tree people, the rock people, the winged people, the belly crawlers, the four leggeds................... None of Mother Earth and Great Spirits children are exempt from the need to laugh at the seriousness of ones self.

In our own personal examinations we can become so entwined in the Monkey Mind. The trickster, Coyote which is the Creator energy, as is the Eagle; must come in and play tricks to remind us that Co-Creative Ascension requires that we stop, obtain stillness and Get Over Ourselves in a really big way. To most of us ‘human beings’ this is a really big challenge as we have forgotten our Divine Relation, therefore our Ego’s have become our sole supporter. When Ego is so big that it has no room for Soul, or Divine Relation, then we can really become too on about how HURT we are about the way ->-> You ACT. We take things way too seriously and we pull other people into our DRAMA. There is always a finger pointed outward and the harm comes back around in the tortuous loop, to remind us that the lesson of sympathy moves around and returns through the DAT into Empathy. That is natural order. The Laughing Ceremony is a way to bring joy to ones heart and the heart of the community through addressing and letting go of old and painful patterns of the buy-in of personal infliction of pain as a necessary and useful tool for New World Formation. The Laughing Ceremony is a method which will help us each look at the role which we individually play which supports the Ego in taking the LONE ROAD and keeps Ego trapped in the ILLNESS of person Isolation. The Laughing Ceremony is a method which will allow us the opportunity to Co-Create new pathways which support 9 body alignment in harmonic centered balance.

Study of the Nine Bodies through the Laughing Ceremony

How to Begin:

Read completely before asking questions.

Concept: There are Two Animals which have asked to be a part of the 9 Bodies Teaching. They are the Coyote, a four legged friend and the Kingfisher, a winged friend. It works out perfectly. There are nine bodies and you (the two leggeds) will be presenting yourself as one of the nine bodies in the form a either one of the animals stated. Below please find the list. To ease your mind and heart, it is not necessary to have read or know about the nine bodies or much about your animal, prior to this writing.

The assignment is:

  1. Identify your animal and your body
  2. Make a mask which represents the above.
  3. Write scenario embodiment of your animal and body.
  4. Meet with your animal group to put together a skit which will be acted out during the ceremony.
  5. If you will not be present, please contact another member who will be at the ceremony and work out them playing your part.
  6. Please include concepts which embrace the purpose of the Laughing Ceremony.

List of Characters:

  • Coyote SHU
  • Coyote SEHKEM
  • Kingfisher KHAIBIT
  • Kingfisher KA
  • Coyote Khu
  • Coyote KHAT
  • Kingfisher AB
  • Coyote REN
  • Coyote KHAIBIT
  • Kingfisher SHU
  • Kingfisher BA
  • Coyote AB
  • Coyote KA
  • Kingfisher Khu
  • Coyote BA
  • Kingfisher SEHKEM
  • Kingfisher REN
  • Kingfisher KHAT

Community Questions for the Past Life Skit

by Willow Tequillo, Spiritual Guide and Medicine Woman

  1. Question: What is the purpose of the skit how long does it have to be?
    The purpose of the skit is to recall a past life that you shared with your group, it is no longer than 15 minutes.

  2. Question: Do we pick a joyous time or a healing time?
    It is a time that you shared together.
    All time spent together is for the purpose of healing our concepts of abandonment and betrayal.

  3. Question: Can I do I know I'm not just making it up, i.e. that what I am remembering really happened?
    A memory is that, a time in space which has occurred. Your centeredness in your heart mind will lead you to the memory. It is not for me or anyone else to tell you whether or not your memories are real to you.

  4. Question: How do our qualities relate to our past lives?
    What's the benefit to consciously remembering our past lives?

    Qualities are Beings who incarnated before time and space. They are the Essential Essence of our Source. Through time and eternity qualities have continued to embody the space of life form thereby evolving matter. Each point of matter is enlightened by qualities.
    Qualities help us to:
    Remember who we are as Divine and Human (humus) Beings.
    Validate our existence as having life purpose.
    Lead us to the further development of our fullest potential.
    They remind us of Being InLove.

  5. Question: How do we determine past lives?
    Once you have connected to your own quality and thread.
    Talk with each other and decide as a group which thread of those presented by the group, you will decide to flow on. Remember that every thread is present in every life time. The thread that you choose will dictate the experience of the lifetime. Use the Cycle of Life prayers to help you to determine the common threads.

  6. Question: How do we access information about our past lives?
    Get out of your Ego Mind and Allow the Soul to guide you.

  7. How do we access or tap into more information regarding our past lives? tools How do we remember and how do we know which thread to follow in memory? or procedures How do we selectively access past lives that we had together? How do we access relevant content? This is who I was but what happened in my life. How do we determine relevant content for a skit? How do we determine when we were present together and our past relationships?

    Sit with the other members of your group in a circle.
    Above your heads, see each other like a halo of stars. Each face, each being making up a part of the light of Source. See the others quality as color and maybe form. See this swirling move into the center of the circle in a vortex manner. Before you (in front of you) in this show of light you will begin to dream together. Allow your eyes to close and let the Akasic record play for you its memory.

  8. What is the purpose of creating the skit and the process of remembering past lives? Why has this common dream come to us at this point in our work?
    Reconciliation, healing, remembering and RE-membering the fragments of our Souls Memory.

  9. Does our supreme quality and/or other spiritual qualities change with each life time? Your Supreme quality changes with each life time by incorporating the knowing from personal experience through each life time including and not limited to this current incarnation. Your supreme quality is actually what you are working on currently. Other qualities are qualities that you have been working with during this present incarnation and or in previous life times. Your supreme quality is the vessel which will hold the memories for this life time as you move into the next life time, when memories are intact.

  10. Does the skit we develop represent what we hold for the community? How do the skit and our small group purpose relate to community?
    Our skit represents what we dream for community. How we reconcile our memories are what we will bring forward.

  11. In our small group, are we each on each others’ counsels?
    Not necessarily and at this point in our journey, unless I have told you otherwise, you MAY NOT practice or be on another person’s counsel. If you do feel that you are and we have not spoken about it, speak to me directly. Thank you.
    Does that generalize in some way to how we relate? I am unclear about this question.

  12. What is our group's role in the community? The role that you play in the community is determined by the group.

  13. Why is this a part of the Laughing Ceremony?
    Life is taken so seriously and that is okay. Rarely though do we find a way of reconciliation through joy, beauty and happiness in a deep and endearing reality. Reconciliation of who we are as intimate friends, soul friends and companions upon the path, strengthen us by giving us a common ground to walk upon. Laughter is the best way to allow us each to remember that we are eternal, that we are deep kindred spirits who are here to play and enjoy our lives as individuals and as groups.

    It is my deepest hope that you will find the sanctuary of memory which keeps all memory sacred and valid. May you find joy, may your memories be real to you and may you find trust in one another that we are all Beings InLove no matter how scary it might be. May peace be with you and may your journey be filled with delight. May you work out your memories in peaceful resolution and find the humor of our common comedy, reconciling, forgiving, giving and receiving in unconditional love and affection. May we learn the nobility of trust which widens our hearts capacity to love self and others.

In Blessed Assurance,

Remember to post personal questions for your group in your closed group section. Remember to laugh and have fun, meaning have a good time with this.

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024