LSD 8/2008 - Gratitude

Letter of Spiritual Direction for August, 2008
Gratitude a continuing study.


Dear New Breed Healers,

Wow. I feel like I am just beginning to catch my breath after a full 6 weeks of BEING in RUN mode. I do want to take the opportunity to thank everyone for such a wonderful summer filled with activities of light progression, heart opening space, enduring faith and placid stillness in conjoined peace.

I think back to our time which reflects my hearts gratitude of experience. I recall the moments of laughter, of hard 😊, of soft gentle breezes, of flowing voices of trees and grace, of cold waters, of muddy feet, of hot fires, of insecurities and sureness, of courage, of faith, of shadow and depth, of surrender and resistance, of unfolding and of flying, of deep soul connections and breaking apart, of hope and laughter, of teamwork and of individual stand. I have had the opportunity to hear and listen, to be heard and to speak...........ALL in one moment in time and space. I am grateful within the humble sincerity of all that I am, I thank you for the opportunity of knowing my own beauty through your faces. We are amazing and beautiful, and we walk a path of great respect for all creation and we are grateful.

Thank you each of you for being all that you are and for allowing me the great and humble opportunity to walk my dream with you. If it has filled you and inspired the spark of light that you are, then my life is complete. You are my peace and my joy.
Selah, Willow

Let us continue our discussion on gratitude. When we experience our gratitude for gifts given and received there are few words which can speak to the depth of our experience. Yet it is only in our depth that we are able to express ourselves and know ourselves. What word is there that speaks to this gratitude and how do we express this? How do we know when we are sincere in our gratitude? When does gratitude become an unsustainable glimpse such as a momentary ‘thanks’ and when is gratitude the continuing stand of heartfelt caring which neither overextends or under extends? How do we know when we are truly experiencing gratitude?

This last 6 weeks has provided us with ample and extreme times to experience gratitude. How have we carried that forward into our world? When did our resistance and fear get in the way of our truly experiencing the generosity of the heart that was given to us? What parts of our experience will last and will make up that which is the continuing strand of us and one community, family, self? How do we experience generosity of the heart and at what point does it become too much that I would turn away in fear? Fear of owing someone something? Fear of finding that I am not that deep and I might be exposed? Fear of someone else judging me? How do these attitudes create emotional blocks which shelter me from truly feeling, therefore not being able to give and receive? In what ways do I believe that these experiences are for the special and are not a part of my everyday world? How does this attitude keep me in 4th world thinking of us and them?

Let us consider that gratitude requires two things: First humility to give and receive and second, the sincere dedication to live life in such a state.

Questions for considerable contemplation:

  1. What is humility in gratitude?
  2. What is sincere dedication to gratitude?

Please take these this letter of spiritual direction and spend some time in silent contemplation this Sat. This would be our normal NBH Meeting time. We will not be having a meeting, I would like us to sit in silence together and consider the gifts that have been given us this summer. I would like us to integrate and take a breath inward and outward and to RE-Member who we are by creating a space, a trail and pathway within our hearts to find our peace through passionate gratitude.

My love and appreciation to each and all of you for your charitable ideas and gifts of your presence in my life. I thank you, each and everyone, for being the you that you are and allowing me to be the me that I am.

As a community reflection, please post a paragraph:

  1. What is a humility in gratitude?
  2. What is sincere dedication to gratitude? under Spring/Summer 2008 Gallery. Give specific examples of your experience from this summer.

Use the space under the picture that you posted in the spring. Please take time to read others posts.

Much love and happiness to all,

Topic: Gratitude


The key components in this paper are the Qualities: Power, Thought, Truth and Wisdom. The question for each person to answer is: How do we reach the Divine Human Quality of Gratitude in our personal highest vibration as we move from 4th into 5th world? i.e., How do we shift from the domain of duality into the domain of polarity and why is this important?

Self examination questions for considerations of personal truth:

  1. What is gratitude of the mind?
  2. What is gratitude of the heart?
  3. What is the highest potential of gratitude?
  4. How do we hold the vibration of gratitude within ourselves?

Sacred Geometric Symbol, Color and Quality interactions in Co-creation for Gratitude:

Symbol - Branching arrows
Color - Orange
Human Quality - Thought
Divine Quality - Power

Symbol - Diamond
Color - Blue
Human Quality - Wisdom
Divine Quality - Truth

Divine Human consideration for self examination:

"The Divine Human Being holds in harmony the Powerful Thoughts of Gratitude by embracing Truth of Wisdom in Gratitude."

Power is Divine.
Empowerment is Divine.
All beings and all creation meet at the intersection of communion, compassion, cooperation, and co-creation.

Willow’s teaching on Gratitude:

What is gratitude?
We begin our considerations of gratitude by looking at and observing Great Mother Earth. This beautiful spring time reminds each of us of the beauty that is so easily shared and the hope which is held within the soft dirt of mother.
In these days of spring time we can take sweet notice of the gifts of life surrounding us as we put away our complaints and our sluggishness. We can take a moment to inhale the scents of spring and to sigh a breath of relief. Each one of us can open our mind body, our physical body and our emotional body to new hope. This looking and noticing is a form of pure gratitude for gifts Mother gives to us and the way she holds us. This kind of gratitude softens the heart and allows the divine self to show itself in the safety of reverence.

This space of safe reverence is called sanctuary. In this space of gratitude in sanctuary we know each stone to be sacred. We begin to see the colors of the soft breeze and we become present in this SACRED SPACE OF NOW. Allowing ourselves to be the gratitude that we are, allows Divine Source to hold us, embrace and embody us. It is in this sacred, tender place of reverence that we are cleared of our pain, our sorrow, our sluggishness. When we take the time to be in gratitude, we surrender our hearts into the hands of our Divine Source. In this act of surrender, our hearts then Become the hands of Divine Source. Then and only then do I know that “I” am out of the way.

Gratitude is the gateway between Surrender and Receiving.
Gratitude provides us with a bowl, a common union, a communion where energies can move and flow in the beautiful balance of two dancing as one. This is the sacred space where humility lives. Humility grows here, in the humus of the heart. The seed intentions are the dreams of each individual, family, community, society, world and universe.

Everything Grows in Humility. And the Spirit of movement is required for Growth. Desires are the Spirit of movement. When we place ourselves in the Divine Human heart of giving and receiving, there is but one outcome: Unity of the Spirit into Oneness.

What is Apathy?
Apathy is the listlessness which occurs when one lacks the stimulation of experiencing love. This is the one of several ways in which a life without a passionate dream becomes a torment of existence. A Being who lacks the experience of gratitude is a Being who is unable to receive. A Being who is unable to receive is unable to know love, to know that they are love, and that love is all that there is. People do not give because they cannot receive. When we are having a difficult time with personal resistance, we can not receive. We can not receive because we do not or can not trust.

Such a Being is unable to reach the depth of giving as they are unable to receive the gifts of sustainability. Thoughts roam to DOING, because just BEING is a concept that is not known.

Courage in Humility.
When we are able to recognize that we are in resistance, that we don’t trust, and that we are in fear; we are half the way toward peace. This is the place of Honesty. Honesty is Truth in Humility. Honesty is tender and courageous, it is soft and strong. Honesty is brave and it braces the Self for the unknown in the essence of the Great Mystery and the Great Spirit of Hope. It is here that personal Faith is born and developed. Personal Faith is developed as the Mind Body surrenders to the Divine Body of Matter. Thus, trust is born through each individual’s truth in gentle courage.

When Ego is in Humility, we have the freedom to experience surrender. When ego is experiencing feelings of Humiliation, then the experience is abandonment.
Humiliation is an expression of the Ego’s personal attachment to ideas and beliefs.
Humiliation is the Ego’s protective shield against past injury.
Feelings of personal humiliation can not be surrendered until a sacred space has been created. This sacred space must be co-created within each person’s intention of personal trust and each person’s desire for the personal freedom of ALL.

When a sacred sanctuary is developed by the individual, family, culture, society, world and universe, then common dialogue can take place. Humility can surrender to Humility and peace becomes the center stone foundation.

How do we free Ego from Fear?
One way to free ego from fear is through acknowledgement. When confronted with resistance, acknowledge it. Speak to it, ask it why it is there, what lessons it has, where was it born, what is its origin, and is it valid today? Determine through personal truth in consideration whether or not it is a fear that still serves as a protector or if it can be given up. If it can be given up, then surrender it back to the Great Mystery. In Humility, thank it for its friendship and allow it to go where it can serve in its highest potential and capacity. When we acknowledge our fear, we walk within the garden of humility. When we walk in humility, we know the boundaries of our wholeness. This is the heart of gratefulness, where gratitude becomes the plant which sustains us.

3 Stages of Gratitude

Gratitude is one of the qualities which make up the vehicle of Ascension.
There are stages of development of the quality of gratitude. Below is a brief description of the first three stages.

The first stage is the mind of gratitude, where the mind acknowledges the gift or lesson and expresses gratitude for it. Whether the gift is perceived as pleasant or painful, the mind must acknowledge the gift and use the voice to offer a ‘thank you’ in return. This is necessary in order to learn to receive.

The second stage of gratitude is when the mind connects to the heart one experience of cherishment within the moment. This is called communion in the compassionate heart of co-operation.

The third stage of gratitude is surrendering in knowing that the gifts that are given and received are more than “I” alone and that ALL IS ONE in Co-Creation.

Our common Prayer is: “I open my heart, my mind and my soul to the flood of the Light of Divine Source which is outside of me, which is within me, which embraces and fills me. And I am grateful for the AWE that IS.”

This is the space of knowing self as sacred and knowing all life as sacred, this is the sacred space of tenderness in sharing and honoring gifts given and received.

The highest potential of the Quality of Gratitude is being present and having the conscious awareness of the connection made when gifts are given and received freely, as one movement.

The human plight is its attachment to “unworthiness”. This plight can be healed through the three stages of gratitude. Reconciliation must occur in this level of existence.

Through the high vibration of the Divine Human Quality of Gratitude, we are able to move through the 4th world domain of duality and into the 5th world domain of polarity. In so doing, we are clearing the way and co-creating new pathways of experience and expression.

The next form of evolution cannot exist until reconciliation occurs. New Earth Formation requires a unified polarity in Giving and Receiving. This unified polarity begins in the Quality of Gratitude. As such:

"The Divine Human Being holds in harmony the Powerful Thoughts of Gratitude by embracing Truth of Wisdom in Gratitude."

Blessed Be Peace Inlove,
Willow Tequilo
Spiritual Guide/Medicine Woman

Community Assignment #1

In the Spirit of Communion entering into Matter, I ask the whole community of New Breed Healers to participate in an experiment.

  1. Go to the Gallery section and see: Spring 2008

  2. Post a picture taken this spring of you, where you are or a significant revelation or event for this spring.

  3. Post relevant notes to the place where you are, what you have learned, your experiences and your heart openings, your scaries and your embraces.

  4. Answer the following questions:

    • What is gratitude of the mind?
    • What is gratitude of the heart?
    • What is the highest potential of gratitude?
    • How do we hold the vibration within ourselves?

Symbol of “Gratitude” is the orange branching embraced by the blue diamond.

Human - Thoughtful Wisdom
Divine - Power of Truth

Divine Human consideration:
"The Divine Human Being holds in harmony the Power of Thought by embracing Truth as Wisdom"

Please be as long and explanatory as you like.

***Note post only one picture and place your work under ONLY under your gallery entry. DO NOT POST OR RESPOND TO ANOTHER'S INSIGHT OR POST.

I so look forward to seeing what you see.
Inlove I thank you for such a wonderful and happy experience.


Revelation can occur for anyone at any time during the process of awakening, i.e. in any of the awarenesses. There are some common threads which help us to stay connected, understand and remember that we are a single whole part and part of the whole.

Revelation can begin in any of the Trinities, First Trinity of the Mind, Second Trinity of Knowing Matter, Third Trinity of Emotional Feeling.
The key word here is BEGIN.
The thread from whatever trinity we begin in, provides us with ACCESS to unify with the other threads, which has been previously unavailable to us. Such as one who comes from the First Trinity of the Mind and now is accesses the Spiritual Cosmos through the deep inner connection with Emotional Feelings. Here this person begins the process of revelation through the remembering of the dream of past life and must integrate the knowings into the emotional body through steady transition into trust and to then further integrate into the physical body through strength. The threads of the first three human bodies are awakened and know themselves to be alive and then integrate to create the braid for the foundation of the next course of evolution.

In the instance of the Second Trinity being who is going through the revelation process. This person is dealing with the earthly possession and learning to know what matters. Here a revelation about all physical life, care and concern are awakened and being examined. This revelation is of Spiritual Earth, it’s validity and it’s value to the awakening one. This being takes revelation from the physical body to the Mind and then through the Emotional Feelings. The task is to bring what matters into reason, and knowing that reason can be trusted. The next step is to bring this reason into the emotional feelings of allowance and open heartedness, thus forming the braid.

In the instance of the Third Trinity being who is going through the revelation process. This person is dealing with the emotional feelings of being cared for. This person is learning that they are held first by Spiritual Cosmos and then by Spiritual Earth, regardless of what they think. Their revelation is one of acceptance that all are created in perfection and in our human frailty of fear we are still perfect. This being takes the revelation into the Mind and concurrently applies it to the Physical Body forming the braid.

To be clear, though the revelations and challenges may seem the same, they are experienced differently dependent upon which of the Trinities ones revelation appears through initiation in.

The key is to understand where your revelation is initiating in, to map a positive course of awareness in each of your bodies. This is important to establish the pathway for unfolding and unfurling.

Practice your Rule of Life as the foundation keeper of your revelation and awakening.
Be gentle with yourself and with others.
Stop, listen and examine before drawing conclusions.
Take time for silence as often as possible.
Meet with your counsel and guides daily.
Journal your experiences in your bodies and make sure you begin making a connection between each of your bodies.
Be open to discovery.
Be happy and generous in your light heart.
Preceive and know that you are the Light of the World and that you hold the essence of our light at this time.

Task of the Revelation group.

  1. Determine what trinity your revelation is originating from.
    State how you know this and your experience.
  2. Discuss how your insights through out your revelation process.
  3. Note: this group revelation occurred all about the same time within weeks of each other.

Developing Friendship with Companions on the way.

Dear New Breed Healers,

As we proceed in our exploration of Gratitude we will begin our next step.
Enclosed is a list of pairs of community members.

I have spent a lot of time with each of our counsels and asked for guidance and direction in the pairing of companions.

Friendship is an essential component of the Co-creative Ascension process.

Some guidelines for interaction is:

  • Palanca - a Spanish word for 'gifts of gratitude of unknown value'.
  • The gifts can not cost anything.
  • They must mean something by the giver.
  • They can not be bigger than your hand.

Consideration: What is a gift of gratitude of unknown value?

Very often we receive through the idea of Presumed Entitlement. In other words we receive without thought or consideration of what the value, sentiment or care or concern was involved.
Friendship requires that we open our hearts to give and receive in the heart space that it originated.

Our companions on the way or our Friendships are for one year.

May you be blessed to share and develop an intimacy that is founded in true affection and care.

The list is: ___________________

Love and Care,

I would like you to consider speaking to the following questions with yourselves and each other during your conversations.

  1. How have I experienced the grace that I have been given today?
  2. Do I appreciate, cherish and adore this gift?
    If not what am I feeling?
  3. How does this grace serve me in my walk today?
  4. What new challenges does this grace provide me with?
  5. Did I contemplate nature this week?
    If so how?

Please give each other ample time during your conversations for each to make a statement of their experience.
Please provide a question for the group.

As a group decide on a question that you will contemplate for your next meeting.

Hope this helps,

Dear NewBe Group,

There are several assignments which are in the works.
Ongoing, !earning your own unique feel for your process, you have:
The crescent breath and I AM
The Dance of Creation
The Painting.........
each of these works from a different stand point and brings your three bodies together intentionally and 9 bodies together unconsciously.

The Crescent Breath...opens the pathways for energies of matter to flow.
The I AM sets the awareness of "I" and where "I" live and who "I" am within the complexities of all that IS>

The Dance of Creation connects the I AM to All That Is.
You can see with your third eye how the Dot in the center of a circle is "I" and the Circle around the dot is the "Is".
'I' within 'IS'.
This idea can also be found in the ancient understandings of the Goddess ISIS.

The painting that you are doing connects the opened self, the I that I am and the I that ls,
to the Divine Source. Soul begins to enlighten and the ego begins to think, sense and feel things differently.
New awakening begin to occur.

If you are a person who tends to be from the Third Trinity of Emotions, guess what, your Physical Bode (which is Second Trinity) will begin to open channels. You will feel or give feeling (names like joy, radiance, etc....) to your physical sensations. Maybe you ignored your physical body before, well here it is waking up. Relax, find your emotional connection to your Divine Source, say, I trust and I lay my trust before you (name your Divine Source). You will know that the sensations that you are experiencing are ecstacy.

If you are a person who is of the Mind or First Trinity, guess what, your Emotional Body will begin feeling. You will go into deep reflections and touch the emotional feelings which have been stored in the box of, 'I have 3 emotions and 2 feelings' these are safe and what I live by.
Now the emotions wake to feelings and the mind expands through energetic vibrations which resonate through the head.

If you are a person who is of Physical Matter or Second Trinity. You will tend to experience through the nature of mother earth and be kin to the fairy realms. Your new awakening will be that of the mind, "I understand" and of the emotion, "I feel'. Suddenly those who work for the environment awaken to the deep understanding that 'freewill' is both of the mind and of the emotions.
Sensations and energy vibrations break down the hardened path of stagnation. A new and free awareness of human being, being valuable and trust worthy awakens within and without. This person will fall in love with the human race.

Your basics, the Crescent Breath/I AM, Dance of Creation and Painting are the basic tools of your Rule of Life that do not waiver.
Crescent Breath/I Am is done upon waking in the morning. It is much like setting the candle in the morning. It centers your Inner light.
It is helpful to be done as just the "I Am" for time sake, during the day, at noon and at 3 or after leaving work.
For instance in the car after you leave work, before driving home.

Dance of Creation done daily in the morning.

Painting. I like to see people develop the skill to have paints and canvas up at all times. This way there is a constant flow for creative genius.

Please take these ideas into consideration and begin a conversation in your small group about:
How is this information helpful or not helpful?
What are you noticing about what Trinity you may be coming from?
How responsible are you for your own sense of wonder? Do you entertain yourself or do you rely on others to provide you with entertainment?
How are you inspired? Do you honor your inspirations, how?
How do Joy and Inspiration unite and become an empowered force?

Enjoy each other and develop well your common path.
Ease your hearts and allow a natural flow to embody you.

Inlove and peace,

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024