LSD 10/2008 - Natural Order

Letter of Spiritual Direction

Willow Tequillo

October 4th, 2008

Happy Celebration of St. Francis of Assisi Day.

For the past many years this is the day in which we celebrate our common, passionate union of life here on this planet. It is the day where we celebrate in gratitude of what we have, what we have been blessed with and what we want to keep or give away.

Personally for me it is a time when I look at my Rule of Life Report and celebrate an accounting for where I have been for the last year. It is also a time of looking at how Universal Natural Order is working in my life. This reflection requires me to look at where my energy goes:

  • Am I constant in completing my Rule of Life Report?
  • Am I equally balanced in my contributions and tithes?
  • Am I timely?
  • Do I support myself by looking at what my needs are?
  • Do I look at the needs of others?
  • How do I serve?
  • Where in my heart does this service come from?

It is a time when I decide if this process works for me and if I am willing to participate in hope through this avenue of pathway. I ask myself and decide if I want to continue to co-create a community with others in service to the Universal Oneness of Being INLOVE.

I remember deeply that these are inward personal choices. This means that I must look within and decide if this Rule of Life and if this Community of New Breed Healers is what I am about.

I consider in deep contemplation questions like:

  • Is this the energetic matter that I want to co-create and support my Dreams, intentions and actions?
  • Does it support the highest potential of my qualities and is it a safe place where I am learning to become my authentic self?
  • Is it teaching me about how Peace can come into our world through my personal truth?
  • Am I learning about how my personal authentic truth must be first and foremost known, understood, heard, in order for me to understand or comprehend the truth of another?

How do I support this Universal Natural Order of Peace as a Human Being?
How do I negate my belief of Universal Natural Order of Peace by allowing others not to be responsible for the intricate personal responsibility of their path?

As your spiritual guide, I have had to come face to face these last two months with a huge reality. A few months ago, I spoke to the need for everyone to report and contribute in a timely manner. I spoke to how energetically, because we are working in Natural Order of "Peace", our constancy in our Rule of Life is imperative to the stability of our community. I spoke to 'how' instability could occur without balanced equilibrium and this toss could result in the failure of the sustainability of our community, or jeopardy which is the energetic of "Natural Order of Chaos".

Over the last several months I have been watching the steady decline of attention being placed on the Rule of Life. I did not address it again last month because I wanted to see how the community effects and affects one another and whether or not "personal knowing" was a motivation that naturally kicked in. The result has been that though all have acknowledged the importance of constancy in the Rule of Life Report and Contribution, the inner dialogue has not been enough to create the motivation for change. The energetic continues to be of depletion of matter. As of today, the result of inconsistence of the community has taken us to a point of "intentionally change direction" or "jump ship".
In other words, "act in action".

What I have seen is that there are a few dedicated souls who are timely in report and contribution. Some people are getting their contributions but not their reports done; some are getting their reports; and not their contributions. There is also a randomness when the Rule of Life Report happens, which can be anywhere from a day late to a month late. The effects of this erratic behavior are at a dangerous level of break down.

I am strongly advising the New Breed Healers to stop now and consider the following.

*We are learning to be teachers of Natural Order. There are two types of Natural Order.

  • Ascending Natural Order of Peaceful Harmonic
  • Descending Natural Order of Chaos.

Both are valuable and needed in the whole of Maintaining and Sustaining the Evolution of our world. However after 4 worlds of Chaos we are now in the Time of Times to Co- Create something different. It is time when all energies are being transformed and working toward unification. Unified peace requires that we Intentionally change our actions through purposeful identification of our Intentions through understanding our personal qualities and the direction that we want to contribute to their evolution.

For instance say that an individual is working with the quality of abundance. I want abundance in my life.
Unclear direction, intention, action = unconscious manifestation.
This person now has an abundance of 'no time'.

I am speaking directly to this, because those who lacking in time and finance or whatever, need to look at the time and energy, the consistency and constancy that is being spent with the Rule of Life,
report and contribution.

*Our purpose here is to bring about Conscious Awareness to HUMANITY. Each of us must ask, what am I consciously or unconsciously contributing to?

*Ascending Natural Order of Peaceful Harmonic
*Descending Natural Order of Chaos.

*Our basic Energy (time) invested in our basic matter (Space) is to completely co- creatively developed future Matter through our intentional actions.
*Simply put, we reap what we sow

Link to "Natural Order of Universal Relativity"

I hope to teach you that you are the most precious life. How you honor and care for yourself is totally dependent upon 'how you care for yourself'.

If we are unable to honor a personal STILLPOINT of LIFE CELEBRATION (communion with self/Self in our monthly ritual of completing our Rule of Life Report and Contribution); then the Web of Life never crystallizes the highest potential of our qualities of our Experience of our Life, as a peace filled unified point upon the Akasic Record. Thus our world will continue to support that which it has always supported, the scarcity and fear of too much lack of focused attention or chaos.

In speaking with my counsel this morning about how to write this, they said, "When accounting for ourselves becomes a burden and a bore, it is then that others will gladly step in and give you what is important to Them; for they are the Dreamers. Soon you will find out that you are a slave addicted to someone else's sensibilities; whims and desires, the definition for this is prostitution and the ultimate co-dependent relationship." Counsel

I experience this as a strong statement and a bit harsh, and yet I realize that my previous messages have not been heard or have been heard and not been taken seriously. And as I write this, I am deeply moved by the hawk who has just taken down a dove and is eating it within the meditational space at the foot of the Grandmother tree. I sit in inner dilemma about my ability to sustainably maintain the Community of New Breed Healers.

I have a few ideas of how to rebalance and I welcome thoughtful heart participation.

Blame and shame are not welcome at this table.

I am asking the each NBH member participate in the following considerations and write back to me in your personal Rule of Life Section.

  • Has the guidance of my spiritual guide helped me to realize something about my authentic self? What?
  • Have I grown through our relationship? How?
  • Is this relationship valuable to me? Why?
  • Is it time for me to move on or take time out from the community? Talk with Willow.
  • Do I want to re-commit my sacred time and attention to this relationship? In what ways can I do this?
  • Do I have a willingness to make a consciously aware commitment to this relationship and my relationship to the NBH Community?
  • What does this commitment look like?

If you wish to continue in upon this path consider what changes you may wish to change in your Rule of Life.

If you are having a financial dilemma, please speak to me so that we can work to make adjustments.

One consideration that I have for the Rule of Life is in consideration of the "due date". Would it be easier for you if your report and contribution were due say on a particular week day of the month?
Say, the first Sunday of the month?
If so, choose a day that works for you and in re-writing your Rule of Life, make the appropriate change.

Secondly, as an opportunity for each member to be provided with time to complete and send the monthly report, I am making a personal decision to no longer participate in 'pholon' or chaos of out of balance.

  1. I will not be participating in our phone conversations if your Rule of Life Report and contribution are not complete and received. For instance if your report is due on the 1st Sunday of the month and the second Sunday comes around and it still isn't in; my expectation is that you will take our time, we have set aside for our conversation and complete and send in your report and contribution.

Erratic chaos is a 4th world concept of imbalance.
Peaceful Harmony 5th world, we must be able to sit tightly with what is important to us for the purpose of sustainability and maintainability of the authentic voice through the peaceful harmonic of Unity.

If our spiritual journey is not important, then we must be authentically honest with ourselves and get off the path so that we can free ourselves from guilt and allow others to move on without having to drag or carry us. If our spiritual journey is important to us, then we must be diligent and personally responsible to our attention and action.

Please consider and let me know if your choice is to continue on this journey together. If your report is due, please complete it now. You will also need to re-write your Rule of Life and submit any changes that you want to make.

Again in much love and gratitude for you,
Willow Tequillo
Spiritual Guide, Medicine Woman

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024