10/2008 - Moving from 4th world chaos to 5th world peace
Dear New Breed Healers,
Hopi Tewa
Hopi = People of Peace
Tewa = Creators of language
Tewa Hopi = Creators of the Peace Language
May peace be with you (us) and may we share peace with all.
Dear New Breed Healers,
This has been a very intense week for the NBH and for our world. The intensity is over for those who wish it so. Setting boundaries and clearly looking at what is important to us, where our energy goes and who and what it (our energy and matter) is serving.
As your spiritual guide I am aware of the difficulty which can occur while moving from 4th world chaos to 5th world peace. There are so many personal attitudes and experiences of jealousy, greed, oppression and despair that we must overcome and transform.
As your guide I have given you ear, heart and tools to help you gain mental stability and emotional sobriety. I have been in the world where you live and where you are and returned to walk you out of your personal suffering. And now for me it is over. I will not return there again.
My limitations are that I cannot and will no longer participate in emotional vomiting, mental outbursts, sympathetic victim or violent discouragement.
My expectation is that if you are feeling out of control, take silence and find emotional sobriety by using the tools given to you. When you have done this, come to me and let us have a conversation of mutual respect and encouragement.
Mark this day on your calendar:
10-12-2008 14 = 5 - May each find full health and happiness in every aspect of living and dying.
This is the day that the community of New Breed Healers ascends into 5th world's authentic voice of peaceful union.
It is the day where we die to personal need and investment in pain and we rise in the heartmind of Peace.
As a Peacemaker I, Willow, will:
- I will respond to concerns expressed in sobriety.
- I will follow the open heart path of peace through happiness and encourage you to do the same.
- I will give you exercises which open and enliven your hope, encourage your dreams and provide for you a foundation of strength that our universe is built upon.
- I will encourage the high road.
It is my hope that you will choose the path of the Peacemaker. The path of peace is formed upon the golden path of "honest humility".
A personal test to see if our responses are of 'honest humility' is to witness our responses; are they creating peace or chaos? Resentment creates chaos. Resentment is our reminder that we 'feel' that we have been treated without 'respect'. When we feel we have been treated without respect, it is a wise and sober person who first seeks inner silence, sits within and finds inner honest humility so that the authentic voice of heart mind sobriety may create pathways of peaceful conversation and change. The loud screams and aggressive cries of the injured continue the formation of the solid unforgiving road of resentment. Be careful, resentment has destroyed much of our world and lives well within the heart of humanity. Wisdom is both a divine and human quality, let us be wise in our language and expression and let us walk the way of peaceful beauty. Discernment is born of wisdom and says that all can be spoken and all heard when we are participating in personal emotional sobriety.
As Peacemakers we walk a clear line of vision, denying nothing its right to be seen and heard.
As Peacemakers we walk the clear line of vision allowing for the open heartmind space for peaceful resolution to be spoken with integrity and honest humility.
As Peacemakers through wisdom we discern the path of peace in Unity.
I offer you a pathway of beauty where a world unfolds in the very nature of blessedness. Can we walk this path of the Peacemaker as sure-footedly as we walk the path of chaos and resentment?
Part II - The Beauty Way
May we find health and happiness Living the way of beauty and joy.
Dear New Breed Healers,
Across the threshold on the other side of the gateway lives a land where I live. I invite you to come and play with me here, live with me here if you desire. It is a place of much beauty and laughter and happiness. It is a place of joy and encouragement and discovery. If you come here be sure to bring your tender heart.
I have opened the Gallery section called, 9 Thread Conversations
I invite you to post your experiences of "The Beauty Way". It is an opportunity to think about threads and symbols and prayers and qualities of each thread and see, 'how we see'. I encourage you to participate within this cloud of unknowing and allow your soul to sing and the beauty of your dreams to find a place to share.....
I have opened it up so that all can share in personal experiences of the beauty way.
It is my hope that we will become more familiar with the Threads as part of the Ascended Wisdom Matrix.
In a separate section called the Ascended Wisdom Matrix, I will be writing about the various ideas regarding the AWM. It is my intention to spend my mental, emotional and physical time and energy in the continued development of the Beauty Way through the AWM. It is my hope that your dreams carry you in this direction.
An easy way to see if someone has posted in the forum or gallery, is to go to the calendar and in the right had corner there is a drop box. Drop to posts/topics and click. It will take you to all of the posts for that day.
I hope that you find joy here.
New Breed Healer Meeting
We will be going on a journey which will be recorded that you may take at your own convenience.
It is my hope that Regional Group gatherings will occur as usually on the third Sat. of this month.
I will be posting more about our meeting this week.
Inlove as peace,
Dear New Breed Healers,
Greetings and happy day
NBH Meeting Agenda for Saturday, October 17 2008
10:00 PST - Open your regional circle by saying your regions Cycle of Life Prayer
10:15 PST - Dance of Creation
11:00 PST - Community Conference Call - TwoHawks please facilitate the recording for our meeting, thank you
Dear New Breed Healers,
This has been a really big and huge transition as we move through the threshold of our worlds And yeah. Mercury is out of retrograde!!!!!!!!
For this meeting I would like to just have a gentle 'hi' and a simple sharing of something significant in our journey this month. Make it just a few lines, just to give us a heart connection.
This is going to be a long day, so prepare yourselves as a Regional Group to catch up and get into alignment with one another
There is a journey called "Song of the Universe" which I will expect people to be taking Before taking this journey you must:
a. You must have completed the October 2008 Community painting assignment, "Divine Power embraces Divine Body through Divine Hope adding your supreme quality".
b. Listen to the "How to take a journey" - "Vision quest Journey and Mystical Experience" in the upload section of the Forum. Simply click on upload and your computer should have a media player which allows you to listen to an MP3. Caution, you may record for your own listening, you may not make copies and distribute to persons outside of our community. Thank you for this respect.
с. When you have completed this, then let me know when you will be taking the journey.
d. Exceptions: If you have not done your Bubble work with me, you may not take the "Song of the Universe Journey". If you don't know what your 'Bubble work" is that means that you have not done it. Contact me and let me know.
I have been working with each of you individually to prepare you for this journey upon the golden plates of the Akasic records to hear and sing and travel to the place of our origin and back to our incarnation upon this earth plane. I will continue to be working with you in this space over the next month.
Make sure that you are NOT DRIVING after this journey. You must sleep for a while before entering back into the world.
If you are with others during this journey, please make sure that you drink some water and take at least 1 hour of journal and silence before discussing. Remember you may not comment on another's experience, you may share your experience.
I am going to see how this goes and then speak to the small group contemplations.
I am happy and deeply relieved that we have passed through this last course. Just to let you know of our community, everyone but 2 people responded in wanting to continue on this path. I have declined permissions for those who have not responded.
Let us walk in peace and be in peace with each other.
The other day I stood on the upper deck of our home, looking out to the Communion Circle. It was early noon and a slight breeze came over the tops of the white pine. Suddenly the cones gave surrendered their fruit and the pine seeds began a swirling dance of grace, falling to the ground. In that same moment the orange butterflies gave birth and began their ascent for the first time. Together they created the movement of Divine Soul and Human Manifestation, reminding me of the common desire for unification. And it is in these moments of still quiet, where thoughts run neither here nor there, that I find the universe showing me that the flow of life continues in the beautiful song of life. The Dance of Creation continues and my personal desire to be present is all that is required to experience and witness heaven and earth.
Blessed Be,
Thread One
Sacred Art
32 Awareness - Soul Journey
1 - Essential Being
10 - In the Dance
19 - Crystallization
28 - Co-Creation
4 Trinities
1st Trinity - Divine Mind/Human Mind of Love is the Eternal Memory
Sacred Song
Thread #1 - As we move through the passages of inner knowing may we be blessed in a lightened and easy path
Immeasurable - Love
Sacred Language
5th Awareness Contemplations - Divine Experience
Thread #1 - I allow Divine Source to fill me with a wider and larger understanding of all life and relation
Thread #1 - Generosity of Giving of One's Self
Thread #10 - Equanimity, Serenity
Nine Soul Bodies
Nine Egyptian Soul Bodies (Rowena Kryder, Robes of Light)
Thread #1 - Khu - Resides with Prime Source
Nine Spirit Bodies
Nine Spirit Bodies (Rudolph Stiener)
Thread #1 - Spirits of Wisdom
Sacred Dance
Dance of Creation
Thread #1 - With my right hand, I reach out into the world of the masculine, the and strength of life focus and direction.
Rule of Life - Practice of No Harm
Thread #1 - Morning Dedication Prayers - Living Art in the form of peaceful ease
Unification of Oneness
Thread books
Thread Book 1 - Divine Mind/Human Mind
Thread Book 10 - Divine Hope/Human Becoming
Thread two
Sacred Art
32 Awareness - Soul Journey
2 - Inner Light
11 - Fire of Formation
20 - Manifestation
29 - Heavenly Participation
4 Trinities
1st trinity - Divine Mind/Human Mind of Love is the Eternal Memory
Sacred Song
Thread #2 - May we be surefooted and grateful for the abundance of hope which lies within the soft caverns and deep recesses of our Soul.
B. Immeasurable - Love
Sacred Language
5th Awareness Contemplations - Divine Experience
Thread #2 - I sit in patient discovery and revelation of all that I do not know.
Virtue, Morality, Proper Conduct
Nine Soul Bodies
Nine Egyptian Soul Bodies (Rowena Kryder, Robes of Light)
Thread #2 – Shu – Unity of Voice through lower bodies involvement with Sacred Art
Nine Spirit Bodies
Nine Spirit Bodies (Rudolph Stiener)
Thread #2 - Spirits of Will
Sacred Dance
Dance of Creation
Thread #2 - With my left hand and my left foot, I call forth my feminine, where center and balance reside within.
Rule of Life - Practice of No Harm
Thread #2 - Journaling- Miracles in Co-creative Ascension
Unification of Oneness
Thread Books
Thread Book 2 - Divine Charity/Human Idea
Thread 11- Divine Wisdom/Human Emotion
Thread Three
Sacred Art
32 Awareness - Soul Journey
3 - Inner Chaos
12 - Essence of Life
21 - New Earth Seed Being
30 - New Seed Being
4 Trinities
1st Trinity - Divine Mind/Human Mind of Love is the Eternal Memory
Sacred Song
Thread #3 - May we find the courage and strength to hold steady in center and balance
Immeasurable - Love
Sacred Language
5th Awareness Contemplations – Divine Experience
Thread #3 I honor what I know and let go of attachment to Being stagnant
Thread #3 - Renunciation of Death, or Surrender to Living Life, or Living Life in Peaceful Ease
Nine Soul Bodies
Nine Egyptian Soul Bodies (Rowena Kryder, Robes of Light)
Thread #3 - Sehkem - Vital Energy of Kundalini
Nine Spirit Bodies
Nine Spirit Bodies (Rudolph Stiener)
Thread #3 - Spirits of Motions
Sacred Dance
Dance of Creation
Thread #3 - Together in inner unity, I lift up my presence to you Great Father Spirit
Rule of Life - Practice of No harm
Thread #3 - Meditation and Contemplative Studies Living Life as Art
Unification of Oneness
Thread Books
Thread Book 3 - Divine Power/Human Thought
Thread Book 12 - Divine Miracle/Human Miracle
Thread four
Sacred Art
32 Awareness - Soul Journey
4 - Matter of Void
13 - Inner Light and Balance
22 - Journey into the Void
31 - Cycle of Creation
4 Trinities
1st Trinity- Divine Mind/ Human Mind of Love is the Eternal Memory
Sacred Song
Thread #4 - May hope clearly bring moments of grace and reflective fragment of light, that we may be enlightened in Presence and empowered in Faith.
Immeasurable - Love
Sacred Language
5th Awareness Contemplations - Divine Experience
Thread #4 – I am the breath of life in and out of my channels of my throat, and I find a moment of silence between the breath in and the breath out.
Thread #4 - Transcendental Wisdom and Insight
Nine Soul Bodies
Nine Egyptian Soul Bodies (Rowena Kryder, Robes of Light)
Thread #4 - BA - Soul which knows Soul
Nine Spirit Bodies
Nine Spirit Bodies (Rudolph Stiener)
Thread #4 - Spirits of Form
Sacred Dance
Dance of Creation
Thread #4 - Together in inner unity, I hold within my heart my presence in you Great Mother Mystery
Rule of Life - Practice of No Harm
Thread #4 - Exercise/Nutrition - Yoga, Walk, Jog, Hike, Green Food
Unification of Oneness
Thread books
Thread book 4 -Divine Magic/Human Magic
Thread book 13 - DivineHuman Communion
Thread Five
Sacred Art
32 Awareness - Soul Journey
5 - Halls of Healing
14 - Surrender
23 - Gates of Heaven
32 - Brilliance
4 Trinities
2nd Trinity - Divine Faith/Human Knowing to Compassion is the Limitless Structure
Sacred Song
Thread #5 - May each find full health and happiness in every aspect of living and dying
Immeasurable - Compassion
Sacred Language
5th Awareness Contemplations - Divine Experience
Thread #5 - I feel the breath of life flow freely through my spinal cord, bringing life force to my limbs and each cell of my body.
Thread #5 - Energy, Vigor, Diligence, Effort
Nine Soul Bodies
Nine Soul Bodies ( Rowena Kryder, Robes of Light)
Thread #5 - AB - Conscious which reflects other Subtle Bodies
Nine Spirit Bodies
Nine Spirit Bodies (Rudolph Stiener)
Thread #5 - Spirits of Personality
Sacred Dance
Dance of Creation
Thread #5 - I bend my knees in honoring your vision and dream
Rule of Life - Practice of No Harm
Thread #5 - Evening Dedication - Painting Reflections of Magic, Mystery and Miracle Song and Dance of Creation into 5th, 6th, and 7th worlds
Unification of Oneness
Thread books
Thread book 5 - Divine Body/Human Matter
Thread book 14 - DivineHuman Compassion
Thread six
Sacred Art
32 Awareness - Soul Journey
Awareness | Aspects | Character |
6- Wave of Matter | Human Home | Communication |
15 - Divine Human Being In Love | Divine Vehicle | Courage |
24- New Vision | Human Home | Commitment |
33- QuanYin/Yang/Buddha | Divine Vehicle | Truth |
42- | Human Home | Co-Creative Ascension |
4 Trinities
2nd Trinity - Divine Faith/Human Knowing to Compassion is the Limitless Structure
Sacred Song
Thread #6 - May each of us share with each other, the wisdom of open hearted tenderness, born of humility, InJoy and In Peace
Immeasurable - Compassion
Sacred Language
5th Awareness Contemplations- Divine Experience
The physical breath connects me with my physical world as Spiritual Earth
- I am the colors of the wind
- I am the sap of the tree
- I am the great and small rock of the mountain
- I am the water in mist, cloud and sea
Thread #6 - Patience, Tolerance, Forbearance, Acceptance, Endurance
Nine Soul Bodies
Nine Soul Bodies (Rowena Kryder)
Thread #6 - Khaibet- Unconscious Shadows
Nine Spirit Bodies
Nine Spirit Bodies (Rudolph Stiener)
Thread #6 - Spirits of Fire
Sacred Dance
Dance of Creation
Thread #6 - I move with my masculine into the depths of the feminine dream,
crossing the full horizon, honoring the dream of new and fresh ideas.
I move with my feminine into the depths of the masculine,
crossing the full horizon, honoring the desire to fulfill those dreams and fresh ideas.
Rule of Life -Practice of No Harm
Thread #6 - Service - Being the Song and Dance of Happiness
Unification of Oneness
Thread Books
Thread Book 6 - Divine Faith/Human Knowing
Thread Book 15 - Divine Human Co-Operation
Thread Six
EXERTION (arch angels)
Spirits of Fire
Soul-Khaibet Awarenesses | Aspects | Character |
6 - Wave of Matter | Human Home | Communication |
15 - Divine Human Being | Divine Vehicle | Courage |
24 - New Vision | Human Home | Commitment |
33 - Quan Yin Buddha | Divine Vehicle | Truth |
42- | Human Home | Co-Creative |
Ascension |
Divine Name | Human Name (hierarchy) | Energy |
Khiaibet | Rectifier | Unconscious Shadow |
6 - Wave of Matter 15 -Divine Human Being 24 -New Vision 33 - Quan Yin Buddha, QuanYin.Quan Yang (Power feminine principle/power masculine principle)
Divine Faith / Human Knowing
Spirits of Fire (Arch Angels) . Exertion Service
Cycle of life.Immeasurable.Metta. 5th Awareness
May each of us share with one another, the wisdom
of openhearted tenderness, born of humility,
in Joy and InPeace in Compassionate Compassion.
Through Patience, Tolerance, Forbearance, Acceptance and
Endurance, the physical breath connects me to my physical world.
I am the color of the wind,
I am the Sap of the Tree
I am the Great and Small rock of the Mountain
I am the water in mist, cloud and sea
1a. Divine Reason/Vision of Love FAITH 1b. Human Reason/Vision of Love = KNOWING 2. Aspect = Imagination TO LOVE 3. Intention. Dream for Love = NOBLE 4. Quality Dreamer from Love = GENUINE 5. Image of Co-Creative Ascension = AWE IN COMMUNION
6 - HUMAN HOME = G^11^
15 - DIVINE VEHICLE = G^11^/ B^111^
24 - HUMAN HOME = G^11^/B^111,^ G^1111^
33 - DIVINE VEHICLE = G^11^, B^111^/G^1111^
42 - CO-CREATIVE ASCENSION= G^11^, B^1111^/G^1111^
Thread 7
Sacred Art
32 Awareness - Soul Journey
7 - Wave of the Universe
16 - Sanctuary
25 - Reclaiming Shadow
4 Trinities
2^nd^ Trinity - Divine Faith/Human Knowing to Compassion is the Limitless Structure
Sacred Song
Thread #7 - May beauty surround each of us and may each be given the creative voice to sing of this beauty, that our shared compassion may open Earth's Heavenly Gateways of Eternal Bliss.
Immeasurable - Compassion
Sacred Language
5th Awareness Contemplations - Divine Experience
Thread #7 - I am Spiritual Cosmos, the connection between
Divine Heaven and Divine Earth
Thread #7 - Truthfulness, Honesty
Nine Soul Bodies
Nine Soul Bodies (Rowena Kryder)
Thread #7 - KA - Etheric Body Subconscious
Nine Spirit Bodies
Nine Spirit Bodies (Rudolph Stiener)
Thread #7 - Spirits of Love
Sacred Dance
Dance of Creation
Thread #7 - together, we Feminine and Masculine do sit in unity in the heart of Great Mother Mystery
Rule of Life - Practice of No Harm
Thread #7 - Contribution-Teachings and Writings through Generosity of Self.
Unification of Oneness
Thread Books
Thread book 7 - Divine Truth/Human Wisdom
Thread book 16 - DivineHuman Co-creative Ascension
Thread 8
Sacred Art
32 Awareness - Soul Journey
8 - Womb of Life
17 - Ascension into Truth
26 Point of Stillness
4 Trinities
2^nd^ Trinity - Divine Faith /Human Knowing to Compassion is the Limitless Structure
Sacred Song
Thread #8 - May Mother Earth experience our every devotion and may we share with our own bodies this life of Being InGratitude & InCherishment.
Immeasurable - Compassion
Sacred Language
5^th^ Awareness Contemplations - Divine Experience
Thread #8 - I connect with my Counsel and my Guides
Thread #8 - Determination, Resolution
Nine Soul Bodies
Nine Soul Bodies (Rowena Kryder)
Thread #8 - Khat - Physical Body Hologram
Nine Spirit Bodies
Nine Spirit Bodies (Rudolph Stiener)
Thread #8 - Son's of Twilight
Sacred Dance
Dance of Creation Thread #8 - Together, we masculine and feminine do lift our Unity to the life force of Great Father Spirit
Rule of Life - Practice of No Harm
Thread #8 - Retreat - I am retreat, sanctuary.
Unification of Oneness
Thread Books
Thread book #8 Divine Mystery/Human Mystery
Thread 9
Sacred Art
32 Awareness - Soul Journey
9 - Duality 18 - Dark Night of the Soul 27 - Wisdom of Matter (Vatemare)
4 Trinities
3^rd^ Trinity - Divine Wisdom/Human Emotion for Joy is the Infinite Spark
Sacred Song
Thread #9 - May Father Spirit continually flow through our bodies as we seek the deeper meaning of our Humanity
Immeasurable - Joy
Sacred Language
5^th^ Awareness Contemplations - Divine Experience
Thread #9 - I dance with all Spiritual Earth and Spiritual Cosmos, in the Song and Dance of Creation, we are ONE.
Thread #9 METTA Unconditional Love
Nine Soul Bodies
Nine Soul Bodies (Rowena Kryder)
Thread #9 - Ren - Name of Soul at First Incarnation
Nine Spirit Bodies
Nine Spirit Bodies (Rudolph Stiener)
Thread #9 - Spirits of Harmony
Sacred Dance
Dance of Creation
Thread #9 - From the Life Force, all prayer in genuine Unity of Divine Love is brought through the HeartMind Intention of the DivineHumanBeing InLove
Rule of Life - Practice of No Harm
Thread #9 - Personal Qualities - I am the Song and Dance of Creation in Beautiful Splendors' Joy as Miracles. I live life in a new form, Happiness.
Unification of Oneness
Thread books
Thread book #9 - Divine Soul/Human Manifestation
Ascended Wisdom Matrix by Willow Tequillo
120^th^ Movement of AWM - Unification Descent and Ascent of Divine Human Being by Willow Tequillo
Fifth World Harmonic Pathway through Seventh World Formation Divine Human Being in Gentle Ease and Peace
Thread ________
5^th^ Awareness Divine Prayer of Unity:
Descending Divine Quality: _________________________________________________
Descending Divine Reed Quality: ____________________________________________
Unified Divine Human Quality: ______________________________________________
Ascending Human Reed Quality: ____________________________________________
Ascending Human Quality: _________________________________________________
Cycle of Life Prayer - Human Prayer of Unity:
Fifth World Harmonic Pathway through Seventh World Formation Divine Human Being in Gentle Ease and Peace
Thread ________
- There are Nine Threads. Each Thread is made up of
- A Quality. A Quality is the Essential Essence of Being as first matter form. Before co-creation of dense matter existence into form. One could liken a quality to the matter which makes up the emotional akasic of all life. Life being all matter in individual containment as a known property. In other words, Quality defines, gives name to, experience of and reason for Being, in 'any' given form.
- Step Name, Step Number, Color, Sound, Aspect, Physical Body, Soul Portrait.
5^th^ Awareness Divine Prayer of Unity:
- The Fifth Awareness is the Prayer of the Soul as it incarnates and embodies it's Human Existence.
Divine Descending Quality: _________________________________________________
- The Divine Descending Quality is the quality which is being formed as the Outer experience of the Divine and Human Being and is defined through the Divine or Soul experience as incarnated Being. This Quality is seeking unification at the outer most rim of experience and is seeking unification through individualistic identity.
Descending Divine Reed Quality: ____________________________________________
- The Descending Divine Reed Quality is a quality which has been tried through worlds and is embodied through every form in the Universe. This quality works with its 'complement' quality as the pillar or reed form which supports both the inner circle 'unified quality' and equally the outer circle 'individualist quality' without competition or need for validity. In this position it acts to interpret the Soul experience of nature of the particular matter. It is important to note that this quality informs through worlds.
Unified Divine Human Quality: ______________________________________________
- This quality is the quality which works specifically to interpret the individual and community experience or the collective experience of existence. It relates information to the akasic record for the recording of authenticity of all Bodies in Unification (Ego/Soul Unity in Equanimity) or the Awakening Consciousness.
Ascending Human Reed Quality: ____________________________________________
- The Ascending Divine Reed Quality is a quality which has been tried through worlds and is embodied through every form in the Universe. This quality works with its 'complement' quality as the pillar or reed form which supports both the inner circle 'unified quality' and equally the outer circle 'individualist quality' without competition or need for validity. In this position it acts to interpret the Ego experience of nature of the particular matter. It is important to note that this quality informs through worlds.
Ascending Human Quality: _________________________________________________
- The Human Ascending Quality is the quality which is being formed as the Outer experience Human and Divine Being and is defined through the Human or Ego experience as incarnated Being. This quality is seeking unification at the outer most rim of experience and is seeking unification through individualistic identity.
Cycle of Life Prayer-Human Prayer of Unity:
The Cycle of Life Prayer is a prayer of the Ego as it incarnates and embodies its Soul Existence.
Master Outline for the Ascended Wisdom Matrix Definition and Commentary Outline for Thread Development
Willow JiMi Tequillo
For the transition from 6^th^ to 7^th^ World
Thread: There are Nine Threads which experience the 32 Awareness's of enlightenment. 32 Soul Portraits give comprehension to the developing states and stages of Enlightenment. The Nine Threads are further explored through the examination, experiment and experience of the 256 movements of Universal Unifying Qualities through Mental, Physical and Emotional embodiment of sacred geometric number color, form, sound, aspect.
Awareness: There are 32 Awareness's which are broken up into experiences of the Nine Threads
Metta: Metta refers to Unconditional Love without attachment and the process which one undergoes DivineHuman Being InLove.
5^th^ Awareness Divine Prayer of Unity: Is the Divine Soul's prayer of unity as it experiences the descent into human form.
Structure of Emotional Wisdom: See below
Cycle of Life Prayer-Human Prayer of Unity: Is the Human Ego's prayer for unity as it experiences it ascent.
Structure for Emotional Wisdom
(3) Descending Divine Quality: INTENTION
(1a) Descending Divine Reed Quality: REASON
(2) Unified Divine Human Quality: ASPECT
(1b) Ascending Human Reed Quality: REASON
(4) Ascending Human Quality: QUALITY
Development of the Torus Loop or Emotional Wisdom
structure found in the 14^th^ Awareness of Surrender (Thread 5)
Fifth World Harmonic Pathway through Seventh World Formation
Divine Human Being in Gentle Ease and Peace
Thread ________
Awareness ________________
Metta: _____________________________________________________________
5^th^ Awareness Divine Prayer of Unity:
Structure of Emotional Wisdom
Descending Divine Quality: _________________________________________________
Descending Divine Reed Quality: ____________________________________________
Unified Divine Human Quality: ______________________________________________
Ascending Human Reed Quality: ____________________________________________
Ascending Human Quality: _________________________________________________
Cycle of Life Prayer-Human Prayer of Unity:
(3) Descending Divine Quality: The Descending Divine Quality, ciphers the INTENTION which is, 'Surrender in Freewill Participation to, Divine Will'. Testing occurs through determination of consistency and eternal devotion to Divine Law or Natural Order. Natural Order requires fluid stillness or Presence. Presence is 'stillness' within, as incremental change occurs through minute waves accumulating through gravitational resonance's which produce or create particles of form through sound harmonics.
(1a) Descending Divine Reed Quality: The Descending Divine Reed Quality, is the focused Mind in "REASON" through Simplicity, which is in consideration of the current or stream of the 'Source of Consciousness'.
(2) Unified Divine Human Quality: The Unified Divine Human Quality is in conscious awareness of the integral effect it has upon each ASPECT through considerations of Kindness. Ego/Soul Self examination.
(1b) Ascending Human Reed Quality: The Ascending Divine Reed Quality, is the focused Mind in "REASON" through Simplicity, which is in consideration of the current or stream of the 'Source of Consciousness'.
(4) Ascending Human Quality: The Ascending Human Quality further develops the integrity of the QUALITY of the Thread by processing experimental ACTIONS of honesty. The Thread memorizes the harmonic in color and form (melding or blending) without sound. When honest contribution of the solidified form is intact, permanency and reliability are tested through sound. Sound informs the 2 fold harmonic of color and form of its 'sound' compatibility with the original intention.
Ascended Wisdom Matrix
Anatomy of the Ascending Body - Outline
Ascended Wisdom Matrix
Anatomy of the Ascending Body - Original Form 1
Ascended Wisdom Matrix - Evolution of Emotion
Anatomy of the Ascending Body - Original Form 3
Inner Cycle of Aspects
Natural Order of 4 Immeasurable's
1^st^ Divine Trinity - Descending Evolution of Love
Divine Aspect: Partnership
Divine Qualities:
- Mind - Source Reason of Love - Dignity
- Charity - Agent Intention in Compassion - Noble
- Power - Process Quality for Joy - Allowance
- Magic - Effect Aspect from Equanimity - Courage
- Magic - Effect Aspect from Equanimity - Faith
- Thought - Process Quality for Joy - Generosity
- Idea - Agent Intention to Trust - Compassion
- Mind - Source Reason of Love - Truth
Human Qualities:
Human Aspect: Family
1st Human Trinity Ascending Evolution of Love
2^nd^ Divine Trinity - Descending Experience to Compassion
Divine Aspect: Work
Divine Qualities 5. Body Process Quality for Joy - Humble 6. Faith Source Reason of Love - Genuine 7. Truth Agent Intention to Compassion - Passion 8. Mystery Effect Aspect from Equanimity - Grateful
8. Mystery Effect Aspect from Equanimity - Gratitude 7. Wisdom Agent Intention to Compassion - Passageways of Strength 6. Knowing Source Reason of Love - Unity 5. Matter Process Quality for Joy - Humility
Human Qualities:
Human Aspect: Friends
2^nd^ Human Trinity - Ascending Experience to Compassion
3^rd^ Divine Trinity - Involution for Joy
Divine Aspect: Vehicle
Divine Qualities 9. Soul Agent Intention to Compassion - Beautiful 10. Hope Process Quality for Joy - Graceful 11. Wisdom Source Reason of Love - Delightful 12. Miracle Effect Aspect from Equanimity - Absolute Eternal
12. Miracle Effect Aspect from Equanimity - Authentic Eternal 11. Emotion Source Reason of Love - Devotion 10. Becoming Process Quality for Joy - Cherishment 9. Manifestation Agent Intention to Compassion - Splendor
Human Qualities:
Human Aspect: Home
3^rd^ Human Trinity - Involution for Joy
4^th^ Trinity - Descending Transmission from Equanimity 13. Communion Agent Intention to Compassion 14. Compassion Process Quality for Joy 15. Co-Operation Effect Aspect from Equanimity 16. Co-Creation
Ego/Soul Unity -> Source Reason of Love 16. Ascension 15. Co-Operation Effect Aspect from Equanimity 14. Compassion Process Quality for Joy 13. Communion Agent Intention to Compassion
4^th^ Trinity - Ascending Transmission from Equanimity
Primary Considerations for Universal Discernment and Comprehension
Emotional Wisdom
Source + Reason = _________________________
Agent + Intention = _________________________
Process + Quality = _________________________
Effect + Aspect = _________________________
Anatomy of the Ascending Body/ Cycle of Life Prayer
List of the Threads according to the Source and Intention of the Trinity from which they are currently derived.
Part 1
1^st^ Trinity the Universal Mind in Dignified Truth
- Thread 1
- Thread 2
- Thread 3
- Thread 4
2^nd^ Trinity the Universal Divine Faith Human Knowing Genuine Unity
- Thread 5
- Thread 6
- Thread 7
- Thread 8
3^rd^ Trinity the Universal Soul Manifestation of Beautiful Splendor
- Thread 9
Part 2
1^st^ Trinity the Universal Mind in Dignified Truth
- Thread 1 - Divine Mind Human Mind in Dignified Truth
- Thread 2 - Divine Charity Human Idea in Noble Trust
- Thread 3 - Divine Power Human Thought in Generous Allowance
- Thread 4 - Divine Magic Human Magic in Courageous Faith
2^nd^ Trinity the Universal Divine Faith Human Knowing Genuine Unity
- Thread 5 - Divine Body Human Matter in Humble Humility
- Thread 6 - Divine Faith Human Knowing in Genuine Unity
- Thread 7 - Divine Truth Human Wisdom in Passionate Passageways of Strength
- Thread 8 - Divine Mystery Human Mystery in Grateful Gratitude
3^rd^ Trinity the Universal Soul Manifestation of Beautiful Splendor
- Thread 9 - Divine Soul Human Manifestation in Beautiful Splendor
Part 3 - 4^th^ World into 5^th^ World Passageways
1^st^ Trinity the Universal Mind in Dignified Truth
- Thread 1 - Divine Mind Human Mind in Dignified Truth
- Thread 2 - Divine Charity Human Idea in Noble Trust
- Thread 3 - Divine Power Human Thought in Generous Allowance
- Thread 4 - Divine Magic Human Magic in Courageous Faith
Source + Reason = Thread 1 - Divine Mind Human Mind in Dignified Truth
Agent + Intention = Thread 2 - Divine Charity Human Idea in Noble Trust
Process + Quality = Thread 3 - Divine Power Human Thought in Generous Allowance
Effect + Aspect = Thread 4 - Divine Magic Human Magic in Courageous Faith
2^nd^ Trinity the Universal Divine Faith Human Knowing Genuine Unity
- Thread 5 - Divine Body Human Matter in Humble Humility
- Thread 6 - Divine Faith Human Knowing in Genuine Unity
- Thread 7 - Divine Truth Human Wisdom in Passionate Passageways of Strength
- Thread 8 - Divine Mystery Human Mystery in Grateful Gratitude
Source +Reason = Thread 6 - Divine Faith Human Knowing in Genuine Unity
Agent + Intention = Thread 7 - Divine Truth Human Wisdom in Passionate Passageways of Strength
Process + Quality = Thread 5 - Divine Body Human Matter in Humble Humility
Effect + Aspect = Thread 8 - Divine Mystery Human Mystery in Grateful Gratitude
3^rd^ Trinity the Universal Wisdom Emotion in Delightful Devotion
- Thread 9 - Divine Soul Human Manifestation in Beautiful Splendor
New World Formation - 5^th^ World in to 6^th^ World passageways
- Thread 10 (1)- Divine Hope Human Becoming in Graceful Cherishment in Adoration
- Thread 11 (2)- Divine Wisdom Human Emotion in Delightful Devotion in Adoration
- Thread 12 (3)- Divine Miracle Human Miracle in Absolute Authentic Eternal Acceptance
Source +Reason = Thread 11 - Divine Wisdom Human Emotion in Delightful Devotion in Adoration
Agent + Intention = Thread 9 - Divine Soul Human Manifestation in Beautiful Splendor in Wonder
Process + Quality = Thread 10 - Divine Hope Human Becoming in Graceful Cherishment in Adoration
Effect + Aspect = Thread 12 - Divine Miracle Human Miracle in Absolute Authentic Eternal Acceptance in Acceptance
Part 4 - Movements between worlds.
This is the place where the 4 chambers of the heart are activated and the Hara (the divine heart) and the human physical heart (mind activated compassion) change poles creating the new form.
The transition place from 5^th^ world and 6^th^ World:
Ascended Wisdom Matrix # 255 -
Universal Co-Operation Awakening Ascension
through Universal Wisdom's Emotion in Delightful Devotion from Divine Co-operation in Human Ascension.
- The physical form is working well and there is a pressure between the heart and the hara which centers in the 'Will'. The natural fluid state of the 'Will' at this point is 'Delightful Devotion' of the memories of all prior lifetimes of all existence. The akasic record lives here in Universal Wisdom's Emotion. The Aura, the etheric body of matter and joy is really the Beauty of Joy.
- The Beauty of Joy is the feeling of emotion becoming so intense that it formed a color and a sound in a single moment in time and space.
- The color and sound becoming so sure that it created a form. The form knowing self created identity.
- The identity becoming so complete that it replicates.
In the healing of Physical form there is a point of completeness called sanctuary. Sanctuary creates boundary for the 'slowest form' to evolve. The slowest inner form changes at a rate which allows for the 'calm and easy fluidity' of forward movement from one classification to the next.
Rate of Speed, is a Being equivalent to Conscious Awareness, and is valuable in the process of awakening to being fully experienced as tangible. This genuine unity between Rate of Speed and Conscious Awareness co-creates the New Being. This highly evolved Being is able to decipher the active ingredients of it's own makeup and its inter-visionary experiences, which promote clearer pathways of enlightenment within the desired pathway or thread of strength.
Qualities are evolved to a distinctive point which allow for 'increment' growth to be witnessed and experienced in a conscious manner. This rate allows for capacity for sustainable dreaming to occur for the purpose of New Formation.
Part 5 - 6th World Inner Vision to 7^th^ World Active Form
- Thread 13 (4) Universal Communion in Awe
- Thread 14 (5) Universal Compassion in Wonder
- Thread 15 (6) Universal Co-Operation in Awakening
- Thread 16 (7) Universal Co-creative Ascension in Eternal Seeing
Source + Reason = Thread 13 (4) Universal Communion in Awe
Agent + Intention = Thread 14 (5) Universal Compassion in Wonder
Process + Quality = Thread 15 (6) Universal Co-Operation in Awakening
Effect + Aspect = Thread 16 (7) Universal Co-creative Ascension in Eternal Seeing
Sacred Reflections: Center for Transformational Awareness
Ascended Wisdom Matrix-Cycle of Life Prayer
Cycle of Life Prayers Complete 7^th^ World Threads
Thread 1
As we, the Universal Mind of Oneness, move through the passages of inner knowing, may we be blessed in a lightened and easy path, through Divine Dignity in Partnership and Human Truth in Family.
Thread 2
May we, the Universal Mind of Charitable Ideas of Oneness, be surefooted and grateful for the abundance of hope which does lay within the soft caverns and deep recesses of our soul through Divine Nobility in Partnership and Human Trust in Family.
Thread 3
May we, the Universal Mind of Powerful Thoughts of Oneness, find the courage and strength to hold steady in center and balance through Divine Generosity in Partnerships and Human Allowance in Family.
Thread 4
As the Universal Mind of Oneness, may hope clearly bring moments of grace and reflective fragments of light, that we may be enlightened in Presence and empowered in Faith through Divine Courage in Partnership and Human Faith in Family.
Thread 5
May we, Universal Faith Knowing Oneness as the Body of Matter, find full health and happiness in every aspect of living and dying, through Divine Humbled Work in Human Humility of Friendship.
Thread 6
May we, Universal Faith Knowing Oneness Genuine Unity, share with each other the wisdom of open hearted tenderness, born of humility, in joy and in peace as Divine Genuine Work as Human Unity in Friendship.
Thread 7
May we, Universal Faith Knowing Wisdoms Truth in Oneness, be surrounded by beauty and given the creative voice to sing of this beauty, that our shared compassion may open Earth's heavenly gateways of eternal bliss, Divine Passion in passageways of Work and Human Strength in Friendship.
Thread 8
As Universal Faith Knowing the Mystery of Oneness, may mother earth experience our every devotion and may we share with our own bodies this life of Being in gratitude and cherishment as Divine Work in Gratitude and Grateful Human Friendship.
Thread 9
As Universal Emotional Wisdom to Delightful Devotion of Oneness, May Father Spirit continually flow through our bodies as we week the deeper meaning of our humanity as Divine Beautiful Vehicles in Human Homes of Splendor.
Thread 10
As Universal Emotional Wisdom in Oneness of Becoming Hope, may we experience our Thread as our Path of our life's journey as dream and dreamer in Divine Graceful Home in Human Cherishment as Vehicle.
Thread 11
As Universal Emotional Wisdom as Delightful Devotion, may we honor in Adoration and Sanctuary the path of all life in generous appreciation and graceful cherishment Divine Delightful Home as Human Devotional Vehicles.
Thread 12
As Universal Emotional Wisdom in Oneness of Miracles, may we surrender in gratitude our very existence as Divine Absolute Eternal Home as Human Authentic Eternal Human Vehicle.
5th Awareness Prayers (Consciousness)
Thread 1 - I allow divine Source to fill me with a wider and larger understanding of all life and relation.
Thread 2 - I sit in patient discovery and revelation of all that I do not know.
Thread 3 - 1 honor what I know and let go of the attachment to Being Stagnant. (Stagnant = still not moving or flowing; Attachment = emotional bond or connection)
Thread 4 - I am the breath of life in and out of the channels of my throat. And I find moment of silence between the breath in and the breath out. (Moment = infinitely short segment of time)
Thread 5 - I feel the breath of life flow freely through my spinal cord, bringing life force to my limbs and each cell of my body. Through my physical body I experience the Emotion of Breath. (Flow = move along smoothly, stream)
Thread 6 - The physical Breath connects me with my physical world as Spiritual Earth.
- I am the color of the wind.
- I am the sap of the tree.
- I am the great and small rock of the mountain.
- I am the water in the mist, cloud and sea.
Thread 7 - 1 am Spiritual Cosmos, the connection between Divine Heaven and Divine Earth.
Thread 8 - I connect with my Counsel and my Guides.
Thread 9 - I dance with all Spiritual Earth and Spiritual Cosmos. In the Dance of Creation we are ONE.
10-26-2008 = 1
5th World Supreme Quality of Truth
As we move through the passages of Inner Knowing, may we be blessed in a Lightened and easy path.
5th Awareness: I am the great and small rock of the mountain.
AWM # 111 Thread #3
Divine Co-Operation embodies Human Wisdom in Individual Truth through Passionate Passageways of Gratitude.
The grain of sand which is the foundation of my Truth is Humility. My human Wisdom only knows that the path to Divine Co-Operation lives within my personal Truth surrendering to the light of Humility. This knowing, brings morning light and new promise to my day, courage to my heart, and vision to my mind. I settle down inwardly to the AWE of all that we are and unfold within me. And in my uncertainty of the truth of another, I stand in the humble belief that they too are seeking the most Sacred Heart of Co-Operation.
These grains of faith, belief in that which is unseen; make up who we are. These grains of sand, small rock of the great mountain; inspire the safe and solitary focus of the foundation of life sustaining unified peace. So it IS, in the Wisdom of my humanity that I carry deep within the inner recesses of my heart, the belief in humanity, knowing that personal truth for self and other is the source of building our common foundation of Trust.
Just for today, I surrender in humility, that which I do not know, having placed the Wisdom of my Faith in Divine Co-Operation.
Blessed Be,
Formula Considerations for contemplation and exercises
Ascended Wisdom Matrix # 246, Thread 3, 16 Awakening Universal Co-Operation
1 Universal Mind in Dignified Truth
Geometric Symbol and relationship to ascending qualities
Divine and Human Mind = Magenta Dot
Dignified = Turquoise Infinity Symbol held by the Star of David (ascending and descending triangles)
Truth = Golden Orange Spiraling Diamond
5 Universal Body of Matter in Humbled Humility
Geometric Symbol and relationship to ascending qualities
Universal Body of Matter = Green Reed
Humbled = Blue Circle of Magic with the Mulberry Waves of Miracle inside
Humility = Mulberry Waves of Miracle
6 Universal Faith Knowing Genuine Unity
Universal Faith Knowing = Turquoise Infinity Symbol
Genuine = Purple Unified Triangles (Star of David)
Unity = Orange Arrows
Ascended Wisdom Matrix
256 Qualities of 42 Generations by Willow Tequillo
Thread #1 - The Dreamer
Part I - Considerations for Thread #1 - The Source Dreamer
Thread #1 is the first of nine threads or pathways to enlightenment and ascended co- creation within the Ascended 1 Wisdom Matrix. The Ascended Wisdom Matrix or AWM is made up of 256 Qualities which have evolved through 42 Generations. Now in this present Time of Times in Conscious Awakening, 16 Supreme Qualities are being transformed through 256 Divine/Human experiences and transmuted through the process of transfiguration for the transubstantiation of each of the qualities into 5^th^ world qualities, 6^th^ world voice and 7^th^ world New Earth Form. This process of transcendence occurs for the Divine Being as descent and the Human Being as ascent. The descent of the Divine Being is referred to as Co-Creation1 and the ascent of the Human Being is referred to as Ascension. The unified experience through evolution is the Present Now or Unified state. The next movement or Future Now is based upon the reconciliation of Past Now into the Present Now, Unified State. The three Now's become one unified moment and are catapulted forward into New Formation by the desire of that particular quality in its desire of experience.
Trinity Relationship Dreaming is intentionally explored through the nine bodies within the unified Divine/Human Being in the Trinities' as follows:
First Trinity - Mind of Focus defines the intentional life path of happiness.
Purpose -
To developed a bridged language and dialogue between the forth world qualities of the Perfectionist and fifth world ascended qualities of the Dreamer. The Dreamer connects the Divine Human Being to Source through dreams and visions through the focused intentions of happiness.
Heavenly Overseer: Arch Angel Michael
Earth Ancestor/Wisdom Keeper: Lives in Two Worlds
Divine Quality: Divine Mind
Human Quality: Human Mind
Intention: Focused Happiness
4^th^ World Quality: Perfection
5^th^ World Ascended Quality: Dreaming
6^th^ - 7^th^ World Co-Creative Quality: Allowance
Sacred Geometric Form: Dot
"#1 - Seed, point, circle, focus, supreme spirit, Atman, creator, intentional focused mind, source." *Destiny, Rowena Patte Kryder*
Sacred Geometric #: 1 One
Color: Violet Red
Direction: East
Element: (fill in the blank)
Four Fold Way: Source
Planet: Ruled by the Sun
Heavenly Overseer - Arch Angel Michael
Cycle of Life Prayer: Divine Source, thank you for your guidance and tender holding of all that I know and all that I do not know. Thank you for your wisdom, comfort and care in helping me to know that we are ONE and ALL IS a whole part of you. Thank you for the path before me, behind me, around me, below me and above me. Thank you for sharing your grace of clarity and vision in the Sacred. As we move through the passages of inner knowing may all be blessed in a enlightened and easy pathway. Thank you for the balance and center in full presence of All that I AM. Blessed Be - Selah
Sacred Law: "Everything is an imperishable part of the whole." Shamanic Experience, Kenneth Meadows
Part II Considerations for Thread #1 - The Dreamer
Contemplative Lessons and Mantra
"I Am the breath in and the breath out.
I allow the Breath of All Life to enfold me and fill me with a wider and larger understanding of all life and relation. As I begin to know myself as Oneness, I learn that, I Am That I Am."
Part III Considerations for Thread #1 - The Dreamer
Areas of Character Development in Humility
Important Note: With in the areas presented there are places where a Being can run into internal 'spiritual' crisis or "Dark Night of the Soul/Ego". Personal evaluations of well worn belief systems are challenged and personal integrity is developed. One must be diligent within their basic Rule of Life before entering into this phase." Below are some guidelines for character development for Thread #1.
A. Phase one of thread # 1's character development has two challenges.
- The quest of thread #1 is to find centered peace.
- Phase one of thread #1 has two character development challenges.
- The first phase one challenge for thread #1 is, in the area of the reconciliation of paradoxes of absolutes.
- Lesson - All life is One. We are whole parts of the whole.
- The first phase one challenge for thread #1 is, coming to peace in letting go of being judgmental. I.E. Letting go of the harsh black and white of right way and wrong way or good way and a bad way.
- Lesson - Black and white are extremes and the rainbow of evolutionary experience lies within the dark and the light. Two equal one on human ascending ladder as two equal three on the divine descending ladder.
- Exercises for #1:
- Journal any paradox and consider for self what the dialogue is that is being spoken.
- Consider a middle way.
- Write it down.
- Is this a pathway that is worth exploring?
- If so then begin walking it.
Exercise #2: Play with color.
- Make a list of 10 colors
- Examine them in your mind and in your world
- Write down your thoughts about them
- How does this exercise help you to see that we are a blend of all that has been and that all that is before us is ever reforming?
Phase two of thread #1 character development has one challenge.
The quest is to Embody Faith in Inspiration through experiencing personal truth in the magic of living. The character challenge: The Mind Body's capacity to accept the worthiness, acceptance and allowance of the Divinity for All that Is (self and others).There are two exercises which can help to steady the pace and honor the voice.
- 21 Day Exercise: Practice conscious truth telling in the Mind Body, Physical Body and Emotional Body. Keep a written daily journal of your experience..
- 7 Day Exercise: Listen for your personal Inner Truth. Write your experiences of your Mind Body, Physical Body and Emotional Body.
Phase three of thread #1 character development has one challenge. The quest is living in Blessed Assurance in All as the unfolding Communion of All Life.
The character challenge for this part of development has to do with fully understanding and participating in the knowing that freewill requires personal allowance for others to do for themselves what they can do and to inspire them to do so.There are two exercises which can help navigate through this inner dialogue in humility.
- 21 Day Exercise: Practice being in community settings and allowing another to be beautifully joyful. Be open to the experience of adoration for another without calling attention to self. When there is a need for help to be given, give options only when asked and give options which promote the empowerment of the other.
Keep a written dialogue of your experiences of self examination through the Mind Body, Physical Body and Emotional Body. - 7 Day Exercise: See personal light within light up. Practice sitting with the inner light and see it connecting through gravity. Practice sitting with the inner light and see it connecting through force. Write down your experiences of the Mind Thoughts, Physical Sense, and Emotional Feelings.
Choose 'the way' which best connects your bodies and holds your highest intention.
- 21 Day Exercise: Practice being in community settings and allowing another to be beautifully joyful. Be open to the experience of adoration for another without calling attention to self. When there is a need for help to be given, give options only when asked and give options which promote the empowerment of the other.
Part IV - Considerations for Thread #1 - The Dreamer
Questions for Self Evaluation
- How do I, as the dreamer, learn to focus on my creative genius?
- How do I, as the dreamer, create a sacred space in my life for my soul and ego?
- What space has my ego/soul made for being a 'matter based Being'?
- What is a 'matter based Being'?
- What do I think in my mind, what and where do I sense in my physical body and what do I feel in my emotional body about the following statement?
"The Dreamer aspect of the soul self focuses on the incarnate and discarnate life potential of creative genius from the sacred space of the soul. The Dreamer aspect of the ego self focuses on the incarnate and discarnate life potential as creative genius from the sacred space of the ego. Communion takes place between the ego and the soul when both aspects of self form a Divine and Human view which can be honored by "both" as heavenly and matter based beings."
- What is a Divine Human Being? What does it mean to be Human?
- What does it mean to be Divine?
- What aspect of my being does my soul most relate to, Divinity or Human?
- What aspect of my being does my ego most relate to, Divine or Human?
- What aspects of myself do I more relate to, soul or ego, both, Divine or human or both?
- What think sense and feel about the following statement?
Knowing ones self as the Dreamer helps the Human Being from the Divine view, to develop a Divine Human life or Ascended Life.
Knowing ones self as the Dreamer helps the Divine Being from the Human view, to develop a Divine Human life or a Co-Creative life.
Part V - Considerations for Thread #1 - The Dreamer
Helpful Hints
- Evaluate personal ideas of judgmental ism.
- Trust in the Divine Source and Universe to expand and unfold in Natural Order
- Open your self to possibilities of new ideas.
- Allow yourself and others to participate in living in freedom.
- Examine the concepts of freedom, freewill, discernment, boundaries, acceptance and allowance.
- Observe and allow others to explore their gifts and talents without your intervention.
- Create sacred space for yourself.
- Practice 'Present Now' by actively listening to inner self and others.
- Hold sacred space for another without personal input, attachment or personal glorification.
- Be impressed and in inspired in the awe of living life.
Part VI - Considerations for Thread #1 through the Medicine Wheel of the Ascended Wisdom Matrix
Sacred Reflections: Center for Transformational Awareness
Trinity Sacred Geometric and Color Formula
Willow Tequillo
Copyright - I 2006 A Sacred Reflections original.
Phase 4 of Thread #1 is the Ascension and Co-creation process though the Trinities as they integrate and evolve through the Medicine Wheel of the Ascended Wisdom Matrix.
There are 9 (nine) possible THREADS within the Ascended Wisdom Matrix. Each individual Thread has 28 movements. Within the movements of each thread there is a possibility of ascension 1, 2 or 3 times within the 'round'. A 'round' is equal to 'one' 1, full and complete processing of a particular thread. Completing a round does not necessarily mean that one has completed the 'wheel of life'. When a Being completes the wheel of life, all karma has been reconciled. Your individual's personal council will notify you if you are where you are in your process and options for continuing on the path. Ascended options differ depending upon where you are in your process and path. The following are some of the ascended options though: Give up the incarnated form and move to another realm or heaven; give up the physical matter based form and remain on the existing plane and travel through the various heavens and realms; maintain the matter based form and continue their process on the particular plane that they are on working as a discarnate in the various realms and heavens. It is a personal decision for the Being in the development of Dharma.
Remember: Every time that you move through an ascended co-creative movement you will be asked to let go of something and to take something new on. The variety of ways this occurs is uncountable. All qualities must go through the process of transformation from 4^th^ world into 5^th^, 6^th^ and 7^th^ world. Ascension always follows the discovery and personal acceptance of Personal Truth. If personal truth is accepted by the individual it becomes the form through the next highest vibration. The combinations of 16 Divine and Human Qualities interact and respond with each other in the form of the Star of David formulate the Trinities as seen in the 2 diagrams below.
The specific transcendence dynamics of change are as follows:
- Transformation which occurs in the First Trinity of the Divine and Human Mind
- Transmutation which occurs in the Second Trinity of the Divine Faith and Human Knowing
- Transfiguration of Third Trinity of Divine Wisdom and Human Emotion.
- Dharma2 or Transubstantiation occurs when the three trinities become united in form and function as Ascended Co-Creation.
Part VII - Considerations for Thread #1 - The Dreamer
Points of possible Ascension
Within the 256 movements within the 42 Generations Matrix, possible Divine Co-Creative Descent occurs twice in the #1 Thread; possible Human Ascension occurs 1 time in thread #1. Co-Creative Ascension must occur within 'each of the three combined Divine/Human Trinities', in order for the Wheel of Life to be complete. This requires many lifetimes. When the Wheel of Life or Karma Wheel is complete one has experienced and can give reference to:
- 42 Generations
256 Qualities
9 Threads
28 movements within each thread.
Within Thread #1, there are two possible places of Soul descent or Co-Creation.
Soul descent or Co-Creation naturally follows the discovery and personal acceptance of Personal Truth. In order for Co-Creation to occur, Human Being must be able to stand still and witness the value of all life and experience through each stage of development. In this way it can be said that human being 'ascends' in understanding. Such a minor description, for such a major unification process. If personal truth is accepted by the individual it becomes 'form' through the next highest vibration. Personal Truth requires that the Human Being allow, work with and accept Soul as valid and vice versa. This Trust occurs naturally though the process pathways of the three Trinities.
Co-Creation (Divine Soul Descent) One:
#64 - Co-Creation (Divine Soul Descent) embraces Human Magic
First Descending movement is the 8th movement of the #1 Thread. It is the 64th movement of the 256 Qualities within the Ascended Wisdom Matrix. Personal Divine Truth is revealed through Human Magic. Divine Soul then Embodies the Being through Human Second Trinity of Matter.
Again: First Co-Creation for Thread # 1 has the possibility of occurrence in the First Trinity of the Mind through the Human Quality of Magic.
Co-Creation (Divine Soul Descent) Two:
#208 - Co-Creation (Divine Soul Descent) embraces Human Communion
Co-Creation (Divine Soul Descent) movement occurs in the 24th movement of the #1 Thread and the 208th movement of the 256 Qualities of the 42 Generations or Ascended Wisdom Matrix. Personal Divine Truth is revealed through Human Communion and Co-Creation (Divine Soul Descent) can occur within this Communion.
Again: Co-Creation (Divine Soul Descent) for the Thread #1 has the possibility of occurrence in the First Trinity of Communion.
Ascension (Human Ascent)
#244 - Divine Magic embraces Human Ascension
It is possible for the Wheel of Life to end here for the Ascended Being. Here the fully descended Soul (Divine Being) meets the Human Being in the Past, Present and Future Now in a single moment of Conscious Awareness. Here, moments become life times and life times become One in One. All stands still and moves together in one rhythm of Divine Human Freewill. The process of Ascension is profound and indescribable. Perhaps one day there will be an adequate language of understanding for the whole of all.
Part VIII Considerations for Thread #1 - The Dreamer
28 Movements of Thread #1
256 Quality # | Divine Quality | Human Quality | Thread Movement # |
01 | Mind | Mind | 1 |
10 | hope | Mind | 2 |
19 | Power | Idea | 3 |
28 | Miracle | Idea | 4 |
37 | Body | Thought | 5 |
46 | Compassion | Thought | 6 |
55 | Truth | Magic | 7 |
64 | Co-Creation | Magic | 8 |
73 | Soul | Matter | 9 |
82 | Charity | Knowing | 10 |
91 | Wisdom | Knowing | 11 |
100 | Magic | Wisdom | 12 |
109 | Communion | Wisdom | 13 |
118 | Faith | Mystery | 14 |
127 | Co-Operation | Mystery | 15 |
136 | Mystery | Manifestation | 16 |
145 | Mind | Becoming | 17 |
154 | Hope | Becoming | 18 |
163 | Power | Emotion | 19 |
172 | Miracle | Emotion | 20 |
181 | Body | Miracle | 21 |
190 | Compassion | Miracle | 22 |
199 | Truth | Communion | 23 |
208 | Co-Creation | Communion | 24 |
217 | Soul | Compassion | 25 |
226 | Charity | Co-Operation | 26 |
235 | Wisdom | Co-Operation | 27 |
244 | Magic | Ascension | 28 |
4 Ascended Co-Creation Movements which occur at the consummation and evolution of each Trinity and movement into New Earth Formation
256 Quality # | Divine/Human Quality | Thread Movement # |
253 | Ascended Co-Creation of Communion in New Earth Form | 1 |
254 | Ascended Co-Creation of Compassion in New Earth Form | 2 |
255 | Ascended Co-Creation of Co-Operation in New Earth Form | 3 |
256 | Ascended Co-Creation of (Nebula) in New Earth Form | 4 |
Part VIII - Considerations for Thread #1 - The Dreamer Initiations Marks of Ascension for Thread #1 - The Source Dreamer
Soul Portrait #01 - Essential Being
Mind of love enters the whole-istic process of evolutional transformation of the Divine Human Being. Essential Being, I/Eve as the mind of love.
I/Eve represents the fullest understanding of self meeting Self through the integration of the Mind Body, Physical Body, Emotional Body and Soul Body as experienced within the spirit of oneness. I/Eve share the Dream Intentions of Being Inlove as the keys for fullest Enlightenment in Unity.
Contemplation: Self examination questions for contemplation.
How does, I/Eve teach us to be mindfully focused through our Essential Being? I/Eve, speaks of the divine and human aspects of the self, what are these? Why is the consideration of being fully present in heaven and earth so important today? The Essential Being or the Divine/Human Being learns to focus on one single point of existence at a time. This single point is the perfection in the single point of, 'Present Now' of the unified Mind. What value does this unified Mind hold for New World Formation? How does this higher vibrational Quality of Thread #1 bringing serve the Universe? How are you world server? Complete the diagram below and determine where you live in your life.
Ascended Co-creative Form: First Trinity Initiation
Essential Being teaches us the value of the focused mind in co-operative wisdom.
Sacred Geometric:
Laminar Flow
True Blue
Divine Qualities: Mind, Co-Operation and Truth
Human Qualities: Mind, Co-Operation and Wisdom
Ascended Wisdom: I Am here and fully present within and without as Essential Being. I am the focused mind of co-operative wisdom.
Soul Portrait #10 - Dance of Creation
In the Dance of Creation fullest Becoming 'for love' is experienced.
While in the dance, an internal shift in allowance for the acceptance of self 'being worthy' occurs and joy begins to spill over. The chalice is full and the first initiation is experienced through the entrance into the gateway into the 5th world. Awakening occurs in the various bodies as each joyfully participates in the Dance of Creation. The mind body connects with the physical body in the emotional body for the soul purpose of love'. The Song of Creation is heard by all in a harmonic connection with mother earth and cosmic universe. The energies of life force fully embody the beauty of matter and complete joy as ecstasy is experienced in all bodies. This is the first step in truthful understanding that everything is connected by the universal life force in matter; the golden rainbow thread which holds the matrix of all life together. This golden rainbow thread defines Divine Source's dream intention for each individual's personal authentic experience of becoming incarnate for the soul purpose of love.
Contemplation: Self examination questions for contemplation.
This initiation focuses the Mind of the Essential Being in the importance and relevance of self as a Matter Based Being. What is a matter based being? How does the soul and ego come together to recreate in co-operation the mindful focus of truth? In your own experience how have you become the navigator for your soul's experience as soul incarnates into the earth plane. Ego allows Soul to experience the human experience through the intentional creation of sacred space. How much time do you intentionally devote to the practice of allowing soul to fully participate in your life? The 8 aspects of living diagram, where does your ego live and where does your soul live? How can you co-create a more unified perspective?
Ego experiences the Dance of Creation as a unified experience of ONENESS through the Nature of All Matter, Mater, and Mother. Acceptance and allowance are the bridges of unification for joy in beauty. How do acceptance and allowance create sanctuary in Oneness? How is this different in the 4^th^ world view of duality and the 5^th^ world view of polarity? How does this understanding open you to considerations of 9 bodies of enlightenment?
Ascended Co-creative Form: 2^nd^ Trinity Initiation
Essential Being teaches us the value of the focused Mind in Co-operative Wisdom in Matter.
Sacred Geometric:
Laminar Flow
True Blue
Divine Qualities: Mind, Co-Operation and Truth
Human Qualities: Mind, Co-Operation and Wisdom
Ascended Wisdom: I Am here and fully present within and without as Essential Being. I am focused mind of co-operative wisdom in Matter.
Soul Portrait # 19 - Manifestation
Ascended Co-creative Form: 3^rd^ Trinity Initiation
Ascended Wisdom: The Essential Being teaches us the value of the focused Mind in Co-operative Wisdom in the Matter of Ascended Co-Creation.
Sacred Geometric:
Laminar Flow
True Blue
Divine Qualities: Mind, Co-Operation and Truth
Human Qualities: Mind, Co-Operation and Wisdom
Contemplation: Self examination questions for contemplation.
How do I live here? Write long and deep about this place using the diagram below.
Complete the following contract with self/Self only when you KNOW that you have completed your karmic cycle.
I AM That I AM
I AM -------- I AM (use your Soul Name)
I AM Source Dreamer I AM
AM Divine I AM
I live within the ................................................................................of my life. I know this place as it serves peace in my world and universe through my.......................................... (Address each of your nine bodies.)
I within and without my presence of Oneness through my work called.................................
In this presence serve the universe in passionate gratitude of....................................................
I honor the life of All That Is in my awareness of...............................................
I carry forth the highest intention through my supreme quality of......................... in ascended co-creation from all that I Am for the Formation of New Earth.
I am an Essential Being of Ascended Wisdom. I teach the value of the focused Mind in Co-operative Wisdom in the Matter of Ascended Co-Creation.
Definitions of the Trans--
Transcendence: $\oplus$ Transcendence is the fullest expression of the Divine Human Trinity Process, equal to the culmination of the Ascended Wisdom Matrix. $\oplus$
Transmutation: $\oplus$ Transmutation occurs in the Second Trinity of Divine Body and Human Matter as water and ash reform the new being into clay. Agent.
Transmutation is the mixture of two elements, which creates something new--a new outlook or new growth of form, for instance. Thus, our heart/mind becomes something different and something more when two common passions join as one. The light in our heart moves through our senses and enlightens our physical body and creates a new form of Matter that holds the vibration of our ideas, thoughts, and beliefs. Metaphor: the shedding of skin--the same and yet something new. $\oplus$
Transformation: $\oplus$ Transformation occurs in the First Trinity of Divine Mind and Human Mind where thought patterns are torn down and burned. Source.
The energy of light that burns and transforms ideas, thoughts, and belief systems. In the ashes of transformation, we re-pattern our mind and what matters most to us. New thoughts become new patterns. Metaphor: the fire. Think of the Inner Light and Inner Chaos Awareness as the source of this transformation.
Intimacy as Empathetic Compassion dreams transformation as an intention for Happiness. Intimacy is the key ingredient for happiness. There must be a Desire of both Great Spirit and Great Mystery to become united in the common dance and song of Passionate Gratitude. Within our community we experience this intense love as care and connection through a light and playful heart. This state of Being each as individual, supports the Magic in transformation from 4th world to 5th world. Transformation is the fire which burns away old blocks of internalized habits. Habits born of resistances built upon truths formed in scarcity. Transformation allows for the New Formed Sacred to be explored, seen, and experienced in this physical world. Communion (common passionate dreams in gratitude) opens the gateways of access to deeper self, always and in all ways continually exploring the depths of Love through the qualities of Humility, Honor, Cherishment and Adoration. (Matter of Void LSD May 2009) $\oplus$
Transfiguration: $\oplus$ Transfiguration occurs in Third Trinity of Divine Wisdom and Human Emotions reform to co-create the Ascended Being. Process.
The place where we refine ourselves and move outside of our old belief systems and patterns. We become molded from what matters most to us into something new, our Authentic Being. We find new expressions of Joy and fall in Love with All That Is. Metaphor: the caterpillar becoming the butterfly. $\oplus$
Transubstantiation: $\oplus$ Transubstantiation occurs as the cumulative effect which witnesses self in highest personal potential. Effect.
Transubstantiation is taking physical Matter though all of the trinities and creating something new. Our whole way of being is harmonious with our dream and everything we do embraces our dream. This gives substance to transfiguration. When we can use, in love, all things and all parts of our life in service to the world, we are home. It's no longer about me, it's about freewill world service. $\oplus$
- Ascension is a human self term of the process of moving upward or ascent, toward and within Divine Source. Its counter part, Co-Creation is the descending concept of the Divine Self seeking Unified evolution.↩
- Dharma is present as a central concept, that is used in order to explain the "higher truth" or ultimate reality of the universe. (Wikipedia)↩
© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024