LSD 11/2008 - Franciscan Cord: Divine Faith, Grace & Personal Surrender

Letter of Spiritual Direction by Willow Tequillo

11-15-2008 = 18 = 9 day,
Golden Orange Triangle of Divine Soul embracing Human Manifestation
5th World Supreme Quality of Splendor
Cycle of Life Prayer: May Father Spirit continually flow through our bodies as we seek the deeper meaning of our humanity.

Dear New Breed Healers,

Peace is with you.

As we walk along the path of spiritual development, there are these inner check points. They are points of reference where we can stop and look and determine where we are and where we have been. As we move through each of these check points our resilience, courage, perseverance and hope are braided and knotted at the end.

As a Franciscan we wear three knots on cord around our waist.
These knots remind us of the rope that did not slip and the place where we are able to grab onto (grip) as we climb. These knots remind us of the Hope that a life of Gratitude does bring. And so when we come upon these moments, in these times of times, our Hope renews our Faith and we remember that we can let go for it is someone greater than self which has provided the knotted cord to hang on to. We are reminded that the cord around our waist was there first.

These check point, times can come to us as a shock, like a hefty cold wind coming up and throwing us off balance for a moment. This imbalance helps us to see how grounded we are and the wobble helps us to remember our own frailty.
The question for us is not, "Will these times come to us?" if they come to us, then they are needed for some reason, though more times than not, we don't know why.

The real question is, "How will we handle these imbalances?"
Will we deny the existence of those things in our world and universe which don't feel so easy?
Will we blame others and draw in the sympathetic victim?
What will we do as we act in action?
How do we find the Compassionate Care of Empathy?

As I dream, I remember:

There is a Point of Light within the cell of everything, which connects us to the most supreme NOTE (harmonic) of pure peace.

We access this point of light through Divine Faith and we become embodied by this harmonic through Grace.

Divine Faith is accessible only through personal surrender to that which is greater than ourselves and lives within the sacred heart of humility.

It is within the Great Body of Great Mystery, where No-thing is seen, it is only 'unseen'.

It is here that we gather all of our Knowing, our Hopes, our Dreams, our Desires........... packaging them carefully in the safe sanctuary of sacred silence of all that we are (I am), and like one standing on the edge of eternity, we toss our gift of self and all that we Love into the depths of Great Mystery, surrendering in freewill all that we are.

And we sit in this Presence of All that Is, Knowing nothing, anticipating nothing, sheltering nothing - for we are completely exposed in the frailty of that which we are.

As we recall past times of test we remember the grace of sweet delivery.

Our gentle courage and hope is renewed as we re-member the memories of life before and of life now in presence, all grace before and grace now in presence, all courage before and courage now in presence.......and embodied in Silent Presence of NOW, we ARE the Still Point of Light, knowing no-thing, allowing and trusting the eternal truth of One Unity in Silence.

Being One single stillness between the breath in and the breath out and in the ease of peaceful heart and gentle courage we lay in peace within the letting go, Celebrating Great Spirits enlightening of Great Mystery's passionate passageways of gratitude for Life in Splendor.

We do not know what may come; we only know that in a single moment of Presence, Peace Is.

Blessed Be
Willow Tequillo
Spiritual Guide/Medicine Woman

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