LSD 1/2009 - AWM movement #39: Gratitude in Center and Balance

My love to each of you.

New Breed Healer Meeting - January 17, 2009

Letter of Spiritual Direction by Willow Tequillo

Ascended Wisdom Matrix movement # 39 Divine Power and Human Ideas embraced by Divine Truth and Human Wisdom = Gratitude in Center and Balance

Dear New Breed Healers and Amethyst Vision Seekers,

Greetings and Blessings to each of you.

Our lessons during this month are in personal and community consideration of inner balance and center in and through individual and community silence.

Questions for personal and regional consideration:
How am I staying steady during these changing and momentous times?
How am I participating in silence in my Rule of Life?
In my silence do I allow the unknowing to provide me with a greater and clearer revelation of possibility?
What does my silence look like?
Am I able to participate in silence with others around me?
Do I pull on another energy through emotional insobriety therefore clinging in sympathy to my own need to be heard and validated?
How do I create the safe and steady space within me which allows for a more peaceful harmonic glow for me and those around me?

Letter from Counsel,
Today we enter into the last of our global quiet times. With changing weather patterns of wind and water, sun and warmth, we must be diligently prepared for the times at hand. How do we prepare?

We are experiencing these times as really easy and informative or difficult and not as pretty as we would like. What we know is that this is a time of completing parts, remembering and re-membering. 'Completing parts', means that we are reclaiming parts of ourselves that we have forgotten, ignored, disbelieved or shunned.

We are strengthening with gentle care and consistency our qualities that we wish to bring forward and maintain in our lives, our worlds and universes.

As we move deeper as a community into the Matrix of Divine/Human understanding and integration, we reclaim parts of ourselves to walk the beauty way. However, can we possibly walk forward in the beauty way when there are parts of us left behind?

Our ability to move forward through the deep recesses of our soul begins first by acknowledgment of both the light and the dark. Our lifetime would be without its fullest value and potential were we to walk in only one or the other of the dualities of our personal makeup. Light/dark, ego/soul, individual/community, you get the idea.

Our ability to stand in our center and witness our ideas, thoughts and actions from within our various bodies is a gift. Why do we claim and take offense to those parts of us which seem less valuable?

It is so difficult to be perfect. Demanding personal ideas of perfection upon self and others diminishes the highest potential of all. Freewill requires a broader scope and more deepening search of our unknowing.

When we as individuals allow self and others the gift of being human, the Great and Creative Mystery leads us to new vision. When we demand our short sighted ideas of perfection upon self or another new vision remains unseen, unspoken, unexplored, and unformed. This personal idea of perfection then leads to law and lacks the allowance for the inner and outer space for each individual as Divine Dream to grow and expand in their own gift of life in their pace and space.
Allowance to be human gives allowance to be divine.

Allowance gives each other permission to delve deep into inner knowing and unknowing, seeking out, touching and holding the treasures which lay deep within the formation of soul. It is through the paradox of knowing what we know - holding it, examining it and then ultimately surrendering it to that which we do not know, that reformation occurs.

When we surrender to that which we do not know, we surrender to Divine Grace. Divine Grace leads us in our blindness to the co-creative action of inspiration in gentle, easy, playful and comforting ways.

Our companions along the way are our soul friends, places where souls come to play in splendor. Our companions are to be cherished for they are Divine Gifts. Cherishment cannot easily grow through animosity and hate, nor can cherishment grow through personal ideas of self victim.

Companionship demands that each stand in center and balance, claiming the right to be human, holding the steady tone of inner clarity, vision and insight through personal humility.

To get to this space each must spend time in personal SILENCE with their Anam Cara - soul friend as self, thereby deepening this inner relationship as friend, companion and lover. When we are each individually able to get to this inner peace of sanctuary, then and only then are we able to co-create safe and sacred space for like companions to enter into our life.

Calling like companions of peaceful harmony into our sanctuary requires personal integrity. This integrity is made up of our own personal steadiness and steadfastness. This kind of integrity is made up of our own ability to know our personal truth.

Does our personal truth embrace the desire for 5th world harmonic peace?
Do our actions create a sense of peace for those whom we ask to share our sanctuary?
Is our sanctuary a place where another can find safety and renewal?

This kind of integrity requires that we surrender to the Divine Grace which is bigger than we are. It requires that we open our heart to receive this unknowing Grace in gratitude and humility. The easiest way to get to this space is through SILENCE.

When we have come to this sanctuary of inner peace, then we know core. Core of who we are, what we are made of, what we can offer in trust to another, boundaries - what we can and cannot offer to another.
This is integrity of the Soul.

It is here that we can personally examine what we co-create in companionship, for we manifest in companionship what we are in core. If we have peace in the inner core then this is reflected in our surroundings. If we have chaotic antagonist then this is too a reflection of our core. The fight is not outside but within.

When in silence we are able to find the deep surrendering, sobering steady matter, we are safe. This matter though in constant steady changing form is reliable, for it is made up of core qualities which have moved through ages of personal Akasic record.

In this changing time, let us be steady.
Let us dig deep and plant our qualities in the root of harmonic peace.
Let us take the time for inner renewal, feeding ourselves and others by the attention that we pay to our own sacredness. This way we can invite our companions on the way to share with us in the bliss of this life lived. Looking toward each other, meeting eyes, touching souls, sharing loves greatest gifts of happiness in trust, in deep and unwavering integrity.

When we hold one another, let our holding be of pure heart and mind and when we share, let us share in gentle care, letting go of our own need to own and manipulate.

Let our song sing of the joy of letting go of perfection.
Let our song be of our journey great and small, intimate and sacred, real, honest and humble.

Let our tears easily move through us and out of us, watering the greatness of this life in gratitude.

Let our hearts know living deeply so that when we leave this earth plane we may be without regret knowing that we have earnestly stood steady in balance, giving and receiving in clarity and vision, honoring our lives as the gifts that we are to ourselves and each other.

Let us touch and know deeply Divine Grace as light within the matter that we are.

Let us take these moments of silence in gratitude as treasured gifts.

Let us be for our complex and changing world the 'steady' that can be counted on.

Let us be Presence, the cloak of comfort and the soft blanket of living loves care.

IN Love's fullest Grace,
Blessed Be,
Willow Tequillo
Medicine Woman/Spiritual Guide

Just for today I offer my silence to be the safe and loving haven for my companions along the way.

Lori your question, "how do blessings work?"

When I think about blessings, 'hope' immediately comes to my inner vision. The bright yellow burst of light that is the core warmth that ensouls, the Hyos ha koidesh, as Rowena puts it.
This inner most sacred space of light that I reach when I surrender into the darkness 'all that I AM', leaving only the peace of darkness of the Great Divine Mystery. Then emerging from NoThing, the Divine Light of Eternal Faith, unknown in my conscious mind and yet All that Is in the Eternal Oneness. It is from this ensouling resonance with my dream as conscious and Divines Dream as Conscious that the emergence of blessings come and work in our planetary earth based form. It is also the way in which all form become 'blessed' for all matter is 'blessed' manifestation of ensouled spirit matter. In a word, I experience 'blessed' as the NAME of all LIFE, for ALL that Is - is conceived in ensouled 'matter/spirit' or inspirited matter.

Life blessed is my own conscious understanding, acknowledgment and affirmation that Life IS given a name of LIVING. Yet this is my own limitation, for LIFE IS (Blessing) whether or not I know this in consciousness.

So an answer to your question, how do 'blessings work'. When two dreams come together in perfect synchronicity, where mutual desires emanate from like intention, cause and quality and are known and received as an act of kindness creating happiness for two or more. (Two can refer to, yet is not limited to the dreamer as self and Source). And where gratitude wells up within the dreamer, further softening the bodies as they mutually experience the tenderness of eternal care.

We as New Breed Healers are a really good example of how blessings work.

How do you see yourself as an example of how blessings work?

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