LSD 2/2009 - Walking the Path of Beauty Way in light hearted happiness

Re: Timely note from Willow, please read.

Letter of Spiritual Direction
By Willow Tequillo

For Athena and Serenity - Happy Birthday

Walking the Path of the Beauty Way in Light Hearted Happiness

Divine Source,
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart enlighten and bring comfort to All.

Dearest New Breed Healers and Vision Seekers,
In Splendor we walk the path of happiness. Through our creative genius we open our hearts to the inspiration of Divine Creativity. Through the Serenity of peace we find the passionate pathways of gratitude which lead us to Compassionate Co-operation.

In friendship we soar into the realms of the deep and color filled Mystery of Eternity, and we find Inspiration to bring back into our world. The tender hearted care that we give one another through hearing, listening and dreaming together brings to our hearts, the Trust that All is Well and Perfect.

In surrendering to the flow of the Universe, we find that we Matter and we are Matter. Each of us is the sustainable Matter of Being. As Great Spirit moves through us and in us, we fly together on the Wings of Eagles. Like the Eagle, our sight becomes clear and we see the "All" that had once been so absent from our view. In our sight, our heart opens and we begin to love deeper, care deeper and know the essence of life as Great Spirit deep within the Matter that we are as Earth Beings. We are Creation. As we Dance the Dance of Creation, symbols of our Joy flow through us and we are lightened by the colors of our Qualities. WE come to know that our Oneness and our contribution of Beauty to our world and Universe is Happiness.

When we ask ourselves, "Why am I here?"

What if we answered, "I am here to contribute to the Beauty and Joy of our world and universe. I am here to share comfort and care through open hearted tenderness. I am here to share laughter and hope. I am here to help all RE- member and remember the loving splendor of Happiness."

As we choose this view,
What does our world look like?
What contribution does your life reflect in Eternity?

Questions for individual and group consideration:
Choose your supreme quality or a quality that most resonates with opening your heart in tenderness.


How does my quality support happiness in this world?

How do I actively support my quality in happiness?

How do I co-create happiness in my personal walk
in my walk with my family,
in my walk with my friends,
in my walk with my community?

How do I use this interaction between my quality and happiness to support Joy in our world?

How do use this interaction between my quality and happiness to support Beauty in our world?

How do I use this interaction between my quality and happiness to bring care and ease into our world?

How do I use this interaction as charitable steps of Hope in our world?

Make sure you take each question and answer through your various bodies.
What does your mind think?

What do your emotions Feel?

Where do you sense this in your physical body?

Again answer:
As we choose this view share with one another,

What does our world look like?

What contribution do our lives reflect in Eternity?

In the Joy of Open Hearted Tenderness may you/we be continually blessed to share this path in the Splendor of Happiness.

Willow Tequillo
Spiritual Guide/Medicine Woman

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