3/2009 - AWM #183: Divine Truth in Human Miracles

5th Awareness: I sit in patient discovery of all I do not know.

03-15-2009 = 2 5th World Supreme Quality of Trust
AWM - #183 Divine Truth in Human Miracles through passionate passageways of gratitude.
Thread 3 21st Movement

Universal Trust experiences self in evolution.

Charitable Ideas of Trust embodies Divine Truth in Human Miracles through Passionate Passageways of Gratitude.

Humans can manifest miracles through passionate passageways of gratitude.
Miracles can be 'known' and experienced by creating the tender heartedness of self through the varying realms of humility inlove. Further all qualities can achieve this through allowance in Splendor in freewill.

Divine Truth is able to access these passionate passageways and support Human Miracles through these charitable ideas in trust.

Divine Law of Trust:

  1. Trust can always be gained through passionate passageways of gratitude.


My Trust in another (such as my students) can always be gained when I connect with my supreme quality with the passion of their heart through their qualities.

I can always be accessed through the passionate passage way of my supreme quality of Splendor.

Full health can be accessed through our passionate passageway of gratitude in our supreme quality.

Open access as win fall, full steady flow of material abundance comes as miracles through embodiment of our supreme quality in passionate passageways of gratitude.

Embodiment of our Supreme Quality

Embodiment =
1st: freewill allowance and acceptance of, both giving room within our selves for and receiving our; Divine or Higher Self/ our Soul Self in all of its bodies.

2nd: freewill allowance and acceptance of, both giving room within our selves for and receiving our; Human or Matter Based Self/ our Ego Self in all of its bodies.

This embodiment does provide us with the expanding wholeness in (frission?) growing us to the all that we are. We are Mother Earth-Divine Body of Matter InSpirited.

WE thus simply attract the likeness of ourselves through deduction of extended self to the point of light in simplicity.

"I am my supreme quality.
I am Splendor
While in Splendor I notice Splendor.
When I notice Splendor,
Splendor become my focus point of Light.
This focus point of light - Splendor
draws me deeper into its magic and I begin to see and vision with a
great clarity the pathways of Splendor.
In gratitude my heart opens deeper to the Eternal Cycle of the Infinite
and I am immersed in the very breath of Splendor.
Attracting universal miracles to my Divine/Human Self by Splendor connecting to conscious and unconscious beliefs based upon my patterns of thought.
Clear and conscious awareness does bring into fruition miracle of desires and dreams.
All life is a miracle.
Where my thoughts are in Splendor is where miracle show up in Divine Truth in the Great Mystery of Trust.

Assignment # 5 continuation of limitations:

Each of you answered the original 5 questions regarding limitations. Take your paragraph and read it. Then complete the following sentences as the relate to the original question. Let me know if you need help.

  1. The behavior of giving away that which is not mine, such as ________; this behavior has created inside of me a belief system which suggests ____________
  2. When I energize that which is not mine, such as ____________ I support this belief system and creates ________ (what) ________ in me?
    state 3 bodies experience.
  3. When I support that which is not mine, such as ____________,
    I strengthen the belief ________________
  4. When I support the belief____________, My actions go into over ride and I 'recall' in a habitual way the pattern of ____________
  5. When supporting beliefs call in automatic responses the result is ____________

Now turn this around and use this same:

Note: In your response to each of the questions you wrote a paragraph. Recall each paragraph and complete the following statement:

  1. The behavior of holding sacred that which is mine, such as ________ this behavior has created inside of me a belief system which suggests ____________
  2. When I energize that which is mine, such as ________, I support this belief system and creates ________ (what) ________ in me?
    state 3 bodies experience.
  3. When I support that which is mine, such as ________,
    I strengthen the belief ________
  4. When I support the belief ____________, My actions go into over ride and I 'recall' in a habitual way the pattern of ________
  5. When supporting beliefs call in automatic responses the result is ____________

Part II
State clearly in just 2 sentences your concerns regarding your experience with group one questions then do the same for group two questions.

How does stating your concerns also help you do define your boundaries?

Part III
All-One Together, Co-Create a group affirmation which supports 'consciously understanding and stating personal limitations' as a healthy communication skill.

Please complete by ________________.

Again really nice work in your last assignment and conversation.

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