LSD 3/2009 - Happiness: announcements re: coming months-

Letters of Spiritual Direction - Announcements
by Willow Tequillo

March 1, 2009

Dear New Breed Healers,
Blessings and greetings to you in this month of March

For those of you who are working with the Ascended Wisdom Matrix, you will have noticed that this is a (6) day as was yesterday, "Bringing Faith into Unity". I write this letter with clarity, deep love and appreciation for this community and ask that you take to heart what I am sharing. Please print this letter out and make sure that you are clear about what I am saying.

In opening, I would like to give you a general idea of what is coming up for the next several months. It is my hope that this letter will Faithfully provide you with the Unity you feel that you need and it will also provide me some space to afford my center and balance.

What's up?
Here is a list of items that I will be discussing. It will be important for you to use it to reflect back upon and to communicate with me and the community your view. I will create a special place for you to directly speak to this letter allowing everyone to have a voice. I have numbered each line so there is an easy reference for you for discussion purposes.

List of Contents:

  • Opening in Happiness
  • Willow's Dreams, Needs, Concerns and Limitations
  • Schedules for appointments
  • Coming here to work
  • Small Group Gatherings Ceremonies
  • Forum Contribution
  • Arizona
  1. Opening our day in Happiness Happiness is our birth right. Happiness is a quality that we are intricately made of, it is our gift, it is a talent and quality given to us as Mother Earth (creation, inspirited matter). All Beings 'in' this earth plane are created in happiness and we are destined to return to happiness for that is the Matter that we are. We are Mother Earth embodied by Father Spirit.
    How do we remember to open our day in happiness?

Some tips.
WE can take the February's Letter of Spiritual Direction and use it as a guide to reflect upon our contributions to happiness in the world.
WE can say 'thank you for this beautiful day' before we open our eyes.
We can follow our Rule of Life as if it were a part of your very Body (which it is).
WE can laugh.
We can begin and end our day in passionate gratitude and appreciation.............😊

On to the hard stuff....
Dreams, Needs, Concerns and Limitations

What is happening for me, Willow, personally?

Subject: A note from counsel:
"Every teacher goes through a period of time when they must give up the old way of doing things in order to fulfill the contracts of their highest potential and the highest potential of their students. Failure to make conscious choices for highest potential creates disharmonies such as illness, self sacrifice and destruction. This is Natural Order, the tree must let go of the fruit and the fruit must be allowed it's own life choices."

Without going into great detail, my counsel gave me this message several weeks ago (2 months ago). A couple weeks ago my blood pressure went over the top and has thus far remained at a steady high. My counsel is on me to make some serious changes in the way that I do business. So for some time now, I have been in deep consideration with my counsel and ancestors (my grandmother in particular) looking at ways in which to develop community in a balanced and centered way, in the Beauty Way. This has been really difficult to do considering the reluctance of members to let go of fear. In my own ego/soul dialogue, I take responsibility for this complacency, as I have needed to make sure that everyone has the tools needed to make the shift and graduate into adulthood.

I am at a point in my life where I really dream of concentrating and developing lesson of and in the Beauty Way.

I dream of writing and sharing my gifts of universal insight in a way that is gifted and supported by the community and universe.

I dream of a community which is able to trust one another in care and in kindness.

I dream of a world filled with conscious Divine Human Beings who are able and willing to share in the explorations of Universal Love in Harmonic Peace and Unity.

I need a sacred space within community where I can settle into a peaceful place and co-create in writing my dreams. There is so much information that I am commissioned here to bring. It is my dream, desire and need to share this information in a way that brings about peace.

My greatest concern is that our community continues to fall back into patterns of fear and this fear pulls down the larger group.

My concern is a personal realization that I am no longer able to hold the community in center and balance while individuals or groups work out their fears.

Over the last several months there have been several situations within the community (individual and groups) where people are trapped in fear and this fear has lead to inner and outer chaos. This inner brokenness exercised in fear looks like:

  • Jealousy without self reflection: Jealousy without self reflection creates the feeling if not having enough attention or affection therefore checking out. Whether it has been about checking out physically, mentally or emotionally, it is all the same.
  • Judging: Judging another's action or inaction without self reflection, creating a space of lack of trust within self and other.
  • Justifying: Justifying one's own actions of judgmental-ism as a way to avoid personal self reflection and inner honesty and integrity.

Cautions: When you are hit with a fear internally or externally, choose not to respond. This does not mean 'internally responding in a hate creating manner'. It means choose 'no-thing' and allow the moment to be transformed. Inner conflict is just as violent as outer conflict and can stew and simmer and be more destructive than just saying 'that pisses me off. Choose instead to take the incident and 'self reflect', for all moments are but mirrors of our inner selves. Without self reflection we simply perpetuate the illness and feed the chaos. A simple self reflection often gives us the 'insight' needed to understand how we are calling in the information given us by the lesson that we have called in.

My concern is that though each of the people in our community has the full capacity to know when we are off balance, the habit of choice continues to be, to personally ignore and set up another to take the fall. (We call that 'being thrown under the bus').

My concern is that I don't believe that each of us doesn't know when we are off center. I believe that every individual person on this planet knows balance. Lack of paying attention is just that, an intentional choice to behave in ways that are destructive for the sole purpose of self depreciating validation.

My concern is that inwardly I have not wanted to spend time with people in the community due to individual's inner chaos and lack of personal attention.

I understand that personal Character Development is crucial to the Ascension Process, yet my limitation is that my patience has ended in this arena in regard to being the referee.

I do appreciate the reflections of each individual within the community as it has helped me to see where I give too much and thus fostering a dependency to the addiction to fear.

My intention is to provide this community and world a 'Model for Self Reflection' which will 'Foster', meaning care for in attention, the care in maintaining and sustaining our world in Peaceful Natural Order. I feel that at this point I have done that. WE have:

Our Mediations and Contemplations help us along our path in developing personal integrity and community integrity such as the Dance of Creation, I Am Meditations and numerous other exercises which continually support the Integrity of our individual and community MerKaBa.

Our Ego/Soul Dialogue which helps us to redirect our Emotional Insobriety into Self Reflection, recreating and rediscovering the sacred space within ourselves of stability and sustainability.

Our daily Awareness Contemplations, which provide us pathways for seeking personal Inner Truth, helping us stay centered in our joy and connected to the Beauty of our world and universe.

Our Rule of Life, as a personal guide which helps us in personal accountability, showing us where we are, where we have been and where we want to go.

We have Regional Groups which can help us to stay connected to each other based upon the directions of where we live.

We have Small Groups which are made up of like spirits, connecting us to the creative kindred within our soul walk.

NOTE Regarding our small groups. I want to make myself SOOOOOOO clear, there is NO Special Group to me. Each group serves a specific and equal purpose for the development of community. I do not ever again want to hear that any one person or group considers themselves more important or of a higher standard or make up than another. If you have this view, get rid of it now, I no longer have any tolerance for it. If you are feeling that you are less than another individual or group, let it go, it is your own and not of the make-up of this Co-Creative Community. Let go of your ego attachment, All individuals and groups are Valid and Indispensable.

We are each other and we have each other. We are the New Breed Healer Community and we are here to share our path with each other, to open our hearts to each other and to help us (each other) to remember that we are a part of something so large, so awesome, so gifted, and so loved. And when we get into our pettiness we always have someone there to remind us that we are simply sheltering our fear from wanting to grow up.

When we are called upon to self reflect, whether this is a call to self or a call from another, humility beckons us to go within and reconcile our hearts, acknowledging our own frailty, the frailty of another, to apologize and to MOVE ON. We must at every turn, forgive one another and forgive ourselves and move on. By Being this simple act of kindness we can gently let go of our old patterns of guilt and shame for self and others.

In Humility:
On the part of the one who must call us out, it requires that we 'speak' in the tender heart of humility rather than avoid, dismiss, order, control or command another in order to hide our own frailty.

When we are apologized to, we must create a safe and open space within our hearts and minds to co-create a clearer path of friendship, thus accepting the frailty of another as an 'honor' rather than a burden. In forgiveness we create heart and mind space to recall and remember our own slips on those slippery slopes and through our own humility we are open to share a space of loving kindness. We must co-create a place of forgiveness and together as one unified heart, re-write our contracts in peaceful loving care. For none of us is immune to our own humanity (humus), each and every one of us has character flaws which bring us back to spaces of unavoidable and often unforeseeable personal deception. The key is to recognize, acknowledge, make amends, reconcile and move on; rather than spin out in emotional insobriety of destructive patterns of fear (no matter how minor they might appear to be or how much improvement we have made thus far).

My limitations are that there are times when things come up and I don't want to see them and I make a choice to brush them away, put them off, fully knowing in due time they will come up again. I am really grateful for my counsels patience and surefooted push to help me to come face to face with my limitations.

Trust Summary:
Each person in the Community of New Breed Healers has been given the Tools and the Tool Belt to walk safely and lovingly along this peaceful path. Each has tested these tools and has worked them well.

I will no longer be guiding you in the character development part of the journey; you will need to rely on one another and yourselves to work out Character Development. I am interested in seeing how each of you does this and I am interested in how you will learn to trust and depend on one another in a deeper and more intimately compassionate manner. I have, in greatest joy and beauty known the privilege of walking this path of Character Development with you. I have experienced the 'AWE of Living' in our achievements and the Joy in seeking our common heartmind. Thank you for this privilege. I have learned a lot and I am grateful for our common passion.

With this all said, it is time that we must traverse, travel forward, leaving this intense level of concerns and move on. The next part of our journey leads us up the mountain to finding our feet level upon the plateau of Higher Knowing. I will be guiding you in the Beauty Way, in the realms of Higher Knowing. We must use our keen eye of sight in clear vision to follow the path upward; we must carefully watch our every step in full presence and embodiment of happiness. WE must do this as a community. And so we begin.

In a meditation I was in the other night, I remembered that one of the greatest gifts given to the Human Being is the gift of time and space, center in still point, steadiness in the changing moments of time = Evolution.

It is during these times of expanding evolution that moments move quickly and thoughts surrender into the flow of Great Spirit within the faithful connections of Great Mystery in all dreams. Communion in Compassion moves in Co-operation within every moment. WE are as a community, Co-creating the formula for Ascension, as easy pathways for a world.

In order to find this surefootedness in the peaceful movement and flow of Great Spirit in Great Mystery, we must change the way in which we interact with ourselves and each other and we must do this intentionally as a community. For this reason I have decided to change the very course and way in which I interact with each of you. This change will be in a number of ways and listed below. Please pay special attention:

Schedules for appointments

  1. I will meet with you 2 times per month. On our calls we will discuss your process, your contemplations, how you are using your new gained insights in your everyday life, and your Rule of Life.
  2. For those persons who are actively preparing to teach or teaching, I will be meeting with you a 3rd time in the month.

For those of you who are using this work in your own work in the world, we will meet a third time in the month.

An idea given to me by ________ is to have a set of questions. I like this idea. I would like you to have 3 questions ready. Please answer them for yourself and post the question and answer on the forum. We will use these questions for our conversation time.

  1. For those of you who are preparing to teach and continue to 'prepare' and do not have an audience, we will need to discuss this. This is an area which significantly pulls on my energies as it is reflective of hiding. My inclination is not to meet for the 3rd week until you know who your audience is and develop a plan of delivery.
  2. We will continue to have our monthly meetings on the 3rd Saturday of the month. All members are asked to be present. If you are unable to make the call, please let the community know. As a reminder, our common agreement is that you can miss 2 meetings per year.

Coming here to work 5. For those of you who are unsure about whether or not you want to teach you may come here to work on the printing and publishing of Sacred Reflections work. I will not be doing one on one individual work with you; you would be working as a universal servant to get our teachings out in the form of physical labor.

Small Group Gatherings 6. Meeting with me on a personal one on one. I will no longer be meeting with individuals to do personal work. I would like to see the small groups develop and for the small groups to meet with me one time per year for 4 days. These times will be a yearly get together for the small group and will be planned by the group. Please plan a ceremony for your small group, unique to your gifts. 7. I would like the small groups to develop inter personally by using group contemplations and conversations to heighten relationships. This will be beneficial on many levels, most of all strengthening trust.

Each small group is unique in it's gifts. It is up to each small group to discover what those common gifts are and to tell me what your small group gift is. I am interested in emotional investment and mental development through this heart mind connection. I know and see each of the small group gifts; it is my hope and prayer that you are able to open yourselves up enough to explore these gifts with each other and co-create a clear pathway for those who will come after you.

Ceremonies 8. We will have (1) One major large community ceremony per year, rotating its location year to year so as to equally accommodate all Regions.

The next large ceremony will be the Laughing Ceremony and will occur the week of the Summer Solstice in June. It will take place on the East Coast. The theme will be: Past Lives. Each person will be reflecting on who you were in a past life. Themes will be developed by Small Groups, skits and costumes.

The various Regional Groups will coordinate the event with each region taking on a responsibility. This will be a time for everyone to fully participate. It is my deepest hope that each of you and I will be there so that we can share in this ceremony. I will not be developing any part of this event; everyone has been to ceremony and knows what needs to happen for a gathering. I am looking forward to seeing how balanced and centered everyone can be, each giving and receiving in an equal and authentic manner.

  1. I will officiate at large and small ceremonies.

Community Development and the Cycle of Life Prayer/Ascended Wisdom Matrix

My dream of Community Development is to walk the Beauty Way.
Each community member should have received a packet this last week on the 8th and 9th Awareness's. Please take time out to send ________ a message of gratitude. ________ and I worked on this for the last few months. It was a joy and a lot of work, and well worth the effort. So a special thanks to ________ is important.

This packet is an introduction to the work that we will be pursuing over the course of the next several months. It will be our common vehicle in moving to Higher Ground. I will be developing a Letter of Spiritual Direction specifically for this purpose. For now, please get familiar with the work; use the daily prayers to connect with each other every day. See what you can discover and decipher. Most of all open your hearts and really take in the beauty that each of us shares.

In summary,
I love you. I am happy to be here. I am happy to walk this journey with each of you. May our faith be sure and may we find the connections of unity in peace which is in each of us. May our lives be dedicated to this peace as Universal Servants.
Blessed Be Inlove,
Willow Tequillo
Spiritual Guide/Medicine Woman

Eastern Group Happiness Assignment

  1. How do our qualities as a group support happiness in this world?

We support happiness in this world through passionate support of fairness and kindness, simplicity of freedom, trusting the ups and downs of our walks in openheartedness, grounding ourselves in faith, and by being fully present with compassion in unity.

  1. How does our group actively support my quality in happiness?

Through listening and learning, staying present with open heart; through Soul giggles, by reminding me of my Divinity, by allowance for a tender, gentle, fluid Self.

  1. How does our group co-create happiness in my personal walk?

Our group co-creates happiness in my personal walk, by learning balance in loyalty and commitment, being aware of our limitations, smiling at the rising sun, by holding each other in tenderness, walking actively in gratitude, peace and beauty, and by being available in care and ease as we become tender through compassion.

  1. How does the group help us to walk in happiness with our family?

By teaching the right balance of loyalty and commitment, being aware of limits, bubbling with freedom, allowing independence, seeing the sacredness of our family's beings, choosing to see them as guides and teachers, holding sacred the manifestation of all, and by embracing my matter, so that all matter is embraced.

  1. How does the group help us to walk in happiness with our friends?

By being steady and present in compassion, creating boundaries, being aware of limits and learning the right balance of loyalty and commitment

  1. How does the group help us to walk in happiness with community?

Through charity, cooperation and communion within the community, by aspiring to BE peace and walk in joy, by service to others, by seeing community as sacred reflection of self, by awareness of limitations and learning the right balance of loyalty and commitment.

  1. How do we use this interaction between our qualities and happiness to support Joy in this world?

We support Joy by BEing without attachment, understanding our boundaries, making allowance for Joy, being free, whole, supported. We support Joy through appreciation and care of self and another, walking in harmony, and through individual compassion which reflects manifestation, experienced as peace, happiness and balance.

8) How do we use this interaction between our qualities and happiness to support Beauty in this world?

We support Beauty through ongoing co-creation with others, through experiencing simplicity as beauty, through freedom to see beauty in other people and in their freedom. By seeing each moment as part of the Mystery, by aspiring to love self and others exactly as we are. By walking from a heartspace, helping people reclaim their own light in joy.

9) How do we use this interaction between our qualities and happiness to bring care and ease into our world?

We bring care and ease into our world by remaining in loving and open heart, remaining focused on simplicity, by holding the other as sacred in tenderness, gratitude and humility, and by sowing seeds of hope with presence and understanding

10) How do we use these interactions as charitable steps of Hope in our world?

By translating a loving heart into action, seeing simplicity as availability, helping others in personal interactions, co-creating sacred space for unfolding our process, using soul qualities in each of life's aspects in harmonious balance, and through cooperation and communion as charitable steps of Hope.

As we choose this way of Being
What does our world look like?
Our world is fair, balanced, abundant and welcoming, where our hearts break open to our dreams in sparks of joy. It is a circle holding great love and great mystery, where compassion is held in divine knowing and hope, and where the Divine light becomes brighter as each person reclaims their own light and joy.

What contribution do our lives reflect in Eternity?

Our lives reflect the spirit that lives on through passion, an infinite flow of positive energy, united in soul qualities which become part of the whole, as we open to the Mystery and to each other in happiness. Our qualities evolve to greater joy and oneness reflecting manifestation held in compassion, experienced as peace, happiness and balance.

One line affirmation of our eastern group:

Our affirmation is to support happiness within and without, through freedom in honor, simplicity of presence, opening hearts in conscious tenderness, grounding ourselves in faith, following soul's passion, and manifesting in compassion.

Notes on assignment by Willow

"As we choose this view,
What does our world look like?
When I choose the path of splendor in happiness I am reminded that splendor is the emotional wisdom of co-operation through divine and human miracles.
It lives in the manifestation of soul within the body of the human being and it holds the beauty of eternity as a dream of joy infinitely.
My world looks like Hope and everyday becoming the fuller expression of dreams manifesting in the miracles that are held for each child of the universe.
WE are all children of the universe. WE are the matter inspirited, we are the source and resource, the gift and the womb, the heart and the feeling. We are the All that Is as All is the All that is. WE are the rock, the wind, the waterfall and still pond, the mud, the Earth, the fire and the flame, we are the air and wing and sun and moon. We are the fairies and angels, the shaman and avatar.
"We are the We that we have been looking for."(Hopi Elder)

What contribution does your life reflect in Eternity?
My contributions are of me, my authentic self, unrelenting, unyielding sight within the eternal dream of love. I contribute my heart and my mind, my physical body and my soul to All That Is until I am No-thing within the Great Mystery of No-Thing. I am an endless reflection of eternal matter sustaining infinitely the eternal dream of vision, clarity and sight; knowing to trust in the truth of happiness. I contribute an inspired faith which honors that which I have come to know, contributing the sacredness of my being, which is my deep love for that which I do not know. I contribute All that I Am in freedom and surrender.

Questions for individual and group consideration:
Choose your supreme quality or a quality that most resonates with opening your heart in tenderness.

How does my quality support happiness in this world?
My quality of Splendor supports happiness in the world by reminding us of the easy way to happiness. Splendor touches the inner heart and allows for energies which are laying dormant to spring forth in gratitude and spark the passion within for all life.

How do I actively support my quality in happiness?
I actively support my quality of splendor by co-creating universal teachings which inspires the desire of individuals to find the sacred heart within and explore each individual's song and dance of creation.

How do I co-create happiness in my personal walk?
I co-create happiness in my personal walk by taking time each day to bring my supreme quality of splendor into the consciousness of my bodies. I speak in gratitude to and with my supreme quality and I allow splendor to move through me and inspirit me and connect this enlightened part of myself to expand and explore all that is within me and all that is without me.

I co-create happiness in my walk with my family, by allowing my supreme quality to be the light within me to touch the light within each of my family members. So it is in our conversations and connections there is a sacred and safe melting and melding space between us which always clears the path for our common union.

I co-create happiness in my walk with my friends, by allowing my supreme quality of splendor to see the joy in their lives. I go here first and in this way my heart opens with tenderness and I find it easy to share in the sacredness that is common to our lives. I find a peaceful and steady place within me which holds and offers the opportunity for sharing and mutual care, respect and trust.

I co-create happiness in my walk with my community by keeping an eye and open heart in splendor. I see and experience a common heart desire for splendor in our community, and I hold a passionate space for splendor here for all. I hold the focused point of light in splendor. It is here that I begin.......

I use this interaction between my quality of splendor and happiness to support Joy in our world by feeding my dream and the universal dream of happiness for all.

I use this interaction between my quality and happiness to support Beauty in our world by being all that I am and all that I dream.

I use this interaction between my quality of splendor and happiness to bring care and ease into our world by believing that both are free and universal gifts available to all, without exception.

I use this interaction of splendor in happiness as charitable steps of Hope in our world by living day to day in every way that I know how to be the all that I can be. By taking into consideration that we may need to learn and experience trusting in happiness and it is a worthy and valid pathway of living.

Make sure you take each question and answer through your various bodies.
My mind thinks that there is hope and possibility for all happiness.

My emotions know the eternal love that exists and I feel happy.

I experience energies of radiating light energy which emanate from my heart and expand out ward in front of me and throughout my bodies.

Again answer:
As we choose this view share with one another,

What does our world look like?

What contribution do our lives reflect in Eternity?

In the Joy of Open Hearted Tenderness may you/we be continually blessed to share this path in the Splendor of Happiness."

Willow (IP: 2009-03-07 14:23:55)

I dreamed last night that at 3:06 we, the All that Is, found our way between worlds. The pathway was opened without full conscious awareness and the New Breed Healers fell into the 5th world.

As I examined how this was done, I realized that though the tools were there, special attention had to be paid to the time and map.

I examined a long pier which was the pathway through the deep and into the gates of heavens (realms).
Seraphis Beye my teacher, opened the planks on the pier and showed me how the NBH got through.
I traveled back and forth several times bringing the tools of color and geometric form from 4th to 5th world for the NBH.

After my third time, I returned to 4th world to make sure that everyone had crossed into the new realm.
I found two of you worried about something of the mind and you had forgotten your third. I gathered you and brought you forward.

I returned to the 5th world and took the cloaks of old world from a young girl in my care, freeing her of her ancestral lineage.
I then was handed a baby girl from Seraphis Beye and we flew over the great oceans. Together we experienced the breath of the wind as it blew violets from 4th world into 5th world and I caught the flowers and their fragrance in my left hand. The sweet scent and tangible glorious presence of life. We looked down and the ocean was vast and a large golden orange Koi swam in the deep, we flew under the bridge as great waves held us safely in the circle of communion and we returned to the 5th world.

And as my teacher one more time had me return to the 4th world to seek out any left behind, we knew that we had traversed the worlds and inwardly and outwardly we became the residents of the higher realm, while creating the connection with All that Is.

Blessed Be,

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024