LSD 5/2009 - Cloud of Unknowing: spirituality, spiritual relationship

Cloud of Unknowing by Willow Tequillo

Cloud of Unknowing

We begin our mystical exploration in zero point.
We must get to zero point before we can begin to know that we do not know.
It is here that we begin our journey with community.

The Cloud of Unknowing is the initial place in which we find ourselves when we begin our journey. It is the gate or the entrance into the reed.

This is the place where the Soul beckons and Ego has no clue what is going on.
Ego only knows that there is something out there that is calling.

The Cloud of Unknowing begins our search for ourselves as whole and Divine Human Beings.

We begin our journey here first by acknowledging and defining Spiritual Relationship and secondly by naming the Qualities that have been inherently gifted to us at the Conception or Creation of our Soul.

Through our process in understanding we begin with a basic definition of spiritual relationship as: actively participating "Presence of Soul Consciousness" in our Earthly life.

To wrap our arms around this concept we must first understand that consciousness is not of the Ego, but rather, Consciousness is an awakened Ego through Soul RE-Membering.

In other words, WE are Ego bound Beings who awaken to our fullest life potential when we allow Soul's eternal consciousness to bring forth memories of Past life experience of our Divine Connection into this present earthly incarnation.

The Cloud of Unknowing allows the potential for this self examination and also the freedom to explore and discover who we Are Created to Be.

Special Note: In the 0 Awareness we learn to be observers. WE DO NOT at Anytime comment on another persons work. WE are required to read what another has written, we are to make a special note as to our inner reactions and judgments. We are here to learn about our own bias and our own processes in personal reflections.

A phone call one time per month is required for all members at this point.

In the Zero Awareness we must complete as a group:

  1. Introduction of self to community.
  2. Defining Concepts of Spirituality *

#2 Part 1
What is a Spiritual Relationship?
Please define in one paragraph.
Do not respond at this time to what others write.
We will wait until everyone has an opportunity to respond to this question.

#2 Part 2
List 5 Qualities of a Spiritual Relationship.
Do not respond to anyone else s post at this time.

#2 Part 3
Please look at all of the posts in, 'Define Spiritual Relationship'.

Please take one concept, or three words out of each definition and come up with a 'how to develop a spiritual relationship list'.

Each concept must have relevance in the three primary relationships:

  • Individual and Divine Source Spiritual Relationship
  • Individual and Partner Spiritual Relationship
  • Individual and Community Spiritual Relationship


A spiritual relationship requires:

  1. a primary focus
  2. connection to source

Again do not comment on another persons work at this time.

#2 Part 4

  1. Please post your definition of Spiritual Relationship in the 'Spiritual Relationship' Forum.
  2. Please post your original 5 Qualities in the Spiritual Relationship Forum.

At this point do not comment on any one else's definition or quality. Simply post.

#3 Name your group

#4 Part 1 You will begin the "Letter of Imperfections" and work through the processes. This will take about 6 months to complete.

Sacred Reflections: Center for Transformational Awareness
Letter of Spiritual Direction
May 2009
By Willow Tequillo, Medicine Woman/Spiritual Guide

In matter of the void, the magic of love is experienced.
The void is the place of unknowing matter.
It is in this the void, the abyss, the Great Mystery, Great Mother,
that life purpose and meaning are examined.
A new and refreshing sacred space is created for inner examination and sacred reflection.
This examination explores the individuals self/Self relationship to societal values and belief structures and
their relationships and intentions in communion or in opposition to the higher law of natural order.
The magic of this examination is it's capacity for inner truth to create a space for understanding of personal compromises for societal structure and value in exchange for personal truth.
Considerations of personal contributions and lack of integrity are equally examined.
Great humility is experienced in recognition and realization of divine grace and mercy.

Through the process of this examination, new dreams transform the foundational womb for the conscious formation of authentic self.
The communion of the ego/soul as a unified incarnated Being begins to experience self in Higher Knowing.

The Magic of Love

Dreams Transformation of Dreams/Intentions through Communion
I/Eve #4: Matter of Void
Ascended Wisdom Matrix - Thread # 4
Quality of Faith

Dearest Community,
I woke this morning to the heartfelt flood of emotion, of appreciation, of healing and of revealing grace. I feel lifted by our open hearts, inspired by our search and capacity to love so very deeply. I experience the depth of unwavering love for you in your intimate walk with your Divine Source. I witness you in Allowance through the opening of your hearts to the healing balm of renewal, of hope, of grace and of mercy as shared compassion.

I feel so blessed to walk with you, to share with you the heart desire of our Divine Source (LOVE) which is Happiness, experienced as peace and gentle care through grace of empathetic compassion.

Thank you for being YOU, for shining your light within the darkness of your own abyss and for allowing this light to fill your void and for being the reed (voice) of Great Spirit and Great Mothers Love.

I ask Divine Source that we may continue the happy days of Joy and Lightness as we are warmed by the springs promise and hope. May we carry each other in gladness, lending a helping hand, an open heart, and a shared vision into our future together. May our world, EARTH, RE-Member the Beauty that S/He IS. And as we, being the humus of all s/he is, may our own beauty and joy resonate vibrations of infinite and eternal happiness. May we sing and dance IN Joy the Dance of Creation where Great Spirit and Great Mother Kiss, embrace and in embracing, know self to be the fullest Being InLove.

Thank you our dearest Beloved Community for holding the Eternal Vision of Happiness, for dancing in this happiness and for sharing this happiness in your world and universe.
Blessed Be this Ceremony of Grace in Happiness,

As we approach this time of learning to dream together, I have put together a contemplation for you to consider. It contains the pathway of interconnecting our spiritual earth and spiritual cosmos. It is a direct path for mutual dreaming. Please take the time to really consider the connections that are being made. We are continuing our walk in the Beauty Way. Use your Ascended Wisdom Matrix Chart to note any connections. Look at the first four horizontal and vertical movements in the matrix.

Considerations for Contemplations:

  1. Magic is the Essential Transforming Action of First Trinity which transforms into Communion of the 4th Trinity.
  2. The Magic of Love, dreams transformation of Dreams/Intentions in to the Divine Body of Matter through Communion of the Divine and Human Being.
  3. I/Eve #4: Matter of Void
  4. Ascended Wisdom Matrix - Thread # 4 Divine Magic/Human Magic transforms into Divine and Human Communion
    Quality of Faith
  5. Cycle of Life Prayer: May hope clearly bring moments of grace and reflective fragments of light that we may be enlightened in Presence and Empowered in Faith.

Intimacy as Empathetic Compassion, dreams transformation as an intention for happiness.

Common dreams of divine and human Magic gather in Divine and Human Communion. All Charitable Ideas and Powerful thoughts move into common union through the Divine and Human Minds dream. Common dreams co-create intention, magically creating something new into a common form. This common form may or may not be fully comprehended by the co-creative participants. Understanding is dependent upon conscious awareness and the individual's point of reference.

With this in mind, let us consider Happiness. Happiness can best be understood as a sacred reflection of Joy and Beauty.

Joy is known by the giver through the sacred reflection of the receiver.
Beauty is known by the giver through the sacred reflection of the receiver.
Both giving and receiving must be in balance for the natural order of happiness to occur.

Great Spirits Joy is fiery and passionate is motivated by desire. Desires can be understood and channeled through our personal qualities. When this desire is directed it can co-create great energies of manifestation within the Beautiful matter of Great Mystery.

Let us consider that the expression of Joy is most closely related to the expression of Great Spirit, the masculine nature within each of us (though let us remember that all is one, and there is no true dualistic nature). Beauty is most closely related to the feminine body of matter and is a close reflection of Great Mystery, Mother, Earth. So it is that we look to the masculine energies to reflect beauty back to the sacred feminine. We can look to our feminine (Great Mystery, Mother) to see, experience Joy and reflect back to the masculine its reflection. We can find joy in the song of creation, all that we are. We call this enlightened matter which is beauty. Joy is like the Song of Creation through the voice of Great Spirit. Beauty is like the Dance of Creation through the Body of Great Mystery in joy.

When we sing or dance creation we unite in one, the universal dance of All that Is. Unification of the two, dance and song co-create a magical transformation within all bodies and Being (individuated Being) becomes one InLove. A Being Inlove is a Being in Happiness.

Laws of Attraction:
Intimacy as empathetic compassion dreams transformation as an intention for happiness.
Intimacy is the key ingredient for happiness. There must be a Desire of both Great Spirit and Great Mystery to become united in the common dance and song of passionate gratitude.
Within our community we experience this intense love as care and connection through a light and playful heart.
This state of Being each as individual, supports the magic in transformation from 4th world to 5th world. Transformation is the fire which burns away old blocks of internalized habits. Habits born of resistances built upon truths formed in scarcity.

Transformation allows for the New Formed Sacred to be explored, seen, and experienced in this physical world. Communion (common passionate dreams in gratitude) open the gateways of access to deeper self, always and in all ways continually exploring the depths of love through the qualities of humility, honor, cherishment and adoration.

These dreams transform physical matter through magic. Synchronistic events occur which hold and support the original intentions of desire and maintain the substance of that desire (Being InLove) provide the dreamers with surefooted access to manifestation sight in the depth of the common Dream.

When we allow the Joy of Great Spirit to move through our bodies, we are making time for the Great Union of Our Sacred Reflection.
When we allow the face of Beauty to be our Divine Body of Matter, we are making the space for the Great Union of our Sacred Reflection.
We have choices. What is your choice?
Let us remember that our actions are like large sonic booms. Actions shake the Mind Body, the Emotional Body and the Physical Body. Actions shake our shared worlds, our Spiritual Earth and Spiritual Cosmos. Actions shake our personal worlds, work, home, vehicle and every other aspect of our lives.
What would it be like to let our actions continually be of the nature of happiness that we may share our loving devotion for one another. Common or uncommon, for we are one with all that is we are the matter that we are, both of heaven and of earth.

Let us learn to dream together. Dream is the landscape of the emotions. Let our emotions lead us in our most common unified qualities through the radiant beauty of Great Mystery connecting us through desire with the infinite spirit of light. Together let us continue to co-create the common dream of happiness through Joy and Beauty. Peace lives in happiness.

Prayer of Revelation:
Today is a transformational day, intimate Compassion has brought me face to face with me, through my reflection in you.
Today I see clearly that my Core Center is solid, solid truth, solid intention, and solid dream.
Today I can build upon the happiness which is mine and ours.
Though the road is unclear our direction is sure.
Today I choose to build upon the happiness that has been gifted to us.
Today I lay my trust in the Presence of All That Is.
Today I lay my trust in the Presence of All That I Am and We Are.
Today I stand sure footedly in the still point of chaos of all matter.
Today I find what matters to me and us, is an unwavering attitude of Presence in Joy and Beauty.
From this intimately compassionate place of center and balance, I know the magic of what is before me and I experience the magic of my own desire through the sacred reflection of who you are.
Today I practice the intimate compassion of the magic Happiness of Peace.

Blessed Be/Selah
Inloving appreciation in awe of wonder,

  1. Read the 4th Awareness in the Soul Portrait Book.

  2. Answer these introductory questions:

What is communion?

What is magic?

What is the meaning of the geometric shape we call circle in holding the intention for this awareness?

  1. Contemplating your dream:

a. You will be reconnecting with and recording a personal dream for each of your 8 aspects (home, soul, vehicle, ego, family, partnership, work, and friendship). Select one of your 8 aspects to begin with. You will be working with one aspect at a time before moving on to the next.

b. Set aside time each day for about a week (or however long you need) to sit in silent contemplation about the dream for this particular aspect.

c. Allow yourself to move into the void and Mystery of All That Is. When we dream, we go into the darkness of All That Is and await the light of All That Is to arrive.

d. Let go of any expectations you may have of what the dream will look like.

e. Surrender to the highest potential of your dream.

f. As you begin to express what is calling you, your dream will literally take on form. Be specific and give details. As Willow said, "if you want a gold watch make sure you say that you want a gold watch that works!" Ultimately, we will surrender the details of the dream to Source; however, Source awaits our wishes, so let it be known!

g. Journal at the end of each contemplation session, making note of any visions, ideas, thoughts that came up/down; notable sensations in the physical body and senses that arise; emotional feelings that flow through during this time.

  1. Ego Soul dialogue:

Step 3 is focused on giving us the space and time to dream without adding too many mental conditions and processes. However, as your dream begins to become clear, it will be important to hold space for an Ego Soul dialogue about what visions and desires are coming up. Use the Dreams, Needs, Concerns, and Limitations format to guide you. And follow these steps for the Ego Soul dialogue that is to be written down:

a. Ego states His Dreams, Needs, Concerns, and Limitations for the aspect you are working on.

b. Soul states Her Dreams, Needs, Concerns, and Limitations for the aspect you are working on.

c. A Common statement (a unified voice of Ego AND Soul) of Common Dreams, Needs, Concerns, and Limitations for the aspect you are working on. This will require both Ego and Soul to sort out what matters most to them and to figure out how best to support one another. This is not a time for compromise; this is a time for consensus and joy. You may need to sit down and write out an in-depth Ego Soul dialogue here to sort out what each person needs and how best to hold those needs, freely and joyfully.

d. Develop a trust statement between Ego and Soul for each aspect. In other words, what will Ego and Soul commit to and how will Ego and Soul support one another in manifesting the dream in its highest potential.

Here's an example for how this goes. Take the aspect of Home, for example. First, Ego states his dreams, needs, concerns, and limitations for Home. Second, Soul states her dreams, needs, concerns, and limitations for Home. Third, Ego and Soul have a dialogue and figure out what they hold in common. This is the key step as each shares their perspective and figures out how to create a win/win situation (i.e. no compromises). Finally, Ego and Soul create a Trust Statement for Home.

  1. Repeat this process (steps #3 and #4) for each of the 8 aspects.

  2. Build a communion circle at your home.

Feel free to begin this part of the assignment at any point of the awareness. This will provide a concrete way for Ego and Soul to join in communion and co-create their dream together. You will want to check in with Ego and Soul about their dreams for the circle and come up with a unified vision.

  1. Write a summary paragraph of your personal understanding of the 4th Awareness.

  2. Paint a soul portrait of Communion (4th Awareness)

Willow Tequillo
Medicine Woman

Questions for Consideration please discuss and post in your Community Formation Gallery section.
Magic - is the Essential Transforming Action of First Trinity.
What is Magic?
What is Joy?
How does Joy contribute to the Magic of Happiness?
What is Beauty?
How does beauty contribute to the Magic of Happiness?
What is Transformation?
Consider transforming action of the first trinity. What does this mean?
How is an essential transforming action different from any other kind of action?
Where does the magic of change (transformation) have to occur in order for Communion or Common Union to evolve?
Where does magic begin?
Recall a time in your life where you experienced the Joy and Beauty of life co-creating the Magic of Happiness.

Discuss with one another and place your individual answers in your Community Formation Gallery under your picture.

InLove as Happiness,
Willow Tequillo
Spiritual Guide/Medicine Woman
This document may be shared in its entirety.

As we approach this time of learning to dream together, I have put together a contemplation for you to consider. It contains the pathway of interconnecting our spiritual earth and spiritual cosmos. It is a direct path for mutual dreaming. Please take the time to really consider the connections that are being made. We are continuing our walk in the Beauty Way. Use your Ascended Wisdom Matrix Chart to note any connections. Look at the first four horizontal and vertical movements in the matrix.

Considerations for Contemplations:

  1. Magic - is the Essential Transforming Action of First Trinity which transforms into Communion of the 4th Trinity.
  2. The Magic of Love, dreams transformation of Dreams/Intentions in to the Divine Body of Matter through Communion of the Divine and Human Being.
  3. I/Eve #4: Matter of Void
  4. Ascended Wisdom Matrix - Thread # 4 Divine Magic/Human Magic transforms into Divine and Human Communion
    Quality of Faith
  5. Cycle of Life Prayer: May hope clearly bring moments of grace and reflective fragments of light that we may be enlightened in Presence and Empowered in Faith.

Intimacy as Empathetic Compassion, dreams transformation as an intention for happiness.

Common dreams of divine and human Magic gather in Divine and Human Communion. All Charitable Ideas and Powerful thoughts move into common union through the Divine and Human Minds dream. Common dreams co-create intention, magically creating something new into a common form. This common form may or may not be fully comprehended by the co-creative participants. Understanding is dependent upon conscious awareness and the individual's point of reference.

With this in mind, let us consider Happiness. Happiness can best be understood as a sacred reflection of Joy and Beauty.

Joy is known by the giver through the sacred reflection of the receiver.
Beauty is known by the giver through the sacred reflection of the receiver.
Both giving and receiving must be in balance for the natural order of happiness to occur.

Great Spirits Joy is fiery and passionate is motivated by desire. Desires can be understood and channeled through our personal qualities. When this desire is directed it can co-create great energies of manifestation within the Beautiful matter of Great Mystery.

Let us consider that the expression of Joy is most closely related to the expression of Great Spirit, the masculine nature within each of us (though let us remember that all is one, and there is no true dualistic nature). Beauty is most closely related to the feminine body, of matter, and is a close reflection of Great Mystery, Mother, Earth. So it is that we look to the masculine energies to reflect beauty back to the sacred feminine. We can look to our feminine (Great Mystery, Mother) to see, experience Joy and reflect back to the masculine its reflection. We can find joy in the song of creation, all that we are. We call this enlightened matter which is beauty. Joy is like the Song of Creation through the voice of Great Spirit. Beauty is like the Dance of Creation through the Body of Great Mystery in joy.

When we sing or dance creation we unite in one, the universal dance of All that Is. Unification of the two, dance and song co-create a magical transformation within all bodies and Being (individuated Being) becomes one InLove. A Being Inlove is a Being in Happiness.

Laws of Attraction:
Intimacy as empathetic compassion dreams transformation as an intention for happiness.
Intimacy is the key ingredient for happiness. There must be a Desire of both Great Spirit and Great Mystery to become united in the common dance and song of passionate gratitude.
Within our community we experience this intense love as care and connection through a light and playful heart.
This state of Being each as individual, supports the magic in transformation from 4th world to 5th world. Transformation is the fire which burns away old blocks of internalized habits. Habits born of resistances built upon truths formed in scarcity.

Transformation allows for the New Formed Sacred to be explored, seen, and experienced in this physical world. Communion (common passionate dreams in gratitude) open the gateways of access to deeper self, always and in all ways continually exploring the depths of love through the qualities of humility, honor, cherishment and adoration.

These dreams transform physical matter through magic. Synchronistic events occur which hold and support the original intentions of desire and maintain the substance of that desire (Being InLove) provide the dreamers with surefooted access to manifestation sight in the depth of the common Dream.

When we allow the Joy of Great Spirit to move through our bodies, we are making time for the Great Union of Our Sacred Reflection.
When we allow the face of Beauty to be our Divine Body of Matter, we are making the space for the Great Union of our Sacred Reflection.
We have choices. What is your choice?
Let us remember that our actions are like large sonic booms. Actions shake the Mind Body, the Emotional Body and the Physical Body. Actions shake our shared worlds, our Spiritual Earth and Spiritual Cosmos. Actions shake our personal worlds, work, home, vehicle and every other aspect of our lives.
What would it be like to let our actions continually be of the nature of happiness that we may share our loving devotion for one another. Common or uncommon, for we are one with all that is we are the matter that we are, both of heaven and of earth.

Let us learn to dream together. Dream is the landscape of the emotions. Let our emotions lead us in our most common unified qualities through the radiant beauty of Great Mystery connecting us through desire with the infinite spirit of light. Together let us continue to co-create the common dream of happiness through Joy and Beauty. Peace lives in happiness.

Prayer of Revelation:
Today is a transformational day, intimate Compassion has brought me face to face with me, through my reflection in you.
Today I see clearly that my Core Center is solid, solid truth, solid intention, and solid dream. Today I can build upon the happiness which is mine and ours.
Though the road is unclear our direction is sure.
Today I choose to build upon the happiness that has been gifted to us.
Today I lay my trust in the Presence of All That Is.
Today I lay my trust in the Presence of All That I Am and We Are.
Today I stand sure footedly in the still point of chaos of all matter.
Today I find what matters to me and us, is an unwavering attitude of Presence in Joy and Beauty.
From this intimately compassionate place of center and balance, I know the magic of what is before me and I experience the magic of my own desire through the sacred reflection of who you are.
Today I practice the intimate compassion of the magic Happiness of Peace.

Blessed Be/Selah
Inloving appreciation in awe of wonder,
Willow Tequillo
Medicine Woman

Questions for Consideration please discuss and post in your Community Formation Gallery section.
Magic - is the Essential Transforming Action of First Trinity.
What is Magic?
What is Joy?
How does Joy contribute to the Magic of Happiness?
What is Beauty?
How does beauty contribute to the Magic of Happiness?
What is Transformation?
Consider transforming action of the first trinity. What does this mean?
How is an essential transforming action different from any other kind of action?
Where does the magic of change (transformation) have to occur in order for Communion or Common Union to evolve?
Where does magic begin?
Recall a time in your life where you experienced the Joy and Beauty of life co-creating the Magic of Happiness.

Discuss with one another and place your individual answers in your Community Formation Gallery under your picture.

InLove as Happiness,
Willow Tequillo
Spiritual Guide/Medicine Woman
This document may be shared in its entirety.

Magic= the essential transforming action of first trinity

What is magic? Magic is the communion of Human and Divine being, magic is when human dreams transform into divine matter through communion of human and divine body.

What is joy? Joy is the energy of the soul, the song of creation through great spirit. Joy is the holding of the Inner Circle, the energy of the thought of mind when it comes into physical matter. Joy is the spirit that embodies beauty on the earth plane.

How does Joy contribute to the Magic of Happiness?
Happiness requires co-creation. Joy is the spirit energy, the lightening bolt that when it reflects the beauty of matter enlightens that matter.
Happiness is joy and beauty in unity, experienced as gentle care through the grace of empathetic compassion (Willow).

What is beauty?
Beauty is the matter of the feminine, and when reflected through joy is a partner in happiness.

How does beauty contribute to the Magic of Happiness?
Through the reflection of its matter, of great Mystery, in joy - then beauty and joy together share common dream intention of happiness.

What is transformation?
Transformation is a new form, new understanding of matter and joy in reflection.

Consider transforming action of the first trinity. What does this mean?
In first trinity, the vehicle of knowing becomes transformed through communion with Great Mystery. Communion of thought with mystery in compassion co-creates dreams of co-operation. Co-creation of intentions and dreams of human with common dreams of divine through magic of enlightenment as human matter is embodied by divine body.

How is an essential transforming action different from any other kind of action?
Transformation occurs when there is communion between Divine and Human minds and dreams.

Where does the magic of change (transformation) have to occur in order for Communion or Common Union to evolve?

Within the loop of Divine Faith and Human Knowing

Where does magic happen?
In our desire, dreams and intentions- in our Mind body, emotional body and physical body.

When I gave birth to my children, I experienced the Joy and Beauty of life co-creating the Magic of Happiness. And, as I witness their dreams, intentions and desires, the joy and beauty of life continues to co-create magic of happiness.

Consideration and meditation for COMMUNION – MIND OF LOVE – Matter of Void

Blessings and Peace New Breed Healers
Welcome to the first meeting after the Wailing Ceremony.
We are again gathered in our own home areas. Let us sit and recall this last months events. These last few weeks have taken us through a time of settling and re-emerging into our worlds in a higher vibration.

We haven't talked much about the ceremony and our time together. For me this is right and so. There are two beliefs which seem to be most prevalent when it comes to sharing, I am more of a middle road, or third way person.

Thought #1 -
One belief is to share with words, our personal experience as soon as it happens. The motivation can be experienced as a need to be validated by another or have our experience validated as being real by another. There can be a pit fall here which can create diminishment of our experience.

Our bodies require time to settle and explore new experience. Our mind body requires time to think about what has occurred, our physical body needs to validate occurrence by 'sensing' through physical sensation and the emotional body needs to give these two (mind and physical) an emotional feeling.

Our Soul is our eternal home of our experience through our feelings.

Through the uniting of these three bodies, a current, vibration and frequency are developed and a higher form of consciousness is developed. Speaking words too soon can create thought patterns which resonate below the highest Vibrational capacity and can take 'on' the energies of others, which may or may not resonate with highest Vibrational potential.

Others may or may not be able to relate to your experience and ones personal experience can then be diminished by disharmonic frequencies creating distortion within the co-creative formulation being developed by the mental, physical and emotional bodies.

Thought #2 -
Another belief is 'never' to share our experiences. There is a pitfall in this way of thinking. One can isolate self and feel that there is no one who can relate to them.

Creation is co-creative. By keeping our experiences to our self we can create the distorted 'Island mentality'....... (distorted because in all truth an Island is not isolated. An island is always connected to mother because it is a part of Mother Earth.

The thing about an island is that it sees 'self' as isolated. When we refrain from sharing we create personal pathways and patterns of invalidation which lead to scarcity and develop pathways of internal loneliness, jealousy, self righteousness, anger and resentment. Personal Euphoric experiences become diminished by our own limited view and hardening through disbelief.

Thought #3 The third view and the view that I support is the middle way. Taking time to personally experience through all the bodies.

Creating the inner sacred space to identify personal thoughts, senses, and feelings. To step into knowing what matters to me and then to discern what makes me happy. Knowing experiences require time for internal process and settling to create a firm foundation of personal knowing. Foundations require co-existing and co-creative expression. Meaning this requires us to share our common experiences and to explore new possibilities for greater understanding and insight.

When we both honor our personal space, then share our sacred with another, we learn about how to hold sacred and how to share sacred. Observing of self and other allows for hugs 'to be just right', not too hard and not too soft.

WE can speak clearly of our experience, rather than ramble through by not taking enough time for personal exploration or by saying too little – spending too much time in ones own mind and diminishing the journey by only stating the result.

Balance and center can be found in the middle path of sacred space and sacred sharing also knowing and giving and receiving.

Now that we have had time to inwardly digest the impact of this powerful weekend and now it is time to share our experience and to put to the test what we have learned.

This meeting will Begin a 6-8 week examination of Communion. The common union of physical matter (all physical life), the common union of mental matter (ideas and thoughts), the common union of emotional matter (feelings).

In each of your Regional Groups, please take time to discuss

  1. The most profound experience you witnessed.
  2. The most profound inward experience you had.
  3. The most significant tool that the community developed.

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024