2009 - Shaman

The Shaman's Moral Code of Consciousness


  1. What is a shaman?
    What is the purpose of a shaman? What is the intentional role of the shaman?

a. Shaman knowings:

  • Natural Universal Order - define
    • Family Member
    • Healer
    • Spiritual Guide
    • Teacher
  • Magician
    • Family Member
    • Healer
    • Spiritual Guide
    • Teacher
  • Spiritual cosmos-define
    • Family Member
    • Healer
    • Spiritual Guide
    • Teacher
  • Spiritual Earth-define
    • Family Member
    • Healer
    • Spiritual Guide
    • Teacher
  • Community Member as define
    • Family Member
    • Healer
    • Spiritual Guide
    • Teacher

4 responsibilities of the shaman as a family member.
4 responsibilities of the shaman as a healer.
4 responsibilities of the shaman as a spiritual guide.
4 responsibilities of the shaman as a teacher.

Open each chapter with a vision of hope - use the AWM contemplation.

  1. What is a shaman?
    What is the purpose of a shaman?
    What is the intentional role of the shaman?

(Open each chapter with a vision of hope use the AWM contemplation.)

10th Movement of Thread #3
84 Movement of the Ascended Wisdom Matrix

Divine Magic embraces Human Knowing through individual humility in passionate passageways of gratitude.

Divine magic lives in my recognition (knowing) of the great and small. I am reminded of the great mountains outside of my window and the small crystals of mountain wearing and crumbling down. This is the crystal sand which forms the warmth for this earth. Light, sunlight which touches, reflects, warms and soothes. I trust in the passion and gratitude of me earth and me spirit to continually choose pathways of relation with one another, knowing all things will be happy as is the greatest plan. Like the waters which change form and renew, I surrender to the flow of all life in wonder.

As I see the blue circle of Divine Magic which surrounds our beauty planet my Human Knowing begins to understand, comprehend and imagine the possibilities of life's potentials. I am in humility as I see the light shine upon the magical possibilities of my dreams and the dreams of all life which surround me. The possibilities of all that life in light calls forth. My Human Knowing remembers that the Divine of Body calls the Dreams of Human Matter, and I remember that all matter is a dream. All matter is dreamed into form through the experience of one another. All dreams living and dying, dreaming, remembering, surrendering, renewing and so on and so forth. My Human Knowing becomes the turquoise pearls linking generations, lifetimes, worlds, and universes building Divine Faith in galaxies of eternity. Again and again within awe and wonder, Divine Magic calls forth this Communion of life. My knees weaken in humble gratitude of the eternal care of Beauty in the safekeeping of Joy and Joy in the safe keeping of Beauty.

Passion fills the inner most recesses of my soul as gratitude becomes the fruition of humility evolving naturally through my very Being. My unfolding self, as knowing, becomes the enlightened Being through Divine Magic's embrace. "I am the thoughts which I inhabit." (Thank you to Annam Cara, Greg Braden and Thomas.) And in my evolution as humus, I become those passionate passageways of gratitude, the branching light unto a world seeking hope.

Just for today:
Just for today I will allow the humility of my own knowing to become the divinely inspired Magic of passionate gratitude.

Just for today, I will allow my human knowing to embrace the idea that light does embody and embrace all life in tender communion.

Just for today I allow myself to know the endless possibilities of co-creative dreams.

Just for today, I offer you hope in Being the Branch of Light which enlightens your world.

Just Dream,

  1. What is a shaman?
    What is the purpose of a shaman? What is the intentional role of the shaman?

What is a shaman?

Codes of Moral Consciousness

Shamananic examiner, Lisa Raphael states that there are three types of shamans and four steps of authenticity.

The 3 types of shaman are,

  1. Those born into the shamanistic lineage.
  2. The shaman recognized by another shaman
  3. The spontaneous shaman.

The 4 steps that lead us to begin our shamanist path are:

  1. Acceptance of the Mystery
  2. Opening of the heart.
  3. Experience of esoteric thinking and universal thinking.
  4. Following your instinct and finding a teacher.

We will discuss each of these areas from the view of this medicine woman and consider the episodes and traveling paths of reality that one must maneuver in order to find the place of centered balance in knowing and trust in the unknowing or Great Mystery.

Those born into the shamistic lineage.

In my limited experience of one born into the lineage of the shamans medicine, I have found it to be a wonderful, scary and experiential life story. As a young girl as far back as I can remember, I sat at the feet of my grandmother who in her wisdom, fierce determination and love for the whole, she was steady! Her daily ritual, her masa, her chili and her small stature and pride. I would not say that my grandmother was a particularly kind person, as a matter of fact, I think most people found her to be a bit on the strict side. As for me, I adored my grandmother.

I didn't know why she had me sit at her feet always. I didn't know why I had a room in her house and in my mother's home. I didn't know why I had no voice when others did. Nor did I know why my aunt followed me and my every move. I just thought that that was the way all first born women (girls) were treated. There were times when I would hear, 'oh you're so special'. I really didn't know what that meant, me being special; for all that I could see was the other children playing and me sitting in silence. And yet there was in my heart a great sense of being cared for, of being protected and of being held.

Though the words, 'inner circle' rarely left her lips, grandmother taught me that. So what is this inner circle and this magic within the great mystery? It would not be until my daughter took the vow as a first born, that I would fully understand the ramifications of sitting at the tiny statured woman's feet.

You see when you are a child of the universe, born into and raised consciously as a person of medicine; the common that you experience can be the very uncommon of those around you. There comes with this medicine a certain plight of knowing. And later there comes a conscious understanding that the simple everyday existence is a foreign experience and unknowing to most everyone around you period. I experienced the codes of the universe, the natural law of nature, the common trust in life, the way of beauty in my every day. My attention was brought again and again to the simplicity of life and form and the magic of the mystery. Scents, sight, inner connection in vision were gifts given to me long before my current incarnation. It was a way of Being, one that as a child I knew and I trusted.

Then one day, colonial life became quest for my family. All of the women left the kitchen and the men left the fields and we moved and we became civilized. I remember the day that we four women, I was 16 at the time, enrolled in university together and all proceeded to define ourselves the colonial education system. That was quite fine with me as learning came easy. I recall the day that we stood together in our robes and certificates of achievement together teacher, counselor, artist, social worker. We would bring a new vision to our daughters and our sons. The men in our family took over restaurants and began cooking. The men entered the kitchen and became the masculine within and we became the feminine without.

As a young woman, I would sit and have long conversations with grandmother about her vision. She would cry and say 'meha' we are in troubled times, we have forgotten who we are, in my life I have only tried to make sense of how to care for my family. It is a lonely road for this medicine woman. There are many responsibilities and there must be a basic devotion which is inbred.
Here is what grandmother taught me while I sat at her feet.

a. Shamanic knowing's:

Life is made up of a natural order of infinite and eternal Great Mystery. Within this infinite and eternal, live many Beings of past, present and future. Natural order is a concept that claims that there is abundance for all when there is a balanced giving and receiving. This giving and receiving must be of a nature which supports the boundaries and limitations of the self and other. There can be no discrepancy between the two, for they are one.

As a family member this means that everyone has a dream of self and of family and for the family. Each person needs to have a safe space in which to use their respectful voice in their own dreams, needs, concerns and limitations. It is the shaman's place to create the sacred holy space for this interaction.

As a healer this means that a medicine person must be able to tune into the heartmind of the self and other. The other Being includes those of the past, present and future and in the various realms such as the spiritual cosmos and spiritual earth. As a healer one must learn to hear, listen and share based upon a common tone and vibration given as a whole. Multidimensional learning is a very large concept which does require intimate experiences of all life in form and matter.

As a Spiritual Guide the person of medicine must remember the dance of evolution and stay open to future pathways of this ever evolving life. As a spiritual guide we lead people through the darkness of the void. For me personally I have found this to be such a dilemma in working with the colonial mind. For on one hand this Being cannot wait to know and continually asks you to tell them, while on the other hand, intricately caught up in their own doubt. This is a cycle which is most trying and difficult to get through, for this person lacks faith in anything but themselves and this self is made up of a steady and unrelenting fear. This Being must be shown over and over and over again, ultimately having to make extreme pathways of conscious decisions to get out of the circle of inner bondage. Also because this is a prevalent thought, this Being will out of pure domesticated habit, pull another s energy into the downward spiral taking hostages.

However this is not the path of medicine, for in medicine we learn that we are a part of everything, nothing are separate from and therefore there is a sense of belonging. As a spiritual guide it is our faith, humility, honesty and sure footed courageous determination of open heartmind, no matter how scary it got. It is that medicine that consciously drives our every intention and motivation to the millionth degree seeking out the understanding of self and of the other equally.

As a teacher the Shaman or person of medicine has the responsibility to train and effectively pass on their medicine. This can be within ones own family or lineage. Today there is a great dilemma among people of medicine who oppose teaching the aboriginal way to those who have no memory. However, as for me and mine, my grandmother, grandfather, aunties and uncles.......we were removed from the native mesa and our medicine does live within us as the nomadic that we have become. It is ours to share in the world in which we long to walk in peace with.

  1. Acceptance of the Mystery
  2. Opening of the heart.
  3. Experience of esoteric thinking and universal thinking.
  4. Following your instinct and finding a teacher.

The shaman born into the lineage experiences acceptance of the Great Mystery through all of the bodies prior to and after present incarnation. They come in knowing that they are a child of the universe unconditionally.

The opening of the shamanic heart is a steady day to day unfolding. However this person will also undergo may spontaneous revelations and will open also through the heart opening of each member of the clan.

The shaman born of lineage learns through day to day practice the language of esoteric thinking and universal thinking. This is the first language taught. This language is taught though voice in presence, through the realms, in dreaming and prior to and after incarnation.

The Shaman of this lineage is under constant supervision and ancestral direction before the time of conception. Contracts are made while in soul formlessness. This person of medicine is in spiritual guidance throughout their lifetimes and infinitely. The gift of this shaman is the gift of knowing community from the beginning of time.

The Shaman as Magician
As a magician this person of medicine learns to take common thoughts and ideas of the mind and create charitable steps. Power through the open head allows for these thoughts to co-create matter. Using symbol, color, song and dance harmonies are created and shared. The magician teaches us how to play with the elements and Beings of our great mother earth and universe.

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024