2009 - Contemplation for Consideration for the Inner Circle

Contemplations for Consideration for the Inner Circle, Willow and Counsel

Part 2

5th Awareness Contemplation:

I feel the Breath of Life flow freely through my spinal cord; bringing life force to my limbs and each cell of my Body. Through my physical body I experience the Emotion of Breath.

Part 3

Joy is the spirit which enlightens all Matter.

As the feminine we are most reflective of Matter (Beauty) and the masculine is most reflective of Spirit (Joy).

When we the feminine of our community, family, society, culture........ Block the Spirit of Joy, Matter can not be enlightened. It stays stagnet, hardens and become brittle.

When we, in our trust, allow something greater than ourselves to flow through us-the feminine, then we become fluid, magical and mysterious.

Our Faith in Our Source (Great Mother and Great Spirit for me and for you who ever you conceive this Being to Be) as a Unified Being, whole, is binded by Faith in one another (being the duality meeting in polarity).

As New Breed Healers we have the responsibility to BE HUMUS, Enlightened Matter, InSpirited Matter. This means as Healers we ARE Medicine which accepts our call and in the Call allows for the freedom and freewill of All Life and Relation.

We co-create pathways of Joy through Beauty to help others to find their highest potential of Beings InLove. Beauty is not outside of us and we must open ourselves to receiving the heart of joy.

The joy of another is not predicated upon our own need to control, to be heard or to be validated.

Their Joy is between them and their Source.

When we give without clarity.
When our thoughts lack understanding of our intentions of giving, we are being spiritually prideful and we are lacking reverence for life.

Contrary to 4th world belief, Life can and does willingly unfold and unfurl in the Natural Order of the Universe. It does not need our self initiated pride to found a weeded system. These kind of systems are well rooted in the 4th world and do not have a place here.

WE LIVE in a different world now and our walk must reflect the intricate blending of our wisdom and faith through our inner courage. We have no room for arrogant pride, however hidden within ourselves it might be.
We must surrender our own fears everyday in every way. Refusing the temptations of causing false hope. This false hope is initiated when we ask others to look at us rather than to look at their Source. Again everyday in every way we must point ourselves and others in the direction of their Source.
Their Creator/Creatrix, the Being who dreamed them into Being.

We are the Channels of Peace.
Let the Breath of Life flow through US in Peaceful Harmony.
Let Our voices be the Song of Creation.

Inlove and Peace,
Willow and Counsel

Part 4

Please use this format to help you to gain clarity in your own walk and reflect upon a time where we as individuals have fallen here.

Divine Great Mother
Divine Great Spirit
in your infinite wisdom and focused vision,

I ask that you give me tools to help me to seek out new ways of Being, new ways of communication, new ways of attention, reconciliation and renewal.

I ask for your forgiveness and I ask that in your mercy you do provide me with new dreams. That these new dreams do help me to work through passageways of fear, made by me for self protection, projecting attitudes, and my hateful behaviors.

Hold my hand and lead me through the Darkness of my own abyss in 'knowing'. This knowing which has brought me to the covering of my own flaws.
These flaws birthed in arrogance, perpetuating self importance and presumed entitlement.

This way of being, taking away the freedom of another. Stealing from them your freewill gift of Joy in Wonder, by causing their eyes to be upon Me rather than upon you. Thereby creating a false sense of security and violating their innocence. Also, in that, I too took my eyes from you Source, and made my own self importance, "sustainable matter" for others.

This action took away the Faith of Joy in Cherishment of your infinite care and holding capacity. In my own doubt of you, I created a block of doubt between you and your children in order to have my own self worth validated.

I refused my own joy in trust of you by choosing my own Knowing, rather than surrendering my knowing in faith.

My own unknowing Being the heart of humility in gratitude which constantly reminds me that there is a place to seek, vision and gain understanding outside of my own limited mind. That place being you Source, Great Mother Mystery and Great Father Spirit.

Through my conscious and unconscious actions I have built myself up as the spokesperson with 'the answers' and then when they, your children came to me, seeking direction, I turned them away. In my false humility, I fended them off to seek answers elsewhere. Yet they had no where else to go because I shielded them in blinders from you. I took away their ability to see you, hear you, walk with you or vision with you.

This is how, I have taken the Joy from another.
It is for this that I ask for your intervention, your sight, your loving care. It is in my deepest and most humble sorrow that I ask that you do take this burden of self from me.

In humility I ask that you reconcile my divided heart, turning my will to your will.
Clear my mind of self importance and allow my actions to be action of devotion to you. Let my apology be of my balanced centered ness in Being One with You. I am your child, in humility I ask that you never let go of my hand. Give to me the space within and without to walk with you. Help me to trust in your infinite kindness, thus teaching me the path to kindness. Teach me to be the ambassador of peaceful empowerment in my own nature of being one in loving peace with you.
And in this way, that I might be a servant to your Divine Dream.

Blessed Be Inlove.......

STEPS in Setting the Inner Circle

Preparation remember every one participates yet one takes the lead:

  1. Preparation of Water
  2. Preparation of Stones
  3. Preparation of Corn Flower

this seems correct.

1. Preparation of Water

You will need to make a batch of water. Usually this is done with a lavender, amber, lemon,

in other words: scents from three categories, cleansing, uplifting usually a citrus, calming lotus, lavender or such.

You may use a small amount of sage but be careful
the inner sanctuary is not about 'taking away something' it is about holding a welcoming spirit.

You may not use cleary sage as you have masculine in your home.
You may use ylang ylang in small doses.
Though rose is nice it also has the thorn issue so be careful.

Look and make sure you understand the nature of the scent.

Vanilla is nice

2. Preparation of Stones

You will need seven small palm size stones.
What is the nature that you want to bring into your home.
If you want a smooth touch you will need smooth river stones.
If you want fragmented energy you will want stones of that nature.
If you want seeping you will want lava rock.

It is not advisable to use crystals to set the house.

The highest potential is a rock that is solid, smooth, rounded, moves easy with flow.

Set the stones in a bowl. Whatever oils you use to add to your meal you will also bath your stones in.
Make sure that you have cleansings scents such as lavender and eucalyptus(SP)
You will also need two flower scents

Heads up, listen
the 7 stones are for 7 directions. You may place the stones on different floors of the house.
For instance at the door way of your home you would place the cleansing stone.

Stone one and two: these are eucalyptus and lavender
these are at the front and back door of the house. In other words entry ways.

The energy stones are placed in the opposite directions.

Stone -








Each direction will have a particular scent (you will need 5 scents)
Three stones in the center will represent Above Below and Center.
These three stones will have all the scents.

3. Preparation of Corn Flower

________, ________ and ________ you will need to mix corn flower with what you have at your altars, new meal, and from scents that you want to adorn your home with. Prepare tonight.
Each one of you will bring from that last batch.

In this way all of our homes will be in harmony.
Once this harmonic is set, I will send out to each community member the Corn Flower from The Ancient Ones and Zawatee.

This is preparation is done at the same time as the corn flower.

Regarding setting the stones for the Inner Sanctuary:

You will need ten small stones from around your home.

Thank you,

Setting the Energy Flow

I know that I don't need to say this, but for the sake of remembering I will say that you are entering into a ceremony and you will need to clear each other preferably with White Sage and Water.

  1. Water tonight: Create a large vat of water and you will need a spray bottle.

You will begin outside and from the Outer line in the front to the door you will pour water. You will spray the front porch and the doors and windows. This is a good part for the masculine.
Very much like escorting to the inner circle in ceremony.
Also do the same for the back door.

You will spray water tonight on every seal in the house.
Door ways, window frames.
Let it set over night.

In the morning:

The water carrier will be first. You will use the mixture from the night before in a bowl with your feathers. What are the feathers, well, they have been a part of you for sometime now and you know each others energy well.

Scatter the corn flower after the water sprinkling.

________ you will set the stones which follow.

You will move from the entrance of the lowest part of the house to the left and move upward completing the left movement through to the top floor.

You will the the stones in four directions and you will keep a bowl or basket or plant in the center of the house with the remain three directions.

No you will not use smoke for the setting.
When the setting of water, corn flower and stones are complete you will light a candle in the center of the house.

Make sure you pray with the house.
You may also want to spray the tires of your car with the water, make sure that you add sage for this.

Hope all goes well and that you find the unity of Home that you have been dreaming of.
Inlove and gratitude,

JiMi to clarify her dream for the project.

JiMi: "We teach the Inner Circle of Beauty, that's what we do. We teach that we are part of everything, we are in relation to Mother Earth and to the cycles of the world that we live in - we are apart of the sun, the chair we sit on, the food we eat. We are part of one another; we are made of everything that is. The Inner Circle teaches how do we fall in love? What makes us have a desire, a passion for living, for us to continue to take a breath when there seems to be suffering everywhere? What motivates us to continue to want to co-create in matter? Mother Earth, who is the form and formlessness of who we are, has an equitable participation with all that is. She is not a victim of circumstance. She is a co-creative being that hopes for something. What is it? Our job as the Inner Circle of the Human race is to name it, explain it, share it. As we walk outside and see humans who are so lost, disillusioned, have loss of spirit, and inability to sense the beauty of being human---we provide nourishment, nectar, sweetness, light, that helps that human connect to their divinity. Mother Earth IS Divine, a product of Great Spirit and Great Mystery. We as feminine Inner Circle, we ARE her. We are reflection and being of her. We are the matter of her inspirited. How do we as an Inner Circle provide guidance to people? What tools do we use as Inner Circle to move into contemplation? My thought is: what is it that has brought you here? How do we put those tools and form into a system that works for people, so you can say to the Outer Circle: This is who we are?"

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024