2009 - Guidelines for Inner Circle Development and Processing

Sacred Reflections: Center for Transformational Awareness

New Breed Healer
Guidelines for Inner Circle Development and Processing

Inner Circle:
The inner circle is a traditional aboriginal way of communicating from the heartmind of the inner core feminine knowing.

Purpose: To develop family, small, large, community, society, cultural and global peaceful conversations which empower the human heartmind in understandings of mutual consideration, respect, courage, reverence and allowance for all beings of this planet and universe.

Goal: To bring chaotic energies of duality into a common column of understanding in efforts for co-creating peaceful ways of being with one another.

Participants: All people are welcome.

A prayer from the Inner Circle:
May our ancestors guide us in remembering that we are the dream of their heart. May we remember in reverence and safe keeping that which we hold, is sacred to those who have come before us and for those whom we are in safe keeping of.
Let us always know that we are of One Source a common Love.
The Inner Circle


Our inner circle is a place where we can intentionally process personal experiences that require self-evaluation

It is a place where we can take into account all that is known and unknown

It is a place where we set the intention to better understand personal process and community process

It is a place where we can explore personal truth and allows and encourages others the room to explore their own personal truth as well

Our goal is to gain greater access to ourselves and to provide a sanctuary for each to explore themselves


Our intention is to develop the communication skills that allow for safety of sanctuary - this requires the following:

  • We relate to what another is saying from the MINDHEART, not just the Mind
  • To do this, we must see, hear and feel what the other person is saying
  • When we HEAR what the other is saying, our heart responds - we experience communion
  • It is from this communion space within our hearts that we "respond"
  • We respond by stating how what is being said by the other meets us within our hearts - we take something out of their story and share how it touches a part of our lives. This response is short, and a reflection of the others story, not about our life in comparison, or in contrast to the others experience
  • Our goal is to have the person speak honestly re: what they're feeling, and to be able to validate themselves and their feelings.
  • Remember, just because you have something to say doesn't mean the others can't live without hearing it!
  • No one person can take over, everyone is respected, and therefore, until everyone has had an opportunity to speak, each person will speak once only.

May this Way be used in open hearted reverence and may it help to bring peace and joy into our world.

Willow Tequillo
Medicine Woman/Spiritual Guide

Sacred Reflections: Center for Transformational Awareness
Gracefully through the hands and heartmind of the New Breed Healers


  1. A circle is called when two or more people feel a difference in communication styles which result in mis-communication and misunderstanding
  2. Any member of the community can "call a circle". If you wish to Call A Circle please submit your request in Letter form to Zawatee. State your concerns at length so that a clear understanding of your view can be determined. A conversation in both written and oral form will be dialogued with you so that your concerns will be addressed in clarity.
  3. Those persons who are affected by the dis-harmony are asked to come and state their view
  4. A person not emotionally invested in the outcome is called to "witness". The job of the witness is to hold the circle intact. There are times when other witnesses are asked to hold the circle depending on the energy it is taking.
  5. What is said in circle is confidential and may not in any way be spoken to or about by any member outside the circle
  6. Each participant must state their intention of confidentiality prior to the circle being closed.
  7. Prior to the circle, each Zawatee member will take into account and process an ego/soul dialogue regarding the Letter of Concern. This is so that they may understand fully the concerns and limitations, thereby allowing Compassionate Wisdom to be offered as the palette for Circle.
  8. Prior to gathering in the circle, please read the New Breed Healer/VateMare Intentions. Even if you have read them 101 times, it is important to set the heartmind and remember why we are here on this path together.

May this Way be used in open hearted reverence and may it help to bring peace and joy into our world, gracefully through the hands and heartmind of the New Breed Healers.

Willow JiMi Tequillo
Medicine Woman/Spiritual Guide
Sacred Reflections: Center for Transformational Awareness


The inner circle is a traditional aboriginal way of communicating from the heartmind of the inner core feminine knowing.

Purpose: To develop family, small, large, community, society, cultural and global peaceful conversations which empower the human heartmind in understandings of mutual consideration, respect, courage, reverence and allowance for all beings of this planet and universe.

Goal: To bring chaotic energies of duality into a common column of understanding in efforts for co-creating peaceful ways of being with one another.

Participants: All people are welcome

A prayer from the Inner Circle:
May our ancestors guide us in remembering that we are the dream of their heart. May we remember in reverence and safe keeping that which we hold, is sacred to those who have come before us and for those whom we are in safe keeping of.
Let us always know that we are of One Source a common Love.

Our inner circle is a place where we can intentionally process personal experiences that require self - evaluation
It is a place where we can take into account all that is known and unknown
It is a place where we set the intention to better understand personal process and community process
It is a place where we can explore personal truth and allows and encourages others the room to explore their own personal truth as well
Our goal is to gain greater access to ourselves and to provide a sanctuary for each to explore themselves

Our intention is to develop the communication skills that allow for safety of sanctuary - this requires the following:

  • We relate to what another is saying from the MINDHEART, not just the Mind
  • To do this, we must see, hear and feel what the other person is saying
  • When we HEAR what the other is saying, our heart responds we experience communion
  • It is from this communion space within our hearts that we "respond"
  • We respond by stating how what is being said by the other meets us within our hearts - we take something out of their story and share how it touches a part of our lives. This response is short, and a reflection of the others story, not about our life in comparison, or in contrast to the others experience
  • Our goal is to have the person speak honestly re: what they're feeling, and to be able to validate themselves and their feelings.
  • Remember, just because you have something to say doesn't mean the others can't live without hearing it!
  • No one person can take over, everyone is respected, and therefore, until everyone has had an opportunity to speak, each person will speak once only.

Dear New Breed Healers,

This space is created for those persons who feel they wish to call a circle.

The way that it will work is that there are subforms created for only those people who are in the 'circle' conversation.

Some things to think about.

  1. A circle is called when two or more people feel a difference in communication styles which result in mis-communication and misunderstandings.
  2. Any member of the community can 'call a circle'.
  3. Those persons who are affected by the dis-harmony are asked to come and state their view.
  4. A person not emotionally invested in the outcome is called to 'witness'. The witness may not respond in anyway unless asked by the facilitator. The job of the witness is to hold the circle in tact. There are times when other witnesses are asked to hold the circle depending on the energy it is taking.
  5. What is said in circle is confidential and may not in any way be spoken to or about by any member out side of the circle.
  6. Each participate must state their intention of confidentiality prior to the circle being closed.
  7. Prior to gathering in the circle please read, the New Breed Healer Intentions, even if you have read the 101 times, it is important to set the heartmind and remember why we are here on this path together.

Thank you for your love and care with one another,

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024