2009 - Regional contemplations: understanding transitions into the 5th world

Regional Contemplations

Purpose: To co-creatively develop methods and processes of understanding transitions Into the 5th world.

Instructions: Each region will be responsible to

  1. Read and comprehend the segment that they are assigned.
  2. Each region in communion and co-operation will get input and feedback from EVERY member of their region.
  3. Develop a basic understanding from the "View" Provided for you:

Dreaming Letter of Spiritual Understanding by the Eastern Regional Group
"I Like Dreaming"

Visioning Letter of Spiritual Understanding by the Southern Regional Group
"Making Real in Matter what is in Dream"

Journey Letter of Spiritual Understanding by the Nomadic Regional Group
"Manifesting for all People healing processes and methods of conscious awareness in Harmonic Peace"

Divine Human Being Inlove, Letter of Spiritual Understanding by the Western Regional Group
"Manifestation into Being"

Conclude your Letter of Understanding using the summary at the end of this assignment.

Plan: This culmination of works will go out into the World as a Whole Document of Spiritual Guidance and Understanding.

This assignment is to be placed in your Regional Group Gallery in Vatemare.

Please post your individual experience of the Letter Of Spiritual Direction in the Vatemare Gallery, Community Formation, under your personal picture.

Ascended Wisdom Matrix movement # 237
Divine Communion Embodies Human Compassion through
Passionate Strength in passageways of Humbled Humility through Graceful Cherishment

5th Awareness: The physical breath connects me with my physical world as Spiritual Earth, I am the sap of the tree.

Dreaming Letter of Spiritual Understanding by the Eastern Regional Group

I Like Dreaming"

In my dreams, I dream that I am in a golden field with gentle slopes and curves. The breeze flows over the long golden grasses and they sway. My breath moves with the earth, my hair dances in rhythm of the tall grass and I feel sensations of freedom unleashing in my physical body, I turn n circles and each breath of spirits breath upon my face enters into every cell of my body. Sensations of bliss cover me within and without and I am life's celebration I look up to the late morning skies noticing the wispy cloud formations of angels translucent colors as rainbows dance upon their wings of water and fire. Here in this silent space of sacred time in sacred space, I remember my kin, my family, my guardians and my angels.

Visioning Letter of Spiritual Understanding by the Southern Regional Group

“Making Real in Matter what is in Dream”

Familiar scents move past me. Flower fragrances breeze past me as river 'company', meaning all people who live along and within the river, share with me secrets of magical mystery, I look up and see 5 eagles flying to the north... white heads and brown/gray feathers. I am surprised to see a flock of eagles as they are such independent beings..... then I remember that we all seek to be united with our kindred, our family. . in heaven and on the earth and we flock together to share in common celebrations of moments n life, honoring sacred space within sacred time.

Journey Letter of Spiritual Understanding by the Nomadic Regional Group

"Manifesting for all People healing processes and methods of conscious awareness in Harmonic Peace"

The morning sun moves through the shades and window, gently waking me into this new day. My physical, emotional and mental bodies are filled with spirit..... and my soul self experiences embodiment into this form..... I lay awake sensing, watching, and feeling.... the subtle energy that my bodies are becoming more consciously aware of, Waves of fluid sustainability move as light matter as myelin, the protective coating of each cell In the cellular structural form... it would be below the surface and above the substance which holds the seed, in star form it is the auras field, in soul form it is the bubble. All of these are the micro and macro Being, the threshold and access paths of our immune system.

It occurs to me that this is a place where there is little understanding of what feeds this part of our being our make up. And it may very well be the conduit that that we are exploring as the link between Science and Spirituality. It also occurs to me that this is the place of random 'focused' attention in many areas of my life:

  1. My curiosity of water and fire.
  2. The dimension of water and fire in the 2nd of 6 layers of water and fire relation. (Of course there are so many more dimensions that I don't even know to think about nor do I have the conscious awareness and capacity to consider even seeing at this time. It simply is where I see at this time.)
  3. My sanctuary where sacred reflection of unity sits in the direction between fire and heaven.
  4. The breath in and the breath out, being in relation to the 5th charka in cultural form (meaning common understanding) and corresponding to the vibration of the 2nd charka on the ascent and the 3rd on the decent...... which does make up the 1st chakra of new world formation, (Long conversation.... too deep to really get into now.)

There is an important relevance in understanding the opening of authentic voice and clear harmonic access of the 5th world Voice. This voice which has been spoken to in my other writings is the direct channel of unification of self/Self and self/Other.... Other meaning the 'Sacred Reflection'. It is important to note that here I am referring only to the highest potential of my understanding of 7th World Formation at this time and Not at any lower Vibrational mixed or chaotic energies.

In more global terms, we are in the Time of Times, the transition into 5th World... this world begins in the 5th charka becoming the first chakra in the New Formation. 5th, 6th and 7th worlds are of one space in time. However the shedding of 1st through 4th worlds must successfully be completed before one can fully access 7th world.

Importance here of 5th World Voice Meditation.

My seeing and thinking re: the considerations of subtle energy of fire and water relation in the second movement of 5, leads me to consider..... how the harmonic resonance of this voice, in unified peaceful harmony rhythmically sings the Song of Creation of Being into New World Form from the relation of fire and heaven.

And isn't fire upon the heavenly Mystery.... a meeting of sacred space in sacred time? Isn't this first Union?

Journey Letter of Spiritual Understanding by the Western Regional Group

"Manifestation into Being"

And is it possible that as 'Angels Sing on High'...... that angelic voices carry the substance of Qualities of Universal Truth.... sending out sounds which meet like Divinely Powerful arrows of Thought.... together..... co-creating chimes of Creation in the Spirit of Soul Manifestation..... from no-thing into something more that its singularity in separated form as ego and soul?

From no-thing, I see that Desire/passion to know self implodes in conscious awareness of loneliness, seeking deep within a reflection of life's value. Those golden droplets of internal mystery, becoming the sacred pieces of self to be collected, seen, remembered as wholeness, and re- membered into wholeness through reflections back as sacred, useful, of meaning and worthiness, and then embodied; thus becoming again the breath (unified energy) between fire and heaven. And thus we REMEMBER that the highest potential and bell curve for loneliness is Unification.

And as each of us does learn of who we are by the qualities sung throughout the universe....... we become the unified state of inspirited matter/ inmattered spirit of Oneness.... knowing self to be more than it is (for all must be remembered and re-membered), we remember ourselves to be the Song and Dance of Creation. Complete harmonic resonance in a rhythmical form or song and dance.

And thus "we" REMEMBER that the highest potential and bell curve for loneliness is Unification, thus creating the healing balm for the immune system dis-ease of attachment created and originating from isolation.

All Regional Summary Letter of Spiritual Understandings address this responding clearly what you have learned through your contemplation and translation.

We remember that we as human being, soul being.... Divine Human Being have a core responsibility to respond to the call to intimacy with one another through conscious awareness of who we are, what we bring, what another brings. And in this consciousness, remember how we support the delicate fluid substance which lays beneath the very surface of our:

  1. Physical form, our skin, that which is the place where breath moves life force into us, nurturing us through the 'quality' of life that we choose.
  2. Mental form, our thoughts, Divinely Powerful Thoughts which carry magic of divine intervention.
  3. Emotional form, our feelings, which carry the Hope of Becoming the resonance of dance, delicate, strong and passionate.

And thus within the very Humus that we are..... we remember and re-member ourselves to be the Kiss, the Quality of Great Mystery in Spirit and Great Spirit in Mystery. And in this Kiss we remember/re-member ourselves to be Beauty in Joy and Joy in Beauty as Happiness.

Let us continue on the path of exploration of the Beauty Way.

Blessed Be Inlove
Willow Tequillo
Spiritual Guide/Medicine Woman

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024