LSD 12/2009 - AWM #237: Divine Charity Human Ideas through unified qualities of Noble Trust

Letter of Spiritual Direction for December 2009

12-15-2009 = 20 = Divine Charity Human Ideas
through the unified qualities of Noble Trust

AWM 237: Divine Charity and Human Ideas through the unified qualities of Noble Trust, embodies Divine Communion and Human Co-Operation through passionate strength in passageways of grateful gratitude to, of, for, from graceful cherishment.

Contemplation: Universal Charitable Ideas in noble trust embody Divine Communion as human co-operation through passionate strength in passageways of grateful gratitude

  • to honor the preciousness of graceful cherishment
  • of honoring the preciousness of graceful cherishment
  • for honoring the preciousness of graceful cherishment
  • from the honoring heartmind of graceful cherishment

Cycle of Life Prayer: May we be surefooted and grateful for the abundance of hope which lays within the soft caverns and deep recesses of our Soul.

5th Awareness: I allow Divine Source to fill me with a larger and wider understanding of all life and relation.

I wake this morning at predawn.
I light my candle and say a quick prayer of gratitude for this day.
I peek out the window coverings...
to my delight the sky is open white
with billowy cloud forms of baby blue
lined in golden rose (my favorite color)
I feel cherished as I always do when I see this color
of soul manifestation through the pink cloud formations.
The eastern sunrise, the new day, the open hearted tenderness of the beginning.

The dark moon night passing and the new light with new messages
new memories, new dreams readying to enter into the new cycle.

Today, as if the sunrises only for me
my heart leaps in joy and adoration for the day.
I do not know what the day will bring
I only know that for this single moment in sacred time and sacred space,
the Inner Recesses of My Soul in connection with the Universal Charitable Ideas of Noble Trust.........
do we two, Source and I,
honor in joyful appreciation this one moment,
in graceful cherishment of one another,
the deep song of life
as we ARE.

For this single moment in all of eternity
the devotion of my heart through lifetimes
seeking authenticity,
Seeking the knowing of who I am
through the unfolding dream of unknowing.
In this single moment I connect in 'Presence'
this Now of past, now of present and now of future
through my duality
through my polarity
through the single moment of star dust becoming light
born in the universe of the great and mysterious void
through the abyss of absolute surrender

Through all that has no name
to this single point of sunrise
where angels sing the harmony of rosy golden
universes as souls manifestation in the beautiful
splendor of the voids possibilities of new beginnings.

And I in this single moment of transcendence,
when I become one with the gazillion particles of hope
flowing endlessly to this earths atmosphere.

With my crown open in surrender to universal gifts,
I connect and resonate with a single particle of preciousness
in adoration, appreciation, kindness...... my heart open
in consciousness, aware in self reliance, hopeful in becoming......
In one moment in time,
this moment
when rosy golden sunrises on the billowing clouds of divine truth in wisdom.

It is in the moment that my soul is born again and new hope spreads from the inner recesses of my Souls Heart
causing the blessings of all life's happiness, peace and wellbeing to spread endlessly through out our world and universe
And My heart sings a prayer to the Galactic Mother,
Universal Goddess of All Life in Relation to All Form in Matter.
Enspirited through Spirits Passion....... For we are One, One Life, One Breath, One Form, One Family, One Clan, One Society, One Culture, One People, One Matter, One Spirit....... We are in this single moment of Memory in Presence, ONE BEING

A song of prayer sings my heart strings for all Relations of our Families..

May we shelter children in joy
May we comfort the aged in dignity
May we strengthen the adult in compassionate purpose

May we find common heart places of connection in comfort and safety for all people sharing the wisdom of our cultures in sacredness of self and other.

May Peace find no resistance as we walk this waking life in pleasure.

Quote from 'The Prophet', Kahlil Gibran
"And now when he reached the foot of the hill, he turned again toward the sea, and he saw his ship approaching the harbour, and upon her prow the mariners, the men of his own land.

And his soul cried out to them and he said:
Sons of my ancient mother,
you riders of the tides,
How often you have sailed in my dreams.
And now you come in my awakening,
which is my deeper dream.
I am ready to go,
and my eagerness with sails full set
awaits the wind."

May we today in open hearted co-operation find
that we are in the midst of our universal communion.
That we together, knowing and finding one another
may be the boat of hope which carries the heartmind
of our relations safely across the worlds.
That we may today and every day mend the heart from suffering,
creating peaceful vehicles of passionate renewal and gentle courage.
May we be for one another the precious life which sees and
knows the other to be the sacred reflection of the Souls
eternal dream of absolute authentic eternal devotion.
That all eyes which fall upon us do know by our very presence the tangible form of Empathetic Compassion born in Noble Trust.

May you know in every way, that this moment in Presence is created for you, and without you a particle of life would be form without song. May you come to know deeply the love that you are. And as you are your very Being of authenticity, so you share yourself in graceful cherishment sharing the knowing of self as Beauty in the Joy of Happiness.

Blessed Be,
Willow Tequillo
Medicine Woman/Spiritual Guide

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