12/2009 - AWM #246 - Divine Faith and Human Ascension
12-24-2009 = 20 Unified Qualities of Noble Trust AWM # 246 Divine Faith and Human Ascension
Cycle of Life Prayer:
May we be surefooted and grateful for the abundance of hope that lays within the soft caverns and deep recesses of our soul.
5th Awareness: I am the breath of life in and out of the channels of my throat. And I find moments between the breath in and the breath out.
Contemplation: Divine Faith embodies Noble Trust in Human Ascension, through passionate strength in passageways of grateful gratitude in graceful cherishment.
As I think about entering into this new form, I realize what is behind me. I remember the traveling through the stages of this thread #3 and in a way my heart reminisces at the enlightenment's, the turns, the truths, the trials, and the inspirations. I feel somewhat nostalgic and tender as I realize that I have completed something so significant in this life...... taking measure and weight of each moment of unfolding. Recording my observations of self in all of my bodies. Noticing what is authentically me, where I have given myself up, where I have adjusted my ego and soul, to fit into a more natural flow of me. Today, I come here to me, as if I were savoring the last pieces of an immense puzzle. In gratitude I breath the breath of presence in and out of the channels of my throat gently remembering, renewing, awakening my faithful dream of solstice of new light... Alignment of Faithful Ascension.
I wake this morning warm and cozy.
Falling asleep with the sweet solstice candle and the lighting dim. My senses experiencing rest from the cold.
I dream deeply for the second night.
I dream that I again am in the well of a tree. A tree cave, wooden with smooth and fluid walls.
I dream that I am held in the First Trinity of the Mind of Faith.
I see a metal silver, warn, medallion on a string or thread of leather and attached to it is a dark buffalo bone carved and long, rectangular. It is hanging on a hook, nail, near the entrance of the home, though again as in my previous dream of yesterday, I do not see a door.
There is no door in polarity..... for there is no way through duality. To ascend one must move through the spiral of life, moving up and down. Downward rooting, sensing, experiencing, feeling.... remembering what we are made of. Upward letting go and Being...... allowing the memory of what we are to become the dreamers dream of unfolding future...... without attachment to what it is, for all things in the future must merge with the present (presence) of all things, thus renewing in awe and wonder in an unfathomable way...... and so it is that evolution does become the conspiracy of great mother and great father in co-creation. Evolution becomes the Great Kiss of Ascension of LOVE.
I feel held and safe by the glowing candle light or wood burning fireplace. It is simple and warming, not hot and red.
I feel that I am held within a sanctuary of peace and my life is in my Mind of Faith.
Next I enter into the second phase, and my physical body experiences this same sensation..... all tension is gone from my physical form as I become the Body of Faith.
Next I experience my Emotions of being cleared and I am the Emotion of Faith.
I relax into my new form which is formless..... a formless wave within the galaxy of the universal wave of matter. I Become that I Am in the simplicity of wave in color and form.
I realize that there is nobility in trust. A way to stand, a way to be, a way to exist. And without words, while standing in the silence of Faith, noble trust simply is a state of pure existence of Ascending. For it is this very kind of existence that motivates and embodies the human being. It is this FAITH of the Universe in the Human Being that inspires us to become that which we are Dreamed to Be.
As we let go of the shackles of self doubt, issues of abandonment, domesticated ideas of limitation in Happiness......... The Faith of the Universe, in it's ever unfolding and revealing course, does remind and inspire our creativity..... giving us hope... settling our inner disruptions with moments of inbetween. These inbetween breaths do provide us with an open lung....space eternal, to sink into a greater mystery.
A memory of being more that our minds limitations.
More than our physical body limitations.
More than our emotional limitations.
This moment between the breath in and the breath out...... expands our etheric bodies, reaching deep into our aura (our souls skin) our soul bodies, allowing us to remember, discover, explore the "I Am" that is eternal. Thus allowing for the great awakening of the simple humus, matter, human that we are. And in our great awakening, we do kindle within us and each other a hope of a home so sweet, so tender, so safe.... that we allow ourselves and each other the gift of unfolding. And we know ourselves to be the evolution of the dreamers dream INLOVE.
Just for today may we walk our paths in gratitude for the peace that we find within the soft caverns and deep recesses of our souls.
Blessed Be,
Willow Tequillo
Spiritual Guide/Medicine Woman
I don't really know how it works, I do know that there feels like a trust within me that I am paying attention to what is before me and around me. And that I am actively participating in my life in a way that is sustainable for me and for others. I see a settling......
I am reminded of our tradition and the belief that all are seeking a 'home' and in the migrations, where each goes out to discover where their home is...... when home is found it is settled. In this settlement gardens can grow, houses can be built, structures can be formed, cultures can be developed..... life can become sustainable and maintainable. This migration has taken a long time to come. I feel inwardly that this settling that is happening within me... is so very welcome, I see this settling happen outwardly in my life and I am so very grateful.
My physical body reminds me that I need to pay attention to all the systems of my life as these energies find their way into a fluid and sustainable rhythm in my life.
Our new year begins at the next full moon.
As I say good bye to this time of completion, I remember all that has passed this year/10 years. The endings of times which have been so very deeply revealing about me, my ways, my dreams, my life purpose, my foundational structure.
It is the end of an era and end of a time an end within the time of times.
Today we enter into the boat of non-resistance in grace. The stream which carries us is the river of light.....sure, clear, gentle and easy. As we now have surrendered in freewill passion...... our tasks in our lap... our tools beside us.....our pathways held by heaven and earth in unison..... our destiny is beyond our own knowing...... and in freedom we trust in our eternal devotion to Source as dream and dreamer.
This morning I watch the Starlings in the apple tree outside my window eating the last of the apples on the tree. Their deep magical blue chests shine so beautifully as the sun reflects their heart. Trust holds my heart and tears of gratitude enter into me. They show me about noble trust... the few apples show me about noble trust and sustainable life. The homeless show me about noble trust.... the dove which eats next to these starlings (starlings which can be aggressive with their food) show me about noble trust today.
And as Divine Communion, or the dream of the dreamer holds this blue circle of noble trust.... we as humans can find our way to co-operation, seeking ways to end suffering for all life.
And as my own body(ies) enter into states of lovableness... I feel grateful for these years of remembering who I am. I feel grateful in allowance of self/Self to open to receive gracefully the joy and happiness of life in this beautiful form.
It was not always so. There were so many times in my life when my own beauty created for me a deception of self and I shy ed away from being fully who I am through worry and guilt, using egos tool of arrogance to be my teacher. Arrogance me to find the peaceful way to balance of receipt of all things given freely by Source. The lessons of arrogance felt hard and harsh in my life..... and it was truly what I needed to find the deep self of inner form...... and to allow that form to be burned and reformed into acceptance, allowance and surrender.
I remember well the path of Re-formation, the scary dark caverns, the heat, the beauty of reflections unseen before. The desire to cocoon, the gentle and not so gentle guides which carried me across molten lava. The discovery of colors unseen before, the heat, the mesas, the pleasures, the intensity, the cooling waters, the guides, the brothers and sisters who held space for me to transform into me. The small window of light which felt unreachable yet gave me hope and brought in the fresh air from a world unseen by my eyes before.
This cavern of deep and revealing reflection....
and as this era of time does pass for me.
Like the prophet who sees his ship.... his kin entering upon the sea.... he reflects upon his days here in this land of learning who we are..... no longer a novice of unknowing
rather a sage of Unknowing.
And it is in peaceful harmony that I do enter gently, gracefully, poetically..... into the harmony of this ship as it rides the waves of life light
and I do learn that it is in this light
of Being spirit/soul
That I am a Being In Love
Blessed Be
In reformation Being experiences the giving and receiving love.
'Becoming for love', requires the recognition of two shifts, the outer and the inner dance.
Deep within the inner womb of matter, mother; Soul begins to explore with Ego
the depth of the human compassionate heart.
Ego is recognized as the earth vehicle for soul memory and life purpose.
In the co-operative common union of the compassionate heart,
ego recognizes self to be of divine nature and soul recognizes self as human nature. Together in personal awe of 'self' as creation,
ego and soul find themselves in the cellular memory of all matter, in all time and in all space.
In infinite eternity within the communion for love, together ego and soul seek the narrow pathway of wholeness together. It is here that Faith is tested and gifts are many.
Deep issues of trust and betrayal are examined. The three elemental sisters of Earth (earth, fire and water) and the voice of heavenly accompaniment (air), hold intentions for love in the transition through transfiguration. Spiritual cosmos and spiritual earth together hold the sacred space as the human being and the divine being make their way through the volcanic beauty of eternal fiery, earth. The passage and pathway are narrow. Supreme examination of intentions are required by ego/soul in order to safely cross over to the landscape of new beginnings in New Earth.
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