12/2009 - Light Ceremony

Song of Creation

Sacred Reflections: Center for Transformational Awareness

Dance of the Creation as shared by the Ancient Ones

Instructions for Dance and Song

InLove and InJoy
Willow Tequillo

Section 1

Dance of Creation - Step Instruction.

  • Usually begun in the morning in the direction of the East for the dawn of the new day.
  • Also done in the various directions according to the time of day.
  • Because this is an energizing dance, doing the dance after 6:00 p.m. may keep you awake.
  • One complete round in each direction.

Begin: Center Stance - Hands at heart, feet together, back straight.

  1. Three times I lift my hands: from heart position, out, around and up.
  2. Right Arm out:
  3. Left Arm/left foot out:
  4. Hands join above head:
  5. Hands move to heart:
  6. Bend knees:
  7. Right hand moves around to left side in full circle:
  8. Left hand moves around to right side in full circle:
  9. Join again at heart:
  10. Hands move from heart to above head:
  11. Hands move to the ground gathering within the womb up through the body, heart head to the sky:
  12. Arms to the side:
  13. Right arm moves to left fully back:
  14. Right arm moves around on a horizontal line to the front of body:
  15. Body moves forward on right leg:
  16. Left hand in a vertical circle moves up over and behind head:
  17. Body is moving back and then forward in the natural flow:
  18. Arms are extended to in front and forward:
  19. Left leg is extended behind:
  20. In Unison both arms and left leg is brought into center facing the next direction.

Section 2 - Dance of Creation - Steps and beginning origin of prayer song

Blue section indicates what is spoken aloud or in silence.

Great Spirit - Mother Earth Cosmos of One Circle

  1. Center Stance:

    In center I stand, here in your presence. Three times I lift my hands in gratitude. Once for the dreams of my vision quest. Second for the my vision held in this moment of light. Third for the dreams of tomorrow. Here I stand in presence.

  2. Right Arm out:

    With my right hand, I reach out into the world of the masculine. The energy and strength of life focus and direction.

  3. Left Arm/left foot out:

    With my left hand and my left foot, I call forth my feminine, where center and balance reside within.

  4. Hands join above head:

    Together in inner unity I lift up my presence to you Great Spirit.

  5. Hands move to heart:

    Together in inner unity I hold within my heart my presence in you Great Mother.

  6. Bend knees:

    I bend my knees in honoring your vision and dream.

  7. Right hand moves around to left side in full circle:

    I move with my masculine into the depths of the feminine dream, crossing the full horizon, honoring the dream of new and fresh ideas.

  8. Left hand moves around to right side in full circle:

    I move with my feminine into the depths of the masculine, crossing the full horizon, honoring the desire to fulfill those dreams and fresh ideas.

  9. Join again at heart:

    Together, we, feminine and masculine do sit in unity in the heart of Great Mother.

  10. Hands move from heart to above head:

    Together, we masculine and feminine do lift our unity to the life force of Great Spirit.

  11. Hands move to the ground gathering within the womb up through the body, heart head to the sky: Arms to the side:

    From the life force, all prayers in unity of divine love is brought through the heart intention of the human being. I honor you mother earth for the stability that you give me in standing. From your womb into my own do I embrace your dream and care. Lifting high into the embrace of Great Spirit.

  12. Right arm moves to left fully back. Right arm moves around on a horizontal line to the front of body. Body moves forward on right leg:

    Again I reach around, fully extending and embracing the memory of this direction and. I with all of my heart do move forward into the next direction of life.

  13. Left hand in a vertical circle moves up over and behind head. Body is moving back and then forward in the natural flow:

    Again I reach around, fully extending and embracing the memory of this direction and I with all of my heart do move forward into the next direction of life

  14. Arms are extended to in front and forward. Left leg is extended behind. In Unison both arms and left leg is brought into center facing the next direction.:

    Facing this new direction, I am here and fully present, seeking the clarity and vision of this new dream.

  15. At the end of the four rounds....we move to the beginning point, bowing our heads and giving thanks for this revealing dance and song.

    Thank you Great Spirit and Great Mother.

Sacred Reflections: Center for Transformational Awareness

Dance of the Creation in Honor of the Grandmothers

InLove and InJoy
Willow Tequillo

Dance of the Creation for the Grandmothers is begun in the North to call forth and honor the Sages of Wisdom.

Dance of Creation - Steps and Grandmother Song

In center I stand, here in your presence.
Three times I lift my hands in gratitude. Once for the dreams of my vision quest. Second for the my vision held in this moment of light. Third for the dreams of tomorrow. Here I stand in presence.

Center Stance:

Grandmother of the North, Earth.

Right Arm out:

Keeper of Stones and Resource.

Left Arm/left foot out:

Dreamer of Ideas and Creativity.

Hands join above head:

Together, holding, sharing, balancing light within night from dreams and creativity.

Hands move to heart:

Together maintaining the energy of the heart through expanded skill of memory.

Bend knees:

Bending my knees blessing the wisdom of silence.

Right hand moves around to left side in full circle:

Gathering light within the darkness of matter, mother.

Left hand moves around to right side in full circle:

Moving through darkness in trust and being held.

Join again at heart:

In my heart I learn to trust the wisdom that comes in the deep mystery.

Hands move from heart to above head:

It is through my dreams that I remember the embrace of Mother Earth.

Hands move to the ground gathering within the womb up through the body, heart head to the sky:

In the humus of your being, Keeper of the dirt, do I remember the ancestors which have come before me.

Arms to the side:

I remember the ancestors that are of me.

Right arm moves to left fully back:

I remember the dream of the Ancestors,

Right arm moves around on a horizontal line to the front of body:

My life is the vision.

Body moves forward on right leg:

In new vision, dream moves forward.

Left hand in a vertical circle moves up over and behind head:

Eternal dreamer of earth and sky,

Body is moving back and then forward in the natural flow. Arms are extended to in front and forward. Left leg is extended behind:

I create the balance between earth and sky through wind, rain and fire.

In Unison both arms and left leg is brought into center facing the next direction.

One eternal dream, Grandmother of the North, keeper of wisdom does pass the staff to the Grandmother of the East.


One time I lift my hands to the Grandmother of the East. Acknowledging and honoring the Keeper of New Vision.

Center Stance:

Grandmother of Spring and Dawn.

Right Arm out:

Flute song of new channels and prayer feathers.

Left Arm/left foot out:

Your song awakens within possibilities and calls forth, the breath of action.

Hands join above head; Hands move to heart:

Together our day dreams emerge and wander in unison of heart and mind.

Bend knees:

I bend my knees honoring the gentle movement of change.

Right hand moves around to left side in full circle:

Movement of dream which reaches steadily around.

Left hand moves around to right side in full circle:

Expressing your truest inward desire to act with joy from within.

Join again at heart; Hands move from heart to above head:

Moving upward, honoring both the individual dream and the dream of the clan accepting and receiving the blessing of Great Love.

Hands move to the ground gathering within the womb up through the body, heart head to the sky; Arms to the side:

Remembering the frailty of your children, you gather us within the safety of your womb.

Right arm moves to left fully back: Right arm moves around on a horizontal line to the front of body: Body moves forward on right leg:

Hearts mind directs your vision with clarity and divine spirit.

Left hand in a vertical circle moves up over and behind head: Body is moving back and then forward in the natural flow:
Arms are extended to in front and forward: Left leg is extended behind:

You reach behind and reinvest your energies both in the womb and in the future generations.

In Unison both arms and left leg is brought into center facing the next direction.

To the Grandmother of the South the staff is turned over.


One time I lift my hands to the Grandmother of the South. Acknowledging and honoring the Keeper of the Heart.

Center Stance:

Grandmother of the South, Wisdom Keeper of the Heart.

Right Arm out:

Focus keeper of clear intentions.

Left Arm/left foot out:

Focus keeper of pure heart.

Hands join above head:

Your noon time light

Hands move to heart:

brings light to the heart.

Bend knees:

Your vision is beyond common thought.

Right hand moves around to left side in full circle:

You aim for courage and perseverance.

Left hand moves around to right side in full circle:

You aim for steadfast balance.

Join again at heart:

You gather your blessings,

Hands move from heart to above head:

and teach your children the gift of gratitude.

Hands move to the ground gathering within the womb up through the body, heart head to the sky:

You see the needs of others.

Arms to the side:

and you create a warm place of comfort.

Right arm moves to left fully back:

Embracing the expansive vision.

Right arm moves around on a horizontal line to the front of body:

You commit to focus determination of heart mind relations.

Body moves forward on right leg: Left hand in a vertical circle moves up over and behind head: Body is moving back and then forward in the natural flow:

You embrace the fiery passion of life.

Arms are extended to in front and forward: Left leg is extended behind:

Grandmother Wisdom Keeper of the South, your focused word is brought forward.

In Unison both arms and left leg is brought into center facing the next direction. West.

Facing the west you turn your staff over to Grandmother of the


One time I lift my hands calling forth the Grandmother of the West, Wisdom Keeper of the Circle.

Center Stance:

Grandmother of the West, Of Water, Of Sunset

Right Arm out:

You are the container of memory in the light of day.

Left Arm/left foot out:

Remembering the original night dream.

Hands join above head:

You teach us to receive in gratitude,

Hands move to heart:

the abundance of all life.

Bend knees:

Through cherishment

Right hand moves around to left side in full circle:

We hold the fruits conceived in love.

Left hand moves around to right side in full circle:

Through the magic and mystery of this love,

Join again at heart:

Manifestation has taken form.

Hands move from heart to above head:

Letting go of husk and storing seed.

Hands move to the ground gathering within the womb up through the body, heart head to the sky:
Arms to the side:

We gather our bounty from mother earth, bringing through our bodies the joy of life.

Right arm moves to left fully back: Right arm moves around on a horizontal line to the front of body:
Body moves forward on right leg:

Through this act of love our heart knows circle, union, clan, tribe.

Left hand in a vertical circle moves up over and behind head: Body is moving back and then forward in the natural flow:

Through this union our life is honored within our spiritual family.

Arms are extended to in front and forward: Left leg is extended behind: In Unison both arms and left leg is brought into center facing the next direction.

Within the body of our Spiritual family we move in the
Blessings of the Grandmothers, Wisdom Keepers of All Directions.

Blessed Be

In the dance of creation fullest Becoming for love is experienced.
While in the dance, a internal shift in allowance for the acceptance of self 'being worthy' occurs and joy begins to spill over. The chalice is full and the first initiation is experienced through the entrance into the gateway into the 5th world.
Awakening occurs in the various bodies as each joyfully participates in the dance of creation. The mind body connects with the physical body in the emotional body for the soul purpose of love.
The song of creation is heard by all in a harmonic connection with mother earth and cosmic universe. The energies of life force fully embody the beauty of matter and complete joy as ecstasy is experienced in all bodies.
This is the first step in truthful understanding that everything is connected by the universal life force in matter; the golden rainbow thread which holds the matrix of all life together.
This golden rainbow thread defines Divine Source's dream intention for each individuals personal authentic experience of becoming incarnate for the soul purpose of love.

The first form of the Dance does not differentiate between the directions with words; it uses the same words for each direction. It begins in a different direction depending on the time of day. In the first form, the "you" addressed is either Great Mother or Great Spirit. This form speaks of the differentiation and balance of masculine and feminine within the individual human being, with the horizontal actions of reaching around left and right. When Great Mother or Great Spirit are addressed, its when moving either up or down, the vertical direction. Its as if the human being were a horizontal circle composed of masculine and feminine, with their unity as a center post reaching up to Spirit and down to Mother. The words and imagery are less complex in this form.

In the second form, each direction has different language revealing the meaning of that direction. Great Spirit is not addressed by that name-instead each direction is addressed as a human/divine presence, a grandmother, who embodies that direction. This form always begins in the north, to honor the Sages of Wisdom. In each direction the language addresses the grandmother of that direction, as a Keeper of that direction, The words are a way of understanding what each grandmother/direction embodies, and what we are honoring and learning in each direction: In the North, Earth, Stones and Resource; in the East, New Vision, Spring and Dawn; in the South, the Heart and Clear Intentions, in the West the Circle, Water, Sunset. In each direction human activities, such as vision and dreaming, are linked to earth activities, such as dawn and spring. This form to me feels very earth oriented and a way of seeing my life process as fully embodied within earth's life process.

How are they the same?
They begin the same words, when we lift our hands three times, and in both forms the movements are the same. They are the same in the way that they each create connections in all directions, up, down, center and the full horizon. They each honor each "side" of the human being, left and right, and honor the relationship to what is above and what is below. For me, they each seem to be way of feeling the embrace of the full circle of the universe.

In dancing the Dance of Creation, a significant revelation is what?
As I dance the Dance of the Grandmothers, a significant revelation is that the directions themselves are alive and in relationship with me, both within me, and outside of me in the sky, land, water and air, trees, snow, creatures, etc. The understanding of what is earth and what is human seems less separate, more completely woven. When I reach to the above direction, I reach from the very essence of the earth, as a part of earth, and when I receive blessings from above, it animates and inspires the essence of earth and me as a part of this earth.


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