LSD 1/2010 Part I

Letter of Spiritual Direction

Willow Tequillo
January 2010

Sacred Reflections: Center for Transformational Awareness
New Breed Healers/Amethyst Vision Seekers


Part 1
Dedication Prayer
Planetary Alignment
Mercury Retrograde
Mars Retrograde
Winter Solstice (First Light)
Blue Moon
Conclusion Part 1

Part II
Ascended Wisdom Matrix
Community Thread
Community Assignment
lndividual Assignment

In dedication to Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

"What must be retained in the consummation of the universe is nothing less than the properties of our center
and it is accordingly this center itself -
it is precisely that by which our thought is reflected on
itself-which must be saved."
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin - How I Believe

Dear New Breed Healers and Amethyst Vision Seekers,
This letter comes to us from our counsel and guides and is intentioned to be a guide for our contemplations for the coming year of 2010. As we know guidance from universal source comes in a direct and frank language. So let us beqin.

Prayer from Mary Magdalene

To Great Mystery whose body is filed with the energy of Great Spirit
May these days we journey fill us with the heart mind song of eternity.
That which is past, in the presence of our Now, and dreaming our future. May the enlightenment which is centered in the very being of who we are today, fill us with the hope or light which is centered in the very Being of Matter that we are. May our breath sing forth the Joy of
Co-creation in peaceful harmony, remembering and re-membering our wholeness of Oneness. Let our every action be of one intention, one heartbeat, one thought.... that we may come home together again in unison of unforgettable and unfathomable happiness. Let us walk the Beauty Way, in every way recalling our Love as Source of AlI that we Know in our Unknowing.
Songs to the Universe


In the year 2010 we travel upon the Ascended Wisdom Matrix Thread Three, inspired by Divine Power embodying Human Thoughts. Being lead by Capricorn, it is in this mindful place that we begin our conscious journey into this time of foundational steps in the dreamers dream for New World Formation.

This is a time when we let go and in generous allowance by providing space within and without for all energies to come into balance and center. This means that we will need to be fully in our heart mind in generosity of self in centered fluid sustainability in all of our thoughts and actions.

May kindness be our guide in loving one another. May we make room to share this loving kindness with ourselves and from this center find the gentle ease to love one another. Let us share our lives in grateful gratitude for the all of the love that we are.

Part 1 - Planetary Alignment movement into 5th World Awareness - “Peaceful Harmony”

3 Significant astrological events: Mercury retrograde, Mars retrograde, Blue Moon on the eve of the new year. These are SIMPLE considerations which can be taken into a much deeper accounting of what is happening.

1. Mercury Retrograde: December 26th, 2009 - January 15th

Mercury is the planet which speaks to us of common, compassionate and co-operative communication. When in retrograde it helps us to see and understand where we are participating in peaceful harmony in communication. It is a time of personal reflection and allowance for making adjustments for Love, which empathetically provide for more gentle pathways through processes of letting go of attachments and surrendering in highest potential of wisdom and faith. We might say that Mercury in retrograde helps us to discern our conscious awareness.

Some thoughts to consider.

a. The idea of mercury retrograde may give us the impression that this planet is moving backward, however, simply speaking Planet Mercury moves faster and is catching up 'again' with the Planet Earth. Thus giving us an opportunity to see where we have been and to clean up the things looked over and overlooked. It is a time of looking at the piles and condensing them, then condensing them again, and then condensing them again....... until all that is left is the very important. And then it is a time of letting of that go too, freeing us of attachment, thus helping us to understand that we are truly loved and cared for by our Divine Source without exception. Here we learn that we are truly loved, unconditionally loved, and that we are made of this love without exception.

b. Mercury is a planet ruled by the astrological sign of Gemini and has some influence to Virgo and Taurus. Gemini helps us to see our duality, commonality and fluid emotional desire to be connected in sharing of ourselves. When in retrograde Gemini helps us to dance toe to toe with self 'realization' of where we share of our selves and where we choose not to. Thus understanding of self helps us to make decisions about 'our capacity and willingness' to be open.
Virgo helps us to be connected to the inner light of our connections as human beings sharing our Earl:h Journey with all Beings of this planet. So our relationship with our planet as a living Being is considered, and we are inspired by her desire to ever show us her kindness and care. In retrograde Virgo heIps us to see where we are taking care and consideration of our own bodies, the 8 aspects of our lives and the body of our planet and planets within our universe.

c. Mercury retrograde is a time when we are compelled to:

  1. Revise and review plans that we have made in our past. This past can be recent or long term; this incarnation or of previous incarnations.
    It is a time of clearing past life time uncertainties which have lead us to deep uncertainties of personal worthiness. This can mean really looking at what contracts we have made with ourselves and or others. It is a time that our universe allows for the deep soul wounds to be healed and brought into balance.
  2. Catch up with old business. This can simply refer to cleaning out of stuff from our homes, closets, and qarages. It can also mean that it is a time that we are given to really look at what no longer serves us. It is a time of letting go of that which is no longer of use to us. 'Use' in the sense that we no longer have a genuine affinity or heart connection with it. It can mean that we choose to reconsider our relationship with a certain something and cherish it again, thus reaffirming and reuniting our devotions.
  3. Cleaning out our metaphysical closet. This implies our soul contracts and revisions thereof. It can mean that we want to change the way in which we experience our incarnation. Maybe we want to be more conscious, here we look at what is deep within and it means clearing away old beliefs so that we make room for our authentic truth for the purpose of highest potential in happiness.
  4. We consider the DEEP Issues. These issues stem from our desire to understand why we choose to be here incarnated on this Earth Plane in this incarnation. It can mean our understanding that we do or do not want to be here. It may mean that we choose to move on. It may mean that we want to remain here in this incarnation and become the silent witness of ourselves, to know ourselves. It may mean that it is a time for us to get out and serve Humanity. Whatever it is, it is a time that the universe provides for us the generous allowance to know that we are held and that our inner sanctuary of silent source is where we find unwavering connection to our very existence. It is from this point of light that we re-enter our life in fullness of knowing worthiness and purpose.

d. Summary:
This year of 2010 being birthed in Mercury Retrograde is of deep significance. Birth in Mercury Retrograde implies Intelligence, individual thinkers, abilities to integrate and absorb information from outside sources, processes and forms. It also implies the innate capacity to draw personal conclusions with great accuracy by seeing and by passing surface issues. Birth during this time encourages sharing in openness, ideas which are birthed from the deep recesses of the soul, and calling upon others to share experiences by asking questions, being curious of the nature and understanding of another.

Our year being birthed in Mercury retrograde implies a time of Creative Genius inspired by intimacy in experiencing eternal truth.

2. Mars Retrograde - Solstices 12/21/2009 OM Leo - 3/10/2010 going direct 3/17/2010.

Simple thoughts and general considerations.

a. Leo is the Being of Courageous Heart, deep love, a sense and desire to protect, passionate strength, and of community. Our stones tell us of the lion who gave his life to save the human being and it is because of this that the human being and cat may live peacefully within the same domain.

b. The astrological sign of Scorpio is influenced by the planet Mars.
Scorpio, feminine, creative, fire, passion, sensuality, focus, strong emotional will.
Mars, masculine warrior with the common traits. When in unison there is harmony and a force of great passion and acceleration in personal growth and contribution to the world and universe as universal servant.

Those strongly influenced by these time will be those with a sun and or moon rising in Leo.

c. Mars retrograde is a time when we are compelled to:

  1. Be introspective. This 1s a time when there are deep thoughts, a time of sitting still and being truly focused on what the heart mind is centered in.
  2. Be active. This is a time when through deep introspection, choices of direction and application are energized in a way that is unprecedented.
  3. Be concerned. This is a time when things of the heart, what really matters, come to the focused surface of the mind and the will then comes into play, and action takes place, seemingly unstoppable.
  4. Be a Being of Relation. This is a time when intimate relationships peek through minds connections in focus, hearts willingness to be open, and physical bodies desire to connect.

d. Summary
The year 2010 being birthed in at first light in winter solstice and through the first trimester of the new year is of great significance as these energies though passing will influence every month in every thread. This is because they are birth in the Last and the First, I.e. the Alpha and Omega Thought and supported in Divine Power.

We are reminded to be consciously aware of our intentions 'set' at our Winter Solstice Ceremonies, as the intentions which are birthed this year. Remembering that these intentions are now OF a Divine Feminine Body of Matter as universal body of dream and are being supported by the fire of Leo's heart and Scorpio's focus in Mercury. These intentions are dominated by the Divine Power of Thoughts which hold the strength of the Divine Masculine as influenced by the Planet Mars. For those who are religious you may wish to think of the life and times of the Master Teacher or Prophet who speaks to your heart.

We are reminded that there is the Great Spirit of Energy here, use it wisely through introspection and application for the purpose of "Peace in Gentle Ease in Harmony" for our common, compassionate, co-operative co-creation in our world and universe.

3. Blue Moon (based upon the definition that there are two full moons in a western calendar month).

Metaphysically the significance of any full moon refers to our ability to see deeply within the Great Mystery. In other words, it is a time when the reflection of Great Spirit is able to see some of the depth of Great Mystery. The Sun's full shining upon the Moon.

This is a time of great gratitude, for we are able to see ourselves deeply without discrimination. We are able to witness ourselves through our own eyes and we are able to discern through our personal witness, what we are made of.

In the Dance of Creation there is a motion where our arms sweep over our head and behind us and bring the moon and sun into the next direction. It is this sweeping motion that helps us to understand what is deep, where we have been. During the time of the Blue Moon, we reach back twice as far into the Great Mystery linear terms.

A full moon might be likened unto the one who dreams but does not remember their dream. In the full moon of their life they remember their dream, yet their dreams are of the waking times, sorting out the days events. Our Blue Moon reminds us of our Souls Mystery and domain. This dream is one of deep mystery and often incomprehensible in our waking time. Yet it is this dream that brings forth our Soul intention and prior actions and Emotional Memories.

Thus we can say that the Blue Moon helps us to Remember and Re-member our Soul Purpose, our Common Purpose..... and ways in which to walk our journey in a Unified Ego/Soul state.

Part 1 Conclusion

2010 the year of Divine Power embodying Human Thought. The influence of Mars retrograde in first light of Winter Solstice, Mars and Mercury retrograde on the Eve of and into the New Years through a Blue Moon is of great significance to each of us as individuals, community members, culture builders, and universal servants. How we conduct ourselves in conscious awareness and presence Will significantly impact our world and universe. Please take the information provided to you and look to see how it does influence you and impact your decision making, your thoughts, your words, your ideas, your actions and your intentions.

The easiest way to walk in Conscious Awareness is through our individual Qualities as influenced by our Thread. Together they can be a guide to us which helps to us to be aware of what is before us and helps us in discernment of choices that we choose to make in thought and action.

This is a significant time and opportunity for each of us to become the conscious aware divine human being that we say we have been seeking to become.

This year is the year of Divine Power in Human Thoughts, let us be intentionally heart mindful of what lives within the deep recesses of our knowing and unknowing. In this consciousness let our actions reflect the intentions of Inner Lights Desire and Intention of Peace. We have in full conscious awareness made the decision and the choice to be here and fully present at this time. We are knee deep in the humus of our changing time, our New World Formation. Let us be conscious of WHAT our feet are planted in, what we are supporting and what we are growing in J.

When we think we know, let us take the time to look again, again and again. So that we are so very clear and can be cleared of remnant old ways of being, old habits of chaos .... thereby creating for ourselves and one another blessed sanctuaries of peaceful ease for AII That Is.

We are our brothers keeper. We are the womb of our sister. WE are both feminine and masculine in nature, therefore let us be in unison with one another. Let us be mindful of how well take care of self and other. Let us be of courageous faith and ask one another to witness us that we may continue in communication and dialogue which is the sacred reflection of peace. Let us Remember to laugh, to be in joy, to enjoy the beauty that Is and we ARE as Happiness.

Our task this year is to co-create pathways of gentle ease for the graceful transcendence of all energies into peaceful harmory. This is how we can help support planetary alignment in direct vision, focus, and aim. This is how we can become the beautiful splendor of Hope in Becoming.

Just for Today let us be the eternal memory of loves desire.
Let us remember that passion is born of a desire to love so deeply,
Connect in Unison
To be of One Essence
And as Amethyst Essenes, let us Remember the Eternity that We as a Community
Has Shared Together in One Eternal Unified Dance of Creation.

End of Part 1
By Willow Tequillo
Spiritual Guide/Medicine Woman

Part II - Ascended Wisdom Matrix - Steps in the Dance

After reading part one, let us consider our own contribution this year to the advancement of self and other in common ease and gentle peace.

If you do not know what Thread you are on, simply, without much thought, state your Favorite Number. This comes easily from the Soul. This is your Soul Journey thread and the one which your ego is in agreement with.

This is advanced work. Simply take what comes to you easily and work with it.

Thread One

Divine Mind/Human Mind in the Quality of Truth
The Unified Quality of Dignified Truth
The intentional purpose of Awakening Co-Operation

Thread Two

Divine Charity/Human Idea in the Quality of Trust
The Unified Quality of Noble Trust
The intentional purpose of Wonder in Compassion

Thread Three

Divine Power/Human Thought in the Quality of Allowance
The Unified Quality of Generous Allowance
The intentional purpose of Acceptance in Miracle

Thread Four

Divine Magic/Human Magic in the Quality of Faith
The Unified Quality of Courageous Faith
The intentional purpose of Acceptance in Miracle

Thread Five

Divine Body/Human Matter in the Quality of Humility
The Unified Quality of Humbled Humility
The intentional purpose of Awe in Communion

Thread Six

Divine Faith/Human Knowing in the Quality of Unity
The Unified Quality of Genuine Unity
The intentional purpose of Awe in Communion

Thread Seven

Divine Truth/Human Wisdom in the Quality of Passion
The Unified Quality of Passionate Strength
The intentional purpose of Awakening Co-Operation

Thread Eight

Divine Mystery/Human Mystery in the Quality of Gratitude
The Unified Quality of Grateful Gratitude
The intentional purpose of Awakening Co-Operation

Thread Nine

Divine Soul/Human Manifestation in the Quality of Splendor
The Unified Quality of Beautiful Splendor
The intentional purpose of Awakening Co-operation

Community Threads

What color is your thread in our community?

Below is a list of those whose threads we can identify clearly.
For those of you whose thread has not been identified, please post your number using the instructions above. Send me a note in your personal area so that I can post it to the rest of the community.

Thread One: **____** - January 2010

Thread Two: ________________ - February 2010

Thread Three: ________________ - March 2010

Thread Four: ________________ - April 2010

Thread Five: ________________ - May 2010

Thread Six: ________________ - June 2010

Thread Seven: ________________ - July 2010

Thread Eight: Unified Community of NBH/VAV - August 2010

Thread Nine: ________________ - September 2010

The remaining months with be about transcendence in Unification. ________________

Community assignment

As a regional group using the information from Part I and Part II - write and share with your Regional Group:

How your supreme quality supports your thread and thread intentions.
What energy you will hold for the community as we enter into this new year? How will your heart and mind come together in a voice of peace in gentle ease? How will you defer attitudes of victim to your threads intentional ego/soul purpose?
Post as a group in your Regional Section in the VAV Forum.

This is about a paragraph long and is to be shared as a circle with no comments from the listener.

After this is complete, the group is to develop a paragraph on how your region will support the transcendence of this year into clear, authentic, fifth world voice of 'Gentle ease in Peace'.

Individual Assignment

Identify a way in which you feel scapegoat, abuse, misuse, loss, anger, misjudgments, misunderstood, etc.

Using your supreme quality, the information in part one, and the information in part two about the thread that you follow..........

Write and share how you will transcend this personal chosen attitude and co-create a clear pathway for you and your thread to become a fluid and sustainable pathway for others to follow.

Please write your process, considerations and summary and post in the gallery section of Community Formation.

Inblessings of loving grace in cherishment.
Willow Tequillo
Spiritual Guide/Medicine Woman

Thank you for the conversation it is deep.

When I think about any instrument such as,

the vessel of Great Mystery through the cosmos

the flute

the guitar

the drum

the channels of our throat..........

I am reminded that harmony requires the intersection,
the meeting place,
of all of the elements.

So it is that when my heart experiences emotion
through any quality
it incorporates the elements

such as the breath of air
in unison with the fire of passionate feeling
in fluidity of water in the form of tears of joy or sadness
all within the solid/moveable/changeable matter that is the human form.

It is this dance in unity, of all elements within our physical, mental and emotional form,
that seeks the song of harmonics.
these harmonics, then become the form from the formless which
is the dance, eternal.

As our emotions begin to be felt,
recognized as something
healing begins

....for in Universal Truth,
all matter (mother, Mystery)
whether mental, emotional or physical
seeks acknowledgement and validity of Being real.

Harmonics then become the color, light, form and sound.
So it is,
where we place our thoughts so does the divine power
of recognition,
so support that which we find so intriguing,
thus lightening the way for further support in that chosen area of thinking.

If we so choose to place our thoughts into suffering
so then the universe does support such thinking and does willingly
co-create further pathways of discordance.

And if the harmony of our inner emotions do reflect thoughts of
graceful cherishment
and what if we were to place our 'hunger for connection' into observing
how our qualities do support our thoughts of gentle ease, graceful

then, it is that I wonder,
how will we co-create a space of healing which empower the heart
to transcend shrieking cries of disconnected, unrecognized matter
in elemental forms which do not work in harmony.

How does your least known quality give way for a harmonic within your heart which supports a pathway of inner gentle ease?


How does your least known quality give way for a harmonic within your heart which supports a pathway of inner gentle ease?

Just for today I allow beautiful splendor to teach me of an easy path in harmony of inner and outer connection.

Assignment #1

Prayer of Great Mystery and Great Spirit in first Breath of One as Two/Two as One:
May the Kiss spark gentle and beautiful passion.
May the warmth of our breath bring sweet delightful Peace
May our Joy bring Hope to all Beings
May we RE-member/remember always in All Ways
That we are LOVE

5th Awareness contemplation:

  1. I allow Divine Source to fill me with a wider and larger understanding of all life and relation.
    Write at length upon this consideration. Cover concepts which include your understanding in each of your bodies, your truth, your qualities, your work, your life. Be specific and be real.

Halls of healing brings what matters to love.
In the Halls of Healing pre-initiation takes place.

Ego/Soul begin conscious awareness of the spirit body, the soul body, the mmd body,
the emotional body and the physical body.

Healing dreams the connections of 'what matters', on all levels and in all bodies for the purpose of complete harmony within and without.

Through the fullest conscious awareness of our inner and outer brokenness, new pathways are created for a gentle understanding to love self and others.

Halls of healing dreams the connection of what matters to this awakening being.

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024