2/2010 Message on Humility from Willow

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Dear New Breed Healers,
In recognition of our frailty in speaking, not speaking, knowing and unknowing, how to speak, etc. I see that you are having a difficult time addressing who I am and who you are. The following is formulated to help us as a community better define these things. Please take your time to really evaluate what is being said.

Opening prayer:
Slow me down Love.
Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart reflect the Joy that sings within the deep core of our Light.

Message from Willow

In humility we enter into a time of self examination as individuals and community members. This 'self examination' is a tool which helps us to discover who we are and where we live. What is sacred to each of us and how we hold sacred that which we are. Each of us must answer for ourselves who we are, do we belong, and in this belonging do we embrace with graceful cherishment?

There are so many ways in which we can talk and 'mind spin' about what has happened, and then there is that point where we come to realize that it just doesn't matter what incidents occurred which caused the 'perfect storm'. All that we must really understand is that 'humbled humility' must be the place where we 'live' if we wish to co-creatively participate in the ascension and co-creatively put together cultural structural forms which create ease in the transition of our world out of suffering.

***Over the course of the next two months there will be some serious changes, please take note and responsibility for yourselves. l am not interested in hearing that anyone 'forgot' or 'didn't get the message'. If you are confused, talk to those who have been here the longest. If you feel jealousy, keep it to yourself, I am not interested. Below you will find a list of changes which will happen within the community for the development of "passionate passageways of strength in grateful gratitude of graceful cherishment" for self and other. If we need to have a phone conversation with just the New Breed Healers, l am open to that; you will need to let me know.

  1. This letter is for the New Breed Healers ONLY. It is part of your examination as Spiritual Guide/Teacher training. Not VAV appropriate. Again this is a test, your actions will reflect your character.
  2. The following changes occur immediately upon receipt and reading of this letter.
  • All New Breed Healers are in semi-silence for one to two months beginning Sunday after the community conference call.

  • Maintain your Rule of Life in good health and steadiness.

  • Continue your personal forum journals and dreams.

  • We will be having community monthly meetings.

  • Groups:
    Regional groups will stop group work, posts will be received until Sunday.
    Small Groups which are in or completed 4th Awareness, will stop their work and post in their 'closed section' discussions of 5th awareness work only. I will not be reading your work in these spaces; your conversations will be private among your small group members. Please feel free to have conversations about what is going on.

  • NBH Community Contemplation. We will be taking the next 2 months to look at and examine ourselves as community leaders and teachers. During this time there will be One contemplation for all NBH's. A weekly contemplation from 5th Awareness excerpts will be posted by Willow and found in the "Letters of Spiritual Direction in VAV". This is a required assignment for NBH who are currently in 4th Awareness and above, and to be posted by Sunday of each week. Place your posts under your picture in the VAV Gallery called:

    "NBH 5th Awareness of the Great Mystery in VAV Gallery under your picture. "

    For NBH members who are in 0-3rd Awareness this is an optional assignment because you have not moved through your belief system evaluations. Post your work under:

    "NBH/VAV Predawn 5th Awareness of the Great Mystery under your picture"

    New World Memory Keepers, please discuss with your group if you wish to stop your group contemplations and work the larger community contemplation or if you will continue your Inner Chaos work. You will need to move in "either" direction. It is not an option to do both.

    Please notice that there is a space for the VAV to also participate if they want to.
    These gallery areas are OPEN to the whole community.

  • "Who are WE? In the VAV Gallery section, there are two places to post in this section.
    All New Breed Healers are to Participate in these two gallery conversations. Also, this is a closed section to VAV.
  1. Who is Willow? Please write a paper discussing who Willow is and who Willow is to you. What you are learning, principles, considerations, importance's, lineage, dreams, etc. Be specific. We will be taking this information and compiling a written statement that will be used to help you to speak 'about me' to the public. It will help you and empower you to understand more of what you are learning and something about me. Please stay away from flowery praises. Also, if there is a question from the larger world at this time, you have my permission to say,

    "Ask Willow, her e-mail address is: _________________

  2. Who Are the New Breed Healers? Please write a paper as to who you believe you are as The Community of New Breed Healers, how the NBH came into existence, purpose, goals, agenda, and mission, how you see yourselves a group of teachers and community members moving into the future.

    Please note that I will be deleting any posts outside of your boundary areas.

  3. Individual changes:

____________ - Silence for six months.

  • We will continue to have our spiritual guidance appointments.
  • Stop contemplations and groups.
  • Post NBH 5th Awareness of the Great Mystery in VAV Gallery under your picture.
  • Post under the "Who are we?" VAV Gallery
  • Prayer /Rule of Life topic optional
  • READ the posts of others

________________ - Semi-silence for 1-2 months

  • We will continue to have our spiritual guidance appointments.

_____________ - Semi-silence for I -2 months

  • We will continue to have our spiritual guidance appointments.
  • All-One Together, continue with Mitch and Teresa in contemplations.
  • "NBH/VAV Predawn 5th Awareness of the Great Mystery under your picture" optional
  • Post in the 'Rule of Life' conversation
  • Post under the "Who are we?" VAV Gallery
  • Post in Prayer topic
  • READ the posts of others

New Breed Healers,
Please be in consideration of the following.
The medicine that you are given by me may not be transferred or taught to others without my permission.
The ceremonies and the intricacies of what goes on in the 'inner circle', which you are being taught by me, may not be practiced with persons outside of this community without my permission and direction.
Statements about who Willow is or what she is doing are not a topic of conversation outside of the New Breed Healers.
Plans and considerations for ceremonies or teachings are not to be posted anywhere in cyberspace and are to be considered confidential.
Arrogance in regard to "l get to do this work with Willow'' is to be cut out NOW.
My name, my deeds, my actions nor my dreams are to be spread about and prostituted neither in western competition nor in any grandiose manner.
As I write this, I know that in Metta (unconditional love creating peaceful ease in our world) and equanimity, there can only be surrender on my part to that which is each person's freedom and choice. In humility and deep consideration of your own path in the development of your character, I offer you these guidelines for you to measure your own actions. Beware of hidden fears which keep you from experiencing your lives in full conscious awareness. You are teachers of Authentic Truth, which means that you must be able to discern the core light of your Being in absolute authentic voice and resonance with your Source. Do not waiver your eye, your heart, nor any part of your Being to selling out to another's complacent laziness in self examination. Be strong and of strong courage and perseverance. There are many who would say to you that miracles do not exist. Yet you are the pathways of miracles in this life time. Would you sell yourselves to beliefs which continue to suffer those whom are less inclined to pathways of inner clarity? You are the teachers of this time. Be of healthy and wholesome service as a universal servant. And remember as unique as you are, you are one among the perennial grass. And grass grows and dies in patches. How will you support each other to walk this path of hope?
I love you and am in deep devotion to Source and each of you,
Willow Tequillo
Spiritual Guide/Medicine Woman

Assignment #1
Prayer of Great Mystery and Great Spirit in first Breath of One as Two/Two as One:
May the Kiss spark gentle and beautiful passion.
May the warmth of our breath bring sweet delightful Peace
May our Joy bring Hope to all Beings
May we RE-member/remember always in All Ways
That we are LOVE

5th Awareness contemplation:

  1. I allow Divine Source to fill me with a wider and larger understanding of all life and relation.
    Write at length upon this consideration. Cover concepts which include your understanding in each of your bodies, your truth, your qualities, your work, your life. Be specific and be real.

Rule of Life Topic: Secrets and Sacred Space, Is there a difference and how do we handle them?

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024