LSD 10/2010 Divine Hope Human Becoming Graceful Cherishment

Letter of Spiritual Direction: The Mind of Love in HOPE

10-10-2010 Divine Hope Human Becoming Graceful Cherishment

Dear New Breed Healers and Amethyst Vision Seekers

WE are in the time of Co-Operation.

This month I would like us to reflect on

"What Community Means to ME"

Please read and reread my writings on Community and post "What community means to me" in Community Formation.

"Willow's reflections about community:
February 2007
Mind of Love
Community can and is a tricky thing.

The center of community Joy is the desire to be united in peace and joy as expressed in individual and communal happiness.

The center of community fear is that the individual will get lost within community.

The paradox is that we need each other to grow into our highest potential.

We naturally create, like the Aspen, community. An organic part of ourselves simply moves to the inner knowing that We need a common place where we can observe and explore our interactions with our Divine Source, ourselves and each other. We need a testing ground to examine whether or not our Bodies are able to or not able to hold intentions of our dreams.

No wo/man can exist as an island. Even an island is not an island. We are in community with all of our relatives. Our relatives are made up of the Mind Body, Matter Body and Emotion Body's relationship to ALL that IS

The "people", (humans, animal, trees, land, water, fire ....... ) make up the ALL that IS in physical expression of matter.
Our Mind calculates the ideas and thoughts which help us to categorize ALL that IS through our Feelings about people, places and things.
Our Emotions are our individual and community, cumulative Feelings of ALL that IS.
Our Emotions are regenerated through our ideas and thoughts of the Minds calculation and interpretation of Sense within the physical body.

Each Soul incarnation is made of the cumulative memory of every prior incarnation. The present incarnated soul has packaged prior calculations of Mind and Physical Matter experiences into feelings which are placed into the vehicle and container (Ego/Soul) for the next incarnation. This energy is stored in the Emotional Body on both the Human and Soul level within the incarnated Being. These Emotions are the script of where our life as incarnated Being begins.

The script is written in the language of Qualities. Each Soul's Essential Being is born INTO this Earth Planet as an individual (human, plant, animal, direction, cycle ....... ) with a set of Qualities which are uniquely and individually expressed as predispositions, attitudes and behaviors of that individual being.

The purpose for every incarnation is to examine these qualities and bring them into the highest vibration in physical form. Each progressive step creates the pathway for others to follow and the individual and the higher order of Divine intention is triggered. The highest order of intention is the exploration of Unity in Peace.

Peace is found when the Emotional Body finds sanctuary as fluidity of feelings within the Mind Body and the Physical Body.

To the Mind Body this yoga is experienced as enlightened ideas and thoughts.
To the Physical body this yoga is experienced as enlightened dance movement.

This high form of Emotional Yoga generates a New Calculation of Feelings and brings the Emotional Body into Higher Vibrations of Unity. These higher vibrations then become the New Memory within the Soul Memory. The Soul then takes this information to Divine Source and both the Student and the Master become a unified conduit (Mind Body, Matter Body, and Emotional Body) as Soul Body enlightened in the next higher Vibrational realm.

As each member of the community raises their vibration through the Mind Body, the Physical Body and the Emotional Body, the community becomes more and more a place of safety, trust, growth, renewal and hope (sanctuary)

Spiritual community is imperative to the individual a communal advancement of our world and universe. A spiritual community is the place where each person learns to develop the spiritual relationship between self and Divine, self and self and self and others.

Highest emotional relationships are developed through the individual and communal spiritual relationships of the human being.

It is within the stadium of these like minded beings that our balance in giving and receiving is tested. It is where joys and challenges are defined and given opportunity to be spoken to. It is here within the stadium of the spiritual community that we are best able to recognize and give language to the evolution of our own emotions and the emotions of the community.

As a community we must recognize the simple Truth, We get stuck at times in our own 'stuff'. Our stuff can be joyful and also painful for ourselves and each other. Part of our process is to learn what it means to be in community. Community is the one source which helps us to grow and see where the pain of our defenses and offenses truly live. The other part of our process is to co-create a community where joy comes in first and foremost.

We learn by asking ourselves,
Where did I feel inspired?
Where did I feel alienated?
Where did I feel united?
Where did I feel held?
Where did I feel Unified? Where did I feel isolated?
How do my ideas, thoughts and actions support my feelings of unity and alienations?
What are my ideas and thoughts and actions of Unity and alienation?

This emotional 'school' is the place where we develop our personal understanding of Emotional Sobriety. Emotional Sobriety requires that each of us "look at where we allow others to Be", "where we attempt to control" in order to feel like we belong, where we share and where we withhold.

In our humility we recognize ourselves as frail human beings. In this place of sober sharing we come to know that we are Divinely loved, cherished and important as individuals, beautiful in our own skin.
Together as a community of like hearted being we contribute to the Universe as Humanity.

In building the spiritual community we are required to become intimate with each other even though we may or may not particularly resonate with some of the members. WE step forward and begin to experience one another, not through our knowingness that this person or that person is trustworthy, but rather in knowing our own experience of our personal process. Through our knowing of ourselves we 'know' and trust that the other would not be standing or sitting in this room with us if they were not working their process, experiencing themselves on the heart level.

Through this knowing we are able to step forward in faith and trust, knowing that what is shared will be honored in the highest capable intention of the other, and that we ourselves in our highest intention will honor the other.

Through this single step in faith and dream of desire to know our personal truth, we are able to co-create a community. Our community becomes the place of sanctuary where all can come and explore self and other in truth and honor. "

Talk with you on Saturday.
Willow JiMi

Dear New Breed Healers,

How are you?

As I sit here at my desk tonight, reading over and over your individual and community processes, I am grateful for you and your work, your path and your dedication.

We are entering into the time of Nothing.
Some of us realize that this time of the great migration will end on 12-12-2010 some say 12-12-2012.


What ever the belief, insight or guess ........... we are here and fully present in our lives. Not somewhere else, not in the future nor in the past.

There seems to be a great heaviness that weighs us down,
and we are grateful, for without this weight we would simply float away.

To be sure, the challenge these last few months has been about commitment to community while holding our authenticity.

The challenge reflection for some has been with family, some with partnership, some with friendships and still others with home, work or vehicle. To be sure the challenge has been to look at natural order of unity = ego/soul.

Where our challenge is has to to with how well we balance our ego/soul with that particular aspect within ourselves.

For instance, if the challenge has been in friendship then the question becomes:
How have I created in co-operation a sanctuary of friendship for my ego/soul union?
Do I have ego controls?
Are these controls passive or aggressive.
How are my discrepancies reflected in the particular aspect of my life?

Intentionally I have moved groups around and people around to provide each of you with the time and space to get down with your internal and intimate processes. I have hopes that this time will allow you to deepen your ego/soul relationships allowing you generosity of heart.

This time of inner preparation is imperative for the self examination of personal intention and motivation in regard to interpersonal relationships.

If you are feeling lost or disconnected, a self examination is a direction.

Question: Have you been working on your beliefs of with your source?
Have you gained some new understandings?
Are you walking in steadiness or are you tripping?
Where is your personal discipline in your own groundedness?
Are you being straight with yourself?
Are you blaming another for your personal feelings of unsettledness?

If you are working your process you would have entered into a place of intense peace on the 8th of this month.
Where were you on that day? Can you look back at your journal writings and recall what was happening?

This is a time of great intensity. Again, I remind you that you are teachers. You can not expect to teach if you can not find the equilibrium within your center in solitude.

What is equanimity?

It is my intention to remain open for the next two months continuing to allow you the sacred space to work out your Beliefs with your Source and to look intimately with personal addictions on core levels.
It is my intention to continue to read your writings and to allow you to formulate your own constructs for inner discernment.
If you have a specific question, you will need to ask me directly.

As a reminder, things are being placed on the forum randomly as tests to help in character development.

It can be easy and this process is meant to be peaceful.
Can you buy that or is there doubt that lives in core?
Does this doubt cast a hardened shadow of resistance that limits sight and sense?
Only you through your qualities can choose to be present, personally knowing where you are and if you have crossed over the threshold.
I will not tell you if you have or have not, for when you do there will be no question,
and a reality beyond your personal understanding will be revealed to you.

These days of early fall are most beautiful, splendor peeks in at every opportunity.
Do you notice?

Inlove with each of you as US,
Willow JiMi

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024