LSD 9/2010 Mystical Experience as Vision Quest

Letter of Spiritual Direction: Considerations for Contemplative Letter of Spiritual Direction

Month of the 9th Moon though we are actually in the 10th Moon as there was a blue moon at the beginning of this year.

9th - Ninth Moon Cycle Divine Soul Human Manifestation in Beautiful Splendor
Sacred Geometric Form: Egyptian Gold Diamond with spiral
Cycle of Life Prayer: May father spirit continually flow through our bodies as we seek the meaning of our humanity.

9-18-2010 = 21 = 3
Sacred Geometric = 3 Orange Arrows
Ascended Wisdom Matrix - Thread Three Divine Power Human Thoughts in Generous Allowance

Cycle of Life Prayer: May we find the courage and strength to hold steady in center and balance.
Dear New Breed Healers and Amethyst Vision Seekers,
We find ourselves today in the center of our own complexity, seeking our way into understanding.
Times are changing, time is moving faster, matter is moving slower and we are finding that we need to be steady in the shifting of the very foundations of our world.
WE are here to ride the wave of the universe in gentle peace and ease.
We are here to show others how to ride the wave in gentle peace and ease.
How does this happen?

This month as a community we will consider Mystical Experience as Vision Quest.
I will be posting random letters of spiritual direction this month to help you to keep on track of the experiences that you are having. I am opening a conversation in VAV called Vision Quest where we may begin a conversation about our vision quest.

"Index » Open Community Conversation: NBH/VAV » Vision Quest: Open Community Conversation"
Please subscribe if you want to join the conversation. For those of you who are compelled to listen to the other recordings, please keep your questions to Part 1.
Community Meeting:
Please go to the forum.

  1. Look under Downloads. You will find this on the top bar next to 'Calendar'
  2. Find the download called, "Vision Quest, Journey, Mystical Experience (Part 1 Vision Quest)"
  3. Listen to it as a group if possible.
  4. Have a group conversation about this concept. Talk as a group about where you are with this.
  5. Be mindful of the lessons that you have been working with this month as individuals and members of a group. Be graceful and consider where you are before speaking or not speaking.
  6. Consider how much time is given to each before speaking, hearing and listening. How is the energy of the group? How is your own energy? Is there an experience of beautiful splendor?
  7. Write about your understanding through personal experience of your vision quest. Where are you in your vision quest?
  8. Post under your picture in "Community Formation"

Inlove and Grace,
Willow JiMi Tequillo
Medicine Woman/Spiritual Guide

Our NBH/VAV Meeting is base in Pacific Standard Time:

10:00 PST- Open your regional circle by saying your regions Cycle of Life Prayer

10: 15 PST - Dance of Creation

10:30 - Individual Assignment to be completed before meeting with larger community.

Read Letter of Spiritual Direction. Post individual work in Community Formation. Post group work in your regional group.

11:00 PST- Community Conference Call, General Large Community Check in.

Vision quest- Finding that which is missing

Finding a balance
Answering call of inner voice
Creating space to find out who we are
Silence, walk in desert, letting go of hindrance
Letting go of things that bind and hold us

Quest for vision of what holds us, quest to find our soul and hear it speak to us
Through our Soul Speaking, we find connection with Source
Our life is about co-creating- Happiness
We have to find that we are created for Happiness
When we hear that it creates a tender space in our being
So against what we are taught in separation, despair and disillusionment
In our quiet soul space, we re-embody, re-member the memory that we are here
For the sole purpose of happiness.

Vision quest, first we experience being alone-quiet, desolate place
We find that we can kneel down and be quiet, and ask for something from souls that
Created us. We ask to have a vision, to be inspired, to have HOPE, to point us in a direction
Where our soul might sing, and our egos find rest from judgment
We take the first steps in our humanity in compassionate relation to ourselves through humility and
Understanding that we are cared for, held, loved. We loose attachments to “have To’s”
And all that takes us away from our inner peace. We find that we are ONE with THE ONE
We find solace and peace and calm that rides through us and we re-member, re-call and
Re-embody that which we are through the universe of our oneness and we are held and we know it
We are humbled in remembering that we are a part of all that is
When we say, I AM THAT I AM, we re-member that this time and space is created for me because I am loved, that we are all loved, and when we open our eyes to the grains of sand that each experiences itself in the evolution of what it is, we can go forth from silent place from vision quest , we know what is important through the quality of what we are. What is the quality that holds your life. Is it a quality that is yours or someone else’s idea of what is important. Have you sought out the vision of what quality speaks to you.
We find the quality of our soul and being through vision, take it into our heart, breath it, and say I Am that Quality of Compassion, and can walk in center when I walk in that quality in my life.

Vision Quest Part 2


Difference in journey and vision quest
Vision quest being a silent seeking where we look for that solitude within ourselves, a place where we find oneness with our source through contemplation, meditation, reflection and silence
Journey is different, journey is directed by a spiritual guide
Journeying can be dangerous, no different if we were mindlessly walking in desert in night

Journey is done with a guide who is conscious, responsible and capable to hold those who journey as their students as sacred and safe

Purpose of journey:

Different from spiritual, vision quest. Guided by spiritual teacher, that guide has been trained in various traditions and lineages. It is usually a medicine person or shaman who is able to take person through a journey

Purpose is to access part of the universe that is not clearly accessible on one’s own.
For instance, a journey might look like walking out into nature and simply observing a rock
For the purpose of having a better understanding and connection to Mother Earth’
Journey helps us connect more clearly with matter of upper, lower or middle world.
How we walk in the worlds helps us discover more about ourselves
Journey finds something that helps us understand what we are doing on this realm
Journeys, vision, mystical are gateways for understanding who we are and why here

Journey given to person who is prepared to enter a realm and take back something of value to walk their path
Don’t journey for the Fun of it- might access info we cannot comprehend, it can cause chaos in our lives

Attunements and initiations in these days are dangerous, blowing up the person and disables them for walking their path.

Ask yourself – do you have a guide, are you stable, what do you hope to find, will you have the capacity of your own mind to walk this path soundly and in dedication? If not, you are entering a realm that can be detrimental to your growth. With a guide, it is a wonderful experience of trust, to discover something about your soul and a different way of living, and to bring back something that will be beneficial you in this world in a cohesive and balanced way. Mindful conscious state and dedication to a path matters- one that serves universal peace and oneness. May you find your qualities within and sing them to the rest of the worlds of the universe that we might walk in a peaceful path.

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024