LSD 3/2011 - Exercises in Friendship: Part II - Transmutation to Transcendence
Letter of Spiritual Direction: Exercises in Friendship - Part II - Transmutation to Transcendence
Divine Absolute Eternal Home and Human Authentic Eternal Vehicle 5th Awareness:
I honor what I know and let go of the attachment of being stagnate.
Teachers: Friendship, Exercise and Wind
An experience of Soul Awakening to Living on the Earth Plane
Wind is a breath
Is a spirit
Is as dream.
Where do you begin my friend wind?
As you are the spirit of all life which helps me to see that I am the Dream of the Great Dreamer.
You cross the land and seascapes
You carry your message upon the wings of angel be they be of heaven or earthly fire.
You, wind, are my friend for you comingle with the water and blood of my body, feeding the life of my being as fluidity through my circulatory system.
You carry foods through my digestive systems,
You carry my memory through my emotions.
you carry me across planetary systems, valleys, mountains and water ways to this my new home.
Into the twilight of eternity, you carry my memories of dream that I am and you are.
I awaken this morning to the memory of our birth; the seed beings of the DivinelyHuman Being.
Remembering the Newness of experience; carrying the old memories of life past, holding the evolution of dreams vision within the memories of our day to day experience. The akasic record within the very DNA of my being.
I get it, that it is mind boggling to try to understand what happens as we move from transmutation to transcendence.
The experience of the Divine Human Being is like that of the butterfly who awakens from a deep sleep, whose memories are of crawling increment by increment upon the branches of the cotton wood tree. Now there is something new, a new form, self is a new form. Though the physical experience is new to sight and experience, it is the inner reconciliation of this form which must first be addressed in order for the Butterfly to exist as conscious in new form. It is within(or inside of the mind, the emotions and the physical form) that this new Being must understand where it is, who it is, and how to live as a new Being with these new powers.
"How do I live with wings upon the breath of the wind when truly all I remember is crawling endlessly upon the branches of limitation?" asked the butterfly.
In lessons of the wind, we recognize that our own relationship to friendship with the wind takes us through the cycles of memory of Still point in Center and Balance........
- A memory of something that pulls us away. Meaning we must cling tight to in order to hold on to old habits, patterns, angers and resentments. We let go. The lesson of the generosity of giving of oneself.
- An ally who removes obstacles from our path. Meaning that it is the wind of resilience of love whose persistence unveils attachments which live under the rug 😊 The lesson of virtue
- As a friend who helps us know the Divine Power of Source, who gives Ear to Human Thoughts held in hope, in dream and in passion. Meaning it is the wind which carries our hope, our dreams and our prayers to Source. And it is this powerful breath that brings back miracles in forms of mulberry waves, manna from the heavens as the Emotional Wisdom of, to, and for our time. Lesson of renunciation of death (the surrender to living life without fear) also known as the
"Surrender to living life as a new form."
- We move with the wind in passion, which teaches us that we can move further, deeper, longer, transcending further than we dreamed possible. The lesson of transcendental wisdom and insight.
- Wind teaches us of surrender to know ourselves as the new beings that we are. Meaning that our memories are concepts that only yesterday seemed remarkable, way out, undecipherable, living as mystery. Yet today there is a clarity, an astonishing comprehension of self as new and different living in the heart of joy and the wonder and awe as Beauty. NEW Powers developed through prior steps of integrity, steps of consciousness gained through faith.
The lesson of energy, vigor, diligence and effort. - It is in acceptance of self as 'new' that the butterfly surrenders to the Wings of Beauty, trusting that the great winds will calm to soothing breath, spring fragrance, and soft and tender grasses. This new being can trust this as it is within self realization AS center and balance (from which it is born- cocooned). This light form emanates from within and the steadiness of this light emerges as breath (wind) into this new world formation from the core of the womb from which is was created in center and balance. This is Co- creative Ascension. Lesson of tolerance, forbearance, acceptance and endurance.
- It is so that as the butterfly transcends the memories of transmutation that the new form comes to know that it is the dream that it, as self, once dreamed 'self' to Be.
Lesson of truthfulness and honesty.
"How do I live with wings upon the breath of the wind when all of my friends are still sleeping in their cocoon? What is my purpose here now?" asked the Butterfly
- In past worlds when the worlds shifted and changed, it was the winged ones who came from the depth of transformation to seek out the new world. What is our vision as the New World Transcendors? What is our purpose, our mission, or dream?
Here each must answer for themselves the questions, 'why am I here'? Why have I successfully made the shift, even before the shift was felt by my fellow friends? What is my purpose, what am I here to do, teach, provide through communion, compassion, co-operation and co-creation? Lesson of determination and resolution. - In the Hopi story of the transitions of the worlds, we know that three birds left the sipapu in order to discover where they were and to bring back a place for settlement of those who would come after them.
"The first was a hawk. The hawk flew high into the sky, Warming his feathered wings with the rays of the sun. Hawk flew high but did not return to the ant hill. The second was the swift swallow. Swallow flew out of the reed And found soft mud within the nearby rock cave. Swallow found light and earth but did not return to the ant hill. Finally the smart and cunning Mocking bird was sent. With keen eye and determination, care and loyalty, Mocking bird with beautiful song sought out a home for his people."
A point of view that we can reflect upon here (though there are so many more)....... Is that the Hawk flies alone, sometimes dancing with a mate, seeing both that which is high and that which is low. Yet it experiences its solidarity as a messenger. Forgetting about the inner circle which awaits its return.
The Swallow is one of great community who goes straight to building the house and can forget about the outer circle which awaits its return. The mocking bird who yells loud, sees the inner and outer, who acts as a guide through voice through worlds. Yet this loud screeching is often heard as an order, directive or demand.
The question is, as Butterfly's how do you, who are the very form of transmuted self, co-create, inform and reconcile your new self? What is your purpose? From what were you born?
This is the Lesson of Metta or Unconditional Love. You are born of loving kindness, you renew through loving kindness, and you contribute to the new world form through that which you are, Loving Kindness.
- Once upon a time when I was dreamer experiencing my dream, I sat upon the banks of the still March pond. Just finishing my early morning yoga and Dance of Creation, Kai and I watched the warmth of springtime breath in and out, the misty morning. Silence touched forest floors and light twinkled off the ponds reflection. Suddenly, as if a chime were rung in the deep recesses of the heart of life; millions of tiny winged ones were reborn into new form. They flew instinctively together as the Souls gyrational spiral entering new world. Only days before, there were only a few of the new world winged ones, 'the scouts', and now their friends were born. On this particular day of rebirth, new life; the scouts harmonized as the outer circle of compassion, setting the boundaries of sanctuary. And it was upon the breath of the wind that the multi-colors of lights translucence became more than a dream in a cocoon, but became a life form in beautiful splendor through the rainbow winged ones.
This is the Lesson of Equanimity.
For this month of newness, let us seek out the newness of life.
Just for today let us dream of that which lives deep within the light of our very essence. Let us be the co-creators of a world yet to be fully actualized. Let our harmonies set the gyrational spiral from which our futures find resonance.
Just for today, let us be fully inspired by the equanimity which Is Us.
Inloving joy of life and all relation,
Willow JiMi Tequillo
Spiritual Guide/Medicine Woman
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