4/2011 - Prayer, Prayer Class

Prayer Class: 4/4/2011

"I sit in patience discovering of all I don't know"

What is prayer? Supplication in splendor

Beauty way: Prayer is connection

Comes from AWE (open mind and open heart

Moves into WONDER (ignition of quality through senses)

ADORATION (experiences of qualities through diversity of form OR emotional awareness of Our experience

ACCEPTANCE (knowing through oneness that is)

What is purpose of prayer? Connect with Source and other for clarity, comfort, guidance

Who are you and who am I? looking for that connection- when prayer is answered we gain

Faith that through humility I am as One

How do I pray? In song, in silence, in communion with my heart in unity of beauty

Why are we here as a group?

What do we want to learn?

Prayer connects me to Source through:

1st through the mind (3rd eye) First Trinity in AWE

2nd Connects in WONDER (pineal gland) 2nd trinity

3rd In AWAKENING/ADORATION (back brain, under ears) 3rd trinity

4th in ACCEPTANCE through either meditation or contemplation

Prayer happens two ways:

Connect to Divine Source through physical experience as whole- MEDITATION-

Energy of prayer travels down the body, connecting with source through silence of Body

OR: as energy moving outside connecting to the emotional body and back to Source

CONTEMPLATION: As I experience awe, wonder, adoration and acceptance, energy

From my senses outside self, sharpening my physical experience, qualities

Are ignited and I am reminded of who I am, Who Source is-sound of wind,

Sound of song, color, flowers, beauty ignites my qualities in communion

What is a prayer we pray?

Prayer Lesson 1

04-04-2011 = 12 Divine Miracle Human Miracle

5th Awareness: I sit in patient discovery of all that I do not know.

Our path, our way in Beauty Way
Conscious awareness of relationship with Source, each other and ourselves in peace - we are people of peace

Prayer is creative act
Creativity which sparks devotion
Purpose and definition is connection

Processes, pathways:

Purpose: connection to our source.
Asking one question in prayer: Divine Source, who are you? Who am I?
This connection we find outside of us in spiral of first eye
We seek to understand through our humaness, I am that I am...
Our connection, there is human being, I am that I am, with Source

Points of comprehension:
Beauty way has process, four fold: Trinities:
mind, physical form, emotional form. When unified as being, it creates a fourth trinity - Acceptance, oneness that is.

First movement, front of head, trinity of the mind
Trinity or space in physical form in our head, that speaks to us of the Divine Mind and Open Heart
When we think the first process of AWE

Second movement of prayer within beauty way is movement of wonder - occurs in top of the head. Hopi Mandala, transition of world, each time we move through worlds, human beings top of their heads close up, keeping us from important point in connection to understanding what our connection to Source is. When opened, we ignite the quality through our senses. Ignition of qualities through our senses:

Third movement is adoration:
The experiences of qualities through diversity of form: awareness of emotional experiences. Happens at the base of the neck. Third trinity- symbolic language of our emotiomal makeup. When these three come together, Awe of open heart, igniting of qualities through senses, and ignition of qualities through emotional form, we have one being of presence.

Being in presence:
I am here and fully present in my mind, physical and emotional form, then form fourth trinity, knowing through oneness that is, we come into realization that everything that is IS, and there is no separation- we are all connected.

Two ways we experience prayer in Beauty way
We are mystics, we work through relationship of divine mind or Source as it moves through our physical form, and we experience it in two ways, around us as emotional experience around and through top of our head - Taurus Loops. In meditation, energy of Source goes through physical form, u-turn, up and through our top of our head. In experiencing our connectedness, we will experience through our top of our head, through our bodies, consciously connecting with all that we are.

This month: look at Beauty way, four processes of prayer.

Take a prayer that learned as a child -
write about it through process above. Discerning where you connect to the beauty way, and where concepts and experiences are different. Look at that.

Find modern day prayer (Pueblo)
Take through processes

Third, create a prayer that is with your quality that connects you most with these processes, thinking about where do you live here?
When I pray, where do I experience myself most? Awe of open mind and heart, Adoration, miss step of wonder? Where do I live: Have to have a base of where we are. We work through concept of oneness, no right and wrong, we want to know where we are so we can begin to see what is our path, what path we are upon, consciousness is really important.

Taking this prayer through the process of the beauty way:

1. AWE: (open mind, open heart)

This prayer opens my mind and my heart, the words resonate with my mind of thought, but more importantly, it resonates with my heart's mind - the balance between holding one to what is good, what I believe, what I must do, onto life.... Even when it seems impossibly difficult, there is help from source through holding onto someone outside of myself - Source or other whom I consider "gone away" in Faith that they are there, that they hold me, that they are always present - this must come from my heart's mind, hence the two combining in AWE or all I don't know with what I do know in Unity of becoming in patience----- discovering of all I don't know.

2. WONDER (ignition of my quality of compassion through my senses)

This prayer ignites my quality of compassion, compassion with myself in grief or joy, compassion for other(s) in theirs. Through my matter of compassion I feel the body of Source holding me, encouraging me to hold onto what is good, a handful of dirt, a soft breeze on my face, the whisper of fog.... it reminds me to hold onto myself as I stand alone at times, holding onto a tree that stands by itself as a reminder that there are times that we must do that with grace, with roots from the earth, from what I know, and opening up my branches to the unknown, the invisible... Through compassion and reverence for self, I can hold onto what I know I must do even if the distance is far, even when it is easier to let go, even when I sense that distance as abandonment. I can do this journey through my quality of compassion, through my matter... this prayer holds me.

3. ADORATION (knowing through the oneness that is)

And so, this prayer holds me in its rhythm, its cadence, its song, through the images of the earth, of tree, of hands, of life as more than what I think.... I cry when I read this prayer, for it resonates with my soul in a deep manner - it is the song of my soul to holding onto this life through a grain of sand, an invisible knowing, the branches of a tree, the sounds of the rain.

4. ACCEPTANCE ( Knowing through)

This prayer is a song encouraging me to hold onto my own understanding of this life, and my journey - to know in faith and in peace in oneness.... with Source, with Self with Other(s) acknowledging and honoring the Awe, Wonder and Adoration of this life as Sacred - as connection with Source through my matter of Compassion in Beauty.

Prayer class- 5/9/2011

Prayer is communion of the soul with Source with qualities of awe, wonder, adoration and acceptance

Soul connects with awe with source we move into wonder

When we connect with our Source, we are light, source is light, there is light above you, they merge

First place we merge is awe

Connection with something larger in communion

If I take compassion, placing inner self in sacred space, soul is compassion

I sit in pool of compassion

It has heart beat

It wants to connect with compassion of Source

I experience Awe.. I see you, you see me, Awe to Wonder

Transform thinking into new form

In prayer, we transform the experience of separation

Separation can be experience of unworthiness, or judgment, of being less than creating hatred, resentment.... OR

Separation can be the experience of all being connected, creating sense of beauty and joy

Purpose of prayer is this connection through 4 qualities

This month, experience awe...

How does universal communion happen?

How do we move from magenta dot (Awe) for purpose of evolution of thoughts of separation to becoming one?


Take 1^st^ thread's prayer:

"As we move through passages of inner knowing, may we be blessed with a light and easy path".....

Using Divine/Human Mind, and evolving qualities of thread #1 as dignified truth...

As the Source of the Mind.....

  1. How am I connected in Awe with my Source?
  2. What is being transformed?
  3. How does dignified truth evolve this prayer?

How do we experience Awe?
What is the Purpose of Awe?

Awe is the Soul Quality relationship between the Soul and Source.

In other words, like the parent relationship is to a ego, so is the quality relationship of the soul to source.

Think of parents who are inlove with their children. We are in Awe of this new life form, and vice versa.


Take the Thread #1 prayer and explain how AWE supports sustainability and maintainability of evolution of the Divine and Human Mind and contributes to Universal Communion.

  1. Divine Mind and Human Mind = Sacred Geometric the Magenta Dot = Essential Expression of Focus
  2. Thread #1 Cycle of Life Prayer for The Beauty Way As we move through the passages of inner knowing, may we be blessed in a lightened and easy path.
  3. How do the transforming qualities of Divine Dignity and Human Truth (Dignified Truth) help to transform, transmute, transfigure and transcend the Divine and Human Mind?
  4. How does this Prayer help us to understand the dynamics of our experience as the Divine and Human Mind?
  5. What role does AWE play in our comprehension?

Use any tool you need to help you to explain how this evolution occurs.
Take one or more of the above questions and answer.
I would like to see a full mind body, physical body and emotional body explanation.
Examples of an experience goes a long way.

Much love and grace,
Willow JiMi

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024