LSD 5/2011 - Divine Miracle and Human Miracle in Absolute Authentic Eternal Devotion

Letter of Spiritual Direction
05-21-2011 Divine Miracle and Human Miracle in Absolute Authentic Eternal Devotion
May we surrender in Gratitude our very existence as Us to Friendship that is WE.
5th Awareness
Transcending - Spiritual Heaven and Spiritual Earth
I am Spiritual Cosmos, the connection between Divine Heaven and Divine Earth
In Compassion, I am the colors of the Wind
In Soul Manifestation, I am the Sap of the Tree
In Hope Becoming, I am the great and small rock of the mountain
In Emotional Wisdom, I am the water, in mist, cloud and sea.

Transcendence requires that we must see ourselves as human and know ourselves as divine.
Through this process our steps can feel wavy, in our minds which can become lost in the whirl wind of 'things'. This writing is an offering of sanctuary given to you in hope that you may find the sanctuary of your home.

Divine Letter to My Human Friend,
Subject: Quality of Unity from the quality of Unity in the aspect of Friendship.
Prayer: May Mother Earth experience our every devotion and may we share with our own bodies this life of Being in gratitude and cherishment.

The mystery of you dear friend constantly surprises me. I watch as you wander about choosing this and that and trying the various combinations of materials for your creative endeavors.
I support you in your creativity and hear you as you so earnestly seek guidance and yet freedom from guidance. This offering is what I have offered as large enough sphere to hold you. Thus allowing you the freedom to fully experience yourself in freewill (without hindrance).

And yet this great freedom has often left you feeling alone and abandoned.

And so In holding our intention of freewill participation, I give you devotion in another way.
When you seek to find me or wonder if I am there, remember that I am compassion in the colors of the wind. Leaves which change form and color with the cycles and seasons. I am buds forming into flowers and flowers bursting forth hope as essences in fragrance. I am Cloud People playing with Father Sun as rainbows of delight. I am Moon Beams of inspiration in hopeful appreciation of a new day.
I am your friend the sap of the tree, Soul manifestation within you. I am leaf, honey comb and honey. Let me help you to remember that life is intrinsically sweet. And naturally sweetness is sheltered as the inner core of delight and devotion. This deep resonance is who we are in unity and together we become the creative Being that WE ARE.
I am hope that becomes your creation as you dream formation of great and small rocks of the mountain. We are grains of sand sitting next to each other, particles of dirt in beds that hold tulips. Blending forms, breaking down and building up.
Remember me; I am, Emotional Wisdom, I am the water, in mist, cloud and sea. Receive my gratitude for your life, for I am the water in mist cloud and sea. The smooth fluid motion both within and without.
You human are a friend to me, I am that you are and you are Beauty. Like the colors of the wind you make things of color and you wear things of color. Some of you can emanate greatly the colors of Soul.
Some of you can take each color through your physical form and create a fluid space for your emotions to feel the qualities that you are.
You are the sap of the tree, the glue which holds Conscious Awareness and Rate of Speed intact. You are the fluid memory of emotions which give life memory to creation. Do you Remember who you are? Each round or circle within the trunk of the tree is fed by the memories of experience of friendships, unity and companionship.
You are the great and small rock of the mountain, where your truth of living becomes solid, a step in evolution, a stone as a mountain of same same comprehension. A sanctuary and fortress which holds the memories of all time made of Conscious Awareness.
You are the water in mist, cloud and sea. And like the mountain you give channel and pathway for emotion to freely move through you. Thus allowing for deep crevices to be soothed, touched, explored and reformed. And it is here that we my human friend become enlightened, 'body of matter filled with the light of that we already are'. For WE are ONE, WE are both the dream and the dreamer, the pathway and the path, the color and the sound....... you are that IS, WE. Blessed.
Pathway of Compassion give us the grace to know the miracles of our lives, Grant us hearts that are open to freedom.
Clear our minds of stuff and give us focus, clear direction, expansive vision. Give us a place where we may open our wings freely and fly in blissful joy.
Inlove and Grace,
Willow JiMi

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