4/2011 Sacred Geometrics Class

Sacred Geometrics

Purpose of class: answer the question: who are you, who am I?

Goal: to return to oneness with fullest experience and expression of our authentic being as whole individuals

I am that I am, and I am that you are through Matrix - It is we, we are one
What is anatomy of matrix that leads us to being ONE
I am here in all bodies, fully present with all I am
How do we become that consciously aware being? What does it take?

Begin study with 5^th^ awareness, I sit in patient discovery of all that I don't know
Hold onto what you know, then surrender
Through the mystery school, vatemare, being that lives between earth and heaven through color, sound, smell.

Define sacred: geo, metrics, and then sacred geometrics
First trinity mind of love, charitable ideas of love, powerful thoughts of love, magic of love - moving into communion which is dream of love as flower of life

Beauty way: a way - through sacred geometrics, we see all aspects through our bodies
AWM, we look at three physical bodies and 9 paths
Our walk is the walk of prayer, another connection to all that is

Walk that connection: I am here and fully present with aligned bodies
What does sacred mean to you?
Geo? Form...... metrics - numerology that fits into sacred - form in measurement
Where did all this begin? First breath of live

Sacred geometrics - began at beginning of time and space
Akasic record: before time and after time forms a line

All geometrics began on line
Forms are formed in intervals within line of time, DOT, etc.......

Line is Akasic record.
Everything that has ever been - measured with sacred geometrics
Sacred geometrics, color lite form and sound of universe as record of time
Physical form expands through our emotional experience

Light ceremony:
Things only go into Akasic record as emotional experience
The physical form is working well, there is pressure between heart and hora that rests in will -
The delightful devotion of all lifetimes, wisdom is in record of emotional wisdom

Hora is beauty of joy that becomes so intense that it forms color and sound in moment in time and space, creating a form knowing itself as self-created identity, becoming so complete it replicates

Concept of zero or 1

Where it all began. One can only be itself as one when it is divided by itself which equals ego soul, light and dark, etc., Everything exists as one with no separation, no separation from form, emotions, physical and mental bodies.. If took circle, dot, and asked who am I? Source cannot see self without reflection. Cannot see back without reflection, for example. I (one) can only see myself when I define myself into two, thus creating one for us, the del

delima is called separation. Separation creates anxiety, unworthiness, invisibility etc. Through separation, we see who we are, that part of ourselves that we haven't connected with

Concept of #2: can only know self as one( who are you, who am I) through diamond (Divine truth, human wisdom)shape of star of David which is mystery( coming together, connect through center of Matrix, called the mystery) evolving through compassion through gratitude and faith, and through that process returns to one or zero.

What we need to know about sacred geometrics

Three trinities: Take a triangle, three points move into four, state of confusion in our world.

Other confusion is the ascended Matrix, understanding from Divine/Soul self. Soul understanding works in a spiral, not linear way. See this from left side of body, place of creativity

Trinities are a triangle,.

Magenta dot in forehead = mind of love

Right hand: green, touches my world, spiraling out in world, telling me who I am in physical form

Left hand: emotion thing: touching and feeling

When we look at each trinity, we look at mind, physical and emotional bodies

Trinities work through these bodies

  • Magenta dot
  • Blue purple within and without
  • Green spiral (Taurus loop)
  • orange arrows

Trinity one - How can I be of service, a being of love?

Magenta dot: Sacred: As mind of love, I can be focused and direct, I can be dignified. I can concentrate

Dot takes us from self to a line - from a dot to a line -only way to evolve is to move through a line and we are brought back to ourselves as dot, as self. You are what you are in center and balance and nowhere else. I am here, everywhere that is in center and balance. Only thing we need to know is that we are.

#2 Right hand side, the step: charitable steps are built upon - form - Geo

#3 Arrow: tells us in measurement - powerful thoughts, the metrics -

#4 Form of magic is vessel that contains and holds form.

We need mind of love, charitable ideas of love, powerful thoughts of love are needed to be contained in
Magic of communion of form.
Number 4's: everything is held within, the container

The flower of life: is #4

Emotional elasticity needed for those who have magic, otherwise they blow up

In order to extend evolution in the dream, you have to have emotional elasticity

A person who moves from 1^st^ trinity, can move through magic, but if not connected to emotions, will blow people up. Also will feel isolated and alone...

The concept of #2: 2 can only know self as one (circle) through diamond (#7) of star of David (8) which becomes compassionate gratitude and faith and becomes one and zero.

There are 12 geometric forms, we are co-creating the fourth trinity

Zero and one are the same - movement through internal process

Concept of zero as geometric form: zero and one lead to two

The Beauty Way
The Ascended Wisdom Matrix - Anatomy of the Ascending Body

Lesson 1 and Assignments for Sacred Geometrics Class - April 2011

VateMare: Color Light Form Sound

Purpose of Study: Who are you Source and Who Am I?


  1. Concept of "0" or "1" = One can only see self as "1", when divided by self = (ego/soul; dark/light; polarity/duality) see definitions of Love and Beauty in the downloads in 'Intro. to Prayer'
  2. Concept of "2" = Two can only know self as "1" through the Diamond of Universal Mystery as it moves into Compassionate Gratitude in Faith; thus returning to "1" or "0".

There are Three Trinities:
each of which contain 4 symbols

Magenta Dot which equals the Universal or Divine Mind and Human Mind of Love
Red Steps which equal the Divine Charity and Human Idea of Love
Orange Arrows which equal the Divine Power and Human Thoughts of Love


The Blue Circle which equals, as is a circle around the above three; the Universal Magic or the Divine Magic and the Human Magic of Love


completion of Trinity which through replication and evolution
thus becomes the flower of life


  1. Listen to the Sacred Geometric Lessons 1a-1d
  2. Summarize what you have understood.
  3. Define
    • Sacred
    • Geo
    • Metric
  4. what does it mean when we say we are in the Study of Sacred Geometrics?
  5. How does this relate to our Spiritual walk within the Beauty Way?
  6. Is the relationship between zero and one the same as the relationship between One and Two?

Use your mind in answering.

Lesson One

Magenta comes from Unity found in the First Trinity of the Mind
Red the Second Movement of Divine Charity and Human Ideas in Steps found in the Divine Body of Matter and the
Blue the communion Circle of Deep Blue which hold all life.

Magenta is the Point, the Dot, the First and the Last, the Alpha and Omega

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024